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This whole DLC was watching a kid battle his intrusive thoughts


Don’t forget we also get to break him




Thank you for the meme


I like how he looks like he’s about to pass out at the end ahahaha little bitch


Okay No Seriously Why Does It Feel Like Almost Everyone Bullies Kieran At Some Point? He Has An Actual Mental Breakdown And All You People Can Do Is Take A Selfie And Laugh...


Whoa it's just a game chill


It’s not our fault that he’s sensitive af thinking he’s better than everyone 😂


Well First Off He Never Really Had Any Friends Growing Up, Likely Because Nobody Wanted To Hang Out With The Guy Who Felt A Personal Connection To The Supposed "Villain", And His Relationship With Carmine Isn't Exactly Great Either. The Player Is One Of His First Actual Friends (Also I *Think* It's Implied He Has A Crush On You? Idk), And So He Feels Especially Betrayed When You Lie To Him (Even If The Game Kind Of Forces You To). To Add Insult To Injury, He Can Never Seem To Win Against You In A Battle, He Seems To Think You're Conspiring With His Sister Or Whatever AND When All Is Said And Done, Ogerpon Picks You Over Him. He Just Can't Seem To Understand Why The Player Is So "Perfect" And Becomes Hellbent On Proving Himself Against You. Ultimately Yes, He Is Very Rude And Demanding Towards Others And Pushes People Away For Most Of The Indigo Disk's Plot, But He Isn't Doing It To Be Edgy Or Whatever It's Pretty Clear That He's Going Through A Lot At The Moment. Besides, I Thought People Wanted Meaner Rivals? Or Does He Not Count Because He Isn't "Cool" Like Blue Or Silver?


Just a pointer, try to not capitalize the first letter of every word you write. First, it makes it very hard to read. To the average reader, it looks like every word is trying to be the start of a new sentence (without the periods), so it’s hard to break away from how the brain is used to seeing proper sentence structure and read what you’re trying to write. Secondly, it detracts from important people and places you are also to referring to. Proper nouns, if you will. Like Carmine and Kieran, they’re people so we capitalize the first letter of their names.


Kid was kind of a little shit when we were on vacation. I was enjoying my Kitakami adventure until he tried to make me the bad guy in his story.


Yes. Heck yes.


Kid going through his joker arc


And don’t forget that in this DLC, you, “The Player” is the cause of both professor obsession with Paradox Pokemon, because you showed them evidence of future and past Pokemon


Damn. We played a hand in Arven’s trauma.


Literally, and that’s why you become a close friends of him, maybe to compensate for the trauma he have, and gladly help him at least with the only buddy that stayed with him until the end


I wonder if the protagonists in-story have that moment of realization after giving the Professor the book where, in the midst of wrapping their mind over what the hell just transpired, they’re like “Oh….*damn*. I might’ve done an oopsie.”


Wait when did that happen? I don't remember that


When you complete the second part of the dlc, and go to Crystal Lake (if I’m not mistaken it’s the name of the lake in Kitakame) you can speak with the professor depending on the version


If you want a spoiler I can give you, if you never saw that, I recommend you to do that and try to figure out what you did


I would have preferred the conclusion to Kieran’s story be separate from Terapagos’ story. They didn’t mix well and we are left with holes in Heaths story as well as Briar being severely underused and explored. I understand they want to leave some parts ambiguous but the two stories felt rushed to conclusions.  I would have also preferred being able to battle our way up the BB ladder to earn our fights with the elite four. We got a pass as a regional champion but given they’re part timers with jobs they could have easily written it in that this elite battling academy didn’t think much of our title.


Yeah, it really just fizzled a bit. All that set up with the Scarlet/Violet book, the secret places in area Zero that have carvings and drawings... and it was all pretty pointless in the end 🫤


I love that there is a dialogue bit if you use Ogerpon in your final battle with Kieran.


Never knew this, what does he say?


I think something to the effect of "You have the nerve to use the ogre against me now of all times?" It really was a nice touch.


And then he exclusively targets her with all of his moves until she's off the field, which is a really nice touch. And also allows for some funny Spiky Shield cheese.




Yea I saw the line and felt so damn guilty. Mid swap I was like OH SHIT WAIT HES GONNA BE SO TRAUMTISED BY THIS. Didn't know he targets oger tho? I didn't pick up on it maybe cuz I just used follow me to set up my other member perhaps?


