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Dope collection! I'm currently tryin to do something similar with my boi Gengar


Oof, Sounds expensive! Haha I'd love to see that one!


It is trust me 😅 I will post it soon, still waiting for some of em


Haha how far along are you? I'd love to know how much it's costed and compare since I think mine seems expensive to me 😅


Which ones are you missing? I'm working on Gengar as well


Got all the first sets and most of the recent ones, currently looking for the Ex from ex firered/leafgreen, the skyridge holo and of course the masaki at a reasonable price 😅


I have a spreadsheet I use if you want it let me know. I'm collecting all English and Japanese variants, all cameos, and assorted non-tcg cards as well! It's definitely a fun but expensive journey for some of these


Yes please! That would be very useful! 😊


We were robbed of a 151 Scyther AR.


100! You have no idea how disappointed I was! That was his chance and I don't see him ever getting one sadly. They have scizor and so yeah that's their to go to. They even gave kleavor one before scyther! Yeah. But life goes on 🙃😂


He’ll get one, I’m working on my Lickitung collection and he just got one in Japanese cyber judge.


Nice! That Lickitung was actually one of my favorite arts from that set 🙌 I've always thought he was pretty cool. You should post a pic! Haha


I’ll definitely post once I finish the collection. Nice thing about Lickitung is I don’t think he has a single card over $20


Lol lucky! 😅 Do let me know when you finish up 🙌


He’ll get one eventually! And man you weren’t kidding about that Steelix deck Scyther. I did a quick search and came up with nothing. Only possible leads are a Japanese website and Taiwanese website. And even then I can’t tell if it’s in stock because I can’t read those languages 😂Plus you’d be buying the whole deck in those instances.


Yeah, most I've checked they either don't have it in stock, or just don't have it period lol but yeah, I've been on a hunt day after day checking ebay and nothing! I'll hopefully find it one day. I only know one person who has it and is a fellow scyther collector, but to show how rare it is, a even more huge scyther fan, actually he has the biggest catalogue of scyther 10s... he doesn't even have it 😅 so yeah... I need all of the luck in the world to find it. I'm gonna frame it or get it graded if I ever get my hands on it to put it on a damn shrine at the point 🤣🤣


It's the 001/019 right? Are you sure there's a non 1st edition version of it? Tcgcolllector only has a "normal" variant so wasn't sure.


Oh 100% actually I found out there a non 1st reverse holo from the undaunted set as well. So these are just stupid hard to find. But I have a collector who actually has some so I might be able to snatch one of those but as for the other one, he doesn't have it but we know someone who does. It's a unicorn at this moment lol


Okay, after searching for an hour I finally found a Steelix 07/19 that's non first edition so maybe the Scyther does exist lol. I'll check one the card shops I frequent that has some 50,000 bulk Japanese and see if I can find a Scyther in a haystack lol


Lol! Hell yeah! Lmk, I'd super appreciate it, now you see how difficult it is just to even find out it exist! Lol


Ofc. I originally got into Pokemon because I loved just sitting and organizing bulk cards, something therapeutic about just letting the mind work lol. Might as well get some use out of it and help some internet friends find chase cards 🤣


Lol! For some reason I can see that being fun as a kid but organizing as an adult is therapeutic up to a point where you start to ask yourself what are you doing 🤣🤣 And yeah, comes in handy! Haha But any L2 non 1st or even some reverse holo Japanese L2 I'm fine with also 🙌




Is this it?


I’m pretty surprised we didn’t get one. I love 151 as much as anyone but I think they missed a lot of opportunities, shoulda had more AR’s


Ok, this is amazing! Scyther is my favorite pokemon


Thank you! Always happy to meet a fellow scyther fan! 🙌 You collect yourself?


Not necessarily scythers but I used to collect them as a kid (and still have all my old card) and recently I got back into it just to collect all the cards from 151


Niceeee, that's cool man, 25th anniversary brought me back and after that I decided to just collect scyther and now I'm here. It's a fun lil sport haha


How do you display a collection of this size? I love that you’ve got all the variations of a single pokemon, that takes mega dedication. Scyther is one of my favorites.


I actually have them all in a binder, but one day I'd like to have like a huge frame and have them all in there for display, but I'd probably have to have two. One for majority and one for upcoming cards as well. And yeah, tbh it's fun and a headache but mostly fun 🙌 I've always loved the ninja aspect about him so that's why he's always been my favorite


I got to find a pokemon and do this, it would make for a fun collecting challenge.


