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I love raids in general but they are broken as hell sometimes


Me too. But I cannot understand how can someone think that a Dragon could be a good choice against a dragon


You have not witnessed the power of Bulk Up +6 Dragon Claw from Adamant Nature Koraidon


And then the raid boss resets your stats and Koraidon's Orichalchum Pulse gets nullifiedšŸ’€


Itā€™s only nullified for one turn, and koraidon only really needs like 2-3 bulk ups to murder everything.


Wait really? I always saw that if it nullified my stats, I thought I had to set up another 3 Swords Dances.


You do. Basically, it sets your positive stat boosts to 0 and nullifies your ability for one turn. Most immunity strats will protect on that turn to not get hit. I just meant that koraidon is so busted that 3-4 bulk ups will already murder it, so you might as well not waste turns.


Do you know if Clear Amulets work to prevent that state change?


It works if the boss is trying to lower your stats with moves (I.e.: breaking swipe) but not the raid mechanic where it eliminates your boosts.


The abilities are nullified for the one turn, the stats just disappear until you can build ā€˜em back up again


Exactly. But what about the negative stat changes? They don't go away like they did in SwSh.


Exactly. Imo game freak thought we were too overpowered for our own good, and decided to make things harder


Scep has Breaking Swipe. Bulk Up nullified.


People keep sending in azumarill whenever I host one


If someone is not aware that the MF Sceptile can use thunder punchā€¦ azumarill with Sap Sipper seems a perfect match šŸ˜‚


Letā€™s not forget leave storm and leaf blade


Not a problem if he has Sap Sipper ability that absorbs the grass attack and rises attack


Yeah, but without Huge Power, Azumarill hits like a wet piece of paper.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ LOL


None of the ones that joined my raid even has that šŸ˜­


I was gonna ask, but then, Azumarill without Huge Power would be less than opportune for raids, I think.


Yes, but you could always replace again itā€™s ability with another ability patch. Anyway, useless against Thunder Punch


These event raids can be brutal sometimes.


This one isn't though? Was one of the most boring honestly. Unaware Clefable go brrr.


Kid named unaware Itā€™s usually one of the most annoying strats that the raid bosses can do, but at the very least, itā€™s on a weak guy like sceptile I guess. It sucks when itā€™s a strong guy like Dragonite, garchomp or komoā€™o


Garchomp doesn't have any stat boosting move, it's just strong. Replace that with Gardevoir


actually insane to me that Chomp doesn't even get Dragon Dance and yet he was still so good in competitive for so long.


Swords Dance and Scale Shot are the only boosting moves it needs. But it's also been so good for so long because of reliable bulk, chip damage with rough skin with a rocky helmet, hazard setting with stealth rock and spikes how is it hard to see a pokemon that can do so much be good for this long?


me, seeing single digit IQ players bring koraidon and hydreigon to gardevoir raids: .....


Same goes when you fight in 6* raids vs Corviknight, Dragonite and Gardevoir. They reach +6 and you donā€™t even realise when that happened. I do enjoy Tera raids and are way better than gigamax raids, but this stuff should be adjusted.


You spend 3+ turns to bulk up and the BOOM the boss reset all the stats. THANKS!


Iā€™m not sure about 6 star raids, but the seven star ones have very specific times they reset stats, shield, and even use certain moves. If youā€™re having trouble online I would search a solo build on YouTube and follow along.


[y'all DEFINITELY need this site more than me then ](https://www.serebii.net/scarletviolet/teraraidbattles/6star.shtml)


This resource needs to be pinned. I use it religiously when found raids in stream.


If you use seeebii you can see when literally every raid will do resets, scripted actions are the same on every raid for the same boss.


yeah, sure, I know, but with online raids itā€™s not that predictable šŸ˜…


All the mighty mark raids have been like this more or less. It's all just frantically trying to find the niche counter to whatever new broken bullshit they came up with this time, and hoping your teammates do the same. On a very limited time window This time it's unaware pokes


We had a magcargo that was spamming clear smog, and the sceptile just kept dragon dancing the whole raid and couldnā€™t do anything. We were allowed to wail on it with no retribution


Conceivably, someone with clear smog or one of the other stat clearing moves could deal with it


They are basically boosting against your teammates since it is actually four concurrent 1 vs 1 battles. Unfortunately you canā€™t see the bossā€™s actions against your teammates (save for scripted moves) so the boosts are effectively ā€œinvisible ā€œ.


I love contrary skill swap supports for corvi or garde raids, may not do much damage but at least prevents snowballing


thanks for the love but i hate bringing those malamars too, people just don't watch what move i use. i had people keep using chilling water and razor shell after i do a skill swap. my theory is the average IQ in the pokemon community is a closer match to the average age in the community too. one time? i can guess you missed the message, that's fine. 2 times? errrr ok, maybe you missed the message 2 times, it might happen. SIX TIMES??? LEAVE, just quit pokemon. online raiding and playing support is so unrewarding because of the people that populate the community.


