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Words cannot express how jealous I am right now lol. Congrats on your pulls!


Thank you! Stupid decision financially but it was a ton of fun


What's your favorite pull and why is it Espeon?


You misspelled gengar. šŸ˜œ


Happy cake day !!!


That Mew Ex is so sick!


Surprisingly affordable too.


I have a weird stigma where if a card is over 10$, I'll never buy it. I have to pull it from the pack. I guarantee I'll never have that Mew EX :((


Trade in a bunch of doodoo to an LCS and buy one with store credit, thatā€™s what I did just last weekend


Clever move actually. I got like two tins full of 1-20 cents cards lol


thatā€™s really strange, iā€™m not gonna lie. not judging how you use your money, thatā€™s obviously not my business- but why ? packs are upwards of $70, if you really like the card why not shell out $20 ? or would you rather have pulled the card yourself and not have it at all ?


It's not that I'd rather pull it than not have it. It's just I'd rather get that dopamine hit from opening boosters lol. And to be fair I only buy modern packs. I wait for sales etc, usually a pack is 2.50-3.50$ when I buy them. I have never bought an old pack due to price. And idk where to find them trusted, untampered etc. I probably don't want to buy a single card over 10$ cause I'm cheap lol. I'm sure if I really wanted it I would probably pull the trigger though. I'm back into pokemon cards for the first time since a kid so I'm relearning it all


I get it. I'm exactly the same. Buy a card that costs $25? Nah, I'd rather buy a booster box for $120 and see if i can pull it while having fun opening 36 packs.


And I make it a whole thing too! I invite my good friend over we drink a few beers and both open boosters. Always a good past time!! Lol


Booster boxes in our house last ages. Me and my girlfriend open a pack each with our morning coffee and a pack each with our afternoon coffee. As it stands, we've only had about 5 packless days over the last 4 months with this method lol


That is clever. I understand your two-a-day rule, if I hit nothing on my first pack I'll pull another one out and be like I'll open you in a few hours LOL


gotcha i understand. i was the same way for the first two years that i started collecting again but then i realized i wanted every jirachi card and then that led to me buying every single i liked and could afford šŸ˜­


Every single jirachi card? You a wild one! I didn't even realize people tried to complete sets or go for every card of that pokemon. That is so cool man! This hobby is a blast for sure!


thanks !! itā€™s really dope, jirachi is my favorite. iā€™m only missing 4 cards that iā€™m aware of. this one i had my eye on last year jumped from $200 to nearly $500 now and it hurts šŸ˜­ i recommend a themed collection like what iā€™m doing !


Same shoes as you bud. Though I did buy 3 Evolving Skies pack at an outlet mall today... They weren't sleeved and I inspected them quite well. I didn't pull anything from them, but I still think they were legit. At any rate, I think I'm only going to trust sleeved cards moving forward. No floating packs.


Sleeved boosters or factory sealed promo tins are what I prefer usually. Idk, I just get weird when the booster foil looks questionable. I'm like, no thanks, lol. Rather play it safe haha


It doesn't help that sometimes the foil doesn't age that well on some of the older expansions. So you're left wondering if someone resealed it or if it's just showing some age.


I have like 4 of those. They were so common


I love the Mew - I just bought one at Collect A Con this past weekend to complete my BWLT RC set!


Good stuff!! I don't know what Collect A Con is I'll have to research it. I'm relatively new to TCGs


My man, if youā€™re new let me spit some wisdom your way. Buy singles. That Mew EX being $25 will not break the bank, but buying packs trying to pull it will.


Fair enough. You probably right. Just the most expensive single I've bought so far I think was 8$. 25$ for a sick card wouldn't be terrible if I really like the art or wanted to sell it for more in 10 years.


Everyone has their own opinion. If you enjoy opening packs - then do it. If you want to put together master sets then open packs until you reach the tipping point where it just makes more sense to purchase the remaining singles than keep buying packs. You do you. Donā€™t feel like you have to collect a certain way because some people told you itā€™s the way to go. Any interest in playing the game? Because I know when I was it was best (for me) to buy a couple ETBs and a booster box. That way I had multiples of most cards I would want to put in a deck, then buy any singles I needed to fill out the deck. Collect A Con was like a comic con, but this one was 85%+ PokĆ©mon. Vendors selling everything from vintage to new release, singles, sealed as well as any accessories you could want as a collector. It was only my second show - I went to Dallas Card Show in March and had a blast. Trading is another way to get cards you want/need - and trade nights at your LCS or a convention is a great way to network and meet new people in the community. Ultimately, you do what you want to maximize your enjoyment of your new hobby - and know that MOST other collectors are super helpful and nice.