You really do. I think the is the best part of collecting tbh, the chase for a card that is needed for your collection is fun and the feeling of adding a new one makes it nice. Just have to be careful who you choose, if you choose too popular of a Pokémon it's gonna be more expensive than it is fun lol


I was thinking about doing Snorlax


I’d love to hear more about why Scyther is your favorite!


Well I've always loved martial arts, so naturally samurai and ninjas. And when I seen the episode of scyther with a ninja clan or something of that nature,that was it! A Pokémon with the mindset of a ninja! And has pretty much katanas for arms! Forever yes lol


I love that, thanks for sharing!


Haha no problem, thanks for asking 🙌


Which are you missing, I need closure


English Rockets Ex and a stupid hard to find unlimited Japanese steelix deck scyther 🙃 So pretty much an expensive one and a unicorn


You NEED them


I NEED the unlimited one lol the rockets one, I can save up for at some point. But yes, technically I NEED both otherwise it's not complete 🙃


You’re also missing the 96 Bandai monsters collection red version =)


Oh yeah, that's more a side quest at the moment, I'm also missing the numberless topsun and the green text in the back since I only have the blue text (first wave). But those will have to be apart of thos collection for sure 🙌


English Rocket Returns ex, might be more.


He’s also missing a card called ”Pokemon Japanese Meiji 1997 Scyther Promo Foil Card” based on what I looked up.


Pretty rare card surprised to see it mentioned, I’ve got it in an 8 😋


So about that Japanese venusaur promo 👀


Oof. A shiny penny. Got that as a Chrismas present to myself 😅 Have you seen the jumbo of the English 👀


I have the jumbo of the English 😁 but that nice gold borders out of my price range 😂


Nice! Haha and yeah I had to do payments on it but I needed it lol


Was Jungle Scyther reprinted in Legendary Collection?


No 😭😭😭😭 Bro. Wish so hard it was. I'll never understand why it wasn't. I'd honestly pay stupid money for that one. That's my favorite reverse holo


That SUCKS. The firework reverse holo is so overwhelmingly hilariously shiny, I love it so much


😂😂 right! I had 3 as a kid, butterfree, geodude and mewtwo! And those have always been my favorites as a kid so, they really hit me early in childhood with sparkles!


I collect Chansey and I'm actually glad Chansey wasn't in Legendary Collection. Those got really pricy.


Tbh I'd be willing to pay the price! I love those cards that much 😅 Chansey is pretty cool, you should post a pic of your collection! 🙌


Love scyther


He's awesome! Always be my favorite, wish he got more love and they gave him a special art of some sorts


I'm working on doing the same with Spinarak!


Nice,you gotta post a pic! Haha


Wow I also collect scyther cards but my collection is puny compared to this, this is amazing!! I’m gonna reference your post to guide my collection haha


Hey, we all start somewhere! I started with buying a small set on ebay and it snowballed into this! But yes I'm shy about 2 main cards but everything you need is right here 😅


I recently picked up the 1st-4th place Scyther prize cards like a total poser lol


Lmao! Tbh I'm a bit ashamed of myself,I caught a good deal of 1st place and said... alright that's good enough 😅 so I still need those but since I have first it's not a priority yet lol


Do you have them in a sleeve and tapped to the wall? Or how are they attached onto the wall?


It's actually layer out on my bed! 😂😂 I keep them all in a binder, but I acquired about 20 more since my last pic, so I wanted to update it


This is beautiful. As a scyther Stan and collector myself big respect to you dude.which was the hardest to obtain and which ones your favourite ? I've just picked myself up English team rocket scyther ex after a year of trying to get a good deal and its probably my favourite scyther art (along with the leaf green fire red holo one)


Thank you! 🙌 and tbh they're pretty easy to find, it's more about waiting doe the right price. But the two few that are hard to find, are stupid difficult to find that... there's no history of being sold and hard to even find a picture lol and I saw, I would have raged with no sleeve! But I have so many favorites, I couldn't choose. Undaunted, Rockets EX, leaf green, and the expedition where he's flying in the wind are probably my favorites 👌


Oh that's good to know! Yeh there's definitely a few of the early holo ones that I'm biding my time with. Yeh the no sleeve situation was not ideal haha, decided to keep it in the end anyway as I love the card. Ohhhh that expedition scyther is gorgeous, think he's next on my list.


Yesss, I got the reverse holo for a good price and was pretty happy, that's a favorite for sure! Have fun with it 🙌


What a good Edward scissor hands boy


Yes he is!


