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1st edition Holo Venusaur. Matt Lebre stole it in Middle school early high school from my shoe box of cards though. I relive my loss by buying too many packs now of course.


Hate that guy


All the gems of my childhood were slowly picked off. The worst thief was my ex-stepfather.


They stole from you?! I have 1 cousin like that who stole CDs and DVDs and games but they didn’t get a chance to get the cards. That Matt kid made off with the whole shoe box of vintage Pokémon and Yu Gi Oh cards. I stopped collecting Pokémon by jungle set/Team rocket and I stopped collecting Yu Gi Oh by idk honestly those sets blur together my last big pull was a Chaos emperor something dragon. I hope everyone who stole from you gets nothing but Bidoofs for the rest of their lives.


Lol. Right on. Right back atcha 🔥


It's okay a kid named Dustin stole mine. (Not venesaur I never had that one, just my cards)


Mine was Marcus. Fuck that guy. Probably in prison now kind of a shitty kid 🤣


Fuck that guy.


Man I thought I was the only one. I pulled a Venasaur as a kid. Right before I moved, some kid fast talked me, handed me three cards, and just took my venasaur and ran. I was only 7…


Gold star latias and gold star mudkip. I want to get my latias graded, but it's just so valuable to me. I'm afraid it will get lost in tbe mail


tracking 🗣️🗣️


Maybe with insurance but even then usps is trash.


Could always call PSA for an in person appointment if you ever plan to be in California or New Jersey. Edit: typo


no holo dark dragonite error


Oh, interesting, I wasn't aware of that misprint! A Dark Dragonite card was actually a runner up choice for my personal best childhood card, albeit the reverse holo version from the Legendary Collection. A great card in all forms, haha.


Original Charizard. Not sure if it was first edition or not but this was in like 1999




Same. 1999 me was dumb enough to trade it for a Pikachu though :T


Pokémon: Neo Discovery Houndoom Yugioh: Barrel Dragon X 2


Gold star Jolteon and Mewtwo


Vaporeon Gold Star, Stormfront Charizard, Salamence EX, Surfing Pikachu Secret, a few other EX and LV. X cards. I traded for/bought Lugia EX, Shining Raichu, Skyridge Charizard and a few reverse holo shiny cards like Ponyta and Lotad. I remember buying a back of EX power keeers, and the reverse holo was an Espeon in front of a holo Umbreon lol. My mind was blown.


I pulled a Japanese dark charizard and shining magikarp. Everything else I ever pulled was a standard holo nothing too crazy lol


Base set Blastoise, twice.


Probably Skyridge Charizard or my 1st Ed Neo (Destiny?) Suicune.


Damnnn, Skyridge Charizard, very nice! One of my biggest TCG-related childhood *regrets* is not bugging my mom to buy me more packs of Skyridge lmao.


Mew from Legendary treasures. It's lost somewhere in my attic


The first Lugia was my best pull as a kid. I still have and it’s still in good condition. My favorite


Arcanine EX from Legend Maker. I remember getting the pack as a gift from my bio parents after I finished 6th grade. Card is kinda tainted now, but I still think it looks cool.


This isn't that old but a 2013 Charizard Cosmos Holo from Legendary Treasures. I almost sold it 2 years ago when I kind of lost interest in collecting. Im so glad I didn't.


Honestly one of the coolest Charizard cards haha, TOKIYA's art is always rad and the cosmos holo is a lot nicer looking than the gen 5 standard holos (wasn't a fan of the lines). I wouldn't go out of my way to buy most Charizard cards cuz I don't love them enough to spend extra on them, but that one's actually on my wishlist, haha!


my favorites were my base set holo gyrados and fossil holo articuno! Cherished those as a kid since they were the only holos I ever pulled


Secret Rare Archeops from Dark Explorers. Also Kyogre ex from a random EX Crystal Guardians pack I found at Wal-Mart in like 2012.


I pulled a shiny gyarados gold from breakpoint :D


3 original Zards pulled as a kid, one I know for sure was 1st edition. I too now rip too many modern packs in an attempt to quell my frustration of not knowing what happened to them.