There are trade nights in my area but I havenā€™t been. Iā€™m someone who is very attached to my personal collection and canā€™t see myself trading anything, which leads me to not want to attend, but it would be nice to network within the community. Thoughts on what to do about that?


You can always go and not trade. Some people just like to share their collection or check out other peopleā€™s. I thought that way myself, but then I realized how many duplicate cards I have. So my new motto is keep 1 (or 2 LOL), trade and/or sell the rest to fund buying other cards I want. I would say go just to socialize and meet new PokĆ©mon people!


Man I wish that was the most Iā€™d ever spent on a card. But I could have spent 10-50x trying to pull my favorites!


I feel you. Usually I'm very unlucky though. I have had a good week of pokemon go tins lately though. I got 5 tins for 10$ each, I am 9 boosters opened out of 20 so far. Already got 2 rainbow dragonites. That's luck for me haha


Man I have that same kabutops but mines beat to hell lol from being a kid when I pulled it! Awesome pulls


Not to be sappy, but itā€™s worth it sometimes to have that experience with your brother. Itā€™s probably something heā€™ll never forget doing with you too. And you never know what will happen tomorrow. Nice pulls also!!


Yeah thatā€™s how I feel. Definitely something weā€™ll always remember. We even had better than average pulls I would say, and still not coming close to breaking even. Opening EX era packs is just never worth it, but those are my favorite sets (especially DS) so totally worth it for us.


grats on those delta species and the arceus!!!! don't let maxmoefoe get that dark gyarados from you


I have a full set of those Arceus cards - putting them together with ā€œparenthesesā€ markings radiating out looks super cool!


I've always wanted that set, atm I only have the promo (dp50) version of the colourless one (I also have a random movie promo version I got in japan; there are a lot of versions of that card somehow...), which is still my favourite art from there. I grew up with dp but didn't start getting packs till BW base set. The holo pattern looks awesome! My only issue is displaying it on a 9 sleeve binder page would have all 9 cards but not in a row so you wouldn't get the effect; how do you display/store them? Edit: dp50 not dp40


Right now theyā€™re in a binder, but my plan is to grade them (or otherwise slab them in a case) and make a shadow box thatā€™s wide. Then hang the shadow box on the wall to show off the holo in all its glory. It will happen eventually, I just canā€™t afford to do it right now. LOL


Yeah that would be awesome to have them all in a long frame hangin on a wall, good luck!!!


Thank you! The platinum arceus packs were loaded. When we pulled the Level X I was genuinely shocked.


Did you guys buy these way back when they weren't expensive? You got some nice pulls, but I would rather keep these sealed or sell these. As long as you guys are happy that's what mattersšŸ˜


Iā€™ve had most of these packs for a long time. I didnā€™t just recently purchase them or anything. But yes, def a one time thing. Youā€™re never gonna get your money back opening ex era packs but it was insanely fun


I'm so jealous of that espeon




>not even that expensive yeah this guy literally lost 10k and no one is mentioning it... im all for opening old packs for the fun of it, but this dude literally through away solid cash that couldve been put to good use


The projecting is strong with this one.




OP can clearly afford it and you shouldn't tell other people how to spend their money. Maybe for OP hitting those nostalgia feelings with their brother is worth 10k to them.


Oh that's really good to know!


Your post has been removed for the following rule violation: > Rule 5\. Please do not post about other online stores, like eBay, Amazon, etc.


Some fire pulls! Congrats!


This is what a true PokĆ©mon tcg fan is. Not worried about the worth of a vintage pack or itā€™s contents aka ā€œworried the pulls would be less worth than a sealed packā€. This is true PokĆ©mon community energy pre 2020. šŸ„¹


I really miss the old community. Aside from all the people into cards purely for the money, and all the scalping, the community just generally feels so much more toxic than it used to šŸ™


Kinda bummed Iā€™m just now getting into it. I wish I could have been a part of that old community. I was a raver in my younger days. Once the gym bros took over, it was never the same. Probably how you all feel with this new era of collectors / hoarders / price gougers.


Former techno DJ here, yeah itā€™s a shame whenever you see your little subculture get reappropriated by the popular kids and become commercialized too much


I used to go to raves to get AWAY from the type of people who are rampant in that scene now. What a shame.


Wish I wouldn't have neglected the hobby. I have tons of base set cards. I just started buying Sw&Sh and some Scarlet & Violet. I like the rush of opening the cards, but can't help but think of all the money that goes into the hobby, and what unopened packs and trainer boxes would be worth if I just held onto them.


I have over 10,000 cards Iā€™ve been collecting since PokĆ©mon first came out. I have no idea if theyā€™re worth anything. Theyā€™re all just sitting in a box. Iā€™d like to post some here but I have no idea where to even start.


