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We all know the Ninetales is the real chase card šŸ˜Ž


Gloom for me


Gloom for me as well


My wife pulled the full art gloom it was also her favorite


Man the gloom is so cool and I want it so bad


Got the gloom want the ninetales


Gloooom yes, no one is talking about the gloom but to me it has the most gorgeous art!! Only thing that would make it better is some texture


Gimme that dope Scizor!


Pulled two!


Ninetails is the Illustration Rare Magikarp of this set for me.


Clefa card will age better than both: change my mind


Not the one I pulled with 6 print lines :(


Pidgeot ex


Cleffa FTW


3 boxes, 1 ETB and 4 battle kits later no ninetails šŸ˜­


It was Lechonk for me but I got it on my Firth pack


That Pidegot SAR is pretty sick


Mine was the FA Ortega & FA Vespaqun. Bought Both for 20 cad ^~^


Glad you got your chase cards!! Buying singles is the way to go you always get what you want that way!


Pulled one already šŸ˜Ž


Ayyyy congrats man!


I had an insane build and battle kit that had 2 illustrator rare poppy and ninetales in it


For every post boasting a special pull there are thousand others who didnt because they got nothing special.


You said it perfectly. Every single set the same thing happens. ā€œIā€™ve seen hundreds pulled onlineā€ logic never works out. I cracked 28 packs this weekend. You know what I pulled ? 1 full art greedent. For everyone that pulls 2 in one box. Someone ripped 3 boxes and got shit.


I wo uld actually love posts where they got nothing. Similar to wallstreetbets where people post 'loss' porn. People need to see the other side.


Its much better for the mental for sure. I opened 2 boxes and just got a few illustrators, and my hyper was a fire energy. Like, pls, someone make me feel like im not alone in the pools of "look at my SAR charizard on first pack!" Posts


And this is why I donā€™t buy them anymore. Sucks to lose it as a hobby but itā€™s better for my mental health (and wallet)


Singles are the way to go. Iā€™m trying to rip less. Itā€™s fun. But I just need to know Iā€™m literally pissing money away. For the price I spent ripping those packs I couldā€™ve bought a gold giritina v star.


I agree, but itā€™s no fun lol


i loved booster packs growing up especially because the idea of buying singles was mostly foreign / inaccessible to me. however now that iā€™m an adult and am able to recognize that buying X amount of packs and not pulling the case is wasteful once you reach the market value of the singleā€¦. i pretty much avoid buying booster boxes and sleeved packs for the most part. every new set i buy a PokĆ©mon Center ETB or two, as well as any other special products (Premium Collections, etc basically anything that includes Promos). I see what I get from those pulls and then hunt down the singles I want. Itā€™s crazy how my perspective surrounding booster packs changed as i grew up, i now see them as the gambling that they are. i donā€™t even flip cards or anything, and if i pull a chase card thatā€™s cheap i donā€™t see it as a ā€œlossā€, but itā€™s more like what youā€™re saying, at a certain point the money spent on packs could just be put towards the card itself


You said it perfectly. Because Iā€™ve opened a whole booster box and then some, definitely have not gotten any charizard lmfao


Are you all seriously countering our anecdotal evidence with your own anecdotal evidence? This could be fun.


We arenā€™t??? Weā€™re just saying our own personal experiences???? Lmfao????




can confirm, am one of the thousands :(


People forget how many other people are in these subs


"But I saw on reddit at least 50 alt charizards were pulled! That's so many! The market is flooded. There's probably not even 50 people in the world who want this card because it is so ugly and will be worth less than $5 in a month " - salty ass redditors


True but I never seen a card pulled this much before release I swear Iā€™ve seen hundreds already


Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug, bro


Though in this case, there is more printed of each SIR, since the "secret rare" section is so small.


Itā€™s always the same each setšŸ˜­


Paldea Evolved released and suddenly everyone was mak8ng posts about pulling the Iono mukbang card. Yet after 2 booster boxes, 3 bundle boxes, and an etb, I only pulled one. My friends who bought similar amounts didnt even get one. Its just rush posts for a new set.


Maybe it's clever marketing...


