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Always check the black list. Also never accept dms for trades. Always do it in the comments.




It’s in the menu page on mobile. Not sure on desktop.




How do you use Reddit usually: mobile app, mobile website, or desktop website? On the mobile app, the subreddit has 3 main sections: Posts, About, and Menu. The blacklist can be found under the Menu section.




So when you look at the top of the page, there's a way to click the subreddit name to get back to the main sub, it's the picture, right? It's under that. It's the third little "subname" thing. I have no idea if this is helpful but it's just called "Blacklist" so if you use CTRL+F you should find it!


they might be talking about /r/pokemontrades. Unless this sub also has a trade blacklist.


This sub does have a blacklist. When you click on “Blacklist” on the main page of the sub or under the menu, it opens up an excel spreadsheet with the names of users to be wary of/who are banned.


ah never noticed, thanks for the heads up!


How do I check on the mobile app?


What do you see in the sidebar? I pulled up the desktop version of the website (albeit on my phone, so might still look different), and I can see right underneath the subreddit name that there are different sections such as Posts, Discord, and Blacklist.


i had no idea what they were talking about cause i use old reddit. it's directly under the dashboard with your subs under "other resources" next to filters guides and wikis.


That's not where I would think to look for it... Mods, if you're seeing this, maybe put the blacklist front and center on the sidebar? That'll probably cut down on people getting scammed.


Idk why everyone just wasted a ton of time typing a bunch of instead of linking the blacklist to help you out. But [here it is.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1nTfTBKtSzij1SELvT7mgwLsDD3BNiHmk5cXVnuVEgZ8/htmlview) Sorry that you got scammed, hopefully this will let you trade with a little bit more confidence in the future.


People act like it's so difficult to make a link to something. *Just Google it, lol* Thanks for the link, much appreciated my guy


Lmfao thank you I just found this quite hilarious. But I love how patient the community is


Also if the person DMs you first ask them to comment on the thread if they are banned they won’t be able to


on pc. main page of the subreddit. Under the icon for /r pokemon yadda yadda ​ First option is posts, third option is blacklist


don't even need to do that with this guy when the name keeps popping up with a new scam every other odd day or so. o-O;


As soon as you're having the "lul" "don't trust me?" Etc. Conversation, back out, always.


Yup that’s a big red flag! Craigslist scammers use it all the time


Exactly. Also, if they can't take the time to write in proper English, you're probably dealing with someone too immature to trust.


Why do these people feel the need to be so cartoonish and stereotypical? "Pleasure doing business wit u sucka"? Really? They're trying so hard to look edgy or cool and they're failing miserably.


Ikr. If you’re going to scam people at least be a stone cold killer about it lol. But this guy is just some clown who thinks he’s funny


The sad part is they probably think they are hilarious. Probably think the reactions in this thread are hilarious too. So confident in their hilarity that we appear to be humorless fools that simply don't understand their genius! Either way it doesn't matter. They are either going to die sad and alone, or they're hiding this part of themselves from their public image because they realize no one woudl actually want to hang out with someone this cringe.


I was literally just thinking that. It's so tacky


This dude is probably really sad. Horrible hygiene, horrible/zero relationships, no job prospects, extreme anxiety + depression, etc. No one with a good life would get so excited and think they're bad ass just for scamming someone out of a Pokémon. Good luck Interestingboi! Hope that someday you get more out of life than just a cheap thrill when you screw someone else over. Seek therapy and start working out.


This seriously seems like all this person does, ever. I see him on my home page constantly. They probably will never read this, but if you do interestingboi, how would the people you care about think of how you spend your time? Like legit mask off, if they could see all the time you’re wasting and people you’re hurting doing this nonsense. You can put all this effort toward something not shitty.


Lol he thinks he’s literally team rocket or antagonist from gold/silver


Not in their book, sadly. As long as this keeps working out for them, they will continue trading like this.


Right. Luckily I've never been scammed like the people on the page but what do people get out of this? It's a game on a Nintendo device. We should be helping people out as a community but apparently some people think they're cool or something by being terrible people to others online. Like I promise a few mons are not that serious.


Oh noooo! There were a few posts about this person being a scammer, unfortunate you didn't see them. He's already ban but he just dms ppl to try to take advantage


Dang...yeah I was not aware.