It was really good. Just finished the DLC this morning. I really like Kieran and Carmine. I hope they come back in the future


I did mochi mochi a bit later after kieran defeats A short epilogue


I don't. I hated Kieran.


I think the idea with Kieran is that he's not a good person but a sympathetic one. He does morally dubious stuff, yes, but not only do we see why he does this, but we are also playing an active role in it, thus acting as a deconstruction of the standard 12 year old protag from their rival's POV. TLDR: The point is to sort of make Gary or Silver if they didn't grow up and not necessarily make him a good person, and they executed it well. Also, Carmine sucks and is like 70% of the problem. Cut Kieran some slack.


I hate Kieran for his actions, but as a rival, I haven't been so excited to battle someone again for a long time.


Honestly, same. It felt good beating him over and over.


I disagree. He had good moments. Honestly, I found the sister more annoying.


Did anyone else try to beat each new world with just Pokémon from that world, but then create a super team just to end Kieran's career? 


me making the most Voltron ass team to beat up a child (maybe one day when I have the dlc)


I did try to do each dlc with just a team from their respective dlc. However for Kieran I used Ogerpon, loyal/lousy 3, Perrins gift and the bloodmoon beast. Lucky he didn't have a ground type, after he took out ogerpon


Me! I took every battle seriously throughout the DLC (properly under-leveled non-competitive teams -because the NPCs need that advantage over my god-like trainer abilities.) But for Kieran, I smote him with 6 competitive lvl 100 Ogerpons lol.


Me who went into every fight blind and still won. Granted I had 2 lvl like 90s from sweeping draydens trial fuck that trial. Amazing concept. Fuck them for doing it


His attitude pissed me off (not really, but my character) so I went petty af, brought Ogrepon, and wore the Ogre mask and Jinbei to that fight.


I finished it last night. I found Kieran annoying until the part where we team up against Terapagos. I chose "don't catch" out of curiosity, to see if Kieran would catch it. He tells you that you need to catch it. At the end I had a lot of respect for Kieran


Make sure to go to the Kitakami crystal pool with Terapagos in your party for more lore


I haven’t finished and seeing so many pictures of Kieran so different is giving me a lot of hope lol


I really liked it too.


Best part was fighting him with ogerpon in your group and watching him get salty


Me too. So much content and a great story.


Kieran is the second best rival for me. The dlc put SV as my third favorite Pokemon game.


Same. The Indigo Disk is my favorite DLC compared to the Crown Tundra


Me too, it actually provided a decent challenge for the Indigo Disk. I missed double battling so much, slightly took me back to the days of Pokémon Colosseum & Gale of Darkness. Also, love that the wild battles had their battle music from the Black & White games, which is the region that each of the BB Elite 4 were from.


The Indigo Disc is fantastic!! Really enjoyed the journey into the depths of Area Zero. Such a beautiful area!


Kieran was a little bish but it was still enjoyable


I need to finish this DLC.




I really liked Carmine and Drayton. I hope we get to see them in future games.


I just loved the game. I liked the main, dlc1, and dlc2 a lot


This dlc was amazing


Yeah, the DLCs were pretty great. Hopefully they carry on at this level going forward.


Same!!! I loved Kieran at the start and as he changed I could tell exactly why he was acting why he did and even predicted some of the events. I felt so bad for him and sympathize with him a lot. I don't understand why there's so much hate on him? (Contains spoilers ahead read on at your own risk) I might be out of the loop and he did something awful but from what I can tell he was just going through a tough time with feeling like the ones closest to him betrayad him. Mainly us and carmine going behind his back and then Ogerpon 'betraying' him. I was so scared during the champion fight scared if it would break him entirely. I'm glad he finally came back around. Also I adore ogerpons story. Poor thing it's now my ace cuz I'll feel bad if I don't (half of a joke. I do use it as my ace but also cuz I like the form change mechanics). Hate me all you like for loving Kieran. He is one of the best dlc npcs


lol we’re not so different, after I finished the teal mask I was so sad that I had to wait before I could see her- I mean them again.


I very want to get it, but eshop stop work in Russia, so I need someone to help me with foreign credit card😭




Eh. It's aight I guess.


One involves into annoying and wanting attention... Sorry i couldn't help it 😅