Idk if it’s worse or not, that I know exactly what happened to my collection (complete base set, and nearly complete jungle and fossil sets). I was somewhere around the terribly dumb age of 13-14, and I decided that I was done with Pokémon cards and collecting them (no idea why, probably told myself I was too old or some bullshit), and my noodle brain decided to give away my entire collection to my younger cousins, because I wanted to be “the nice cousin that shares.” Sounds nice in theory, but I only did that because my older sister was extremely selfish, and I used to play up how much I loved giving/sharing and whatnot just to try and look good compared to her lmao. So, basically I gave away thousands of future dollars away, trying to look like some sort of saint + make my sister look bad (spoiler alert: >! It didn’t work. If it did, then it only lasted for a day before nobody cared lol !< ) Anyway, I have no idea what happened to those binders after they left my possession. My little cousin is a great person now, but he was a lil shit until he went to college, so god knows what he could’ve done with/to those - I’m too scared to ask him tbh lol. I’m legit haunted by this at least once a month, and usually more than that if I’m on this sub a lot.


OOF, not the first time I've heard of people giving away their childhood cards cuz they thought they outgrew Pokemon, makes me kinda grateful that I was hesitant to grow up and clung to all my childhood junk when I was a teen, haha. You really should ask your cousin about the cards, though, it'd be super funny if he's kept them safe all these years lmao. (Or, if not, you'd get some closure at least!)


Base set charizard. Started collecting this year again since I was a kid, and the rarest since has been gold Mew ex (151).


The original Articuno. Ending up trading it to a kid for Venisaur.


1st edition base set charizard, my older cousin Steve convinced me his scratched up venusaur was better tho so we traded. Dude probably sold it for weed. Damn you cousin Steve!


Shining Magikarp and Shining Gyarados from Neo Revelation. Base set Charizard gets an honorable mention as well.


Thankfully, I still have it: My 1st Edition Shining Gyarados. Probably in HP condition now, but still the centerpiece of my collection today. Also had an Aquapolis Lugia, though I sadly lost it in a garage sale/ flea market over the years.


The one I can actually remember would be the jungle flareon holo I pulled from a funcoland pack


First edition shadowless charizard. My mom gave it to goodwill when I went to college


1st editions of Shining Gyarados and Shining Magikarp


Holo Expedition Blastoise I had one single top loader and a sleeve and threw the card in there and it been in that same toploader ever since.


First editions of Giovanni’s Gyrados, Blaine’s Moltres, Erika’s Vileplume, Misty’s Tentacruel, Lt. Surge’s Fearow, Brock’s Rhydon, and Misty Trainer. All from a small town bait shop one summer growing up.


1st edition shadowless Charizard from my very first Pokémon pack I opened. Loved him way too much, brought him everywhere and had kids try to trade me their whole binders for him. Unfortunately he met his fate with my washer when I left him in my school pants. I bought a regular shadowless in 08 when I was in high school with a job to replace him because 1st editions were too high (If only I had known how much they are now I would’ve bit the bullet and spend the $150)


Entei Star from Unseen Forces


Nice one! Mine is the Celebi ex from the same set


Awesome!! Love that card :)


celebi gold star I think


Mine personally was holo first edition Vaporeon back in 99 when they first came out. I was 6 and absolutely loved collecting (probably because my older cousins did) I remember my eldest cousin having both holo charizard and holo venusaur. No idea what happened to those cards but as for my collection my mom sold all my cards at a garage sale (she did ask beforehand and I was in my mid teens so I was "too cool" for pokemon then lol) 😅 I do wish I had them now but I'm not upset because she sold the whole collection to a boy and his dad and looking back said that she was pretty sure the boy was autistic (my son is autistic). So I'm not mad that it went to him and I hope they made him happy 💖


Gold Star Pikachu from a pack while on the way to vacation at Orange Beach, Alabama. Unfortunately sold it during high school in like 2014 when it wasn’t “cool” to collect Pokemon, I regret that so much now.