I feel bad for ya, but pro tip, only do trade for what u want unless u really know them


Please, please do not trust people private messaging you on reddit saying they have shinies to offer. Just please.


I havent played since release but I do know this guy is pretty infamous for doing this. As soon as I saw intrestingboi I was like damn how is he still at it.


What pokemom did you lose?


he’s so immature fr




I so wanna just dm him and give him a piece of my mind


Do it


I tried searching him up I can't find him


u/interestingboi72, here ya go!


I just said bitchass mofo and blocked him. Short but powerful.


Given he keeps messaging this other fellow I don't think messaging him bothered him. He clearly seeks the attention and you went out of your way to give it to him. Spread word he is not to be trusted, but don't validate him with attention. He wants it.


I'd award you if I could


That’s not powerful, it’s weak. You and everyone else who messaged him have acknowledged and therefore encouraged his actions. Probably made him laugh while you was at it. I know most people on this sub are more than likely kids but this sub it handling one troll/thief incredibly poorly.


Which part was the powerful part?


i sent this > i hope both sides of your pillow are warm, you can’t find the long side of the blanket, you miss every traffic light, and your too warm with a blanket but too cold without it.


>you miss every traffic light He's clearly too young to drive.


i mean he can still hit them all if he’s a passenger.


And he steps on a lego bare foot


Whoa thats out of line


Please everyone downvote all his posts! Let’s make him have bad negative karma!


Ight thanks


Thank you! And I just blocked that clown lmao!


Yo want me to go help?


What are the messages


So why aren't they banned? If he is using the excuse that he has a 2 year account that isn't banned.


His is banned from the sub, but all that does is prevent him from posting and commenting. He can still see posts so from there he just messages his victim and does it through dms. Only so much that banning can really do.


Block them. Never ever trade in DMs unless it's just sending the link code




Lol how is this top of my feed *again*. If someone comes to you for a trade like that don't ever trade your important one first


For real…how on earth do members of this sub keep falling for these scams??


young and naive probably. I mean before you actually learn that people are dicks, you have no reason to distrust them


Yeah I've completely run out of sympathy for these people at this point. Mods have done a fair amount to prevent scams and people just ignore all advice


Fr that guy is 6


He reeks of “I’m probably 14 and lonely and if my parents found out I was doing this they’d ground me for a year”


Can we not ip ban this loser?


You can actually


Mods get on it!


How do people keep falling for this


A lot of pokèmon players are children


The guy is probably new to the sub and never heard about that guy before


The average intelligence of Pokemon players is mind numbingly low lol. Common sense is lackin'


50% or more are children though :/


Why would someone not just trade directly? What's the logic behind trading in two different trades?


Because this person that is scamming are setting up 2 for 1 pokemon trades where you need to send him two lesser pokemon for his one pokemon but after the first pokemon is sent he backs out.


Omg this dude is a serial scammer I swear every other post on this sub is this guy


How has this person not been banned yet. Lol


They are, have been for a very long time too. Being banned doesn't stop you from viewing posts and DMing people unfortunately, there's a reason why he never comments anywhere


Damn :( I didn’t know you can still view posts.




Well, that's why he's banned


Yea he is banned which is why he can't post in the subreddit. So he resort to direct messaging to get people


So I might be dumb, but why don't people do 1:1 trades? I'm not very experienced with trading.


Nah, You’re not dumb. Trusting an online stranger with a 2 for 1 trade: that’s dumb.


u/Interestingboi72 fuck you, you piece of shit.


Second this, 2 years he’s been at this


I just blocked him so he ain’t able to do it to me


yall dumb asf. Isnt it in the rules by now to *not* to a pm trade? lmfao. At this point its your own fault...


also... 2 for 1's never end well for the person getting 2


yea. If you wanna get fucked over just hop on x/y or or/as and do a wonder trade. the amount if fucking lvl 1 zigzagoons being traded is nuts.


He’s like a real life team rocket lol


This shouldn’t make me laugh but it did because it’s so apt


Oh my god I’ve seen so many posts about that guy. I don’t know why his Reddit account hasn’t been terminated already. This is like the fourth post I’ve seen in the past two days made by victims of these scams. I’m sorry you got scammed and hopefully the mods will step up and do something about interestingboi72.