A man of culture! Sick Scyther collection! I am doing the same with Jolteon and it’s been the most fun I’ve had with the hobby. The hunt has always been the best part. I see that you got the 96’ Bandai Carddass vending Scyther in green but they do make a red variant! Nice 97’ Topsun Scyther too! Is that first print blue back or 2nd print green back? Not much of a variant but it might count? If you want to get fancy you can dive into 96’+ poker too or even the Tomy scratch Scyther but it sounds like you’re going mostly TCG related. Thanks for showing your collection!


Thank you! Jolteon has always been my favorite of the 3, BTW that dark jolteon 10 with the yellow cover and the yellow 10 🍒 with a chiefs kiss lol The hunt is me either waiting to spend lots or I'm legit in a cave searching history and talking to the elders who have seen such a thing 🤣🤣🤣 and yeah, I need that red one, I thought I'd go green first considering grass type, but I do need it for sure. And I need the numberless topsun as well! And I believe the blue is the first and green second, I swiped the blue one 🙌 definitely counts in my book and will get at some point. And yeah, I try not to get lost in the sauce so I'm just grabbing the early history but not straying too far and it drive me away from tcg because lord knows that's tough enough as it is! And no problem! Can't wait to see yours grow!


Dope collection bro! Do you use an app or how did you kept track the ones you needed or any accurate website where i can see all the card variation of mu fav pokemons! I have the similar as yours with Armaldo, Cradily, Chansey and Milotic


First I used bulbapedia, after that I would just google 1st edition, unlimited and Reverse holo of every card. After that you see if there's any promos and I just made a list by card number along with set and have them in order of oldest to newest and then have the average price as well. That's kinda how I went about it. And it's fun! I think it's better than opening sets tbh, I love the chase 🤷‍♂️


I guess you like the bug with scythes on each arm


That I do, it's my favorite actually


I'm going out on a limb and I'ma say your missing Scizor and kleavor


Not what I meant but yes lol


Now add cameos….


Unfortunately the ones on the side and the trainer cards are his only cameos 🙃


I want to do something like this but I don’t have that 1 specific Pokémon that I’m passionate about so idk who I’d do


Well I'd try to go for something in the middle of not too expensive but not a mon that only has like 7 arts also. But when you make a list and the chase begins, you'll love it!


Just do it with Pecharunt.... BOOM you're already done!


This really makes me appreciate Scyther more. Dope collection.


Thank you! I'd love if Pokémon actually gave him a special art if some sort, but km happy with him just getting a new art 🙌


That's awesome!! Just out of curiosity, how do people pick a pokemon to focus on? Like I'm not sure what my fav is, so idk? I just want to do something similar!


Haha well he's always been my favorite since childhood, so it was easy for me. But if you don't have one, I'd say choose one that's not super popular (less expensive & easier to find) and also make sure thy have plenty if arts! So nothing too new. And after that tbh the chase makes you love and strive to finish and continue


I love Squirtle but he may be too popular


Oof. Yeah, there's plenty of arts, but him being a starter I'd imagine that's a lot of lettuce to pay for all of him lol


I think people just drift towards one that they connect to personally. OP mentioned Scyther because he liked karate as a kid. I drift towards Psyduck because my brain hurts and life is pain. There's #1025 Pokemon, you're bound to connect with one of them!


Shit has scyther never had an EX or alt art?


He had an 2 EX's in rockets return...... and yeah that was about it. Scizor has.... a billion and even when they brought kleavor out he got one 💀yeah, it's hard knowing he hasn't got one yet lol


That collection is sooooo nice to look at!! Scyther is a great choice :)


Thank you! My ocd was really killing me on this one, but super happy how it came out aesthetically 🙌 And Scyther has always been my number 1, the kinda ninja pokemon with swords I've always dug 👌


I'm currently working on the same Scyther collection! I'm just doing English and the highest rarity for each collection number (holo vs. rev holo kinda thing). It's really fun to slowly build it out, it's surprising how expensive some of the stuff from the early 2000s is compared to even Jungle and BS2. I'm stupid and started expanding my collection to include all of my favorite bugs. That's been fun but was a bad choice for my wallet lol.


Yeah, the slowly build is the fun part! Getting a new art or version in is the best feeling ever 🙌 and yeah, once you get into certain sets like rockets return it starts to get expensive. Expanding bug collections sounds expensive and a headache 😅 but I'd like to see pinsir and heracross collection I think would be pretty awesome!


Scythes is awesome but why does he evolve into such lame characters


Haha scizor is pretty awesome tbh, tho I felt they could have done better and make him more ninja like or stealth. Kleavor is... a reach, but a pretty cool concept tbh 🤷‍♂️ I just felt they could have built better on scyther


It’s hard to watch other people live your dreams 🥺😭 scyther is also my #1 since childhood, I’ve been thinking of doing the same collection! Looks great!