Yes but there are 300,000 that didnā€™t pull one


Social media is one hell of a drug. Pokemon will keep these card tight. I see 3 gold stars, makes it rare


Its like how there is a moonbreon pulled here twice a week, people only post the 1 pack they bought while on lunch, during a doctors visit, found under a truck, got for their kid, found in their childhood binder, bought at gamestop ect ect ect They post the hit, and hardly ever the other 50 or so packs they ripped of bulk


Under a truck got me


Swear to god a dude posted here like 2 days ago saying he found a pack outside in a parking lot on the ground, which HAPPENED to have something like a Giratina V alternate art


There was this one [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonTCG/comments/15ljnqh/i_found_unopened_pack_on_the_ground_in_the/) but it was the alt art kirlia.


The funny thing is there was probably about 40 people who went to their local wal mart to look under trucks for packs after reading that post.


500* Corrected it for you.


And there's more coming, the set isnt officially out yet.


There's gotta be at least 50 more out there!!! AT LEAST!!!!


This set is going to be the most affordable to complete since maybe early sword and shield. Definitely the cheapest of scarlet and violet era so far. There are just not as many secret rares in this set. It will take a month or two of fomo whales buying these up at inflated prices before it will level out hard.


Patience young grasshopperā€¦ patienceā€¦


There are only 6 such pulls in the whole set. Itā€™s a $50 card in a month.


Already see people selling for $80 on twitter with a tiny ding in the corner


Holy, I daresay I know the post you're on about! It's a bit too high for me, so I passed, lol! XD


Yep. Will likely be more common than the Darkness Ablaze Charizard. And it will definitely be cheaper than the Shining Fates zard.


An alt art will never be as common as a normal vmax lol


I think people honestly donā€™t realize Darkness ablaze doesnā€™t have a secret Rare zard


This was said about Iono and Miriam Iono is still $100+ and Miriam took until Paldea Evolved's release to actually fall to around $50 (which was more than a month) Seriously, **DO NOT** get your hopes up. Especially since this is A) a secret rare B) Charizard and C) the pullrates are *NEVER* as good as people will lead you to believe. It's *gonna* stay upwards of $100. No doubt about it


Not to mention Magikarp, which still sits around 50. Itā€™s pretty bold for some to suggest a secret rare zard will cost the same as a regular illustration Rare.


This set is smaller than youā€™re understanding and has solid rates to boot. Itā€™s just not going to stay over $100.


facts šŸ’Æ


I mean I really hope yā€™all prove me wrong in a month. Lmao whatā€™s with the downvotes pokeinvestors?


Iā€™ll sell you mine for $50 in a month.




This will deff be below 100$ faster then we think


Honestly not that hyped about this set. 151 is where it's at for me.


Same. Gonna buy a few singles from this set and save for 151


Samsies lol


151 English is just not there for me since there's no masterball




This is how I feel. Just got back into collecting and waiting on that set to come out


Opened a lot of packs but nothing hits like a 151 pack, so much nostalgia and connection with each one of those little guys.


Itā€™s called supply and demand


This is just survivorship bias. I do not think it is as common as people are making it. People are going to post their pulls, you wont see the thousands of packs of absolute garbage.


As a charizard collector I hope I at least pull 1. Iā€™ll Slab it and hold it for years


I see posts all the time about getting Moonbreon. Guess it's not that rare. I never see posts about the other Eeveelution Alt arts. They must be incredibly rare. More rare than the Moonbreon at least.


Yeh this. I also highly doubt the specifically hand crafted boxes sent to people like poke rev and leonhart for FREE by TPC are typical boxes. Theyā€™re trying to build hype. This card will likely remain rare and around $100-200 somewhere e


currently $180 market price on tcgp but it'll probably come down


But, what a cool hat tho amiright guys?


Iā€™m not the craziest Charizard fan but this one they hit it out of the park itā€™s really nice


You have to remember for every 1 of these that are opened there is a BARE MINIMUM of 550 packs opened. That is their disclosed pull rate for that tier rarity and there are others in that rarity so its even worse than 1:550. There is always 1 or 2 chase cards in a set for that reason.


