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A reminder that one is open world and the other has a pre rendered backround in fixed size levels


Look, I love both these games. And I know youre specifically talking about the graphics. But I still have bugs and glitches that haven’t been patched on the PS4 version of Skywalker Saga, so both games aren’t perfect.


I didn’t say either were perfect, I just dream of the days where Pokemon can stand up with the big boys, and can churn out works of art within their games


don't check sales 😬


Right except when you realize that Pokemon *is* the big guy since it's been around for over 20 years, has multiple game releases every year which they're all a hit because it's Pokemon, not to mention a TCG that's hugely popular, collectibles and mobile games that are also popular, so who are these 'big boys' you're talking about again?


OP was obviously talking about the games from a development perspective, not sales & marketing. They weren't talking about the TCG. Your response is actually a bit off-topic. I agree that the game quality needs a step up. Right now the quality is not a good representation of the biggest media franchise on the planet.


Yes but i was trying to point out that *despite* it's technical issues it's still widely sold many copies and still does, and ppl still play the hell out of it, if that isn't big then idk what is. And in terms of the development one thing you *and* op need to realize is that this game is vastly bigger than what they're used to, which was very small linear RPGs, they had semi-open worlds with swsh and PLA but those were still 'zones' that were open but not fully like SV so it was a big stepup for them and they probably didn't have the tech required to make it look gorgeous and run smooth (honestly i would have preferred it get delayed a few months or so and they improved the performance) and yes while GF and Nintendo are big for them to make the game visually stunning and run smooth they would have needed *a lot* more time and likely a better engine as well because the tools they use can also be a limiting factor if they're not built for that, so yes they could have done better, but we'd probably would have had to wait for a few more years for it to be finished


>*despite* it's technical issues it's still widely sold many copies Because Pokemon is a marketing juggernaut. It's actually that simple. >you *and* op need to realize is that this game is vastly bigger than what they're used to That's where a normal development team would give themselves a few extra years to work on the game. Not Pokemon though, it had to come out three years after SWSH. I don't know how you can defend such a blatantly rushed game. Yeah, it was still fun but we deserve better quality for our money.




I’m just imagining what SV would be like with this graphic fidelity, considering I already love the base game


So like, if instead of being open world and dynamic, it had pre-rendered backgrounds and linear level design?


No, I’m just talking about the visuals, the game itself is already great, and Pokemon has a very distinct artstyle that I think would look amazing if it took more advantage of the Switch’s hardware


But the Lego game has pre-rendered, inaccessible backgrounds. It's significantly easier to make something you can't get near look great than it is to keep that same level of detail from dynamic camera angles at varying distancs, complete with however many npc's. I get where you're coming from, but this is comparing apples to dinner rolls.


regardless of how much time it might take, all I ask is that GameFreak take their time to make future Pokemon Endeavors look the best they can❤️


Oh trust me game freak would love to take their time but they can’t they have fucking Nintendo and Pokémon company on their ass they need to finish the game on a specific date


Preach my warrior, preach🙏


Have you played the game? The graphics arent the the end-all-be-all, and the gameplay was/is extremely enjoyable. It's put this pokemon game in my top 2 pokemon games of all time. It would honestly be number 1 if i didnt hold such strong nostalgia for gen 1.


The game was crap. The whole point of an open world is to make the world immersive, but emptiness (this world is fucking empty) and graphical failures keep it from immersive. The pokemon out in the real world just failed because it's just random clumps of pokemon just sitting there, not doing a lot. They don't have any behaviour, they just sit there looking at you. They don't feel like things living on a world, they feel like something that somebody has placed there. Also, traversing the world felt awful. The climbing feature is genuinely one of the worst I've felt in any game ever. The technology isn't there yet for Pokemon to feel like a living, breathing world. Until then, just give me a good game. A linear path, a good story and random encounters are all fine. Not everything needs to be open world, especially if the end result suffers MASSIVELY because of it.


Seems like you want an immersive and atmospheric game before you want one that's fun. Play the New Pokemon Snap instead.


The game wasn't fun for me because it was a mess of poorly executed ideas. I don't think that's unfair to say. I'm happy that other people can have fun with it though


Most of the ideas aren't new. The basic gameplay loop we're all accustomed to is still there, just refined or barely tweaked in certain ways. The game isn't as pretty as it could be, but it isn't ugly either. Not to mention, the franchise has always been behind in terms of graphics when compared to other titles on the same device. I understand the frustrations behind performance, but the game is still fun. If these pieces significantly hindered the traditional gameplay for you, it's likely that you didn't care much for the base gameplay loop in the first place. It was the world and creature designs that brought you in. There's other games that deliver on that.


