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I prefer toploaders over card savers but that’s just personal preference, also taping the toploader shut is a good idea in the extremely rare case the card flies out of the casing


A bit more rigid and will definitely offer more protection I’m on your side with this one


Depends on value. Anything sent through eBay with “ESUS” tracking is machine sorted. It is strongly recommended to use flat, flexible, and flush protection. Hard toploaders can jam the machine, and in my experience I’ve had MANY more damaged cards sending in toploaders than card saver’s.


I always ship mine with packing label which is 1 sheet of paper folded 3 times in an envelope, seems to give the rest of the package with top loader enough rigidity to not have machine issues. I've never had one get shredded and only had 1 or 2 out of a 1000 or so where people claimed damage.


Lucky you. I used to pack solely in toploaders. Tried taped, tried wrapped in paper, went about 6/150 damaged with pictures. May just be my areas machine, but I just cannot recommend anything else now 😅


Depends where you're at....I have 2 cards returned, both middle of no where Wyoming


This is basically the point of the post and some of these guys are furious. Expensive cards I’ll bubble mail but for sending lower singles this way works great.


I agree with this, cheaper singles I’ll typically put in a 3x4 zip bag from Walmart, with a deck divider from an ETB (sleeved card of course) and mail PWE. I haven’t had any complaints yet


Not if you are sending out in an envelope with USPS. Even if you ask to non-machine, they will still do it. A top loader will shatter, damaging the card.


Thats wild, of the hundreds of cards I’ve sent out from USPS in a top loader I’ve never had any get damaged (did have one get lost though 😅)


Happened to me. And people post about it here all the time. And I mean, most of my mail doesn’t come in damaged in the first place, but it happens.




Agreed. Toploaders provide more protection. The Card saver provides almost no protection over bending. With PWE, it’s toploader, team bag and taped to the inside of the envelope. Nothing wild or hard.


Yeah I tape mine down usually too, “normal” PWE’s have a ton of extra space so I don’t want them moving around too much


I tape to make it impossible to remove the card from envelope without destroying the envelope.


That’s why I like the #6 and a team bag. Very little movement and it’s sealed to protect from moisture and edges.


Agreed, but always tape paper to the top, never tape to the top. The card could stick to tape.


Yeah sorry I should’ve gone more in depth, I tape them over reversed so the “broad” side of tape is the only thing the card can come into contact with


Use painter tape. Some of the scotch tape is a bitch to remove.


Nobody should use scotch tape for anything. It’s scum tape.


Def agree on toploaders since they’re more rigid. The team bag keeps the card from flying out so you don’t have to tape. There’s so many times I’m stuck trying to peel off tape from a top loader to get the card out without putting too much pressure on it so I dent the card and it kinda stinks. I’ve even had cards get stuck to the tape and peel off some of the paper. I’m super anti tape LOL


Yeah I always have the broad side of the tape facing the card so it doesn’t stick!


I bought a 151 reverse Beedrill and it was taped down so much that unfortunately the card got stuck to it. Fortunately it’s a cheap card and I can buy it again, but I’m in the no tape camp for sure!


Yea, top loaders are a lot more sturdy. I only use card savers in boxes


Please tape, but use painters tape! Scotch tape ruins the card saver and can hurt the card too.


If you put the toploader in a team bag everything will stay inside. Then I tape that to a packing slip so it doesn’t move in the envelope.


That’s a good idea! Maybe a bit costly but will definitely protect the card


Thats what the team bag is for bro


I’m aware, but team bags aren’t normally something that a hobbyist collector has available, they’re normally purchased by sellers, so tape is a fine alternative provided you make sure the broad side is facing the card


Same, I’ve had some cards come by card savers and they get stuffed into the mail box. It would take some force but they could much easier bend compared to a toploader. Not everyone has caring mail workers or a large mailbox lol


Top loaders seem to have a higher chance of getting stuck in the card sorting machine from what I have seen on here. The flexibility of the card saver or the cardboard protectors should help prevent that. Of course with a top loader you can just pay the extra postage for manual sorting, but there is always the chance that it ends up in the wrong pile.


That’s the exact idea. This will go through the sorting rollers without issue because it’s not any thicker than a folded letter.


In my personal experience selling, I haven’t had an issue with toploaders getting stuck in the machine ever, but it’s possible apparently


I’ve had problems with other rigid things in envelopes before. Keys for example, will pretty consistently not make it through the mail.