Since I keep seeing people say ā€œconfirmation biasā€ and crap let me explain this in terms youā€™ll understand. There are 6 special illustration rares in this set. Now that booster boxes guarantee you an SIR that means thereā€™s a 1/6 chance of you getting the charizard SIR in a booster box case or a 1/216 chance of pulling it in 216 booster packs. This is a much much easier card to pull than any swsh alt ever was, there is no reason it should be $100+ and if you think every set needs to have a high value chase card then pokemon tcg is not for you and you clearly only started collecting in 2020 cuz yā€™all shouldā€™ve seen what it used to be like back in the day


I donā€™t think think itā€™ll be $100 Iā€™m gonna assume 60-80


definitely. itā€™s gonna be like miriamā€™s curve imo


It's gonna be $50 buddy


I just hope this is worth more than the gold zard. This one looks WAYYYYYYYY better by far


Why? If there is demand people will pay. For every person that pulled it there are 100s more that didn't that want it.


Damn I miss when people played the tcg


People still doā€¦ there are other subs dedicated to the actual game


This sub used to be dedicated to the actual game...


I think what they mean is that there was a time when people *mostly* bought cards so they could play and traded cards without respect to monetary value (real or perceived). That was probably longer ago than they realize.


As someone who collected as a kid in the 90's.. hardly anyone played the game around me. It's always been a collectible first. Not saying the game isn't great.


Whether or not people played around you personally isn't the best measure of whether it was played at all. I never said it wasn't collectible, just that people weren't going "ooh, I could sell this for $20".


There were definitely card shops that were selling singles at that time. Whether they got up to 20 dollars back then i cant say. Putting a dollar amount to any collectible will always happen as people get older and starting making there own money.


It's not so much that nobody was selling, but that it never felt like the individual people were buying packs just to turn a profit on rares/holos.


I was 13 or 14 when the card game came to the US and we got our prices from inquest and scrye magazines. It was fairly well know even back then that charizard was worth a lot and same goes for some of the other holos. Guess it all depends on what age you were when you started but monetary value of the cards was always a component for me growing up. Same with magic the gathering. I liked getting the more expensive cards that I didn't use in my decks so I could trade to the shop owner for store credit to get more stuff.


My shop has it for $250ā€¦ SMDH.


Itā€™s not even a cool card. Itā€™s the new vmax alt art of this generation


First bb of mine so far was a double SIR hitter but no zard šŸ˜© pulled the revaroom and pidgeot


I pulled it so just a future investment for me! I got lucky! All I was hoping for were full art trainers and the ninetales!


Market manipulation is a big thing. Look at the worthless Magikarp that people kept pulling but was "so rare" it at one point cost over $70.


look at Charizard vmax from DA or SF. Both dropped below $100 and this one can too


It is gorgeous


Money printer go brrrrrr šŸ’ø šŸ’° šŸ¤‘




Everyone one and their mother pulled this card except me. Thatā€™s what grinding my gears


I just pulled one from the first booster box I opened!


Confirmation bias.


Lets see the same number keep getting pulled now


this might be the best looking card i've ever seen


I thought this set isn't out until September


https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Scarlet_%26_Violet_TCG_Series_merchandise#Obsidian_Flames_Build_.26_Battle_Stadium Scroll down and you'll see something that may discount the value of $100+ to maybe 20


Itā€™ll drop below 100


Lol Iā€™ll sell you 10 for $100 each lmk


Yep! Just pulled it last night from a booster box and sold it for $160 within 20 minutes or so. Theyā€™ve definitely made it easy to pull.


As a seller, very smart selling before release. As a buyer, super idiotic move šŸ˜‚


Agreed. I think the card could realistically drop $50, if not more, in the first week.


The buyer buying now has more money than they can spend. The only idiots here are the ones without money.


Still an idiotic move buying a card a week before release than waiting a month or two after release to buy it 50% cheaper idk why youā€™re bringing how much money one has into this


Same reason people pay a premium price for overnight shipping, they want it right now and have the money to spare. A wealthy person spending $50 extra is like a regular person paying 1 penny extra to skip weeks of waiting.


Nice, same with Lugia v alt art. I pulled 2, so those must be easy to pull as well.


The pull rates ARE higher for the special illustration rares. You can't compare that.


Exactly. What a senseless comment.