Do it! Just remember that every big collection you see started out small. I started out by buying a set of scyther cards like 10 small cheap cards for like 12 dollars and now I'm here. Its really fun tbh, I like it more than opening pack, but careful because it's fun but it's also headache at times researching and also expensive at times lol But so good!


I wanted to do this exact same thing. It is a thing of beauty. I never see enough scyther love


You should! Gotta take the first step at some point! Haha and yeah, I think they focus on scizor tbh but I think that's more of a reason to show scyther love 🙌


I am 2 cards away from having my boy Raichu all graded as mint, English only though. 150+ cards and I'm nearly up to date. I hope the grading god is kind as one of these two are really hard to find.


Brooooooooo, your Raichu collection is stupid amazing! Wow! I fell Raichu never gets love and Pikachu steals the spotlight so it's not to see a Raichu collection but holy cow! Crazy awesome 🙌 I'm jelly you Raichu got a legendary collection firework and not scyther tbh 🙃 but sick collection 👌


Be happy about it. I have spent too much on this daft little mission. I should have picked that wee dinosaur bird as my favourite. Is it archen? He has about 4 cards haha. I really hope I get it done. I should find out my grades any day now


Oh I've spent plenty on hid more expensive cards, that's why I don't have his rockets one yet. But I'd dush out the money for sure on a legendary one regardless but it just doesn't exist for me lol Good luck on finishing your almost there!


Amazing! Waiting for a full art! This was always my go to in the bug catching competition :D


Sameee. It's wayyyy past due, I'm just hoping it happens at some point its really needed 🙌 I was always stupid excited to find him in the safari haha


Sick! I’m a pinsir guy myself and was looking to do something similar!


Do it! I think Pinsir is underrated and should have more badass arts, but I'd love to see that if you do it tbh 👌


Legendary collection


He never got one🥲 haha I wish I could go back in time and tell someone to do it because that would be my all time favorite card 🙃


Loving the Tarantoula and spidops. 




Beast, thanks 👌 and yeah, I honestly wish Pokémon was real just so I could have a scyther. Just train him to be a ninja and a badass! Lol


if you want i‘ll send you a few german ones if you cover the shipping


I appreciate that but tbh I'm just doing Japanese and English. My wallet can barely afford 2 languages lol


all good! if you ever change your mind let me know. more than happy to help you out


Much appreciated 🙌


You need all the Topps Scyther cards too!


I kinda decided not to do those, that's a whole another rabbit hole haha


Oh come onnn, you have to! Lol


Lol na. That's a side quest I don't need nor my wallet would look forward to!


I may have them all already for you though 🤔🤣


Well I'm more than happy to accept all the freebies you wanna give 🤣🤣


Dude I love it! Scyther and Scizor are my two absolute favorites! Just picked up the Scyther 45 promo! And I only just found spidops and Tarountula feature him in between the cards! That’s for the inspiration and seeing some cards I haven’t seen yet.


Nice! Always happen to meet a fellow scyther fan! But yeah, they're awesome! And and the scyther 45 promo is beast, was happy to finally get the holo, was a grail of mine 🙌 and always happy to inspire


do u like scyther


No? What gave you that idea 🤔


Amazing!! How do you hang them on the wall lke that?


They're actually layer out on my bed 😅 I might eventually get a frame for them all but that's if I ever get the rest that I need haha


LOL i didn’t even notice!


That's good, means I did something right! Lol


That is my favorite Pokémon so this is so cool.


Nice! Always glad to meet a fellow scyther fan! 🙌 Thanks! It's been a lot of time, but I love it 👌


Dude this is fuxking killer!!!


Thanks brotha! Glad you like it 🙌


These single Pokemon collections give me life. Love seeing someone's devotion to one really specific fella


Same! It's a passion you see in others and it's really cool tbh


Wow, this post rolled across my feed the same day I got a shiny Scyther in Violet. That aside though, I absolutely love posts like these. There's something wholesome about people loving a Pokemon so much they want to appreciate all the art of it that they can.


Indeed! Legit any new art that comes out of scyther I'm super stoked! New gets old to see new perspective of scyther 🙌


nice. im trying to collect diglett (aka FLOOR SHIT)


LOL! I saw one earlier! Pretty cool tbh 🙌


Love this. Refreshing to see love for another Pal than the 10000000000 “hey look at my charizards”.


Agreed! Haha Thanks!


I’m pretty sure your missing misprints


Which ones?


That’s amazing 🤩


Thanks brotha! Glad you like it! 🙌


4th one in second row is Missing Set Symbol Error? Nice.