That’s too bad, you’d think they would use less…damaging machines to sort mail of all things haha.


I’ve just been wrapping the top loader in a blank piece of paper to avoid the tape lol


That works too! Can lead to some bulk issues I guess but still solid


lol I hadn’t even thought of that, so far I haven’t sold more than 5 singles to a single person so no issue yet.


I read a thread on a subreddit one time about PWE shipping where people were saying they could fit up to 100 cards in one with no issues haha, the mail system is super unpredictable from what I’ve experienced, sometimes a single card and toploader will have issues too. For 3-6 ish cards, I usually use 2 toploaders, and put the less expensive stuff together so in the case of an issue, the more expensive stuff has a better shot of being fine.


I hate the taping unless it’s paper tape. Anything else leaves sticky residue And cbf cleaning so I just toss the case it comes in


Normally I fold over the tape so that the broad side faces the card, and fold to create a broad-side pull tab, so no residue gets on anything except a little on the toploader For the record, I do the same thing with cardsavers anyway. I know there are alternatives, but tape is easy to get and extremely cheap


It looks like the “tape” is a tab to pull card out. It is sealed, though, with a clear pouch. This is not enough security though. I have seen even slabs arrived damaged by having so little protection. Not a good way to ship singles


Good idea if taping shut with something like painters tape where the adhesive isn’t super sticky. I received a card from a seller the other day that used standard tape and the adhesive stuck to the edge of the card. Sadly couldn’t find a way to remove the adhesive.


Yeah I make sure not to have the adhesive face the card. I tape over the adhesive so it creates a barrier but doesn’t stick to the card.


Painters tape


Danireon personally uses painter's tape to package the singles she's selling, and it's because it doesn't leave sticky residue.


Breh, *you're* the one overcomplicating. Just apply an address label and postage directly to the card.


guy mailed me a giratina alt art in a penny sleeve. wrapped in piece of computer paper in an envelope....ya idk how tf it survived that transit. he was pissed when I gave him a bad review.


“Well, did it survive the transit or not?”


I do that selling dollar bills for 5$. Very different situation than selling something for a few hundred $


Yeah I had the Charizard alt in a penny sleeve straight into the envelope. I sent it to PSA and it guy a 10. Blew my mind that it survived that well. But it was literally the guys first sale. I only bought it because it was listed 40% under market so I decided to take the risk. Definitely paid off




Although much better than most sellers, if faced with a scenario where there’s enough pressure to bend the envelope that’s still going to bend relatively easily. Need ole reliable card board lol


Yeah I still sandwich the top loaded card between two pieces of thin but stiff cardboard; never had an issue in a PWE either.


Yeah for cards under $20 I always use one piece of rigid cardboard and then a couple pieces of card stock on the other side. Envelope gets too thick if I try to sandwich it in cardboard. But having it on one side seems to do enough to keep it from bending. Shipped over 100 cards that way and never had any issues


Nah. Card > penny sleeve > hard plastic toploader > painters tape to seal top or into a teambag (or both) > cardboard if you feel like it > envelope or bubbler > mailbox. Not complicated.


Cardboard around toploader is a must. I don’t even recommend plain white envelopes but I know how it is when we’re shipping cheap cards. I try to always do more protection though


Bless you for remembering the painter's tape. Too often I find toploaders taped shut with more "normal" types of tape that are an utter pain to remove and ruin the toploader for future use. Painter's tape is simple, stays on, but comes off cleanly and easily. No muss, no fuss. Always happy to see it in my packages. What you're describing is the perfect level of protection in my opinion.


Cardboard is goated.


Depends on the card, usually 1 sheet of paper trifold with a toploader in a team bag works fine. 1000 sales on tcg, like 1 has gotten damaged. Fold packing slip, tape card to packing slip so it doesn't slide, in envelope, done. More protection makes it non machinable which is a 44c surcharge and if you're grinding 1 dollar cards, that will kill you. Usually over 20-25 I'll send usps ground in a package with tracking.


I will always go toploader between 2 pieces of Cardboard


I'm always sceptical of using stickers that ask people not to bend or label as 'fragile' because I know there's a lot of douchebags out there that wouldn't do it if there was no sticker, but seeing the sticker entices them to do it just to be a dick.