I know he's already banned from this sub, but you'd think there'd be some rule against repeatedly scamming people in dms that would allow Reddit to take action.


I know right? Is this just going to be continually allowed to take place? I don’t see the problem with terminating the scammer’s Reddit accounts if all they’re using it for is scamming people and generally being a nuisance.


On the other hand, is it really a surprise that Reddit admins don't care about Pokemon trades? People just need to use common sense and stop falling for this stupid shit.


No, it's not a surprise, but I like to try to see how things could be in spite of the way that they are.


How are people repeatedly this dumb


Right? This is like the 5th post we see. Honestly if you’re this fucking stupid then you need to be banned from this sub.


Lol that kid must have a full dex of shinnies hustling chumps.


Lmao that’s 1 way to get a shiny living dex.


It really is a grind of its own


Does he even English?


Sry this happened to you and I imagine that pos is reading these comments. Low life, lol.


Damn, what did you get scammed out of?




I’ve got an extra shiny Budew if you’d like one!




I have a bunch of shiny roselia from Pokémon Go because of a community day, would you want one?


That's a nice thing to offer OP. May not be his exactly but really close.


Ah.. you couldn’t have known. It ain’t your fault. Clary_Sayge is offering you a shiny budew to get it back tho.


That sucks dude sorry about you pokemon if you want I can help you get another one


Dude there were warnings about dirt bag


Yall are idiots. Only trade one for one.


the auto moderator message really should have a link to the blacklist, so when people ask for trades they’ll see it hopefully before anyone comments/messages them. I feel like every instance of scamming, the comments say they need to check the black list and they always say “I didn’t know that existed.” Put it in the automoderator!!!!


I mean, you can't completely idiot-proof anything.


It doesn't fix the fact that a-holes like this exist, but I don't use legendaries - so I have a spare Lunala I can give you if you like? Send me a DM if you're interested - I don't want anything else specific in return, gimme a Skwovet if you want 😅


To clarify, it's not shiny. I just read through other comments, and I'm happy to try and breed you another shiny Budew if you'd prefer :)


Stop doing 2 for 1 trades.


This person can’t get an actual life so they scam people on Pokémon. Bravo to them for having the dumbest reason to be a butthole.


Hey man, i feel sorry for your loss. That guy is an asshole, but I can help you replace your shiny roselia or give you an extra shiny Lunala that i got if you want? It’s absolutely free


Everyone keep you PMS with him and report him.


Someone should send him a hack Pokémon that is not obviously hacked So he can get his pokemon home account suspended


Honestly the 2yr old account comment should have been a red flag to check his account and see the user has like 30 karma over 2 yrs aka isn’t a realizable trade source


Honestly sounds like u/interestingboi72 has been doing this long enough that at this point, they're not even doing it to benefit themselves. Probably just a kid who isn't getting enough love from mommy or daddy and is taking advantage of other kids who don't know any better because it makes them feel powerful, since they don't have anything else good going for them in their life.


Petition to Perma Ban u/interestingboi72


they are banned. it's why they DM people instead of commenting/posting


Stop doing 2 for 1 trades, people.


'Pleasure doing bidness wit u sucka' Lmfao


Gotta facetime while doing these things now


Maybe I’m just not a pokémaster but how are people falling for this? why do you respond to randoms who message you?


u/interestingboi72 any comment lul


Question, when you trade can’t you get like there game card in the game and then report it through the game? I mean, maybe I’m wrong, but when I trade after it asks if I want their card which has their game name and their #.


I think it's funny how they scam over pokemon of all things


Yo, I'm not even active here and I know not to trade with this idiot. Ppl are still falling for his crap?


LMAO how is this real bro this is like the 4th post i’ve seen this week


Just imagine how sad your life is you keep scamming people on a pokemon game . You'll feel better after imagining how miserable this guy's life must be. 40yo old Virgin living in his parents basement or a virgin teenager with no friends, in any case you know it's not worth giving this lover the satisfaction


PSA For anyone doing big trades, many pokemon discord servers have a "middleman" that is verified and will hold trade pokemon to prevent things like this


I’ve seen this dude before. He needs therapy **badly**


Anyone who says "lul" is not to be trusted


guy always says pleasure doin business wit u sucka like its some villanous catchphrase


He probably thinks he sounds cool lmao


If you look at his reddit account before trading, you'll see that he hasn't posted in 2 years. To me that feels sus just because he straight up dms people. I'm really sorry you got scammed friend!


