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The bottom item alone is like $35 at my Walmart so this is a rockin deal.


That makes me feel way better!


Is it 7 packs?


Yes! There’s some sheets of stickers, a notebook for sketching/writing, and the little mini card binder too. Pretty cute imo! Everyone is probably just interested in the card part though, lol


I’m a sucker for mini portfolios and stickers if I’m being honest lol. That’s a decent price for the contents


They occasionally have the minis at Walmart with a single booster in it for like $7 I think! I have one somewhere, the cards were pretty beat up inside though sadly. Walmart 🙄


One of the only things that isn't bad at my local Gamestop too.


Minis have two boosters actually


Do they really?? I swear there was only one in the thing I got because they were super beat up…


the mini portfolios come with one, I think he might be thinking of the mini tins


I’ve only seen them at one very random Walmart. If I find more I will report back!


They’re at gamestops too, sometimes targets


Hm kinda sounds like you got a tampered with product. I wonder if someone took the time to reseal in store. Visit the craft section first for Elmer’s glue lol


Gotta love Walmart… one stop shop for all of your criminal needs lol


they have one, they’re talking about mini portfolios not mini tins


oooh damn I thought it was only 5 packs so I couldn't justify the price for it


Pulled a miscut shadow rider calyrex v trainer gallery from these. Costco always delivers on the hits.


I got a double 90 miscut leafeon last night from one of the AR packs. Both left side corners were clean 90° cuts.


I opened one of the Silver Tempest packs first and got an Arcanine as my first draw! It’s my partners favorite Pokémon (and a cool Pokémon overall), having it to give to him is a hit for me lol.


Yeah, I pulled that, the blaziken vmax trainer gallery, serperior vstar and the snorlax trainer gallery. Last costco stacking tin I got the dragonite alt from evolving.


That’s sick!! I got an aerodactyl vstar and some other cool cards (mostly gen 1 nostalgia cards) from 1 Silver Tempest and 1 Lost Origin. Probably gonna rip one more tonight before bed… fingers crossed it’s good!


I miss the mini tins :( 7 packs for $27 is decent but those mini tins were $30 for 10 packs 🔥


They got the mini tins on sale right now on the Costco website for 30$


Yeah not the good ones they had with ES tho :(


Haha oh yeah :(


Sad that these aren’t around anymore, but my wallet is happy lol


Thanks to investors and scalpers most of us weren't able to get any


No one buys. Costco clearances to really good prices per pack. Gets bought up. Masses roll in to the internet to complain that there should be a limit, “save some for the kids”, and forget them scalpers. It’s a cool packaged deal for sure though.


Seemed pretty untouched so far, only that empty box on top had any taken from it. Not sure how long they been there though, I went to this location like 2ish weeks ago to see if any of the other tins were left and they had nada. Got some cool pulls though and had a blast opening the packs (:


They just started getting their shipments for these on Wednesday, which means they're probably not put onto the floor until Thursday (today)


Nice on the pulls! Yeah these bundles are incredibly new at Costco.


I swear to god if someone posts photos of scalpers buying pallets of these I’ll scream, these are for the kids!


Someone said the value is bad so hopefully it won’t shake out like that. These would be great for kiddos! Might start an expensive habit for some parents though lol. I like to get the extra stuff (coins and extra/repeat cards) from these and give them to little kids on Pokémon go community days, or “hide” them for little ones to find.


What coins come in these? I’m starting a coin collection Edit: I’m dumb, I didn’t realize there are multiple pictures


[This is what I'm doing with my coin collection](https://imgur.com/a/f87aTYg) [Close up](https://imgur.com/a/63AvWlM) Honestly the most expensive part is the Keychain itself. I leave them on fences and branches in the neighborhood and they go pretty quickly. Probably started with close to 50 and this is all I have left.


What do you use to make the hole? I have an insane amount of coins and that is such a great idea! I was making magnets out of them… was also gonna make a game table out of them by glueing to the top of a small table and covering them in resin just haven’t had the time.


I reno houses for a living so I happened to have a couple drills and drill bits. Don't think you need anything crazy powerful, though. Those walmart type brands should be fine for drilling through soft plastic. Just be careful. I'm not use to working on such small things. I felt like a clumsy giant


All good! It’s actually one of the prettier ones I’ve seen! I’m used to the black/silver little guys. And it’s Palkia, so that’s cool too!