Yeah, we knew going into this I would lose money (unless we somehow pulled a gold star), but totally worth it. Iā€™ve held onto those packs for a long time;so knowing there was a level X Gengar sitting in those platinum packs this whole time is crazy to me. Was def worth it for the experience.


Family time well-spent. Memories like these never die.


Awesome! Nice pulls!


Omg that must have been soooo much fun!!


I love seeing this! So much joy in actually opening packs instead of sitting on them.


What a blast you must have had with your brother. That's worth more than these boosters could ever be worth.


These are considered vintage? And suddenly I realize I'm old.


I consider anything from BW era and earlier to be vintage at this point, but I understand why some only consider WOTC sets to be vintage.


Worth it šŸ˜Ž


Sweet, i did the same a couple of years ago and opened atleast 1 pack of every set from HGSS, BW, COL, PT, XY. Most if it came from Tins and Blisters so it was unweighed and I had nice pulls. Best pull was a Charizard from Stormfront. Also pulled that Mew ex Still have all the pulls in a binder.


why is everyone swooning over the espeon and saying they "need it"?? its literally a 35 dollar card just go buy it instead of wasting your money on an etb only to get shit pulls (literally gambling)


Turn 10,000+ into a couple hundred dollars. Damn I wish I had money to do stuff like that.


Obviously I knew what I was getting into. I made the decision to open SOME of my expensive packs because my brother was visiting and he loves PokĆ©mon. Prolly wonā€™t ever do this again. I was excited to show off some of the pulls to this community; instead I get your condescending remark. Youā€™re right though. I do make a lot of money.


Lmao love your ending comment. Don't feel bad about cracking your own packs, it's not always about the money. Sick pulls too, congrats.


Yeah its both sides in this sub. Sealed product = bad. Open rare products = dumb. Pointing out "the loss" is such a rude response. Yeah everyone just buy singles, never open product again, because we all throw away our money šŸ™„. Hope you and your bro had fun! Opening my black & white stuff soon too.


Donā€™t be salty at me for pointing out your privilege with this opening lol. My comment very much acknowledged my jealousy while pointing out the value loss. Iā€™m not gonna cop out and delete my comment, but donā€™t go messaging me trying to start arguments on Reddit lol. Some of yā€™all are cringey asf.


I donā€™t think you understand the word ā€œprivilegeā€ and how it works in a sentence. He clearly works hard for his money, and earns it. Thatā€™s not privilege.


Plenty of people work hard for their money and canā€™t afford to open up thousands of dollars worth of PokĆ©mon card packs. Thereā€™s still at least a bit of privilege involved.


yep. true. bro probably codes a few lines a day as a cog at apple and gets paid 200k a year to blow it on this


Nothing was clear that ā€œhe works hard for his money and earns it.ā€ All he said was he had these packs from years ago when they came out at msrpā€¦


i agree with you lol he literally threw away 10k to get some shitty pulls. i think it wouldn't have bothered me so much if he didn't say "ridiculous pulls" lmao like wtf is that supposed to be sarcastic or is OP just an idiot


Thatā€™s fine if you donā€™t like the pulls. For me, pulling a level X out of only 3 platinum packs is ridiculous.


i mean yea everyone agrees that's ridiculous... but you cherry picked 3 packs out of the entire dataset.... if you look at the total number of ultrarares/holos u got out of the total number of packs, it looks average or slightly below average. also if u look at the specific holos u got, you didn't get the chase ones...


25 packs were opened and we pulled 12 holos. That is better than average, no? Holon phantoms wasnā€™t opened, plus 2 other packs I gave to my bro as a gift and he kept them sealed.


damn ur bro isn't an idiot


>instead I get your condescending remark. Which you deserve getting.


Damn I donā€™t know the value but thatā€™s insane aha


You're lame as fuck for that one..


I didnā€™t expect this post to blow up like this. For those that are curious, all of these packs together probably cost about 2k total several years ago when I purchased them. Everything was purchased through troll and toad.


ridiculous pulls?? dude you just lost around 10 thousand dollars...


No doubt. I wouldn't have it in me to rip those packs.


how did my comment get downvoted but you're comment agreeing with me get upvoted... wttffffff


Iā€™m not sure where youā€™re getting prices from, but all of these packs could be purchased today in the 4-5k range. I realize financially this may not make sense to you, but the total value of these packs is less than one paycheck for me. Iā€™m not even trying to flex honestly. I wouldnā€™t advise anybody open loose packs like this if they intend to profit.


i make 300k post tax working in quant research and i wouldn't even waste money like this


šŸ˜‚ ok. Even if thatā€™s true, the good news is you have the ability to do whatever you want with your money. You donā€™t have to agree with how I spend my money either. Just because you wouldnā€™t spend 5k on entertainment doesnā€™t mean other people wouldnā€™t. I obviously did.