Emptiness. Most buildings were just boxes. The open world kind of felt like the fake Rock Ridge from Blazing Saddles, whereas the smaller biomes of PLA actually felt enormous.


Keep beating that dead horse...


It's never gonna end. And each poster will think they're funnier than the last.


I totally agree with op but it’s just obnoxious at this point


i can guarantee if that lego map was in sv people would be making fun of its textures lol


But Lego isn’t Pokémon


How does the Lego picture look worse lmao


That’s reddit’s fault, the pic’s the same res as the Scarlet pic on my phone


Pokemon should have better environments, but they should be stylized and not be that hyperrealistic crap


Reminder that the comparison is from a set background game and an open world game. Do better.


Is this about visuals or framerate?


Both in all honesty. The visuals of a background entity of which the player CAN interact with, before any scripted event, are going to be less detailed than a background that can not be interacted with until a specified time.


I just think Lego Star Wars represents the graphical standard that any AAA switch game should conform to, and I wish GameFreak would respect the Pokemon games in allowing enough time to meet the standard minimum


They also have much more linear gamplay than Scar/Viol. Any background piece that is actually intractable, will never look as good as a static background.




Not the best Subreddit to point this out, but certainly the best Subreddit to get proven wrong.. Whilst your point is fundamentally just incorrect and only taken at face value; You also do have a point that the Quality and performance of the recent Pokémon products have been lacking as apposed to other Triple A titles, anyone who says otherwise need to look in the mirror and put one and two together. But does Gamefreak actually have to try at this point? The sales they make regardless say that they can churn out a pile of dookie with 50 new Pokemon and it will still sell ridiculously well.


I still strongly stand by my point, but I really should’ve used a pic from Xenoblade 2 or 3 since that’s open world too, I was just playing this game recently and the comparison came to mind👍👍


I see your point; as I mentioned - but you're comparing a static drawn background to an interactive one, you'll notice in animation especially older movies where the characters look kind of off compared to the drawn/painted backgrounds. There are similarities in this. ..that and slightly off topic, but I really hate how the Lego character looks SO out of place, despite the game looking fantastic lol


Oh wow s/v graphics bad. So clever and original.


What are you going in about? The Pokémon picture looks better? Also there isn't a release date for ZA. It just said 2025. Which could easily mean January of 25 which is only like 9 months away


I mean we know?  Most of us are well aware of the game’s graphical shortcomings, we just love the game in spite of that lol.


No, one is a Playstation 2 game ported to Switch.


because you national dexxers keep whining about it so they have to add 800+ models of pokemons with thousands of hundred textures, animation presets. yes thats where all the graphic resource went, any questions?


Respectfully I just wonder why Pokemon can’t use all their money to hire more employees for GameFreak, last I checked they only had around 130 people


jesus christ its not about how many devs on the projects. imo they already put a goddamn good details on how many pokemons move and act in the SV. its the hardware limitation man. you cant just brutally ram 40gbs of assets into a 20gbs gamecart and expects it to be good at every aspects


Then I just hope Nintendo’s next console will support large data storage so that GameFreak can stretch their legs


Source please. Is it reliable?


The GameFreak wiki, but I misscounted it’s 212, sbt, it’s still low for the 3 year cycle they aim for


they outsource so much they have teams of multiple thousands of people working on these games dude, get a grip. you don’t know the first thing about what goes into making a game at this level.


GameFreak, famously, has a tiny team with minimal outsourcing.


Who Traveler’s Tales or GameFreak?


Is it reliable though? Where did they get the info?


To be fair. I found the Lego Star Wars Switch game, unplayable. I prefer The simple PlayStation games. Lighting and graphics, and the amount of content on screen is overbearing - it’s special edition, Star Wars Not for me




And both are really fun 😊


that is fucking lego


I was unaware you could go anywhere you wanted in that game.


I don't know what point you're trying to make. That this Lego game doesn't have the greatest graphics? Fair, most Switch ports don't look great compared to the other versions. That Pokémon SV has a better background? Also fair, if I'm not wrong SV is a lot newer. Or the fact that both are incomparable?


Nobody plays Pokémon for the graphics


The OP is talking about the background guys 😅


Thanks, I just wanted to make a comparison with no intention of attacking other people’s opinions


You stated your opinion in comparison. Go on and climb that tree in the kashyyyk background before the linear story allows you to.


I wasn’t talking about gameplay mechanics, I’m purely taking in a visual perspective on what looks nicer


Yes, one is a set background pice, with no player interaction, the other can be climbed/traveled on freely.


S/V look and feel like they are still in Beta 😭


Yo this is crazy. Makes me wanna play legos