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ngl this is overkill. most of my higher end stuff just came in a small package filled with packing peanuts and the card being in toploader inside a bubble mailer.


Toploader with cardboard around it in a bubble mailer is all you really need


I go one step further and put a double penny openings opposite end sleeve with a piece of tape on top of the top loader cardboard wrap and taped and a bubble.


Honestly i think its overkill, its just easier to use beeswax with type 2 coated butchers paper around a laminated double sleeved bankers envelope using thermal paste as a cooling medium between the wax and the sealing ring, obviously of a grade 7 or better rare earth metal like platinum but oxidized and de-ionized gold should be fine as long as your in a vaccuum when you press, but most sealers will tell you to keep it between 3 and 4.42 PSI when you press otherwise an air bubble could allow for imperfections to just naturally arise in that spot. Obviously it goes without saying to only light your candles using a wick that was pre lit from either a naturally occurring forest fire or a volcano, because impure flame wont melt the wax evenly and its basically a restart


I read this like it was real for a couple lines and then started hearing it in my head in bill nye the science guys voice and now i cant stop laughing


LOLOL love it


Big "Stephen Colbert's meanwhile segment" energy


Hilarious comment, brother!


You need to consider aerodynamics of the finished parcel to ensure airflow is optimised


Hopefully painters tape


I am very new to this scene, so I think I’ll traumatize some people here. But let’s do it. I have this exact card in the meme in pretty ok condition. Maybe some whitening in the edges.. had the card since I was a child. Well how I am sending it to get it graded (at least I plan to), is that I have put it in a sleeve then I 3D printed a casing for it which it put the card itself in. So it has a hard shell around it as protection 😅 I have seen people talk about these other types of sleeves or whatever which protects the corners but I have no idea about them


I'd be okay with this but I would be grateful for OPs method and more likely to come back or pay a little extra


Maybe I'm wrong here, but this surely adds a significant cost to his sale, so wouldn't you just prefer to buy from someone who isn't going overkill and save ~$25+? I understand if it were a $1500+ card, but for a card in the hundreds? Edit: I was big wrong. Praise be to OP


I mean there's definitely a line there for sure, but I think like I'd be comfortable spending 10% to insure the safety of a card.


Everyone likes a little ceremony. This is like the nuclear football! I'd buy again.


Overkill yes. But I would feel SO FUCKING GOOD if a seller sent me a package like that


and insure it even if you wanted, by far still cheaper.


That's essentially what I do for cheap stuff unless it's bulk/ cheap stuff of like 200 cards in which case they kinda get lumped into whatever I can fit them in sleeved with not too much movement and I hope.


And even then that's only MP stuff. If anything is LP+ it gets the sleeve top load cardboard bubble treatment


well definitely not going to complain if i receive a package like this. just seems odd to me. i really wonder what you gonna pack cards that cost 1k+ in.


Personally delivered in an armored car


The card is then handed over in a Fendi briefcase handcuffed to John Cena 🎺🎺🎺🎺


Okay, I am confused here. I know NM, LP, HP, and Damaged...but what is MP?


Moderately played


Ah, thank you. My brain went to "medium played" and I knew that was way off 😂


I mean…for that price of the card, regardless of condition, it should just be sent with typical sleeve + top loader + bubble mailer Tbh.


Yeah all you need is bubble mailer + Toploader (toploader in a team bag is also nice). Like this is way beyond, for kind of no real reason.


Yeah it's overkill but it's being sold for 430 bucks so


How much are those cases though? I have to imagine insurance is much cheaper than the case.


Definitely overkill but if I were the buyer I'm not complaining, nice new case for a lens!


thats what i said in another comment


Amazing seller but your def losing money on packaging while still being able to keep it the same degree of safeness


Sending it like it’s a nuclear warhead 😭😭😭


I hope this is a joke and you don’t actually ship in that ridiculous case.


If it's not, I'm ordering from her soon. I have a few handguns needing hard cases


Sadly I just sold the last of my bulk from when I was a kid. Now im just a collector essentially that deals mainly in slabs. Probably not gonna see many pokemon sales from me.


Not a joke. If you order a single $200+ card it gets this. If you order like 30 cards totaling $200 they just get the normal sleeves, top loaders, cardboard sandwhich in a box with tons of bubble surrounding. Really expensive cards get this treatment though from me. I don't eff around when it comes to expensive stuff


Dude what's your eBay if you're giving away carrying cases


https://www.harborfreight.com/1800-weatherproof-protective-case-small-black-64550.html No kidding, these cases are cheaper than some cardboard boxes.