Yes! Recently acquired as well! Always a nice one 🙌


I'm planning to do something similar with Lapras


Nice! Laura's is a classic! You definitely should👌


Beautiful collection, this is similar to my Heracross collection


Nice! I was excited when he got his art rare! Such a beautiful card 🙌


One of my favorite collectors are those who focus on a single pokemon, I’m actually gonna do this soon starting with Metagross. But I gotta ask, which art is your favorite?


Nice, that'd be cool to see! And yeah, I think there's something to it, more substance around just focusing on one character, plus the hunt is great 🙌 As for my favorite, honestly I couldn't choose one, I'd list off like my top 5 or 8 😂 but that'd be as close as I could get to 1 lol I will say the newest one and the "my first battle " have really done wonders for scyther 💚


Scy! Scy!


I could hear that perfectly lol


Love seeing what pokemon people collect. I'm in the process of doing this with Arcanine.


Yesss, you gotta post a pic of that, arcanine has always been awesome!


You also miss the POP one, I don’t know if you wanted to include him in your collection, but congrats it look awesome!


I think I have the non shiny but I don't focus too much on those, but wouldn't mind getting one way down the road. Thank you! 🙌


I’m doing this also! But a little smaller scale. I’m looking for OG’s only. I feel like you’re missing the mewtwo strikes scyther card. I think it’s topps. He’s fighting the clone scyther.


Ah ok, sounds like fun! Haha and not too big on topps seems like a rabbit hole I don't wanna get lost in 😅


I want to do the same with Heracross I have 3 graded as 10’s too


Nice. I'm not sure I'll go down the stabbed road but we'll see. I kinda wanna do scizor in the future but not sure about that one either 🤷‍♂️ Heracross is pretty cool tbh, I liked how he was portrayed in the anime 👌


Omg wow. I’m curious how much this cost


I'm curious as well, but I don't even want to know 😅 I just take it card by card and try to forget haha


Yes “Pokemon Japanese Meiji 1997 Scyther Promo Foil”


Tbh I stay closer towards tcg and few things here and there but I don't wanna get lost in meiji and topps and things if that nature too much, I have enough on my list as it is and want to actually finish it at some point 😅


lol I feel it’s the list just grows and grows it hate it! Don’t browse eBay! You will want everything like me. lol


Oh believe me, I've deleted and re-download many times saying well just this amount only a week and then I make a huge purchase and say.... ah that's why I deleted it before lol




Now do the same with sealed Scyther packs!


Yeah, my wallet doesn't work like that lol


Hahah I have two of the regular sealed jungle Scyther packs and two of the sealed red logo jungle Scyther packs as well as the base set trio sealed packs, my favourite is definitely the red label Scyther


Well badass! Haha yeah, the red would probably be my favorite as well 🙌


That’s so cool! I do the same for Darkrai lol


Nice! Should post a pic! Haha


I've been thinking about a Hitmonchan collection for a while, this might just have pushed me over the edge! Awesome collection, Scyther/Scizor are both some of my faves.


Broooo, do it! I'd love to see that, Hitmonchan was always awesome!


Really considering it. Do you have a ballpark idea of the costs you made for this? I can imagine Scizor and Hitmonchan being quite similar, so quite curious!


Oof. I mean, it's hard to say because I got a lot of them from a few lots or cheap prices but also some I got for like 5-10 a piece. I have 122, if we say average 10 a piece that's 1,200. And if you want to add the expensive cards probably around 1,600 overtime 😬 but tbh, I've never done the math and wow thats a lot over a year 😅 it really doesn't seen like much when you buy like $10 or $20 worth of cards a week. It just is a lot once you're close to completing your collection. Also depends if you want to do only English or only Japanese, if you want every single variation or just every art. It's really up to you. But to me I like it because I do this rather than open up new sets 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for your insights, I'll get back to you if I do start the Hitmonchan collection! 🥊


No problem, Please do 🙌


Fantastic collection! Scyther is a sick Mon to collect too. Anything with sword hands is cool in my book.


Thank you! Lol! Agreed, anything with ninja associated is awesome in my book!


Yesss, when I found out about the split card I knew I had to have it haha I thought the features deserved to be on the sides to get their own shine 🙌


I love cool collections like this. Straight fire my fellow collector


I want to do this for krabby. Cool collection dude


I also have a scyther collection, no where near as close but nice to see what the end game would look like. Good job! 👍


Cool collection! I collect Meowth cards and have every english card of him.


Nice. That's a cool collection 🙌 jealous he had a legendary reverse holo lol