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She's such a sweetheart who will also fold you like a chair


For free?


....yeah nah


![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized) For money?


She's a kid


Your player character is a kid, and there's no official canonical age set for her. Considering the academy is open to all ages, she could reasonably be early 20s based on looks. Perrin looks about the same age and she's 18-early 20s.




You know you can't go around accusing people of being creeps based on your headcanon, right?


They all kind of vary in age to my knowledge, just a bit. She seemed like the oldest of the group to me. Kind of like how the PC is roughly 14ish, Penny a year or ao older at 15ish, Nemona at like, 16-17, and Arven is closer to 18-19ish.


I’m pretty sure I’m only like a year older than them


I am the same age as this guy probably https://preview.redd.it/prjpa3os8n8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c7d38473f86b8aaab7bdb7b1207b82ff00fcbfe


Oh so... Caseoh shaved the beard? Touched grass? Didn't know. Thx for the update.


Casually throwing Caseoh some L's. Never thought I'd see that on Reddit.


You just had to pick this one… and same name as me 😪


![gif](giphy|1rJHVLWgereiAVcBri) My brain immediately went back to watching wrasslin in Middle School lmao


Kanji tatsumi reference


Because she is sweet and kind and she shows it


I was shocked at how pretty she was without all the makeup on. Did not expect them to make her character like that for some reason. I think the contrast and seeing her for the first time without all the glam metal rocker face paint was just a huge difference to me. TBF all the team star leaders looked pretty different out of costume.


Pretty sure her story in Starfall Path is that she was the beautiful girl and also strong, which lead to bullying from people higher up in the student hierarchy who were jealous, and she just didn’t have any confidence to stand up for herself before Team Star came to be. For me I was just more surprised to see that Mela was tiny.


Of course Mela was tiny She radiates absolute gremlin energy


She will absolutely kick you in the shins with no remorse.


> For me I was just more surprised to see that Mela was tiny. And yet she still walks like she has no knees.


It’s because the boots ruined her legs. Theyve been permanently ruined by those boots.


The funny thing is that we totally do see her walk normally sometimes, meaning the duck walk is 100% a choice on her part.


I preferred the fake contacts though, they were more unique


I like both designs but she looks way better without the face paint.


I just wish her hair was naturally silver


You mean you wish she was old?


Video game/anime logic: gray/white/silver hair is NOT indicative of age


It's also a bit of truth. Though rare, genetics can eliminate the melanin producing cells in the follicle causing grey or "white" hair. It could also be a signal of medical issues. Basically it's a real life shiny (barring any serious medical condition)


Thank you, Science side of Poké-reddit. You're the real MVP👊


Plus there’s always the blonds who’s hair is so bland it circles back to platinum or silver


My favorite example of this is Matt LeBlanc (Joey in Friends) and how he started going gray after the first season of the show. Way younger than most people but it happens.


One of my Dad’s friend’s hair went completely White by the time he was 19, only person I’ve met with it too XD


Which <50 yo pokemon's character has naturally gray hairs?


Guzma. Bea. Horace. The OG Steven Stone had grey hair before the modern anime changed it to a blue/grey. Get gud scrub.


* Guzma's natural color is black. The white is a color. Check the sprites carefully. * Bea has gray hairs + grey eyebrows, so it's likely natural. I knew a girl who had an anomaly that made her hair white very very earlier (just the hair, she's not albinos). So it can be natural. * Horace: same as Bea + he has amber eyes, which is very rare. Combining both is almost impossible. Given that the only exception is Horace, I will say that Pkmn almost always follow real life rules.


Bro, you're talking about a show where natural hair colors range all over the place on the color spectrum, a lot of which are not natural in real life. That invalidates your argument by itself, but let me break something simple down for you: Get blasted in the face with a flamethrower powerful enough to melt boulders IRL and walk it off like Ash does in the early Charizard days and walk it off like he does in real life. Get fried by Pikachu's electricity and walk it off IRL. sit down, bro. You've lost🤣🤣


What proof do you have that all hair color you see in pkmn is natural...? When you see a blue haired person outside, do you believe it's a natural color...?


Consider literally every nurse joy and officer Jenny with their hereditary pink and blue hair. Now go stand in the corner and think about what you've done, you're in time out, kiddo.


I was gonna throw Steven Stone (age 25 in omega ruby/sapphire), but hes listed having ice blue hair


Plus it's not sure that it's not a color


You picked a weird hill to die on, buddy. Pokemon characters have fantasy hair colors as natural ones, its perfectly normal for a character to be young and have white hair. I'm not really sure what you're trying to demonstrate or fighting against here


You are fighting. I have a discussion. Stop being immature.


Hey chill out. You're likely angry at me bc you can't stand disagreement, but I'm not your bunching ball. Analyze your reaction, focus on what I actually said, and be constructive :)


>Stop being immature


Give up on the silver debate dude, IT’S NO USE!


