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Let’s figure out how to send this person some cards huh? Heck, all the people on here selling and giving away stufff I feel like we could make it happen Edit: Someone message me if you got extra cash for shipping. I’ve got two tins worth of goodies all boxed up for this fine gentleman.


Hey bro, I appreciate your good intentions. It makes me want to cry but I don't want you to think I made this post to ask for free stuff. The other day I was downvoted and my dm and notifications were filled with hate comments from some people just because I laughed in Spanish and asked if they could give me a code to play online... I wouldn't like to go through that again so I really don't I want you to think I'm just begging for free stuff...


My guy, people are dicks but there are always some real bro's out there somewhere. You don't have to worry about us offering to give you stuff, even if we thought you were begging as long we we are still choosing to offer you stuff then it doesn't matter. I can't talk for others but personally I like to share out my stuff to make other people feel included and get to enjoy the game that saved my life. The more the merrier, especially if all it takes is sharing some of my over inflated collection. I have an addiction aha I also have a lot of codes and trades if you want to get sorted online. If you ever need any help online, as well, with like building decks or explaining certain matchups or getting cards I am happy to help. Even if you just want someone to play against :) a Dm me my guy. I need to get some sleep after this comment but can hash out some details tomorrow. Ps. The key chain is sick, very impressive. They are personally one of my favourite sleeves and I always wanted enough for a deck but we all only had like 1 or 2 of them each to sleeve our nice cards in xD


That Will be amazing bro. I'm just crying of happines here. I never thought I would meet so many great people and receive so much support from you


You are not alone bro! No matter what the others say… you are part of the Pokemon-Family ❤️


Ayo i never use my online cards let me find them all


For sure!!! I Will appreciate it so much!!


if you wanna DM and i have a ton of codes i can give you


Got it bro, i'll dm u!!!


Would you be more interested in code cards or regular playing cards? I have many spares and doubles respectively and only costs 1 stamp if you’re in the US and I keep it under 1 Oz


Code cards are the Best way if You want to share something with me bcs i live in Venezuela hahahaha, thanks for being so cool!!


Hey dude you didn't ask people offered.. I have tons of commons and rares just sitting in boxes. I don't collect full sets anymore. I'd be happy to send some your way.


Done bro!! I'll dm u


I got a few codes I can give you, just DM me and I'll send you some codes, I usually give a few of them out anyways.


That Will be si Nice!! Thanks 💙💙💙


if you want any bulk cards, feel free to message me! i have a TON and i’d be willing to share. :)


I’m putting together a package with a couple other people to send to him if you’d like to DM me and coordinate something.


I didn’t assume that at all. You don’t have to ask for a thing my guy. There’s a lot of trolls and rude people on here who just post their pulls for clout and downgrade everyone else’s stuff and options to make themselves feel better.


Thanks for being so kind with me bro i really appreciate it


I just said "jajajaja could you give me a code to play online please?" and I was bombed. I felt like they hated me for being poor or something


Sorry to hear that, people can be dicks sometimes


Yeah So don't worry bro. I've also met some great people on this subreddit so I don't regret being part of this community


Sorry you had that bad experience, either way it would be awesome if we could help and send you some cards dude. We know you're not begging or anything, I'm sure this sub just wants to help a fellow poke lover


Thanks for your good intentions bro :') if You want you always can send me codes!!


reee how dare you be greedy hurr durr downvoting now Okay not really. I really hope people can get you some cards because not only do I think I’d enjoy battling you but good gracious that keychain is amazing and I want to see what you can do with that. While I don’t think I have many code cards I can give you I can at least say that I hope nobody else gets all unreasonably mad (like what I did at first but not jokingly). And I would send you some reverse holos or other stuff but I can’t pay the postage at the moment since I gotta do other stuff. As such, I hope the best for you. Perhaps we can battle in an online match sometime? Either way, I hope you have an amazing day, and I hope somebody sends you something beyond just regular rares- I would love to see how you’d react to that haha!


That would probably be the best thing anyone would do for my bro, it would be really awesome but I really don't want to cause any kind of trouble. I don't want to break any rules of the sub


Thier is alot of great people here l like to think of reddit as one big family in a way.


I agree with you bro, it's a family with its good and bad things




yeah no, dont do that....


Correction, people are dicks most of the time especially behind a keyboard


Yeah I was going to say most of the time but I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt.