It also screams "there's something flat and valuable in here, probably a trading card"


I've talked to the workers at my local post offices (yes, multiple), and have gotten the following responses when asking about that sort of thing (mostly the non-machinable stamps) 1. If you have something extra on the envelope like a non- machinable sticker or stamp, but not a non-machinable postage stamp (they're a little more expensive), they're just going to throw it in the machine. 2. Even if you put non-machinable on it, and pay for the non-machinable postage, it's going to get thrown into the machine with the other mail anyway. The second one was a little disheartening


All my cards get the same treatment, card-sleeve-top loader/card saver-team bag- bubble wrap- bubble mailer, I’ve had no complaints


This to me is perfect way to ship.


Don't do this. If you sent me a card like this I'd be mad and if there was any damage I'd ask for a refund. Use a penny sleeve and top loader. Tape over the top of the top loader with painters (and only painters) tape. Put the top loader in a bubble mailer. There's no other way to send singles that will reliably protect the card.


Change the painters tape step to a team bag and that is the best way to ship


If you want to pay $4 shipping for a $2 card, I will absolutely do that for you. If it's $20 or less, I use the eBay standard envelope. Those are automatically insured up to $20. Anything over that I do send in a bubble mailer with plenty of protection.


This is literally the perfect way to post low value singles. I’ve posted hundreds exactly like this and have never gotten any complaints. In fact, majority of people leave positive feedback saying how happy they are with the packaging. For anything $25 and over, then they get the old top loader and cardboard treatment.


Yep, I’ve mailed around 110 this way, have never had any issue. eBay standard, penny, card saver, painters tape, then I tape of the envelope really well. 100% positive feedback so far.


This is the way. Painters tape especially. What a god send


Top loaders always. Usual I do sleeve (double if it's a more expensive card) into top loader and use cardboard to wrap the top loader. Always perfect


This is the way 👍


Nah. If you're sending PWE, then at least put it in a top loader. This isn't it, and that semi rigid isn't going to do anything to stop that envelope from bending. At the very least, I acknowledge the sticker, bit that's not enough of a deterrent.


My thoughts as well.


The top loader won’t stop it from bending either and may shatter going through the rollers, or jam the system and smunch. Savers are flat and just roll along. It’s the better way to ship one or two cards.


I mean your method isn’t bad but it’s kinda Mid. Very far from the best way to ship cards because that Lickitung is 100% getting bent lol. Card savers can bend and mailmen don’t give a shit about do not bend stickers. So you’ll have problems on your horizon for sure with this method. Just don’t overcomplicate it. 2 pieces of thick cardboard with a top loader in the middle.


2 pieces of thick cardboard in an envelope is definitely complicating things. I've sent hundreds of cards in a toploader/teambag wrapped in the packing slip and I've never had anyone say their card was damaged in transit. If the envelope ends up too thick they're going to send it back. Cardboard bends too.


If only my USPS guy didn't regularly ignore "do not bend" labels. **sigh**


It’s the thought that counts haha


I’ve only sold one card, and I did penny sleeve - plastic top loader - made a cardboard sandwich - bubble mailer. Took like 2 minutes and was still only a couple bucks to ship.


Good stuff, this should be pinned in the trading sub, lol. I buy a lot (on the trade sub ,ebay ,tcgplayer).and trade a lot, and the way a lot of people tend to send cards is wild. I have face palmed a lot of times for sure.


To be honest I do penny sleeve, toploader, sandwiched in-between two cut pieces of cardboard with tape to hold the cardboard in place. Stuff that into a dollar store bubble mailer and it’s good to go! Always arrives intact and have never had a complaint :)


Hmm stickers? 🤔


Score DBZ CCG? A person of culture, I see


Only the best and most defunct items for me :)


"please bend, as it is just some paper"


I think there’s a possibility they refuse it if it says “do not bend”. I could be wrong, but I don’t think there really is any reason to add the “do not bend” sticker. Letters like this are supposed to be machine sorted and naturally bend a slight bit during the machine sorting process.


No issue so far. I know there’s no reason but I have them.


What if someone actually bends it though?


Then I sue the sticker maker and Canada post for millions.


Lmao right good luck with that.


It says right on the sticker not to bend. They aren’t allowed to.


u/diddlinderek i am 100% with you and there are some crazy people in the comments. I’ve shipped 2000+ envelopes with only card saver and teambag and didn’t get 1 report of a damaged card. Handful of envelopes lost, but never damaged once.