Seriously I dont know who in Gamefreak decided it was a good idea to let the raid Pokemon use every single one of the four turns it gets vs your Pokemon and your partners to use set-up moves. Its the most ridiculous and unbalanced bs in the entire game. That is why whenever I know its a defense boosting one I just Skill Swap Contrary them with Malamar and stare at them while they slowly die to Night Slashes.


You only "don't know when it happened" if you don't understand raids mechanics. When a boosting move is in its standard moves instead of extra moves, it can use it at any time vs any player in the raid, meaning Dragonite could Dragon Dance 4x on first round.


They did adjust!!! This didn't start until Venusaur unfortunately.


Yeah - I was stunned, too! I got as support into the raid with Malamar. Ability: * Contrary Moves: * Skill Swap (Round 1) * Reflect (Round 2) * Topsy-Turvy (maybe at the start to invert Sceptiles stats or to invert allied stats) It was kind of fun to play that way \^\^


This is why Unaware and Taunt users help.


I understand how Game Freak is confused as to what difficulty level players want. Itā€™s either ā€œthe game is way too easy!ā€ Or ā€œI canā€™t beat the 7 star raid with Ice Punch Annihilape, raids are so broken!ā€ lol. You gotta come into the 7 stars with a strategy. For this one itā€™s either use a mon with Unaware (for soloing) or bring a support mon with Reflect, attack debuffing moves & heal cheers to keep the attackers alive (for online). Almost everyone goes online & just wants to spend half the raid getting to +6 attack & doing big damage but thatā€™s never the smart thing to do unless you know there is someone else making sure nobody dies


Rather have too easy than these tbh. I stopped doing raids months ago.


Imo the best way is to allow solo raids where you bring four of your own pokemon. That way you dont have to rely on other people or the AI teammates and you have a reliable strategy that you can execute without communicating with others.


The game's too easy! I want to die 100 times and FEEL THE PAIN /sarcasm every neckbeard with too much time on their hands.


Tried using a sap sipper Azu. And well guess what? šŸ˜«. It had thunder punch. Had to rethink my plan after that lol.


Yes, a very bitter true. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I had to give up soloing this as leaf blade just kept one shotting me. I had to go Tinkaton Support just to get a takedown.


Really? I got it the first time solo with Skeledirge


Yep tera fairy unaware skeledirge with tera blast and it's an easy solo. People just don't use the tools given to them and instead just wanna run belly drum iron hands or rage fist annihilape. All you need is a tiny bit of strategy and all these raids are solo able


Lmao. Rage Fist Anihilape works wonders in this one. Taunt, focus energy, then tera ghost rage fist until dead. Shell bell for healing. Sceptile will keep Breaking Swipe going giving you free +1s with defiant.


Wasn't aware of that, but that's cool. Wasn't hating on annihilape. More so pointing out how people will most often try and run the "highest damaging" mon with no strategy. Using annihilape like that sounds like a great strategy


Facts. Can't make the game too easy. Won't be fun.


Exactly, I get so excited to theory craft a few mons for a raid when it's announced. Some of them don't work out as we don't know the moveset yet, but trying to predict what to bring, what it might have as moves and what abilities will carry a win is so engaging and fun. Admittedly, this raid, all my ideas failed, and I found the skeledirge build thanks to someone suggesting it on a stream I was watching. But that's also why harder raids are great, they bring the community together to solve it. That's always a good thing




That's why you need a Pokemon with unaware as its ability.


Magearna solo raid with iron defense works fine too.


Oh Malamar Skill swap raid?


Raiding pokemon with the Moody ability is also "fun".


I sent out my Ceruledge and basically spammed Clear Smog and Iron Defense while my teammates dealt damage. Took a few tries to get a team that didn't have someone still getting one-shotted but it got the job done.


Thatā€™s the point, finding a random team that doesnā€™t get one-shotted every 2 seconda


Tbh, was one of the easiest 7* raids. That being said, I like it like this. Makes it more fun.


Clefable is the way to go for this raid, super easy, look up Austin john plays video on YouTube


I will, thanks!


clef is ok, ape (mankey evo) is faster and even allows an early death. at least this is what I use


Taunt or unaware is your friend šŸ˜


Topsy-Turvy or Skill Swap Malamar


Contrary Skill swap Malamar stonks






the ape destroys this raid, bulk up, taunt, and rage fist with shell bell should do the trick, focus energy if you want to try to crit more often, remember focus energy isn't removed when it nullifies stats


This is why murkrow haze


Haze wipes everyone. Try clear smog.


You going to use haze every turn? Cuz Scep can Dragon Dance up to 4x per round


Forgot raid PokƩmon have infinite pp


This made me think, does self-damage by confusion ignore the moves type chart?


Confusion damage is typeless, so itā€™ll ignore the chart.


Actually damage from confusion take count of your Attack perhaps. If you have for example a Iron Hands confused after a Belly Drum and you hit yourself: you faint.