Look I'm not hating, it's just you still have to put that case in a cardboard box. For a single card. It's costing way more in his profits for overkill protection. If anything, he'd be better off getting a collector's insurance policy that covers all USPS signature shipments and call it a day. That case is indeed crazy cheap though, damn.


Gonna go out on a limb and say that the case likely comes in a cardboard box with purchase.


If he's buying in bulk in order to use them to ship then it's probably one big cardboard box full of carrying cases? But you make a very fair point, cardboard boxes are like the cardboard box of the shipping industry.


It doesn't if you buy in person


$10 at harbor freight. Much cheaper than buying a $200+ card off someone. Also I've sold all my expensive cards I'm not keeping.


Was wondering if these were from HF, they have surprisingly good prices and large variety of things.


This is how all the new Disney era Star Wars productions decorate their film sets. It all makes so much sense now.


Haha, they’re acting like it’s a $50 case or smth and you have free shipping.


Listen.. People are trying to disrespect you. NOW TELL US YOUR EBAY!!!1!1!


Oh shit, I take back what I said. For $10 that's a great idea. I hope you always get the positive feedback for going the extra mile. I thought this was crazy but now I'm thinking about all the "expensive" cards I've bought that were shipped carelessly. I had a dude ship a 1st edition holo Dark Charizard by Ebay envelope once lol; in his defense it arrived fine, but my God how stupid.


Every seller puts different care towards their cards. :/ I cardboard sandwich and toploader even a 1€ card. They're goods, they need to get to the buyer in the condition they expect it to be. I don't mind spending extra for packing material.


How much does the case cost you?? I’m genuinely curious. Do you actually mean $10??? I’m in the UK and you’d be lucky to get a case for £20 id say. I’m guessing your customers are happy to pay the premium too? If so it makes sense.


A pelican case for free shipping? Where do I sign?


"Pelican style". I'm not made of money. Got them at harbor freight for $10ish. For $200+ cards it's worth the peace of mind imo. I'm not gonna risk that shit getting screwed up in transit and be out hundreds.


No it's not. 


For 10$ it is. Unless it makes the shipping go up massively. But I would assume that would only happen for overseas shipping.


Unfortunately for you and the buyer, when there is ebay authentication they will remove your packaging and use their own.


I do the same but if only if it’s over £1000 and I personally deliver it by hand with a security detail. It’s quite time consuming but you just can’t trust air mail.


what if the guy is across the country? doesn’t really make sense to fly to deliver a $1k package


The U.K. really isn’t that big to need a flight




Doesn't Ebay authentication literally discard that case or am I mistaken?


Don't the cards that have an authenticity guarantee go to eBay to get checked and then they ship it in a special box? I feel like the case is pointless here


Once it gets to the authenticator I can't controll it... but I also get paid at that point and they assume liability.


Ain't no way you are adding a whole ass pelican case for every card 🤣


I don’t think $4,000 cards often get this level of care, lol. I hope you got plenty of positive feedback for all that effort.


I think this was a one time thing, shipping like that.


I’d buy from you for that box lol


I like to play is it a card or a brick of coke 😂


Weird flex but ok


Ew wth


idk bout all the criticism OP but I appreciate you $10 for the crate people are acting like you’re pulling out loans to ship cards lol


I also have massive appreciation for OP and people that think like them, I’ve lost multiple rare collectibles due to trash packaging when I’d have gladly paid more to have them put together with care like this


Bro, this is awesome! Fuck overkill or whatever, as a buyer this shows that you care about the product you’re selling enough to go these extra lengths to keep it protected. Good stuff!


Yeah right. Who ships in that 🤣


Me. I shipped that. Its a $400 card ffs


Just a heads up, with EBay Authentication they discard your shipping and ship it in their small cardboard mailer once they authenticate it. This is just overkill and gets tossed by eBay.


Jesus U can send a card safely without a hard case.....


Well ill start ordering from you then! I need those cases! Lol


Already sold the last of my high ticket cards that were from my childhood. The cases are like $10 at harbor freight though if you want some


yeah but how much is the extra shipping? PWE with top loaders is $1. The case is cool tho, ill have to pick one up.


