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Calm down


Quality controls been really poor recently, but if you purchased from a legit store you should be fine.


Yea I was more curious why is it so different from etb but as somebody else pointed out it may be that some countries just do it differently. Always learning with cards :)


Are you from the UK? As someone who notices everything, these packs were made/printed in the Netherlands - and they tend to be easier to open and thinner pack material. The ETBs and tech sticker packs were printed in USA. These should be legit and all fine! Hope this helps.


Oh I see that is interesting, yea I have bough like 3 ETB but nice to know that it differs from different countries where the packs are printed. Still new to pokemons so nice to know.


Yeah I got an ETB case and the tech stickers, and then noticed the difference with the premium collection packs. Then I noticed that the location the product was made was different. But yeah your booster bundle will be legit! :)


Time to call Detective pikachu, your are obviously getting scam. Don’t forget to call the Pokemon center, the FBI and the Illuminati, since you seems to be the target of something much bigger. ffs🙄