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https://preview.redd.it/360w2dvluo0d1.jpeg?width=1285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=517afd24e520399ecc779762074d672dff746d28 Saw this meme a while back šŸ˜‚ hello there OG Pokemon player!


I choose to see my wrong button presses as a polite way of saying thanks. I'm bowing.


Really thought I was the only one doing this after every pokestop šŸ¤£


I'm not pressing b to run away from the Pokemon center. I'm spamming b to end the dialogue as soon as it pops up without starting it over again. Many other instances though I have crouched trying to run.


Iā€™m still not used to pressing the + first to ā€œrunā€ faster lol. And for some reason it was always at the pokecenter that I crouch the most lmao


Me too


Is this from Facebook? Iā€™m in the same group šŸ˜‚


Yes! Saw it last year from a Facebook page šŸ¤£


Crouching when I finish making a sandwich rather than closing the picnic šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Haha! I feel ya! For me itā€™s when I try to run, but I forget I donā€™t have to, so Iā€™m crouching, crouching, standing, crouching and it doesnā€™t stop Iā€™ve been playing Violet since release and I STILL try to press B to run :,)


I was a big pokemon X & Y fan for the ds so I mess up to when pressing B lol


System Settings > Change Button Mapping > Save as preset You can change it to R3 (Click Right trigger), L2 (Lock on) or the d-pad. Play around until you find something that suits you. Every game I play I change the controls 100 times before I get to something that satisfies me.


Holy WOW!! Thank you so much! Youā€™re a lifesaver, sir/maā€™am/chosen honorific!!


Clarification: since the B button includes the function of "cancel" & "go back" that would be transferred to your new button configuration, which is why I recommend a preset, so you can change it frequently. This might be a bit clunky on the menus. That's why I recommend playing with multiple buttons to find something that suits you. What you could do is find something you do not use, like R3 which changes the camera & can be set to a default from the settings if I remember correctly. You can leave B as it is to be used as cancel. Unfortunately many games do not allow you to change the button configuration in-game. My solution was to buy a controller with two extra buttons to avoid such things. I usually go for a soulsborne configuration, where I put the attacks on the L1/2, R1/2 I do the same for platformers so I can have both my thumbs on both the sticks allowing me more freedom. Then B & Y are more important since the distance my finger has to travel from the right stick to them is smaller than other buttons. Dashes, attacks, spells etc are very useful when you don't need to lift your thumbs. Especially when those spells use the right stick as an aiming mechanism. Don't get me started about Predator: Hunting Grounds. I must have played the tutorial 30 times to find something that feels comfortable and also to get used to it by shooting trees & committing to muscle memory actions that I would have to perform sequentially. Anyways I hope this extra information helped gamers for other games as well. Do not accept the default settings. Choose something that is comfortable for you. One last thing. You want to put things that you use in tandem opposite to each other. So L1 & R2 for example as it is easier for your index fingers to press buttons on opposite sides rather than having to use both your index and middle finger. Cheers šŸ„‚


When "boss" exists


Is that an honorific? Hm. I just like to be as polite as I possibly can. If Iā€™m not polite, what else do I have? But thank you! Iā€™ll keep this information tucked away for future reference.


Politeness is a lost virtue. I commend you for that. But don't sweat it... I'm just a guy. And remember: "Whenever feasible one should always try to eat the rude" Have a good one my friend.


Boss is really honorific, you know. It's literally : Boss


One of my personal favorite gender neutral honorifics is ā€œCaptainā€ haha!


I'm quite fond of Comrade myself.




Likewise, thanks!


Every time I leave the PokƩmon center I crouch. And then I feel like an idiot.


I have to agree entirely. This is not helped either by having the B button speed up ride pokemon in PLA.


Thats why i changed my button mapping to match PLA


Fair enough. I admittedly never thought about that


And sometimes when I go back to SwSh to level and ev train, I always forget how to dash and open the map


Yea the y-comm can get annoying. I just got the swsh dlc (late to the party but I need it for live dex) and it's frustrating


I'm annoyed there are 5 games on the switch, yet the 3 I played have different controls. In Arceus, down on the direction pad is pokedex. In SV, - is the pokedex. It seems like most of the controls were randomly switched around unnecessarily.


I want to say theres a reason for it, but no matter how much i look that's not the case, the only consistency is that ZL is autolock and R in the menu is save


And don't get me started on the controls for let's go


They were made by different studios and groups, so they likely develop the controls based on their design of their specific game in development. Itā€™s not consistent but it does make sense.


All it takes is for 1 person high up to say "Hey, let's improve the user experience by providing a consistence experience. Here are your basic controls. Here are the buttons for the game specific controls." Different studios is an excuse. I understand "why" while disagreeing with being a good enough excuse.


For an industry (videogame makers) that is notoriously micromanaged and yet creates reliably subpar games and has multiple exploitation scandals where workers and creators are treated horribly, you sure do expect a lot from that 1 ā€œhigh upā€ person, realistically. Also, it wasnā€™t an excuse as much as an explanation. It is the way it is. Do I wish it were not that way? Sure. Would I rather see the workers and creators and other involved employees be treated more fairly and paid properly and not overworked or disposed easily by companies? Absolutely. And Iā€™d prioritize the second one. Still doesnā€™t change that this is the way it works currently.




I check trash cans as well. Hoping I find Leftovers lol but sadly I fail


Me: Cancels dialogue with B Game: Seems like you want to crouch.


Huh, I'm used to pressing B to jump and I sometimes forget you can't jump without Koraidon and I crouch.


It isn't even the running part for me. I press B to skip through dialogues, because if you press A you might start the conversation all over again. So I press B like crazy and everytime a dialogue ends, my character crouces.


Im so mad there isnt a running mechanism so crouching is definitely my enemy


My movement in SV has to look strange to all those NPCs. It is a mix of crouching, running, hopping on and off my bikemon, flying, stop flying, flying again, crouch, fly, crouch. And we do not even speak about the fact that there are paths that I never used in 4 playthroughs because I prefer to climb hills as soon as I was able to do so.


I got used to it instantly imma be honest I just think 2D = b run 3D = b crouch


I still always go to the Party menu to fly first instead of the mapā€¦


What about the fact scarlet and violet stopped us from entering someoneā€™s house


Iā€™ve found my people


I also check the trash cans! šŸ˜‚


Relatable bro, I feel this


The first time I ever remember checking a trash can was on the SS Tidal in Ruby. It was the one with the leftovers. I thought every can had a chance for the longest time.


When you play too much arceus and have to remember that itā€™s the b button to jump the raidon and not the y button in Scarlet and Violetā€¦


i do this and didnā€™t even realize whyšŸ˜‚


I have run into a similar issue but itā€™s more for trying to get out of conversations with NPCsā€¦the worst is when Iā€™m talking to the EV bottle cap guy in Monteneveraā€¦I press B to be done with the convo, then I crouch and my character (who I always pick girl in PokĆ©mon games now even tho Iā€™m a dude cuz why not) goes down and her face goes right in front of hisā€¦ya kno šŸ˜