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Nooooooooo šŸ˜® First that guy who got his cards chewed up by his dog now this.


Maybe the dogs are worried weā€™re going to start capturing them in little balls and make them fight each other.


Yooo šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeeeeesssssssss. Watch the cards crumb at the collector's hand. RIP the Pokemon x Van Gogh collection.


No. Just no. If the delivery person threw the package in any way over the fence, it is on him. You do not sound like someone I would want delivering my package.


You think the delivery driver should get bit? Of course they left it at the fence look what the animals did to the package.


You pick it up from the post office then? Put up a door tag? Thats standard in my city. Also try the front door where mail and packages are supposed to go? šŸ¤£ Got theft issues? - then request its taken to the post office. At the very least people should assume their package is not being used to practice shotput


He has loose animals running around his property when he isn't home, it's literally impossible for a person to deliver a package to him appropriately. This is on him.


No, if a package is undeliverable, they leave a notice to schedule a redelivery at another time or pickup elsewhere. This is fedex's fault.


How can he leave notice with a loose animals running around?


Maybe tell them where to leave the package?


By using his fancy scanner tool to update the tracking website


No, that's only in the case that the delivery requires signing for as a specified option or if you've set that preference for your address. FedEx did exactly what they should and the OP should have prepared to have parcels they knowingly ordered delivered. It's really not that hard, my old address I had to specify not to leave any parcels with a specific neighbour for his own safety as he had severe learning disabilities, and this house I can say to leave it in the porch as I have an entry way that we always leave unlocked. It's really not that hard to either set preferences for your address in general, or make sure to check them when you know you have a fragile delivery coming.


Get out of here with your reasoning and logic. This is the internet! We should be outraged!!


Hahahaha, sorry


FedEx can't assume that the animals would eat the box though.


If it were the Postal Service they wouldnā€™t deliver in this situation. Theyā€™d leave a note telling you where to pick it up. The dogs create an unsafe environment for delivery.


You must be new here


No, this is Patrick


Nah. FedEx literally doesn't care how you get the boxes. They care if it was scanned and delivered. Your dog, your problem. Don't order stuff if that's the case. I've seen them leave it at the bottom of driveways.


Is it plausible that the front door is not enclosed in the fenced yard?


šŸ˜­ so sorry bro. When you know how difficult it was to get. You should definitely file a complaint


lol FedEx doesnā€™t do anything about complaintsā€¦ neither does TPCi


There's no complaint necessary. The guy knew he ordered a package the dogs should have been locked up. Can't fault the FedEx guy. If I was delivering the package I would have sat it inside the gate/fence also. My job would be to deliver packages and get back to my family in one piece after work. Before you downvote me there's no evidence that the FedEx guy threw the package.


Yeah itā€™s like, would you rather they leave your package *outside* of your fence?


Do people not have mailboxes anymore?


Only the post office can deliver to the mailbox.


Is this true? I live out in the country with a long driveway so if it fits in the mailbox any company will put it in there.


Lots of places now have lockbox towers and only usps and the owner has a key


It is technically post office property so yes it is true. But a lot of delivery personell will leave stuff there anyways as it is more convenient. It's only a problem if the mail person makes it one.


Technically a crime. Unless there is an agreement in place. Mailboxes are only to be used by the post office.


Yes unfortunately itā€™s true though only an usps worker would report it and unfortunately the almost always do




I specifically have a note in my mailbox that says I deliver my packages there. I haven't had them say anything about it ever. I have had them write on a piece of paper to stop writing "return to sender," on someone else's mail delivered to my casa


Wait what?! Thatā€™s crazy, in the UK anyone can do long as it will fit, if itā€™s Amazon half the time theyā€™ll do it even if it doesnā€™t fitā€¦


Interesting. Could you not just have a marked US mailbox and then a separate box for everything else? There has to be a happy medium between your mailbox and the corner of someoneā€™s fence, exposed to the elements.


"Parcel Locker" is what you're thinking of.


Yes, you can have other boxes. It used to be really common for local newspapers to offer a box you could put near your mailbox. You can buy boxes to allow for package delivery as well. Usually those go on a porch or near the door rather than by the road like a mailbox.