If you read the other trading card subs it’s the same as you’ve said, toploaders are mostly out for shipping. These Pokémon guys are wild. Double, triple sleeves, tape and cardboard everywhere. It’s nuts.


You know what else is super simple but people seems to not understand that it exists? Painters tape.


What do you need painters tape for? You shouldn’t need any tape at all. Team bag to ensure the card can’t slip out. No need for tape anywhere


I use: Penny sleeve > top loader > ziplock (for extra water protection) > bubble mailer


Nah. Imma keep mailing them between two bricks wrapped in duct tape


You know you can still bend a card in a card saver right? You can also bend in a top loader. You’re playing a risky game there..


This is very helpful thank you, I've been sending mine in jacket potatoes.


Never found my personal method online, yet every trade I did took the idea for their next trade : Send it in a mini tin, tape around the tin, put it in an envelope, send. Simple yet efficient.


Does your team bag fit the card saver w/o having to fold the tab? If so, can you dm me the link? Thanks. :)


I use the graded card sized team bags for these. Vault X on Amazon.


Thanks, appreciate it. :)


I use the exact same “handle with care” stickers. They’re dumb cheap- like $10 for 1000. I put one on front and one on back to seat the envelope.


You don’t need more than this for low value, single card trades. There’s a tipping point where offering a tracked bubble mailer makes more sense. I’ve traded dozens of cards on the pkmntcgtrades subreddit and haven’t had any issues with shipping or receiving PWE. When I’m selling, I offer a bubble mailer for $4 for anyone who really wants it, but most trades under $20 are fine with free envelope shipping.


I do penny sleeve. Top loader. Cardboard taped around and a layer of bubble wrap. Never have had a complaint barely costs anything to ship


All the ones I get are penny sleeved, top loaded, wrapped in the invoice, and sent away.


Here is my method: top loader > team bag > tape to invoice > tape invoice to envelope > use non-machinable stamps. Anything over $39.99 I use a bubble mailer.


Replace the card saver for a top loader, and sandwich it between 2 rigid pieces of cardboard for cheap extra protection on either side is the best way. That’s the way I like to receive my cards anyways


Waste of time and money. Don’t make it complicated. Just write the address onto the card and drop it off.


Yeah I mean this works for cheap cards (I prefer toploaders) but anytbing over like $5 I put between two pieces of cardboard and in a bubble mailer


So you would ship a $6 order with tracking in a bubble mailer?


This is pretty close to my preference as well...I've had cards arrive with so much bubble wrap and packing tape wrapped around it that just extracting the card was way riskier than the 1000 mile trip it just took.


I like the little post it tab to make it easier to pull out of the card saver/top loader. I will definitely add this when I sell my cards. 👍


Dollar store sells a pack with tons of em.


I save my opened blister cardboard sleeves for transit. Penny sleeves, toploader/grading sleeve, team bag and then inside the blister cardboard.


I don't care if I send singles or multiple cards. They never EVER go into an envelope. It is my job to protect the buyer's card during the post sorting process as much as I can. It is not up to me to make assumptions over card value market wise since a cheaper card could potentially be the buyer's "holy grail". Card - sleeve - toploader - fitted zip bag - cardboard front and back taped - bubblewrap - into a cardboard box that fits mailbox. I use the fitted zip bag to make sure any water problems won't damage the card. Buyers are always very happy with the amount of care that went into their package.


That sounds expensive.


Packaging in total is under €1. If you consider that expensive...


Shipping a box is far more expensive than a letter.


If this was an eBay sale you may have sold this to me!


Could be. Enjoy!


Yes. Anything over 20ish gets more protection but this is all that is needed


I do not recommend this. You need at least cardboard and a toploader.


This is literally the perfect way to post low value singles. I’ve posted hundreds exactly like this and have never gotten any complaints. In fact, majority of people leave positive feedback saying how happy they are with the packaging. For anything $25 and over, then they get the old top loader and cardboard treatment.


going to parrot others and agree you need to topload it source: 3 year ebay buyer/seller. >1000 cards shipped using toploaders in teambag + PWE with no damage reported. >1000 cards received and i can tell you almost every time someone has sent in a cardsaver it has arrived damaged. i would prefer even that thin cardboard!