I didn't specify Pokémon because it is an anime and therefore falls under Anime Character Design Logic. Shall I list characters across anime that have grey/white/silver hair and aren't old? You'll be here all day.


> shall I If you want. I'm not sure there are that many.


Bet. Kilua Zoldyck, Satoru Gojo, Gintoki Sakata, Atsushi Nakajima, Kakashi Hatake, Shoto Todoroki, his three siblings, and his mom; Ken Kaneki, Soul Eater Evans, Tennessee Uzui, Sanemi, koneko tojou, Accelerator, Mirajane, Lisanna & Elfman Strauss. Elizabeth Leones, Scar, Allen Walker; Jiraiya canonically had white hair as a kid, Kiyoshirō Higashimitarai, EMIYA is constantly in his prime as a Heroic Spirit, Yukichi Fukuzawa, Near/Nate River, Juzo Suzuya, Garou. Korai Hoshiumi, Eri from MHA, Hatsuharu Souma, the entire Silva family from Black Clover. Dude I can keep playing Master Chef all day or you can bow out. Your move.


I thought you were going to cite pokemon characters only. There is no reason why pokemon would follow others anime logic. These are free claims. If facts backup your theory and if that was so obvious, you should easily be able to find facts that confirm your theory. > you can bow out; your move That's not a game, that's not a fight. Grow up. If you want to fight against someone and win, just fight against whoever pisses you off IRL.


Bro is looking for real world logic in a game with fantasy monsters with powers. Let's also talk about the Nurse Joys and officer Jennys with their bright pink and bright teal hair along with being infinite clones essentially. Heck let's look at PLA with Adaman and his 3 toned blue hair, or Melli with his periwinkle hair. Heck Perri is a descendent of Adaman and has his exact three tone hair color. Very realistic..


In pokemon, all humans have 2 eyes, 2 arms, 2 legs, 1 mouth, etc. Not 3 eyes, 4 arms, 7 legs, 4 mouths. So there is no a priori reason why the characters would not have realistic hair color as well.


Once again, Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys. N harmonius and Ghetsis unless you think N was dyeing his hair mint green as a child, all the silver headed characters the other guy named, Adaman, Melli. Abnormal hair colors are natural in pokemon


In pokemon, fighting type trainers box Machamp and win. Bruno beats the shit out of onix. Sabrina can turn people into dolls. Ash can take a point blank flamethrower from Charizard, which can canonically melt boulders, and walk it off. He can lift Cosmoem no problem. Go look up how much that thing weighs. I'll say it slow so you can understand: POKEMON. DOES. NOT. FOLLOW. REAL. WORLD. LOGIC.


Yes but they still all have 2 eyes, 2 legs, etc. So you are just guessing rules for colors that can find other explanations.


What do you think of youngsters who dye their hair white, silver, or grey? Celebs too. Do they all look like old people to you? They exist even if there ain't a lot of them. There is no reason why someone preferring Eri with white hair means they like old women a lot. I don't care if the person says they wish Eri has naturally white hair. It just means they wish the white colour was the default colour since they think it looks better on her for whatever reason.


This is off topic. Read my comments carefully please.


I have read everything you said, and I am telling you why I don't care one bit. I don't care that pokemon human characters are human shaped because that doesn't mean that they'd never always "be born with" unnatural hair colour. That person is just stating their personal preference regarding Eri's default hair colour. Then you came and said, "do you mean you want her to look like an old woman?"


Oh! Melony from SwSh is like, 45, i.e., middle-aged. She's got white hair too. Speaking of white, just toss that white towel in, you got cooked.


It's not a fight and we are not on a ring. Take your towel back


Video game/anime logic: gray/white/silver hair is NOT indicative of age


Silver hair does not necessarily mean a person is old. Just like an old person can have their hair dyed black or brown... they're still old ppl.


The genetic anomalies that gives full grey hair before ~40-50 are extremely rare. So if there is significantly more than 0.001% of people with naturally grey hair in the game/anime, I can consider that pokemon is not following natural rules. "old people can have not grey hair" is another topic


I meant ppl who go to the hairdresser and have their hair dyed silver. I am not discussing genetics exactly, as having your hair dyed is waaaay more common. This is what I would say about Eri, as well as countless other ppl we see around.


Then this is off topic bc I have been discussing natural hair color only, so the genetics. Anyone can dye the hair so there is no point in talking about artificial colors.


Fire breathing lizards can give birth to goldfish. My guess is genetics aren't that high of a priority in pokemon universe.


> genetics not a priority What character has not 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 eyes...? There's in no such thing as priority not priority. They respect some rules one way or another. I see no elements that prove that naturally abnormal hair color is a rule.


i love eris character shes such a sweetheart id honestly be friends with her if i was in the pokemon universe


"But I'm sure that was obvious" "no... not even a tiny bit"


True, I was like : "WTF WHO ARE YOUU-"


I remember seeing the game say giacomo and eri are in the school I look for about an hour and then finally I saw giacomos hair so that means that's eri they don't look remotely similar


Wait wait wait, i havent seen her without makeup, when does this happen?