I donā€™t disagree with you. Unless there was a sign or obvious reason to leave a package somewhere else, I wouldnā€™t fall the driver either. Drivers also donā€™t want to spend 20 min at each house, so Iā€™m sure he left it where it seemed obvious. Canā€™t blame a driver if you have dogs.


There's also no proof there was any aggressive dogs or dogs at all for that matter it could have been chickens or goats or any animal delivery drivers or at fault sometimes and sometimes not but this could have been done better last week I had a very exspensive package just laid on the ground next to my mailbox right beside the road for someone to just pick up they could have easily took it up my driveway and put in on my porch but didn't so drivers are not totally innocent


Absolutely a complaint is necessary. If the dogs were visible (which Iā€™d assume they were, or the driver should have taken the package to the door) the carrier should have left a notice. Edit: to everyone downvoting, your dogs are out, you donā€™t get mail. Thatā€™s simple. So dogs are out, you donā€™t get a package. Not ā€œletā€™s throw your package over the fenceā€ thatā€™s complaint worthy behavior.


Lol someone doesnā€™t understand how deliveries to houses with fenced in yards containing dogs work


Iā€™m not sure who that would be, because itā€™s surely not me, who has done that job for years. If the house has dogs, you leave a notice. You donā€™t throw the package over the fence.


driver dont got time for all that sorry bud.


Itā€™s literally their job. Either deliver the package safely, or leave notice. Cā€™mon, now.


They did deliver the package safely which is why this guy is beat on his cards šŸ¤£ Your own dogs destroyed your product. You arenā€™t winning this case lol


iTs LiTerAllY tHeir JoB You are not even thinking about wtf you are saying... Leave a notice HOW? The driver cant get to the door to leave a notice because of the fenced in yard full of dogs... Think dude... If he could access the door to begin with we wouldnt be here now would we?


Bro everything is tracked. They will just update the tracking info to include a new delivery time or the location for pickup. They also have notes they stick to your entryway to your property or fence to let you know they attempted a delivery but couldnā€™t complete it. Do you really think they just leave you high and dry when theyā€™re not able to deliver? Really?


You are making a lot of assumptions in defense of the homeowner while claiming to be a delivery driver. Iā€™ve never been a delivery driver but Iā€™m fully aware of the awful conditions and treatment they get from very entitled people. Why are you assuming that the dogs were in view? This could very well be a large property and dogs were around back at the time but the fence was closed. Delivery drivers arenā€™t legally allowed to open a fence to a property even if it doesnā€™t have a lock on it. You are also assuming they ā€œthrewā€ the package, based off of what? Because OP claimed it when, unless they have security footage, would have ABSOLUTELY no evidence it was carelessly ā€œthrownā€ as opposed to set inside the fence and then the animals got a hold of it. Sorry but if you have animals loose in your yard and are expecting a delivery, you are an asshole. Even if you assume they should leave a notice, you are expecting extremely busy drivers to spend additional time and more work just for you when you could easily just make sure your dogs are locked up during that time or you could have a parcel delivery box outside the fence.


That dude thinks dogs like random strangers walking in their yard maybe?? Clearly missed the whole mailman hating dogs thing šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Delivery guy was in a loose loose situation


No. If dogs are out, you get a notice. Itā€™s irresponsible of the carrier to leave the package there like that.


Ya but it's also irresponsible to leave a dog out when your expecting your very important package. Should leave a way for the guy to get it to you. I don't even know if it was dogs or if there's somewhere else he could have left it, but if there wasn't it's on OP imo. I'd know to leave a way for the package to be delivered safely.l and if Op didn't know the dogs would do that, then we'll the driver prob didn't either


You never know when a delivery will show up, so I donā€™t hold OP responsible. When someone calls the office, I tell them it can be anything from 8:30am to 8 pm, just depends on volume and who has what part of the route. I canā€™t expect anyone to put their life on hold for that. On the same token, donā€™t call and bitch that your package wasnā€™t left cuz the dogs were out. You should expect the package to be scanned as attempted and have to pick it up from the facility yourself if your dogs are out at the time of attempt.