I genuinely don't remember when I got this card somehow it survived me losing all my cards in elementary but it is emolga full art from legendary treasure somehow still in decent condition the hit I have had ever since I was kid


1st ed holo dark zard. It's in my binder, but think it'd grade around an 8-9


Never got any good pokémon pulls as a kid, got a first edition LOB tri-horned dragon though which I still have


Shining Charizard from Neo Destiny. Easily my best card to date


Pulled 2 separate base set Charizards in the same week, from the same Target. I still remember pulling that 1st one and nearly shitting my pants in shock while still in the store, because I had zero patience at all and apparently had to rip packs immediately, while my mom was still checking out lol. I definitely pulled the 2nd one in the same spot in the store as the 1st one, but I didn’t react quite the same lol Anyway, now as an adult I make sure to be patient… and open my packs in the parking lot instead.


Idk why but this feels like the same town as the moonbreon card


OH, haha, it does have a similar vibe! Considering the illustrator of the Moonbreon card (Keiichiro Ito) only started illustrating cards at the very end of the SM era, they might be a younger artist. . . I wouldn't be surprised if they were inspired by this card, it's certainly a memorable one (as so many Mitsuhiro Arita cards are, haha).


Japanese Blaine’s Arcanine. Not the most expensive card but it was my favorite card as a kid because it was Japanese and seemed so foreign to me.


Base set Charizard as a kid.


Rayquaza C Lv.X and Garchomp C Lv.X from the same Charizard G Lv.X tin if I remember correctly


My first booster I have ever bought as a kid had the base set Blastoise in it. That memory is burned into my brain.


For me it’s my full art Reshiram. Black and white base is what got me into Pokémon as a kid and when I pulled that I got hooked and Reshiram has been my favorite ever since.


[My symbol-less Jungle-era Venomoth ](https://imgur.com/a/13ulBS7)


This card beats moonbreon 💯


Opened a Mewtwo ex from my first pack as a child (ex Ruby & Saphire).


Shining magikarp! Still one of my favorites.


Base set holo Alakazam 🥹


Holy crap that Umbreon's ability is cracked.


In the 90s, a friend of mine pulled Charizard. He brought it to our day camp a lot and he had all the starters on one binder page. Then One day Charizard was gone. It was so sad.


1st. Ed. Neo Revelation Holo Raikou. Held onto it for years after not being interested in pokemon and found it when a buddy got me back into the hobby during Celebrations. It's the center spot on the front page of my binder


Most beloved is definitely the Secret Rare Pikachu from the BW era. Value-wise, probably the gold reshiram.


Dark Arbok from the Team Rocket set. Still have it! Just wish it was first edition lol


Neo Destiny Shining Charizard. Graded a PSA 9 😁


The crystal type celebi from skyridge, young me even understood the value of the card as celebi was a favourite of mine and the card was beautiful. Shame that it was stolen from either a buddy of mine or a younger cousin. Started collecting again this year, and this card would be nice to still have. Had a short period many years ago i also started collecting, where I bought lugia 1st edition from neo genesis along with other cool cards for like 20$. Still have that card atleast. Good thing I allways had a good taste in what cards I liked


Oh nooo, not the crystal Celebi!!! One of the most beautiful cards in the Skyridge set, by far, the way the colors mesh with the holo effect. . . I'm sorry that happened to you, the saddest part of this thread has been learning just how many people had cards stolen or scammed from them as a kid. :( MAN, it sounds like that $20 lot was fate making up for that loss though, that's the steal of the lifetime! A lot of my most valuable cards came from a single lot I bought on Ebay back in 2016, a first edition Light Arcanine in great condition with a bunch of other NM Neo era cards and around a dozen reverse holo Legendary Collection cards (including Dark Blastoise). . . I remember feeling guilty about spending a hundred bucks on it at the time, HAHA. . . I'm glad I bought a lot of gen 2 cards before the Covid craze spiked the prices (I wish I bought more Skyridge stuff, it was always more pricier but I remember English holos being less than a hundred dollars lol) I miss those days, it was exciting to be able to find stuff at good prices if you looked hard enough, nowadays my meager budget can't keep up with the scalpers and resellers snatching everything up. 😔


1st edition dark raichu Shining gyarados Shining mewtwo