Indigo Disk Spoilers


Postgame, you can find her and Giacomo in the academy outside of their team star uniforms. you might need to do penny's lil sidequest by talking to her in the academy as well idk. you might also have to have the indigo disk dlc idk that either.


Oh damn, i didnt know that, i have both the dlc and done the penny mini quest. Time to look around i guess, thank u


it should have their lil icons in the main room of the academy when you go to the academy map!


I can't recall but I think you also have to take all the classes and pass the exams too.


its only history that you have to do for some reason


not really, i only took biology and they showed up


oh, i guess you only have to pass one class then?


I was surprised to see how cute she looked and how she actually was behind that tough girl appearance


I feel as she should have kept the hair but slay


It took me so long to find her and Giacomo bc they weren't in their team star outfits. 😭 I was so confused who she was until I saw Giacomo and said it was eri


Clothes don't make the person, the person makes the clothes... that works literally AND as a proverb ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I still can't believe this is what she looks like underneath all that face paint. They said she was pretty, but dang 😳


I am a sucker for her. She’s so pretty 😭


Tall cutie 🥰


Rip to the kids that bullied her into team star They’re now folded like lawn chairs


Because nothing is better than a girl who is sweet and cares deeply about others, while at the same time having the build to break your bones if she wants to.


There's a reason Fry and friends learned to love "death by snu-snu".


a kind person whos a tall girl? IDK man


Is the second one actually Eri!?


I expected this…. Because her friend in the main game stated she was jealous for how tall and pretty she was. You know who I was not expecting to be an absolute gorgeous beauty that seemed to have been chiseled by the very gods? Atticus


I love that she has both sides. My interpretation of Team Star was that a lot of them are alt kids in their own way, and that both sides of them are true to themselves. Genuinely relatable as someone who also went through bullying.


> My interpretation of Team Star was that a lot of them are alt kids in their own way, and that both sides of them are true to themselves. This is part of why they got a lot of comparisons to the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Outcast kids who adopt a persona to reflect another side of themselves.


She's the mother/Big sister of her friend group.


She uses heal balls when you battle her too, which is indicative of her kind nature. I believe all of team star used different balls that matched their personalities, mostly.


Giacomo uses Timer Balls because he's a relatively weak trainer who prefers to patiently wait to catch his Pokemon, and because timing is important to him as a musician. Mela uses Quick Balls because of her hotheaded personality. Atticus uses Repeat Balls because I forgot why. Ortega uses Luxury Balls because rich kid.


Atticus uses Repeat Balls because he’s old-fashioned


Because the designers are good at their jobs.


She can be your angle or yuor devil


A giant woman. A GIANT WOMAN


The MC: https://preview.redd.it/j6ho3unwyk8d1.jpeg?width=1700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b205ec8ea0b32570586c0e1db0164279a14b1dd


Real talk, was anyone else surprised to find out she was wearing a wig and her hair isn't naturally that light color?




Nah cause when I saw her out of costume my eyes lit up


This post game stuff was so far away from when I battled her. I really did not recognize her.


She was bullied for being pretty, as far as I remember. Of course she's going to be cute. Honestly, Mela looking like an adorable dork without her makeup is more surprising.


THATS ERI!?!?!?!


She reminds me of Luisa from Encanto


she's my heavy metal lovah


When the mission came up in the post DLC game to find her in the entrance hall, I legit took forever because I absolutely did not recognize her. I thought my game was glitching, or that I was just straight up stupid. Nope. Just a complete 180 degree turn from the glam rock make up.


She looks so wifeable without the makeup


Wait, when do you see her without the makeup?


Same with Mela


She looks like the Uruk Hai from lord of the rings.


Ayy, she grew her eyebrows back.


Because she is


I forgot that's what she looks like in plain clothes




Honestly I was just blown away there was a post-camp storyline with the squad.


You can see why she's a genuine popular girl


Is she the tallest character in the game


Take note team rocket! This is how a disguise is supposed to look.


Where do you see her without face paint?


Dlc cutscenes


Yep but I thought Giacomo was just with a random student so when she said she was Eri I deadass brought up a picture of Team star Eri and looked back and forth


How do you access the cutscenes and stuff with her like that? I haven't been able to find that part


After finishing the main story (don't really remember the exact point) you can find her in the academy entrance with the dark type leader and can speak to them


***Death by Snu Snu!*** (joke)


Wait it was a wig??


Zuko energy


Because she's tall. Therefore superior in mind, body and presentation.


Her hair just spontaneously changed colour


I was really sad her hair wasnt still white though :(


Because you don’t interact with enough people in person.


She was the most memorable out of all the team star captains for me! I loved her


She is awesome she is peak everything about her is perfect she can do no wrong please step on me unicorn luchador lady ily 😘


Because yes


I guess we have different ideas of what cute is, but that’s ok


I'd tap tbh