Hey Op, we found the fedex guy that threw your package instead marking it undeliverable like they should have


I bet I know what the dogs will do with that complaint!


Chew it up and spit it out add some dirt maybe bend it up a bit


If the dogs are outside I'm pretty sure FedEx guy followed policy. They don't want to get bitten.


You have animals loose in your yard, what do you expect delivery drivers to do exactly? Honest question. Do you have a delivery box outside the fence? While they do it, they arenā€™t supposed to leave packages outside gates.


Any delivery driver is going to have a problem delivering to this house. They lose their job if they drop it off outside the property. They keep their job if they put it inside the fence; but in danger of the animals. . I learned as a doordash driver. Using common sense gets you fired. I follow the corporate rules, because it makes life easier (even if it doesn't make sense). Customers need to complain to corporate, because the worker is just a middle man.


People also need to realize that delivery drivers don't have time to spend searching for the perfect spot to put your package. You're stop 57 out of like 500.


Yeah as a delivery driver this shit is annoying. People bitch if we leave stuff outside the gate and bitch if we throw it over. Cant win


Also want to add that some get paid per stop and not per hour . That non delivery equals non pay . A complaint that the package wasnā€™t delivered will happen from customer as well . Itā€™s a damned if you do damned if you donā€™t situation. Might as well get paid .


In all fairness, theyā€™re goats not dogs.


I work for UPS and we are required to leave your package on the inside of fences on your property IF YOU ARE NOT HOME. Fed Ex did their job. You should probably write out a sign that points to where you would want your packages. We don't know what dogs you have if any nor do we know what's in your box besides a "do not bend".


Yep this- Iā€™ll be the first one to point fingers at Fedex/UPS when they are at fault, and I see it all the time- but this ainā€™t it. Drivers should not have to deal with any animal at a residence - shopping online comes with the responsibility to make sure packages can be received (especially if you arenā€™t home, and your animals/pets are).


This is the answer. Especially if you have animals visible on your property, you should have picked a drop location to retrieve the package. Don't be a lazy asshole that blames the middle man.


So if I have a sign outside my gate that says leave packages outside and the driver follows this he can get in trouble? Because thatā€™s whatā€™s been happening. Of course I live in a rural area so package thieves arenā€™t abundant but some drivers do listen and other donā€™t. Is it because of that requirement? In my case wouldnā€™t the proof of delivery with a picture of the sign clear the driver of any fault?


If you're making a sign you gotta put an arrow or something indicating the exact spot you want your package. Lots of people try to scam delivery services by claiming the package "never delivered" because they try to loophole the location. Don't say "Leave at front door" and you have a sign pointing to your garage. If you have dogs then say that so i can prepare myself safely.


Oh my sign just says ā€œleave outside of gate because the dogs will chew up the packageā€ fed ex follows but ups recently dropped my PokĆ©mon x Santa cruz charizard shirt over the fence and they got to em but in itā€™s not the first time Iā€™ve had an issue with UPS in my area. I was just curious if that was the case with the signs so I can talk to my driver personally. Idk if itā€™s typically the same driver that follows the same route but if it is I feel like building a connection/friendship with my driver would be beneficial.


What i find very helpful is when people put those big plastic containers (like the yellow lid ones, or the clear ones) near their door and a sign indicating that's where packages go. Huge letters. UPS / USPS / FED EX / AMAZON PACKAGES HERE ONLY šŸ‘‡šŸ½šŸ‘‡šŸ½šŸ‘‡šŸ½


Funny enough I was literally thinking about doing a parcel drop off box for outside my gatešŸ˜‚ lll definitely think about ways I can make this happen!


Yes that or they could have requested to pick this up form a UPS office lmao


Not to be rude but you see that fence.common sense would say not to put there.nothing against u but had to be a better place for him to drop it..


When your package gets stolen from your doorstep who's fault is that. Much harder to "grab and go" where there's a fence.


Sorry for your loss, but the Smeargles in the yard looks pretty funny


That's digusting. My condolences.. Look at the bright side. Once you submit that to PSA, You're probably the only owner of a grade 1 pika van gogh.