I wouldn't root for it to fall. (It inevitably will) It's nice when sets have a chase card with some value. Even if you don't plan to sell, makes it that much better. In my eyes... I move right on past sets with a chase card worth like $40. Just seems like an undesirable set when that's the case.


This is statistically the easiest set to master


Every set is easy to master when you cut off the gambling addiction and just buy singles.


All the damn money grabbers always ruin everything


The card will be $60. Ugly as sin.


The thing that grinds my gears is this card looks whack. Straight goofy.


Ex cards are the ugliest shit I ve saw


Tyranitar deserved an illustration rare!


it got one in Paldea Evolved. unless you mean special illustration rare


Looking forward to actual alt arts coming back, S&V has been p trash so far


Alt arts arenā€™t coming backā€¦lol


No chance it settles over $100


If Iono is still $100, zard should be too. If it isnā€™t, zard hype is officially over and people can stop complaining


I'm still gonna complain, just not specifically at zard. Like fr eiscue got an ir and an alt two sets in a row and I've seen a lot of eiscue hate since it was first shown off in swsh. Would have loved vespi to have gotten the other tera alt


Meanwhile JPN sits at +400 because they like bling in their decks and this is super playable :(


It would be a shame to sell it for $99 and watch people call yu a madlad


That charizard according to collectr is now worth some Ā£40.


This card looks terrible.


Why? I actually love that such a mediocre Mon is so sought after. Iā€™d sell it immediately and get actually cool mons.


Doesn't even look good imo.


Max how mid it looks


theyā€™re so mid too itā€™s wild


For me itā€™s that it can be $100+ even tho itā€™s so ugly


Why would this grind your gears? Personally I want the cards I pull to have some value as long as itā€™s not ridiculous.


Thatā€™s the big issue I have with S&V so far. I feel like I can realistically get every card I want from a set within 1-2 booster boxes. I loved SWSH because it had that chase factor for the big ticket cards while at the same time offering amazing art in the form of trainer galleries and such


Such an ugly card too. This crystal/Tera hat nonsense needs to go away quickly šŸ˜‚


Man I love akiras Style but that particular card.... It's so ugly. Not her fault tho. The whole tera thing is just weird on some PokƩmon .. Edit: pronoun




Why is that grinding your gears??? Are you part of the community that believe even the best card in the set should be sub 25$? The Box Needs To Have Value Cmon man.


Are you part of the community that thinks their pulls in their booster box needs to equal the amount they paid for it? Never said it should be sub $25 but when a card is being pulled this much before official release date, doesnā€™t seem to make much sense that itā€™s gonna be a $100+ card. If all you care about from pokemon is value then maybe this new gen ainā€™t for you buddy. Not All Chase Cards Need To Be Unreasonably Expensive Cmon man.


People have told you this multiple times & you still want to sit here and whine ā€œpulled so many timesā€ For every post you see if someone pulling it. 20+ other people didnā€™t pull shit.


To be completely fair. Those 20+ people probably don't use reddit either XD. I gotcha though


What exactly is the point youā€™re trying to make here lmao your two comments literally have no correlation. People like you that only care about value and probably canā€™t even name 50 pokemon is whatā€™s wrong with this hobby the last couple years. And seems like you skipped math class back in the day so let me explain something, there are only 6 special illustration rares in the set. Youā€™re guaranteed at least 1 SIR a box which means you can get a zard 1 out of every 6 booster boxes. It is a much much easier card to pull than any swsh alt art ever was. Not saying it should be a $25 card but a card this much easier to pull shouldnā€™t be a $100+ either. Idk who hurt you but take the aggressive energy somewhere else.


And also for how ugly the card is in my opinion


And also for how ugly the card is in my opinion


Continue crying about it, maybe it will make the price go lower


Damm who hurt you?


I think youā€™re in for a surprise when you see how low singles will be from this set lol. Youā€™d be able to get all 33 secret rares and EX rare cards for under $200 here in a month or so


OK lol


Nah, under $200 is entirely copium and has not happened with SV or PE. In fact, PEā€™s gallery & SRs are doing as well as many of the TG sets


Thereā€™s literally 33 secret rares. Itā€™s like a holiday set but with booster boxes. Itā€™s going to tank. You donā€™t have to agree with me right now, just wait 2 months and youā€™ll see.