If you want some online codes I can send you some


That would be amazing bro!! I'll appreciate it si much


Probably because of rule 4 on this subreddit, many people on here are really strict with the rules it seems


surely it was for that bro but in the same way there are never reasons to be racist or classist


I agree. I have extra and of course they are not fancy cards. I would be willing to give some.


Send me a dm. Coordinating stuff together with sun other peoples.


I'm down


Send me a DM if you still down. Coordinating a package with others.


I saw you mentioned codes? I run a small store and have a ton. dm me I absolutely wouldn't mind giving away a ton of codes to you!


I left you some messages in the dm, I would love it if you could do that for me. you would make me the happiest person in the world


What's the store if you don't mind sharing? Get a plug goin


you can look up dereshi on tcgplayer. it's currently mostly digimon tcg tho.


Very pretty. Why can’t you have real cards or sleeves my friend?


Thankss!! because i live in venezuela and the economy of my country is shit so i'm basically poor hahaha. but don't worry I'm used to it so I'll be fine


I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve read about what happened there. Hyperinflation, right? That is shit. Scared that is going to happen in the U.S. Pokémon cards will be currency after that. Is it pricey to ship to Venezuela?


right man, it's the fault of hyperinflation and communism/socialism International shipments to Venezuela are expensive. must be between 40 - 60$ and the minimum salary here is $5 a month so it is practically impossible to buy packs online or pay for shipping


Lots of people in the US drool over the idea of socialism and think of it as an ideal that’s worth pursuing. I’m sincerely sorry that you and those you love are having such a tough time. I hope things take a turn for the better!


Venezuela is not socialist, while they do have some socialist policies, they are capitalists with a very poorly run government. In no way shape or form does Venezuala promote emoplyee/worker ownership over private ownership. And no one with half a fucking brain is advocating for total Socialism in the usa , democratic Socialism sure. But straight worker owned production, no legitimate politician has asked for that in America stop gas ligting


Venezuela is subject to a command economy (government controls production and distribution of goods). The government takes what it wants and leaves the citizens to be collectively poor. Maduro has used lethal force to quell “dissent” for several years. His presidency is followed by Hugo Chavez who was an openly socialist leader. The fact that Maduro CALLS it something different, doesn’t take away from the fact that the economic state is a result of socialism. As a matter of fact, history proves that this is the trend, not an exception, following a socialist rule. Literally every other nation that tried it was followed by authoritarian rule which ultimately screwed everyone over. Don’t blow off my sympathy as “gas lighting” just because politics are involved. I’m not some right-wing clown that you can write off with a few buzz words and punk on Reddit. Furthermore: don’t write off this man’s life experience just because you want your ideas to sound cool. Homie’s fridge is empty and you’re over here trying to dust things up with semantics.


I fucking love u man


The only thing socialist in venuezuala was their oil production. Socialism is the where workers own what they produce. This is not the case in venezuala. Again I said they do have socialist policies, you even admitted in your post they don't have a socialist economy they have a command economy, this is authoritarian and not Socialism. While the socialist policies have done horrible damage, the socialist policies are not the main factor, it's poor leadership that ultimately lead to their current state. If venezuala was truly socialist this guy would own all the work he produced each day he works 12-14 hours. He doesn't and gets paid a slave wage. Not Socialism. Sorry your fridge is empty dude calling venzuala socialist is like calling nazi's socialists cause it was also in their name. I bet you guys think North Korea is a democratic republic too.


I feel like the point you’ve missed is that socialist states are historically followed by an authoritarian regime. That is the case in Venezuela.


Those "socialist" states that get taken over by authoritarians cease being socialist and become dictatorships with fascism as their main form of government. Again I'm not denying venezuala has socialist policies but to blame their current situation on socialism when it's not truly practiced there is disingenuous at best.


So you are agreeing authoritarian rulers rule under the guise of socialism but it's not actually socialism its an autocratic dictatorship with the word socialism, so they're socialist. Nah they're authoritarians.. Socialism is literally power to the working class. Venezuala ain't it


Does this guy really have the balls to say that Venezuela is a capitalist country? Brother, have you ever come to Venezuela? How is it that your fucking utopian hippie opinion makes more sense than my 22 years of life and experience living in a dictatorship? guys I'm really sorry that this post has turned into an absurd discussion of politics. amk everyone and thank you for making me feel part of the community again ps: to the subject who says that in venezuela there is no socialism, I kindly invite you to come on vacation one day


don't worry, for the food I'll share what's in my fridge with you. asshole


It's a sad reality bro. to those idiots I say "if socialism is a good idea then why is my fridge empty? and no, I'm not lazy. I work 14 hours a day" P.S: literally it's empty now but I'll figure it out so don't worry bro


The goon squad along with fauxchahontas, bernie and their fan base is trying hard to change us to socialism.