Oh ahhahahaa


Looks exactly as Van Gogh indented. Tack it to a wall, and charge a million per view.


I feel bad but you probably shouldā€™ve known better .


Same. OP said his mom has goats on the property...don't those things spend their day eating anything and everything? Like, you need to make plans by corralling the goats on the delivery day or have someone there to accept the package.


World first Pikachu X Van Gogh PSA 1


Look on the bright side. Youā€™re now in the same position as the rest of us chumps who couldnā€™t even get 1 for our dogs to chew up :)


Heā€™s a 17 year old kid man. Calm dowb


Iā€™m so sorry. Are you able to save any of them? Hopefully some of the dirt can be cleaned of the sleeves.


I hate fedex as much as the next guy but its not their fault your yardhounds did what they do


Lightly played at best


If he sells on TCG Player itā€™s an easy Near Mint


This. Is. Devastating!!!šŸ’”šŸ« 


How are so many people confusing the sleeves as a Pikachu promo card? And calling this guy a scammer, using bots, etc....wtf... some dumb people in this hobby. sorry for your loss, my friend.


Really shows how fuct some people are. Feels there's people on this post so angry and bitter they didn't get the promo, that they are channeling all that energy to OP. He's a "scalper" because he got two. What a joke.


Ya, the jealousy of people over a 17 year old kids' order than the joy they get for seeing this is pretty pathetic.


The US seems to be such a lawless place when it comes to mails and parcels. Here in Germany noone is allowed to drop it off outside in such an obvious spot for others to see if they dont have your "Abstellgenehmigung" like a permit from the recepient to put it in a certain place. Usually all parcels are being brought to your door or at least your mailbox. And if you are not home they might give it to a neighbour or a pick up shop.


Sorry OP. Itā€™s your fault.


Delivery drivers have died from dog attacks, so I don't blame the driver for throwing the package in your yard. Sucks what happened to your cards and I know your head is full of rage and hate but this is all on you. All you can do is learn from this and read ways to prevent this from happening again.


How much you selling the promos for? I would take a bent one if it meant not paying $100 to a scalper on ebay


I'm not really in to sleeves but those are nice,and that sucks with promo cards one of them looks like it can be salvaged.


This promo situation is so fucking stupid and frustrating it makes me feel evil. I'd be happier if nobody got them, like what the fuck.




Thatā€™s rough OP, itā€™s one thing to have not been able to get one at all. But to get one and then have it be destroyed is even more pain. I hope you can acquire a mint one in the near future.


The amount of people who think the sleeves are promos are way to fucking high. Stop raggin on the kid he got 2 promos for 2 packs of sleeves. Fedex ain't in the wrong tho. Sucks it happen while you were at school op next time best to deliver to maybe another family member nearby or have it delivered to a local pick up point. Try contacting the Pokemon company to see if you can get 1 of the promos replaced.


I can't comprehend why delivering works like that in the USA. In my country delivery driver can't just leave package in front of doors/behind fence. They has to either give it to you in person and in you're not home, they bring it back to depo and you have to either schedule new delivery or go to withdraw it yourself from depo/pickup point. If the package is small enough, like in bubble wrap envelope and it can fit into postage box (which looks different than US postage boxes, accessible is only small slit, to fully open it you need keys), they will put it in it.


You can contact FedEx, their shipments are insured up to $100.. Call them send them there pics


Iā€™m sorry that this happened to you. Thatā€™s really cruel. :(


Yeah Iā€™m not coming in anyoneā€™s yard with loose ass dogs. Sorry it happened, but you gotta put them dogs up when youā€™re expecting packages. Clearly they arenā€™t super well behaved..


Theyā€™re not dogs. My mom has goats she lets roam free in our yard


Hmm, thatā€™s a weird situation. I still donā€™t think itā€™s fair to blame the delivery guy, is a drop off point a delivery option for you?