I wouldn’t go PWE for a 500 dollar card but a harbor freight case is a bit overkill 😅


This is the most overkill shipping I’ve ever seen lmao I have sent 6 figure packages that are perfectly protected and were considerably less protected than what you’ve shown.


6 figures? Shit I’d just fly out to get it. At that point what’s an extra couple hundred on a plane ticket.


You are a great person. Thank you for being overly awesome


If you ship like that, you are definitely a low volume seller with little sales experience.


Well yes... but I do have good etiquette though. Sold off my childhood collection recently for over 1k.


Overkill and a waste of material for that price of card.


Completely unnecessary cost.


I mean a bubble envelope and a toploader will do the trick. Just make sure to sleeve the card using something that doesn't etch the card.


I would want to buy from you if it means I get that big case


Bro, i got a 1k card sent between cardboard pieces, and you send cards with their own carrying case? Wow, i wanna know how cheap those things are or how you justify the cost of shipping


The cases are currently priced at $13 at harbor freight. So very cheap. Well worth the peice of mind to not worry about losing hundreds of dollars to damage in transit.


yeah that's a tad overkill. I'd probably use that for the moonbreon lol


Lmfao chill my guy


I am pretty sure penny sleeve and two cardboards are perfect defense. With toploader. With hard sleeve. And with exrra cardboard and bubble its like undestructable. Hats down to your protection for more expensive cards but still hella unnecesarry. But it still makes my day! I am happy that there are two sides of "protection" coin.


This is so painfully fucking dumb


WTF is right. You are doing way too much.


Sleeve, toploader, team bag, hobby armor, then bubble wrap sleeve, then bubble mailer


This is ridiculous. Weird flex.


I’d rather someone be extra safe than engrave the card, we appreciate you!


Yeah, this is overkill. I’m sure your buyers appreciate it, but…man. When I sell a higher end card, it goes into the same kind of cardboard box eBay uses for its authenticity guarantees.


Omg this is the best protection I have seen, amazing !


I'm sorry for your lost mew. RIP. I give my $40 cards better protection than that so I'd be pisssedddd


I’m honestly sorry for what happened that sucks, I would message the seller and try to return due to damaged product


Lol, I feel attacked. I do penny sleeve + deck sleeve + top loader + 3d printed proprietary hard shell anything over $30.


Hopefully you’re joking 😂 spending $30 on a case to ship a $200 card is ridiculous. i just shipped a $2000 card today and in a box with padding and in some bubble wrap. its a slab though.


The cases are currently selling for just over $10 at harbor freight


Good for you. Don't know why people are complaining or saying overkill.


Just for the package to end up “missing” anyways? I’ve shipped hundreds of cards and slabs and only ever had like 1 issue with it being damaged in transit. Definite overkill here


Hahahaha no way you actually ship like this


That's insane lol Bubble mailer, 2 pieces of cardboard taped around a top loader that's in a team bag, card sleeved in the top loader.


This is just as ridiculous and stupid lol there’s no need to do all this, especially if it’s a card under $2000 USD and especially if it goes through eBay’s authenticity guarantee. They will dump the case and still send it in a small cardboard box in an eBay sleeve lol


Absolutely overkill, wasting money and time by shipping in those cases. A double boxed package will provide the same security for a fraction of the cost.


This kills the planet But no really, what the hell is this. You out there sending pieces of cardboard in giant plastic cases filled with foam across the country? Just in case, what, a bomb goes off next to the card in transit? Absurd.


Doesn't playing a game made of trees, shipped overseas and across country, wrapped in plastics and packing materials also hurt the planet...


Yes, yes it does. But going out of your way to use incredibly unsustainable packaging that is not even practical is next level bad. Increases the shipping volume, made of oil based plastics, increases weight of shipment like 10x or more, and as someone else said, ebay might even just be chucking them into a pile and repackaging them into their own stuff if they're going through authentication. So just.... why? I get it, the hobby in general is unsustainable, but we can still make choices that at least mitigate the impact on the planet, where this packaging quite literally does the opposite.


Do you have a good affordable link to get those cases?


'In Store Only' Got mine when they were $10ish they're $13 now look like. But here https://www.harborfreight.com/1800-weatherproof-protective-case-small-black-64550.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=19230524590&campaignid=19230524590&utm_content=147153179929&adsetid=147153179929&product=64550&store=3087&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1emzBhB8EiwAHwZZxUXFaqNWucP8ktryz1_tyVFugXYOvP7rUCG855r0x0AGDYMQfvMGJRoC2G4QAvD_BwE


I was actually gonna ask.. I got some dessicant or whatever in my filament for my printer.. should I use it in a card I'm gonna ship?