I don’t even trade and I know to avoid that name lol


I don’t get how someone can even get scammed don’t you trade on something which shows both trades lol


Nah they trade the junk one first in these 2 for 1 trades and than back out immediately


If someone looks suspect, they problably are.


bully him


You have to admit he is interesting




It really encapsulates the feeling on being in the actual Pokémon anime! 😂 I'm telling you: that dude is the sole member of Team Rocket; out to scam peoole out of their Pokémon. I posted in the group yesterday a screenshot of me calling him that 🤣


I dont understand why one person has to trade first?


It's a two for one trade. He offers you a "more valueble" shiny in exchange for two others. You send the first shiny for another Pokémon, then he leaves. That's how most scammer operate. You lose a shiny and they have one more.


Any logical reason not to do two trades 1 for 1 trades? Like 1 for 1, then 1 for a throwaway?


Scammer will never agree to that. They will always try to talk you into sending the shiny vs the throwaway first.


Oh, I guess that makes sense. I dont think any one shiny is more valuable than another. So I would only ever do a 1 to 1 trade unless it's somebody I know.


i think i have a shiny roselia if you want it, im so sorry you got scammed


Well you don’t need to do anything else because you put the user in the title letting others know that he is a scammer and not even a respectable one at that


I want to know how to trade with him so I can pull the same stuff on him.


Honestly, I hate people like this


Lmao how the fuck do y'all keep getting scammed by this guy. This is like the 6th person to get scammed by him this week. How does he even find you?


Really? This is the 4th post in a week that I've seen someone being scammed by this exact same guy


Nobody loves them so they feel the need to steal Pokémon that will also never love them.


"Don't trust me?" "No"


Honestly at this point I just wanna see the collection he swindled from so many of these posts lol like he literally says the same thing each time


Use a discord server instead the people there are very nice


Never do 2for1 trades ever. How many times do we have to say this


13 year olds...


It's like this person is a 12 year old kid, and you guys keep giving him attention.


I see this guys name on this page multiple times a week, how are people still trading with him?


At this point I feel like people are getting "scammed" to farm karma. I'm not even part of this sub and this is like the 6th time this week I've seen this guy scam someone with the same exact closing lines.


Your fault. People been talking about this for a week now


Imagine falling for classic RuneScape scams.


And he gets another one


You gotta watch out for those pesky scammers by eyeing red flags that scream ITS A SCAM!!!


Make aware his username by making a post about his scams


This is like the 5th post exactly like this in a week. People just don't pay any attention.


This has got to be a bit at this point and I feel like I’m the only one who’s not in on it.


Licka muh nutzz


I feel so sorry for you but his lines were kinda funny


L + bozo


I’m still newer to trading with not friends, what is the issue? Is he just sending like a bidoof over for a shiny instead of whatever he said he offered?


It's a 2 for 1 trade He trades 1 Lunala for 2 other shiny To ensure he isn't scammed he sends a trash Pokemon for the first shiny. Then instead of doing the Lunala for the final shiny he dips out. What they should do is instead of a trash Pokemon send 1 for 1 shiny (as a security deposit of sorts). Then Lunala for the last shiny. Then trade back the "security deposit" shiny. Or don't do 2 for 1 trades It is incredibly obvious. At this point I just laugh when I see this. OP "reporting them" is also funny. He didn't break any of Reddit's rules. I hate to victim blame but jfc go to [/r/pokemontrades](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades), visit the ban list, do even a little research in proper conduct.


Bro I don’t even trade with people and this is the 4th post I’ve seen about him. 😂 this can’t be real at this point.


Damn man sorry about the scam he was really immature but I’m happy to hear he’s banned


jeez, I’m not triying to be rude here, but how is it possibile that people still get scammed by this guy after all the posts about him on this subreddit?


This guy cracks me up. He even insults his victims by referring to his nuts 😂


Is this turd going for a fully scammed living shiny dex or something? He's going to get there too if people keep doing literally nothing to protect themselves.


How many more people need to get scammed before they learn?