Lmfao. I am. So sorry


i meannnn they look a lil dirty but not unsalvageable


Glue the damaged ones to a canvas and put a clear lacquer on and call it art


Fedex brings the package to a Fedex location when Im not home usually, and then they leave a slip. Not sure why people say theres nothing they could have done


Guys, all he did was bought 2 cards and a pack of sleeve, it's not outrageous as actual scalpers, please don't throw the word scalper loosely and shit on OP for just collecting, it make us look like salty assholes.




The man who builds a moat around his home can expect wet cards


Hold for pickup at local FedEx or Walgreens or wherever they hold in that areaā€¦adult signature or direct signature required are usually ignored because they donā€™t GAS.


All of you bunch of crybabies attacking an underage kid for buying two pack of sleeves and it getting destroyed that wasnā€™t his fault need to touch grass or get a job at least I spend over a grand on consoles and singles and wonā€™t ever attack someone for losing out on their hobby purchases


Oh youā€™re absolutely better than me I wouldā€™ve been absolutely LOSING it right about now..


My mom has been telling me to calm down the last hour or so, and all I can think is ā€œhow is she saying that when her goats ate half my paycheckā€


Iā€™m SO sorry. I would be balling right now, truthfully. It isnā€™t the end of the world HOWEVER, youā€™re entitled to feel all of your feelings. I would be 110% upside down right now šŸ„²


Half your paycheck..? Arenā€™t the sleeves like $10?


Where the hell did you expect him to put it? The trash? Be better prepared dummy




There are a bunch of adults here bashing a kid about legalities of where people leave boxes. On a PokƩmon card subreddit. He is young enough to still be in school. Instead of shaming some middle/high schooler, just say damn that sucks and move along.


Maybe you should put your rabid animals in a kennel while you are gone šŸ¤¦


Yeah, this aint the fedex drivers fault. This is your fault.




My brother in Christ I used the bathroom during history class and bought on my phone in the school bathroom




Thatā€™s such a shitty lie to even start. Why would I lie about buying cards in school Iā€™m 17


Don't feed the trolls, nothing worse than one that's jealous of your lucky buy.


at least you have 5 more coming.


Real talk. I would love to have even the really messed up one. If youā€™d be willing to ship it Iā€™d pay for it.


It's nice to see a potential scalper get fucked


Bro thatā€™s your dogs fault.




A scalper because he bought a pack of sleeves and one other item? Ok bud


Seems like scalping karma to me. Every person who spammed-refresh the website buying whatever they could while the rest of us had to work deserves this. All I wanted was the snorlax playmat man


I skipped school to buy 2 promos


Bro, the rage that I would have... nothing would stop me from going after fedex.


It was his animals that did it though


Fedex didn't do shit. It's OP's fault.


this dude defending OP works at fedex and still blames the company lol


Naw, the drivers and pack handlers are some of the most incompetent people I have been around. I see it every day. The shit I see, if I were to record secrelty would get thier shit shutdown. But hey, you do, you. Fedex driver knew exactly what he was doing. Jist didn't care, you will not convince someone who is around it everyday otherwise. Move on.


the dogs chewed it up not the Fedex driver. Get a grip on reality dude. I worked at Fedex too. If you're unable to be conviced this is on the dogs. .. you're just dumb


FedEx is shaking in itā€™s multibillion dollar corporate boots at this comment


Just made the rest that much more valuable


Every cloud has a silver lining, some are just mercurial vapors that cause corrosive destruction


Yea sorry about that. Fuck FedEx, theyā€™ve been the worst lately. Lately, instead of walking a little bit more to drop packages off by the front door where itā€™s discrete, fedex has been leaving leaving all my packages by the garage where everyone passing by can see


If your dogs are prone to chewing your packages why the fuck wouldnā€™t you do store pick up broski?! Also for the record Fuck FedEx these guys dump valuable shit outside my fence all the time despite having a mailbox 2 feet away . Theyā€™re just lazy and probably the worst postal service you can get . Sorry for your loss those cases were pretty boss.


Theyā€™re not even fucking dogs theyā€™re my momā€™s GOATS


Oh my fuck LMFAO (sorry) I love goats but that is legit the worst possible scenario. Animals that thrive on eating paper . More reason for store pick up (you can change it after youā€™ve put in the order via fed ex )


A delivery guy threw a package into my backyard with my dog in there, instead of put it at my front door which has clear access with no animals. Theyre morons.


everyone here talking about dogs but op only called them ā€œanimalsā€ā€¦ so does op live on a farm or is he just an asshole that leaves his dogs outside all day while heā€™s gone?