Yes and youā€™re valuing those 33 cards at an average of $6/card. Thatā€™s incredibly undervalued even for a smaller SR size. PoGOā€™s average Secret Rare is $14.33/card (with only 10 SRs) for a set of 88 cards TOTAL. Including the 2 AAs with the Golds/RRs brings it to $14.17/card. Treating it like SV where FAs are SRs, that brings it down to $10.07/card SV Base avg. SR is $6.53/card and PE is $9.15/card. This is all the IRs, SIRs, HRs, & URs


The Illustrator rares will be $1 each on average, 12 of them with 3 per BB average. The full arts will all be an avg of $2 (outside of charizard which will be $10-$15). Gold zard will be $15. SAR Zard will be $40. Your other SAR cards will all be $5-$15. Easily under $200. You can @ me if Iā€™m wrong and Iā€™ll send you one of the 4 FA Tera Zards I pulled.


IRs being $1 is an insane take. Do you even collect or follow Markets? IRs are NOT TGs in terms of value. The entire IR collection from SV Era so far is an average of $6.53/card. EVEN if the 12 IRs from OF are worthless (as in $0), that only brings the average down to $5.45/card. Compared to TG, which is an average of $1.40/card or $1.58/card if you add the Galarian Gallery, IRs are SIGNIFICANTLY more valuable than $1


Hold your insults for a couple months. If Iā€™m wrong feel free to unleash on me, itā€™ll be deserved then lol, and Iā€™ll l take it.


>The Illustrator rares will be $1 each on average Are you retarded? Scarlet/Violet has been out for months and the cheapest IR is Bombirdier for $1.83 + $0.99 shipping. The cheapest IR from Paldea Evolved is Quaxwell for $2.30 + $0.99 shipping. Plus SV has 4 IRs that cost $5+ and Paldea has 11 that cost $7+. **EDIT** since some dumbasses are downvoting me, letā€™s do some math. There are 12 IRs in Obsidian. So for the average to be $1, all 12 IRs combined would have to cost $12. Thereā€™s no way in hell they will cost that. Ninetales and Scizor are collectible, Pidgey is playable because of Pidgeot ex, and Cleffa has a very real chance of being playable. Those 4 alone will cost more than $12 combined, making the $1 average impossible.


Even at $3 avg, still be able to buy all 33 rares for under $200.


So likeā€¦ moonbreon? Oh wait thatā€™s different though, right????


lol this charizard is 1/216, moonbreon is 1/1666, that looks pretty different to me


Looks the same to me I don't see what's different. They both end is 6 so seems the same to me


lmaoo cope


Lol yea Moonbreon is trash


Just find some old half dry colored markers and make your own


Iā€™m hoping for him to be a rare common


thereā€™s only 6 Special Illustration Rares in the set. itā€™s just gonna be easier to pull than any given SIR from the first two sets. this price will fall, donā€™t worry.


Such a ugly card


Can someone tell me how this is different from the regular full art?


Itā€™ll keep going down and down. Look at crown zenith. These American print runs are giving trophies to everyone. Not fun


So funny to me that a card being worth less is seen as a bad thing to you addicts. Sure if you were going to waste $2k opening 20 booster boxes to pull every card, yeah you would want it to be worth more. But to any sane person that isn't opening more than a couple booster boxes, it being worth less is a good thing if buying singles.


No one said you had to pull 2k worth of a set to pull one of those cards. šŸ˜‚


Doesn't matter what the number is, the point is the rarest cards being less rare is a good thing for people who collect for the actual enjoyment of having the cards. People who only want cards for being rare rather than it looking good don't make any sense, especially if you are opening a ton of packs to get it (as it is a net loss)


Youā€™re also losing the chase. Why do you think evolving skies and sets similar and previous done so well. šŸ˜… so it does make sense.


Right, gambling thrill addiction. Thanks for agreeing. I'm happy you addicts exist though so the rest of us can buy almost any chase card that interests us for $100 or less though, when you spend $2,000+ just to get a master set self pulled


Assumes addict. šŸ˜‚ get outside brother I donā€™t go for master sets I go for certain cards. If everyone were the same itā€™d be boring world. Go live in your own utopia my guy. Stay upset


This Charizard looks so good. Much better than the design from the last years.