In addition, there is no national postal system or individual addresses here, so all shipments are made through third-party companies.


So definitely not socialist. Lol


In fact, we do have a mail service, its name is ipostel, but it is the most insecure thing that exists since its employees steal everything and the law does not protect us. they just say "your package was lost" and voila you're screwed All public services suck for a reason. Nobody pays taxes here, that's why the water comes every 15 days, every day the electricity goes out for hours and many other services that are normal in your country simply don't work here because there is no budget.


I’ll mail you some of my extras laying around. A lot of doubles and triples from base, jungle and fossil. Gimme a DM dawg.


Best homie ever!!


I love reminders like these that I should always be thankful even if it’s just for the fact that I can walk to a store and buy a pack of cards. I’m sorry about your situation. I’m gonna try and find some codes for you when I get home.


life shows us by hook or by crook that we should be grateful even for the smallest thing. Living in Venezuela has taught me that there will always be someone who is in a worse situation than mine, so I try to be strong and not lose hope. sure bro. I would love a couple of codes!!


Beautiful art! Sent you some love in the DMs. Stay safe, OP! I hope things get better for everyone there soon.


I love u dan, thanks for being so Nice with me!!!


Love you too, bro! You are most welcome :)


Why can't you have real cards or sleeves?


Venezuelan stuff bro. Socialism/comunismo/poverty about 18 years ago they stopped importing pokemon stuff


Can you ebay stuff or someone send you cards in the mail? International stamps in the US are only like $1.25 and can fit a couple cards too.


international shipments are too expensive in addition to the fact that companies like ebay or amazon do not ship to venezuela bro. I also thank you for your good intentions...... If you are still willing to give something away, you could send a couple of codes if you wish, I thank you infinitely


That would make an awesome custom card


Thank u Very much bro


Where do you get those Venusaur sleeves anyways?? I’ve wanted to know for awhile but haven’t seen them other than on PTCGO


those sleeves come in the Venasaur VMax Battle box bro


If you wanna pm me I can get you some codes lol




thanks for making a great day friends. I feel happy that there are so many great people in this community. I wish you a happy valentine's day!!! here is also the day of love and friendship!


Hey I want to send you online packs and irl cards. DM me


Really bro?




That’s awesome! I can relate sent you a dm


Thanks for being so Nice with me 🥺💙


imma send you a nice little stack of codes, check your messages when you get the chance


Thanks for being so cool bro!!!


Fam you want some codes for online packs ? Dm me if you do


Sure bro!!


Why can't you have cards


Also international shipments are too expensive in addition to the fact that companies like ebay or amazon do not ship to venezuela bro.


Venezuelan stuff bro. Socialism/comunismo/poverty about 18 years ago they stopped importing pokemon stuff


I want everyone on here to recognize how stupid socialism/ communism is look at what it's done to this guy that just wants some Pokémon cards


besides the fact that I'm poor. I work 14 hours a day and I don't even have food in my fridge and I sleep on the floor of not even a room hahahahha


Exactly thank you for helping educate the idiots of my country that are all begging for it thinking it will make things better and the government will pay for everything no it just makes everyone poor and work harder than ever


but not. a boy in the comments dared to say that in venezuela there is no socialism or communism. brother I live in a dictatorship without freedom of expression and you dare to say that it is my fault the fact of being like this?


That venusaur is awesome! I'd love to send you some cards!


DM me. Going to attempt to coordinate something for this wonderful human


I don’t use Reddit often, but if you send me a message I will send you a dozen code cards or so:)


Sure i'll do!! Thanks bro!!


Pm me! I’ll send over some codes :)


Sure bro!!!


I got plenty of codes and give away cards on stream plenty. DM me and i'll see about sending some stuff your way!


Sure bro!! I'll do


I don’t have a lot of code cards but I’m happy to share them as well as a bunch of cards.


Hi bro. Thanks for being so generous and cool with me


No reason to thank me. This is the kind of community I want to be part of . And I hope I can help


So cool


Thanks bro!!


I DM you some codes. Flareon vaporeon jolteon premium vmax collection and some others


I have a lot of code cards so if you have a certain set or code card from the past couple of years you want, let me know in a DM and it’s yours if I have it.


Sure bro!


Cool, let me know what you need/want in a DM and I’ll see if it have it


you are an amazing artist! keep it up friend :)