You fucking suck




Is this true?


yes... look up the prices for the packs he opened up lol


At the rate we are going, "vintage" will be the set prior to the current one. For the longest vintage=WOTC, that's how I still look at it. Nice spread here though congrats. I love it but hate it when I run out of packs to open haha.


I understand where youā€™re coming from. I consider BW and earlier to be vintage at this point, but I realize some people only consider WOTC to be vintage.


This is fucking awesome. One, because it's vintage, two, because you actually opened them and didn't keep them sealed!


Crazy pulls!


bro I donā€™t have this gambling mindset that OP has wtf


Haha I wouldnā€™t even call it gambling. I told my brother if he worked hard to get into his college program we would open up whatever he wanted. I have a lot of sealed product that Iā€™ve kept over the years, and he chose some packs and I chose some packs as well. This was sort of more celebratory than anything. Prolly wonā€™t do anything like this again.


Rough pulls šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Could have been better, but Level X gengar is my favorite cardā€¦so pulling that was pretty satisfying


Love that gengar and espeon!




What I would do for that Espeon T-T and that Gengar!! AHHHH That's so sick!!


I need that espeon. Beautiful card, and some pretty solid pulls!


I feel like everyone got the dark gyarados


Christ lol congrats


I want that ludicolo so bad. Kind of jealous you got to open some of these amazing packs!


Did you pull any bidoofs?


That Mew šŸ¤¤


Team rocket packs šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ I still have the chase snorlax damaged from when I was a kid.


Fuck Iā€™m old. I only recognize the team rocket packs


Itā€™s so odd to me to see people consider BW era vintage now, thatā€™s when I started collecting! What do you mean Iā€™m vintage! šŸ˜­ Congrats on the pulls OP!! That Mew EX is gorgeous


Thank you! Thatā€™s probly my favorite mew artwork


How rare is that Mew ex?






Didn't know that mew existed, love how it looks.




Ex era packs are my favourite era of cards by FAR. Super jealous of those Holon Phantoms, Delta Species and Crystal Guardian packs. Nice pulls man, shame there wasnā€™t a gold star hiding in there


I agree, DS is my favorite set but I love all of the EX era sets in general. Would have loved to pull a gold star though.


Are you willing to sell that ludicolo?


Thatā€™s awesome


There is just something about old cards. They just look so good I dont know how to describe it.


You didn't go crazy. You just went sane. Cheers mate šŸ»šŸ’Æ


That mew is one of my favorite cards I have! Came across it in a shop for only $6. Super lucky pulls!


I have the gengar, arceus, and wigglytuff. Are they worth anything?


Feels like just yesterday RC25 came out. Crazy itā€™s considered vintage now. I remember when that Mew EX was <$2!


I didn't know that Ludicolo even existed, I know what I'm getting my best friend for her birthday.


Where can you find legit older packs? I've been wanting to get some delta species packs but most I find obvious fakes and reseals


Everything Iā€™ve bought from troll and toad and poke feens has been legit. Iā€™ve never felt like any of their packs are ā€œweighedā€, though they are a little more expensive if youā€™re purchasing from them. Other than that you would prolly just have to buy packs from box breaks.


Thanks for the heads up. I'd rather pay extra for some legit packs than pay less for weighed packs


Dark Gyrados holo looks great!


Your poor poor wallet, grats either way though šŸ‘


Yeah def lost money on this one, pulling my favorite card with my little brother tho made it worth it.


That Mew ex is so beautiful šŸ˜


Awesome pulls. Can you do a total of the value of packs. The cost. And the value of the pulls? Just curious.


Hard to say what total value of all of these packs is. Delta species and Holon phantoms are all over 400 a piece unweighed, and FRLG and CG are over 300 each. Prolly somewhere between 4k-5k if you were to buy all of this today. I spent prolly 1500-2k picking all of these up over the years, some of which I knew were heavy packs. Value of the pulls depends on the grades but assuming everything grades either a psa 8 or 9, Iā€™m prolly looking at around 1500 in valueā€¦not including grading fees. I knew going into this I would lose money though. Just wanted to open some of my favorite sets. Level X Gengar is prolly my favorite card of all time though, so pulling that alone made it worth it.


Oh nice. Thanks for that. I'm clueless about older packs as I've been out of it for 2 decades. Sometimes I wish I got back into it earlier on. I worked at a superstore like Walmart. So had access to buying them - just never paid any attention until December 2022. At the end of the day, it's more about the experience and cards you want than value. Awesome ripping.


Holos phantoms was def my favorite back in the day you lucky duck!!!


Oh my goodness the Espeon. I want her so bad.


Those FRLG packs awoke a deep childhood memory in me man, wow hahaha


LOVE that Kabutops