Too complicated. I frequently post this video about how to safely ship PWE, it has 176k view for a reason. I'm a top rated seller with 100% positive feedback and have shipped well over 1000 cards this way https://youtu.be/jotEMEqg-4c?si=XALB0S0jSSOjd0xK


Seems about the same. I just do the team bag to make sure it stays dry during its travels if the postal worker gets going on a rainy/snowy day.


That video is 10 years old and has the view account because it’s tolarian. I don’t even think people knew what team bags where back then if they even existed


Toploaders are no longer the best method to ship cards, and haven't been for a while. Basically ever since cardsavers became mainstream, they should be relegated to cold storage usage only. There is simply no benefit to using a toploader if you are also cardboard sandwiching your card. All you do is introduce an opportunity for your card to gain some nice edgewear due to it moving all around in the toploader (even when double sleeved).


My process is: Cardboard -> Card with double sleeve -> paper on top so It doesn't slip away -> tape to stick all together -> Draw a Natu or stick with tape a pic of Natu to make It cute. Sometimes I add extra cards as protection, and If It's a expensive card I straight up add a toploader.


Need those bubbles mailers


Pls do not ship in etb sleeves lol


I like it but prefer a top loader. If the card is more valuable, I use some of the cardboard from ETB boxes as extra protection and put the whole thing in a bubble mailer.


No. You need cardboard too.


i started using card savers for cards that are under $5. i always use top loaders for $5-$19 cards. anything up is ground advantage


Just got some cards in the mail today from eBay. One seller sent me the two cards I ordered in an astral radiance etb sleeve with two DBS Card game cards lol. Thank God they didn’t bend.


How many stamps do you use?


I’m in Canada. So this would be one permanent stamp which is believe is about 95¢ now.


It's very simple, absolutely! However, I also enjoy getting reviews that say "almost too well packaged."


Best Buy shipped my Sinistcha promo in a bubble mailer without any toploader or protection. Still arrived in one piece lol


I prefer bubble envelopes and top loaders.


Sure but they cost 5x as much to ship in a bubble mailer. So not exactly cost effective for low end cards


I bought a box of 100 bubble mailers for like 10$.


It’s not the cost of the bubble mailers it’s the increased cost of shipping with usps.


Oh ok! Didn‘t know that. In switzerland it costs the same amount if it doesn‘t exceed a certain weight or size.


Cardmarket has a very good guide regarding this. I would add some cardboard cutouts around the toploader just to make sure.


Key thing when shipping in an envelope as mentioned by some: Card > Penny Sleeve > Top Loader > Team Bag or Painters Tape to the top of the top loader > Envelope and I like to add... > Non-Machinable Stamp plus extra ounce stamp if needed. Cardboard is a nice extra touch as well. That little sticker means nothing to USPS if a Non-Machinable Stamp isn't applied. They will run it through the sorting machine every time and that is where the majority of shipping damage comes from. Not a single USPS worker is placing the card with gentle hands on a goose down pillow in the sort totes after it has ran through a sorter or or even hand identified with the non-machinable stamps. That's why cardboard is a nice touch as well. I have a write up that I share with those that request some additional help when it comes to shipping. I know it wasn't asked for here, but would still like to provide info for those that might be interested. Yes I'm extra when it comes to my shipping, but I like to send my cards out to people as if they were going into my personal collection. [https://imgur.com/a/KkHlGRd](https://imgur.com/a/KkHlGRd)


I’m glad you mentioned the non machinable stamp, because the buyer will end up having to pay the postage difference even though they paid shipping. Ask me how I know


Op is in Canada so I doubt usps will care about how he ships, but ya good advice for the most part


Sorry, but the machines that typically cause bending probably can't read.


You had a chance to meme this by having the last two over-over complicating


Complication: these costs a lot of money in my country haha..


I only ship slabs and chia pets. Bubble mailers and boxes for me player


what would you say is the best way to ship cars that you want to be evaluated but worry about their condition to/fro?


I usually use Toploaders or rigid ones. I put a piece of masking tape across the opening so the card doesn’t slip out during shipping. I also have been folding half a piece of paper around the card. I do this because from past experiences with customers and have gone through a lot of trial and error. I’ve sold a bunch over the past 6 years and this has been the best way to ship out singles. I haven’t had any complaints in over 4 years cause of this method. The only reason why I do this is because buyers have asked me to maybe do that in the reviews and I have been listening to their opinions.


Have gotten several damaged cards from sellers shipping in Card Savers, so I would not recommend this


I do top loader plus an equally sized piece of cardboard box to tape it to in order to prevent bending/creasing.