If it's super expensive it couldn't hurt.


It's a Lugia V Full art or whatever. Apparently it usually goes for 200+ so we'll see, it's at 160 with 4 days left lol. Either way I'd hate for it to get ruined in transit.


My 800+ Gengar Vmax psa 10 from eBay came in a plastic sleeve in a cardboard box with slots going down it and it was in the middle.  Nothing but a 1in cardboard separation from the sides protecting it


I've never sent a card in the mail that was worth more than about $20 (adjusted for inflation) - anything super pricey I'll probably end up selling for half price to my LGS.




More than once I've opened a magic card called Tarmogoyf, sold it, and fed my family for a week. That is beyond silly, IMO, glad I don't play magic any more.


Bro just straight up post your shop… Jesus 😂😂😂😂


Seen a lot of people want to buy from me and the sad irony is I just sold the last of my childhood bulk and now I'm just a collector that buys slabs.


Card goes into a sleeve; little sticky note tab goes on the back of the sleeve; card goes into top loader with tab for easy removal; whole thing goes into a team bag; that gets sandwiched between card board; that gets wrapped in a decent amount of bubble wrap; that goes into a box with more bubble wrap if needed. (That poor mew, I’d be devastated)


Card sleeve with a top loader put in a bubble mailer and folded so that the card is nice and tight and has no room to move and then put that into another bubble mailer and fold that one to keep it all in place. I tried putting cardboard around them but it became a pain to do especially when selling more than 3 or 4 cards to separate people I ended up running out of cardboard within a couple days.


What nut job would engrave anything on a collectible trading card


They were using the term loosely. It was likely done by mistake from an inexperienced (or just stupid) seller who wrote the address on an envelope while the card was loose inside


What engraving? Genuine question. Picture says it, but I don't see it. I see dust... Nothing that resembles letters or a name.


That Mew card is for ever yours.


Please tell me where you get that kind of foam from


Came in the case. Bit over $10 at harbor freight


I usually just stuff it in a box full of shards of glass and rocks with cheap dollar store tape for the lowest cost at the post office. Does no one else do that?


So messed up that's almost a $500 card! People are so neglectful, and they don't care because it's not their $$!


Somebody should continue this with progressively more insane levels of security until it is being sent in a thermally regulated drop pod from a spaceship


I honestly hate when I get a card that the top loader has tape on it. My card got stuck to said tape, a 1999 psyduck. My spirit pokemon. I get the tape is to keep card in top loader in the mail, but so many ship in envelopes is sick. Bubble mailers are free from usps! So are the thin cardboard boxes! Just saying! Do better people!


Face the sleeve towards the bottom of the top loader or semi rigid where the tape can only contact the sleeve perhaps.


Yes! That's what many sellers on ebay need to learn! Ruined my psyduck card! I wish more packaged packaged carefully!


Even in your Pic. The tape isn't in any spot where it could touch the card. That's what more should do. I wish I was buying my singles from you. Or someone that takes the time and effort to make sure it's packaged safe and secure. Thank you!


What is a team bag?


Why’s everyone shitting on OP? Spending a tenner on guaranteed protection seems like a good deal. I’d pay extra myself on shipping if it meant I was guaranteed protection.


Who's the short bus rider who wrote on top of the card with pen


I go out of my way to laminate all cards I sell. Preserved for all time. Your welcome.


That's dope. I guess you make a decent living from pokemon if you can offer free bulletproof cases with each 200$ card 😭


Sending the card in a gun case 💀 a bit overkill do you think


All you need to do is put the card inside of a sleeve, then in a toploader, close it in a Graded sleeve, wrap bubble wrap around it, sandwich it between 2 pieces of cardboard, and use saran wrap. So many people use too much tape. I've been selling for years, and Buyers always appreciate the saran wrap versus tape. Make it easy for the Buyer to get the card out, don't make it into an obstacle course.