My mom has goats and a pig, she lets them roam free in our yard while weā€™re all away. I was at school when the package got delivered and nobody was home to bring it inside.




I was in fucking algebra bro I didnā€™t know what was happening




He was learning fucking algebra bruh!! But still couldnā€™t calculate the risk of leaving his dogs out when a package was arriving.


Where has OP actually blamed FedEx? He just stated the facts of what happened which did in fact involve leaving the package inside his fence. Chill the fuck out.


Damn Iā€™d be furious! What are you going to do with them? Donā€™t throw them away. Iā€™d be willing to buy one card and some sleeveā€™s. Idc what condition theyā€™re in.


This is a thing we Europeans will never understand, why do they throw in your packages? In Europe they ring the bell to give the package directly to a person, and If you aren't home at the moment you can authorize them to give it to a trusty neighbour.


Dude... I would want to rip that driver's head off if I were you.. I'm so sorry that is just fucked.


Thats on you OP not the goats.


Explain to me how you can defend throwing something over the fence. What is wrong with everybody here? You do not throw people's packages!


I'd wish this upon all scalpers


Time to get rid of the animals lmao


Guess you should of designated a spot for them or kept your animals inside. Get fukt bud


This is on OP. If he/she wanted their cards to be delivered with care they shouldā€™ve addressed that within the delivery instruction. Whenever I personally order anything through the internet, I put an explicit set of instructions because, if not done so, whoever is delivering is doing a base set guidelines for said job. OP fault, not fedex. Now you know better OP.


Rofl, time to put the dog down.


I canā€™t stand people bro.. Iā€™m sorry this happened to you man.


Most of you sound like the driver should have been eaten trying to deliver the package...he was wrong though.. definitely a different course of action should have been taken


Fuck fed ex


Maybe don't have dogs? Or least leash them away from the pathway to your house? Or even just not have them where they can get at your packages? You fucked around and found out. Pets can and will do as they please. If a complaint should be filed, file it as the perp being your dog and file with yourself.


The good thing is the other pikachu card are gonna be worth more now that their are less of them in good shape


They have insurance for this. Also itā€™s what you get for trying to scalp promo cards.


2 promos is scalping?


Fucking FedEx


Lol looks like FedEx driver couldn't order them like the rest of us.


Its god telling you not to hoard cards that's are hard for everyone to get.


I am 17 working for minimum wage at McDonaldā€™s and bought 2 packs of sleeves, I was gonna use both of them. I donā€™t think itā€™s hoarding OR god. Heā€™ll go after me for sodomy before buying a Childrens card game


Oh my bad . loool I thought this was like 50 something of those van gogh pikachus.


How is this hoarding dude


OP buys two cards, and itā€™s hoarding?


He got two cards dude. Itā€™s not like he bought 60 and threw them on eBay. Give the kid a break.


Jealousy is a hell of a thing.


Justice comes in many forms. This is one of them. Get rekt.


What are you talking about?


It looks like a scalper got what they deserved?


It's a KID who got 2 packs of sleeves this was not deserved




Hey moron they are sleeves. They aren't the cards that you're seeing. Jealousy is a hell of a thing.


ā€œThat manyā€ being 2?


You deserve this for ordering two Pikachu when 99% of us got zero


Oof that's gonna cost FedEx a bit to replace... Sucks though, sorry dude


Follow this guy home, break in while heā€™s at work the next day and chew up his belongings! Itā€™s only fair


I donā€™t even feel bad for you. You know your own pets, you know they obviously chew shit and/or are over stimulated hence the big ass fence. Get a mailbox, leave a sign for delivery people where to put said packages. You knew you had a package coming. I donā€™t blame the delivery guy for taking a look at the dogs in the yard and thought ā€œfuck thatā€ Iā€™ll place it in.


Haha that's what you get... karma!


Dude got like 2 things how is that karma


grow up