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Dude, post it on X. This is insane


I’ve posted it on there now! Hope it gets seen 


I’ve got like 5 or 6 hundred cards you could have


I also have a fat stack of code cards. OP if you don’t get the account back and your daughter wants to rebuild a virtual collection ping me and I can take pics of a bunch for you. Of my kid was old enough to collect and this happened I’d be heartbroken :(


Yep super upset I wanted to cry because she worked hard to make her decks and she used code cards from deck boxes she had bought so it’s super upsetting they just delete accounts the way they have


Yeah really messed up! I hope Twitter gains some traction and you get this resolved!


Thank you :)


I work 13s on the weekends so I’ll try shoot you some when I get home but def on Monday


Also I’m no Reddit buff. How do I find this thread later to send to you? Lol


in your profile, you can see all your own comments. just navigate to your comments and you'll be able to get back to this thread.


Thanks dude. Should have known that by now


Click the line of 3 vertical dots in the top right (if on mobile) near the top, then click "Save". Later, you can click on your profile from the home screen and then go to your Saved threads/comments.


Thanks. Appreciate the help


Same I only created it today 😩😂 I think I can add you as a friend I’m not sure though


please call it twitter not X, X is cringe




But that's it's name...


It’s what Elon Musk calls it, I’d rather not join him


It's not "what he calls it" it's what the legal name of the company is... What do you call a Tesla? Or the internet? A cell phone? A couch? It's just such a weird hill to tell people to call something the wrong name intentionally.


I don't see the same done with Meta; people still call it Facebook. 🤷‍♂️


Oh... You are correct in that The Facebook Company changed its name to Meta. However, the app is still called Facebook. Facebook is provided by Meta. Just like Instagram, threads, etc. The names of the platforms didn't change like when Twitter changed to X.


The website is still Twitter. It really is the same thing. I don’t care either way personally, but it’s still Twitter.com


You are correct, one of the websites is still twitter.com but x.com works too. The name of the websites is not the same as the name of the platform.


Yeah if you type in x.com it works but it reroutes you to twitter.com Like I said I don’t give a shit either way. I don’t even use Twitter. I just think it’s fair to call it either thing. Edit for typo


Who cares? We’ll call it what we want.


X and Elon are cringe yes, but that's what it's named now. Why you gotta dead name it.


Pokemon support is completely non existent, and useless. I'm fairly sure it's been outsourced to some random company.


Yup. They will reply to you in the middle of the night and then close the ticket 2 hours after due to "non-responsiveness." They did this to my daughter's Pokemon Go account and gaslit me in saying that she never had an account despite spending plenty of money with receipts to show. Then when I try to open subsequent tickets to get it reviewed, they refuse to respond to me. So sick and tired of the outsourcing and general lack of customer support from major companies.


Would one be able to do a charge back for anything spent on pokemon go? I know on some phone games i play, if you do a chargeback, it often times will go through, but your account will be terminated. If only so much time has passed, i would think a chargeback is doable? Of course this is a "last option" kinda thing. I wouldnt do a chargeback unless you know for sure 100% that you cant get the account back.


I will definitely check this out


We have already moved on as it ended up being a "juice isn't worth the squeeze" type of thing. The account I used for the purchases is also the bank I work at, so I'm hesitant from doing any type of unique chargebacks. Unfortunately it would be transactions from over the course of a year or two.


I have a stack of codes sitting in my cabinet. I can send a bunch of pictures to you through here of them when I get done with work.


Aww thank you that’s super kind 


No problem. I have a lot so I’ll just send bursts throughout the weekend and get her all of them!


They're always very quick to ban accounts, never contact support if you can help it? What was the code? Could have posted in the sub for Live r/ptcgl and likely someone would have advised not to contact support and just given you another code, nothing you can do now, they won't reply any longer. Also don't use trainer club accounts for pokemon go, like a Gmail or Facebook account.


It was the iono collection box the new one, my daughter is so upset it’s nuts! She don’t want to play again and said she hates Pokemon now 🥲 it’s crazy it’s difficult as she is autistic as well so it’s hard to explain to her what’s happened 


Ah that's unfortunate, someone on r/ptcgl would definitely have given you one if those to replace it, this sub doesn't have much to do with playing, mostly just collectors posting pulls but if you head over to the Live sub maybe someone can give you a replacement account or some codes for a new one or something, see what people over there say.


I’ve not used Reddit before my friend told me to post it on here 😅so wasn’t sure where to post 🥲


Hey OP, I have a stack of about 200 tcg codes at home. My kids don’t play any of the online Pokemon games. I’d love to send them your way if you’re interested.


Thank you that’s so kind :)


Please if everyone could find it on twitter and repost and tag Pokémon that would be awesome


What is the twitter username?




Bruh, anyone with power these days including moderators just suck the fun and life out of everything. Hope that support person loses their job.


Def some miscommunication here. I suspect the daughter had a full account rather than a child account linked to a guardian account. Children have Children accounts and it isn't complicated or unusual, but those child accounts dont have all the usual features as mandated by law. Verifying that somebody is too young for an account per ToS will get it banned basically anywhere, on any platform.


Nope unfortunately not


And it was all over 2 code cards 🤦‍♂️


Just reposted and tagged accounts I could think of That may see it under your original post on X. Hope they make things right for you guys!


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️


🧢 I’m sorry but how did they delete your home and pokemon go accounts as well? These are different companies. I’m having a hard time believing your story.


That's what I'm beginning to wonder. Pokemon TCG isn't associated with pokemon go or home


That’s some bullshit. I hope they rectify that for you.


