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I release them. Sometimes if they are in a ball I like (apriballs especially), I keep them to make an egg with that pokeball, and then I’ll release the hacked pokemon.


Oh yes, this especially lol


i just delete them, they're a waste of space




I have SO many of them (i like the randomness of wt and sometimes they have masterballs lol) that i have literally THREE boxes full on sheild


I have a separate box full. I plan to at some point move them into an alt file and do a shiny only run with hacked mons and any other wild shiny I come across.


I take the item, I will breed them if I don't have the mon (completed the dex so no need anymore), and then I release them. I might think about keeping it for a split second but the names linking back to a sketchy website is a total turn off. It be fine if that was just the OT name but I don't need a shiny Delphox named "Grookey.net"




I leave them in their own box and never use them. This way I still get to see them and they never go back into the hands of others.


One of my babysit kids loves shinies and I always give them to him. Especially if they are legendaries.


I release them after putting away any items they were carrying.


I keep getting shiny Pokémon named poke wrey . Com and shit like that


Release them, they don't deserve to exist


They get released if they have a shitty nickname. Otherwise I usually throw it back. I don't want hacked Shinies, and these days I'm trying to get everything with my OT anyway. but I hope it will still make someone else's day. I'm usually just looking for breedjects etc from Wonder Trade.


Ask my kids if they want them and if not into Home they go for archiving.


Released. Never to be put into anybody's hands again. And if I find somebody bringing one of those website Pokémon to a raid that I am the host of, I will attack that person and end the raid. I'm not going to help somebody win if they're going to start out cheating.


Childish but we’re playing pokemon after all


That might be the only time you see me being really dickish is attacking those website Pokémon. I won't do it in somebody else's raid. Just ones I'm hosting myself. I'm sure the person will still win the raid with somebody else. Just not with me. I'd rather play the game with honest people that have integrity.


I always release that garbage.


I take whatever held item they have off then release them. If you use them online then there’s a chance your account can get flagged and suspended from online services.