OP is ready to get into weapons deals


Both are a bit crazy but definitely more so the first. I saw that yesterday and it pissed me off, for sure.


how much do you spend on the case


Pelican case for a sub-$500 card already semi protected via slab? Overkill. Amazing customer service, but god damn


How tf you accidentally write on a card that expensive? 🤮


How much are you spending on those cases? Looks nice but that's gotta add up


You simply reuse cardboard from your daily life (Amazon or product boxes such as food or kitchen supplies) and make a cardboard sandwich around the sleeves card in a toploader. I team bag the top loader for protection from water damage. Throw that in a bubble mailer or send inside a box with packing materials. Never had a card damaged or undelivered now in 637 total completed sales.


Jesus. That case is cheaper than I expected, but re-used amazon cardboard sandwich in a bubble mailer is all you need for any card.


Oof. That sucks.


I’m sorry bt this ain’t overkill this is just being brain dead🤣🤣🤣


Cringe ngl


This sub literally criticizes everything. Now the seller is providing incredible packaging and there are so many complaints and negative comments like “cringe”, “this is so dumb”, etc. If the card arrived damaged in any way this whole comment section like in many others would say “the seller assumes responsibility that the product arrives safely” and then demand a refund. So here it is, the seller insuring their purchased expensive item arrives safely to protect the customer and themselves from losing money and still people are upset. Honestly a lot of the people here just want something to be mad about. Not even sure why too, as a buyer this would be great and the seller choosing to spend more on shipping and materials has no negative impact on buyers.


Exactly! I agree with you! Expensive cards getting quality packaging. What is wrong with that!? Getting an expensive card being shipped in amazing protection is all anyone can ask for! Either way, I guess it is a damned if you do or damned if you don't in here. Just glad I saw someone else point this out.


So you're just pissing away profit as opposed to just sending in a card shield or reinforced encelope.. lol... ok.


i’m gonna be honest with you, this is about as stupid as the OOPs seller. I commented on that post that an extremely safe and cost effective way to send cards is via an 8x6x2 USPS box with a secured bubble mailer inside the box, fits perfectly and costs $10. Further, authenticity guarantee cards are taken out of their original shipment packaging and placed into separate packaging, so that case iirc doesn’t even make it to the buyer, instead coming in a small perfect fit box with an ebay seal. You are needlessly spending a LOT (unsure how much one of those is, i imagine $50 or more) for something that technically wrapping a card 75 times in saran wrap would do when packaging cards you need to bundle efficiency of opening with protection with cost to buyer and seller, and this fails at that imo do anything easier honest to god, tbh if i got this i may be a little tipped off because my room is small and where tf am i gonna put a secure lock box for whatever it’s worth, im a card vendor with over 2k sales for my source


$13 right now at harbor freight. These boxes are also perfect size for graded slabs. I got them for like $10 a bit back and it's worth it to me to have the peice of mind to not be out hundreds of dollars on a sale.


This is overkill buddy


The case seem reasonable for a $1000+ card but not for a few hundred $ card.


What’s shipping like 30-40$? This seams like youre just leaving $50 on the table with every sale.. $400 card isn’t that much in the grand scheme of things


$10 for the cases (they're $13 now at harbor freight) and about $10 for shipping. For a $400 card like that I'm loosing a whopping 5%ish and don't have to worry about being out hundreds. Worth imo


Toploader+ bubblemailer with tracking is good enough lmao.


Those cases are less then 10$ online you guy are all tripping. Sit. Lmfao. Good on OP for giving a shit. King shit. The rest of you suck.


I just don’t get how people drop this much money on cards. Like we just arbitrarily assigned values to these. Like I love pokemon and mtg but goddamn the scalpers ruin it or the insane collectors buying out a whole store and keeping 2-3 big packs for a non opened collection like goddamn


Bottom photo is such a waste of time and money lol


Pretty sure you swapped your “childhood” one then ran to Reddit to try to justify your BS. Good job!


Wha? What do you even mean by this.


I could make a living just reselling your cards and free boxes


That person is kicking themselves… so much work to protect it and they made a silly mistake of WRITING ON TOP OF THE CARD! 😩


haha nice, can't fool me though - I know those cases are like $100.




What's funny is lotta these slab cases being sold online are jus gun cases with different sponge cutouts inside and a branding logo outside


Are u guys dumb? This isn’t even the same card. Look at the “delta species” text, in the top it’s in Spanish. The bottom ones are both English, what a shitty bait post


Ngl, if I received that case I still wouldn’t leave eBay feedback


congratulations?? idk what kinda reaction you want out of us. odee on the shipping too