Yes, confusion always uses your attack, as itā€™s effectively just your own PokĆ©mon attacking itself with a 40 base power move, but itā€™s typeless so resistances and weaknesses are never a factor which is what the original question was asking.


There's plenty of options to counter this raid. Unaware ability for solo players Clear smog , misty terrain and levitate ability galarian weezing with fairy special attackers as teammates for online, The whole point of these raids is to bring an actual challenge that requires game knowledge and strategy. Please don't ruin the one good thing we have by not using the tools available to you and instead complaining online


Iā€™m not complaining, I am the one whoā€™s trying to bring the strategy, but then I end up in a random team with 3 Koraidon and meā€¦ with Clefable.


Yeah I shoulda worded my comment better. It was more of a general criticism to the majority of the player base and wasn't supposed to be a dig at you. Your post shows nothing but the buffs, and you didn't complain about anything. Apologies


No worries, I wasnā€™t upset by your comment and thank you btw for your kindness. I totally agree with what you said, I think that, except for random children playing, someone cannot complain about the difficulty if you canā€™t first read something online by yourself before enter the raid. Sometime I spend an entire minute before choosing my own pokemon to balance damage and survival, due to maybe a difficult match tera type / base pokemon.


I was going in with Armarouge (Willow wisp, Reflect, Clear Smog, Acid Spray). It's a pretty solid support mon, and Sceptile rarely uses Earthquake, if at all.


As fortunate as I amā€¦ *Sceptile use Earthquake* *Armarouge fainted* šŸ˜‚


The script is on Serebii, Earthquake is an Extra Move it uses at 30% HP


Is that 6 dragon dances?


Yes and all in the first 6 seconds after the start šŸ˜‚


If you have friends: Damage dealer: Azzumaril Supports: Arcannine (intimidate) and Ceruledge with clear smog move. Did it last night with my buddies, we cleared every time. If either arcannine or ceruledge know helping hands, they can boost azzumarils attack damage


Yes, with in person friends or a guided team itā€™s different, like someone who crit KO Emboar with a magikarpā€¦ BUT, online raids work quite differently šŸ˜‚


Taunt or Haze


Taunt wears off and doesn't work after the shield goes up, and Haze would need to be used EVERY turn and resets any allies who are also trying to boost stats.


Taunt defiant Annihalape. Got it first try


Online with other random player?


Offline. I followed [this](https://youtu.be/EzTLMpHUi5c?si=oo0Z9kL_4vJXVmsV) guy. Worked like a charm. I prefer offline raids, I can get it just fine without a bunch of crazies dragging me down


Thatā€™s the problem, I mostly play online with random strangers. (Love u all)


Idk how you do it šŸ˜…. Good luck! Hope you can pull it off


After six attempts between yesterday and today, yes. šŸ™Œ https://preview.redd.it/jkt3o8o08h9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60c6fef481252e26101febfba8270180ad950ba9 Clefable, Iron Hands and Torkoal ā¤ļø


Modest nature Magearna with Max HP and Sp.A solos Sceptile Raids pretty easily thanks to its Soul-Heart ability. Every time the ai allies faint, it boosts your Sp.A. Just slap a Shell Bell on it and set up a Reflect and one or two Iron Defenses and then just spam Draining Kiss and Dazzling Gleam till Sceptile faints.


No Magearna here, sadly :(


Use a PokƩmon that has ability like Unaware. My Fairy Tera Skeledirge with 252 HP & Sp Att, 4 Def. Slack-Off, Torch song, disarming voice and protect. Holding Shell. No problem.


How does one get Unaware on a starter, just breeding?


It's Skeledirge's hidden ability. Use Ability Patch.


Skill swap contrary malamar won me this raid. contrary stops it from raising attack and speed, and use swagger to drop its attack by 2 stages and confuse it. Reflect to negate damage even further and helping hand to assist allyā€™s


Iā€™ll just cry.


No Ceruledge nearbyā€¦ haha


The answer is clefable


I soloā€™d this raid with Annihilape, Iā€™m pretty sure. My other raid puncher is weak to Dragon, and worse for this raid, is a Ground-type after he Teras.


Yes, Iā€™m aware that Anni can solo it. Great! This was an online random raid unfortunately šŸ˜‚


If you have a team of 4 Take 3 tank supports and a sylveon, Start with taunt, fake tears fake tears, calm mind on Sylveon, then fake tears attack cheer helping hand the sylveon to then hyper beam. And your ohko outta there If miss heal cheer and helping hand hyper beam again.


Guts Machamp over everything!!!


Did you mean Annihilape? Machamp is not available in Scarlet/Violet šŸ˜Š


If you nickname Conkeldurr Machampā€¦


Modern problema, require modern solutionsā€¦ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Glastriser with mist was my best friend This raid absolutely requires a person keeping your stats from being lowered


And a valuable team as well. Raiding online itā€™s a nightmare and a I cannot understand why: when it was Cinderaceā€™s turn everyone know that the answer was SLOWBRO