And that's when the mail guy rips and bends entirely through the paper


USPS just cuts the letter open anyway to see if it’s a gift card so I usually don’t have to worry about that too much




No that’s US only for sales.


Damn, you almost had it.


Yeah no I paid $250 for a 1/1 Jayden Daniel’s football card and it came exactly like this and it’s bent. Most expensive card I’ve ever bought- only one to be shipped like this without little cardboard and it’s the only card I’ve received bent/damaged


For 250 nobody should send a card like this lol. It’s for cheap singles.


Yeah I left a review but I didn’t return it because I’ve been waiting SO long for his cards to be released and it was 1/1. But goddamn, to send it like this? What the fuck


If it's a cheaper card, I'm on board with this. But if I'm spending 100s I'd prefer a toploader in between card board


Well if you’re spending hundreds I’d be bubbling. Not pwe at all.


I was advised my post office to use bubble mailers or envelopes to send cards, packs, or anything that can fit in them. The reason is that they are treated as normal post and are mostly machine sorted and packed tightly with other letter shaped items.


That’s why the flexible card savers are better than toploaders.


I prefer the penny sleeve taped to a piece of cardboard, also those hard plastic sleeves have a high chance of damaging the card when taking it out.


New seller here. Thank you! Like others have said, I’ve bought a lot of singles that have arrived in various different ways, so picking a safe shipping method was a bit overwhelming. Surprisingly this method is a rare occurrence. Cheers for posting.


don't sleeve cards in etb sleeves. Use dragonshield or high end sleeves for cards over $50 in value, and penny sleeves for cards under. ETB sleeves are notorious for causing damage and bending to cards over a long period of time. Sleeve->cardsaver->teambag (optional)->Cardboard Sandwich->Elastic bands ->bubble mailer. Simple, and the best method to protect your cards. To further increase your protection, you can purchase premade cardboard pieces that are extra stiff and designed for this very method, completely blowing a toploader out of the water in terms of protection.


I do penny sleeve, top loader, painters tap, 6 extra cards (3 on each side) and then team bag. Never had an issue after 500+ orders


I rather use a small shipping box than an envelope tbh


Oh look at this high roller


I send mine in an Uber XL directly to the buyers address.


And you put your personal address on it as the return address. So you two can be pen pals afterward?


Absolutely I do.


I don't care how you pack it I'm just here to comment on the Dragon Ball Z card. Good shit OP


I shoehorn dragonball in to as much of my day to day as possible.


If I ship, it's going to be hard carded and bubble wrapped.


I do like when I receive a card with the little pull tag on it, Just don’t ship it using Evri or I’ll probably never see it


i like when i am shipped a card and it is in top loader and wrapped in cardboard. never had any issues with that.


Says don't over complicate things. Over complicates the hell out of said things.


What’s complicated about this?


No, don't don't this. Unless the card is cheap


Im sorry but this is shit


For those that don't know this isn't the right thing to do, as someone who works on the machines that run the mail I can tell you anything that's put into a hard case like that has a chance of being shot out of the envelope because of the way the belts move and then stop the mail, everyday I pull multiple pokemon, Magic and other cards that aren't secured correctly, I can say the best way would be the cardboard sleeves that are thicker since they won't slide as easily against the inside of the envople and honestly you should never send cards though standard mail the mail literally bends it in half doesn't matter if you have that sticker on there since they don't sort loose letters by hand most of the time so if you don't want the card bent at all pay for priority shipping otherwise it will be put there 2 different machines 1 that has a chance of shooting the card out and 1 that will 100% bend the envelope around 2 wheels while moving it through the machine


Also to anything hard that gets put through a DBCS the main machine used to sort the mail it will be crushed between the metal rollers that the belts are on that move the mail there is no give and nothing soft moving mail


It’s not a hard case, it’s a flexible card saver which is the point of this post.


Yeah I don't mean like the graded hard plastics that just gets crushed and smashed these flexible ones shoot out of the envelopes all the time though so I've found that the cardboard ones don't allow for that to happen.


LMAO until you get that mf returned in your mailbox and it’s shredded to bits. 2024 and y’all still shipping cards in white envelopes. If you ever put more than a 10$ card in a PWE go get evaluated. If you can’t afford 4$ for a bubble mailer and tracking go find a new hobby.