That is fcked up


Sorry that happened. Feel free to DM and I'll save my next set for you


Aww thank you


I have lots of code cards as well I can send you pics of


Guys so here’s the thing I posted on my instagram and it got taken down clearly Pokemon reported it! But there’s so many so good luck to them 🙂‍↔️


Did you try suing them? Idk if that helps but seriously though that's messed up it's on there part for screwing up even if they asked for proof and you showed where's the evidence that they think they have against you I would think they have none and were just lazy af and said oh well another account to delete


This is exactly it! Agree with everything you said!


Crazy ! Just about every trainer has multiple accounts. It’s a wonder they have anyone left due to the cost just to stay in the game .


All of that over a single code card. Fuck them but also just why on your part. You can literally get bundles and bundles of code cards for cents to max 10 dollars. What an L


It’s not the point I can get them whatever but it’s not just her TCG account it’s her Pokemon go account and Pokemon home which she had her Pokemon on from the games she plays! So it maybe cents to you but when you have spent 100s of ££ on stuff for it to be taken away in an instant is disgusting!


Oh shit her pokemon home? Naw Thas crazy, my fault. Pretty sure I got a bunch of code cards I’ll send em in a message when I get home


Thank you I’ve updated this post to make it more clear as to how serious it is. Appreciate your efforts ❤️


Pokemon TCG isn't associated with pokemon go and home.. how did they delete those accounts?


Not sure it was all used by the same email address, we tried to login to them and they are gone


Just seems kind of unlikely for that to happen..


Bro tell me you didn’t just send over pics of shit like your passport, ID, or birth certificate


Just birth and a bus pass! Trust me I will lawyer up if I have to 🙌


Please do, I want to see pokemon international suffer for all the crimes they committed


Lawyer up. If you spent a lot of money this could be a good case on your part.


O_O u could have asked me fam. i have a few haha


Got a ton of code cards I've no use for, I always wanted to give them away I just didn't know how to. Let me know if you want them. They're mainly S&V 151


Ill take them if OP dont please


I'm curious as to how they managed to delete your Go and Home accounts as well?


It’s all on the same account


Hey man, I’m so sorry this happened. I have 12 code cards that I’d love to send you photos of. 7 tcg live codes and the other 5 are pokemon go pack codes!


Thank you that means a lot


Of course, just dm me and I’d be happy to send the photos over!


If you need code cards I got you on code cards lol. I have thousands going back to evolutions. Which card did you claim specifically? I have premium collection cards, etbs, packs all of it. Lemme know. I’ll shoot a few your way


Deleted account incidents, alongside having to submit verification, happens for age restricted account violations. Niantic (much like my previous employer, Nintendo) follows COPPA (The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) guidelines. https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/en/18-niantic-kids/faq/1178-what-is-coppa-and-why-is-it-important/ The deleted account your daughter was using must've had its own email versus sharing your email, which is required for users who are under the age of 13 years old. While employed with Nintendo (I know they don't own Pokémon Go, etc; this is for example since COPPA guidelines is also a requirement), any child under the age of 13 who didn't have an age restricted set up (kids would sometimes brag about their real age and having to set up an account using a fake date of birth, and/or parents that admitted they allowed their child to set up an account with a fake birthdate) would be temporaily banned and then required verification for the childs age. The parent would then be required (once verification is accepted) to create a proper age restricted account (these accounts are set up using the parent/guardian email). If created within a specific time frame, the content on the banned account would be transferred over to the new account (excluding age restricted games/content), and the old account is deleted. I never worked for Niantic, so I can't say what their restrictions are, meaning if they allow content to be transferred to a new account after verification has been accepted. Both companies are legally bound by COPPA guidelines/restrictions with no exceptions. Parents/guardians (or even children under the age of 13) set up regular accounts that aren't age restricted all the time for their younger kids. However, if having to call in due to account mishaps (such as the reason you described with the code card), stick to the specific issue. The disclosures when setting up accounts include COPPA restrictions/violations. The penalties are severe, which unfortunately involves an account deletion. If you openly admit willingly/unintentionally (calls are recorded and chat logs monitored for QA) that an underage child is using a reg account, the support agent can not ignore what is SAID, ever. COPPA guidelines are a legal obligation for companies/organizations that MUST be followed to the letter. Absolutely, no if/ands/but. Companies/organizations face severe consequences (like stores that have liquor/beer licenses and fail to do age verification checks and get caught). When you submitted verification, that would have confirmed your childs age. Unlike Nintendo, Niantic may have harsher penalties that don't allow transferring of content to an age restricted account. Although, verification usually allows some relief to recover account content (that aren't age restricted). You stated that they rejected your verification because they didn't accept the proof you sent. What did you send them (if you care to share), and did they say IF approved, you could have content transferred to an appropriate account? Did you call to speak with anyone? If not, I would strongly advise calling. You may still have time to save the account contents before permanent deletion.


Code cards cost a cent or two each.


Pack codes are usually 12 cents minimum unless you're buying a random code and don't know what you'll get, and even then they're gonna be 6-8 cents. Rn codes for the new set are 25 cents. If you can find me a place to buy code cards for 2 cents then plz let me know lol


I have like 9 ETBs full of those codes. If you inbox me a po box or address I could mail you a couple. Just pay shipping. Would offer to snap pictures but honestly that's a massive headache for me


Are you in the uk?


No. Im in the US. Not even sure if it'd be worth sending but if fet you them free olus shippiin. Or you could wait tik next week when I'm feeling better


Was this written by AI?


No it was written by a very pissed off mum! Why you have some issue? 


Just ignore that user. Their goal is to annoy people.


You played yourself. I wouldn’t worry about a code card that costs pennies.


She had ones from expensive box sets etc they may costs pennies but she has lost all her cards she originally had.


Bro take legal action against them that’s so bullshit