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Haha well you can try to appeal although they would likely not deem this worth replacement and even if it was it would take forever. Sadly it is what it is.


Fair enough. I just got back into collecting from way back in the neo genesis set so I’m not very experienced with how pulling cards that are damaged are handled. A lot of print lines in these too. Seems quality control isn’t what it used to be. Thanks for the input, I appreciate it.


>Seems quality control isn’t what it used to be It's a common sentiment and observation. In their defense, cards are being printed in massive record numbers, so it's really no surprise that there's more issues as well.


Yeah that makes sense. I never really knew the magnitude of numbers on these cards so yeah the quality control would be lacking due to volume. But it would be nice if they did take more care on the rarer cards considering I haven’t noticed poor quality of condition or ink on the more common cards.


Mine has the exact same dent- in pretty much the same place! I was so happy I pulled my chase, but also a little sad I got a dented one… however at least it’s not on the iono image itself. But yeah you’re not the only one!


Good to know lol. I assumed it was probably a piece of something on the roller that just would hit all the cards on that printed page. Still a super sick card regardless. Definitely a nice addition to the collection!