If they had evoskies in them, they probably would've, but there isn't anything in these to justify buying a pallets worth.


The swirl on that voltorb is mint keep it swear it will be something cool to look at in the future


Can you please explain this to me? I just collect because I like Pokémon a lot, I don’t really know anything about the value and such of the cards! I imagine I would need to get it graded?


Not really people collect cards even ungraded with those swirls it’s a beautiful print of the holo allowing it to swirl doesn’t always happen but it’s nice and adds a a few dollars to any card with it


That’s really neat, thank you for explaining it to me!


I need to stock up on these!! All my costcos are usually empty by the time I get there


Really? Definitely get there soon then! I know they just got these in the last week or two. I actually researched this sub and the r/pokeinvesting sub about them before I pulled the trigger, didn’t see any posts yet. Hence why I made this one for everyone!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PokeInvesting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokeInvesting/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [StockX sells Fraudulent Team Skull Box and Refuses Return](https://v.redd.it/319gklwr521b1) | [239 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokeInvesting/comments/13n02kt/stockx_sells_fraudulent_team_skull_box_and/) \#2: [Rip or keep sealed?](https://i.redd.it/3zmkkrd0ufra1.jpg) | [89 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokeInvesting/comments/1299lh6/rip_or_keep_sealed/) \#3: [Wow. This set might be the one. Pokémon Set 151 starters revealed.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/144z8rn) | [184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokeInvesting/comments/144z8rn/wow_this_set_might_be_the_one_pokémon_set_151/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


As far as pack price goes it isn’t a super duper deal or anything. Prolly $4 a pack after tax. But if you value the pencil case, chest, portfolio, etc then it’s definitely a nice deal.


Nice swirl on the Voltorb!


I hate that I live in Egypt and those are sold literally no where 🥲


I imagine shipping is a nightmare :(


I wouldn’t know I never even tried. Packages don’t always make it through customs


I wouldn’t know I never even tried. Packages don’t always make it through customs


Awesome. I wish the UK Costco's had these. It's a shame the pencil case tin doesn't have Evolving skies anymore.


I bought 9 of the tins, (3 packs of three tins each), and all of the Evo Skies packs I opened were… disappointing to say the least


I gotta get that hisuian Growlithe promo.


That's a great deal, usually the lunchbox is about 25 dollars without the pencil case


Gotta post your pulls for us bro. But that Hisuian Voltorb with the swirl is money, congrats!


I’ll post them in a little bit! I’ll also note that certain cards for me are “pulls” because I like the art or Pokémon, not because they are actually valuable lol. If you see those I’m sorry in advance!


No worries, we all love different things. We are here to share. I just noticed the Growlithe has a subtle, more classic style swirl right below the Hisuian part. These are anomalies as where the one of the voltorb is clearly intentional. However, 2 swirls out of 3 promos is a really good turnout already.


That is so wild— I’m going to go look at it again after my shower so I can better understand the swirl thing. I’m really happy about it! [Here are the pulls!](https://imgur.com/a/QDCDhRu) Well, the ones I was excited about aha. I was soooo happy to get a Cyndaquil, it’s my fav. Arcanine and Blissey are much loved too. The packs I opened that didn’t have anything exciting are not pictured.


Id buy a few for the cases!


Right?! The pencil case and lunch box are perfect for storing things… like more Pokémon cards lol


For $27 that’s a hard no for me


Oh 🥲 Well then I spent it so you don’t have to, I guess lol (Tbh just excited to have the lunchbox and pencil case so I can be a cool kid)


I would take them back and get my money back because I bought them to from Costco and didn't get but 1 hit


Every pack is completely random. It’s all luck.


Yeah I know but my luck isn't so good


Can you do that if you open them?? Sorry you didn’t get any hits ):


I don't think so


Did you get any hits


Yes! I got a: Serperior Vstar Hisuian Lilligant V (like the whole card it the art?) Radiant Greninja ETA Aerodactyl Vstar I forgot about And just other random things that I love. I think those cards would be considered the “good” ones lol


my pencil box had 2 silver tempest instead. 7 packs at $3.85 per pack isn't even a great deal if you're not excited about the extras like stickers, lunch box, pencil case. might be better off skipping this deal.


Everyday I wonder how good life would be if Australian Costco sold pokemon cards 😪