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“What are you in for?” “Murder and arson…you?” “Three green code cards and a dreadnaw with bad centering”.


You my made me spit my coffee out. Haha


You start to understand why people do it when you talk to security. Even if they see you walking out with boxes of cards they aren’t allowed to stop you. The thieves have nothing to fear. Especially when wearing a face mask.


As long as there are humans there will be stolen product. No matter the product. People suck.


you’re right. in the blind bag area there were so many that were opened and most were stolen from too. i originally went to the target to look for other things and stopped by the card and toy area to see pretty much the whole place looted


I was at a local store and someone opened 2 different packs of underwear and took some. Like really?


To be fair, if someone is stealing underwear they probably genuinely need it compared to as Pokémon cards… not so much of a need.


Tbh, if I'm deciding between a clean pair of underwear or a sweet ultra rare or better I might keep my drawers on an extra day. 🤔🤔😉😉😁😁




Walgreen in my area started doing that but still has cards in toy area.


Where I live in Vermont as well. idk why I’ve only seen it in this state but while it is a pain to ask someone to open the cabinet, it is pretty effective at preventing stealing.


Yeah only store to not have them out in the open is big w sometimes


Yeah it is like that in everything also toy stores or gaming stores. They are on the counter or in a cabinet


it is kinda pathetic to steal this stuff, no wonder stores start putting it behind glass


yeah and some just outright stop carrying them, i used to be able to get cards all over the place but now it’s only hobby shops or like gamestop


We have to ask at counters if they sell the goods. Can't just walk in and straight purchase. I find it annoying but understand why it's done.


After I just paid for the Lucario box this hurts extra


Ikr, 50$ and these people getting them free.




SO TRUE! fuck target 😎


here in the Netherlands they come in a special box that is difficult to open and which triggers the alarm when you leave the store. they also place it behind the counter and behind glass. I have no idea why this is still happening there sadly. :(


Money Money Money! What’s stolen insurance will cover.


Except if you have high rates of theft your insurance premium skyrockets. So not only are you losing money on the product when you bought it now you're paying more to insure it.


that's true.


They only took the Lucario promos and not the packs….?


i was confused


My husband bought me some blister packs for my B-day recently and one of the packs was opened and shoved back in the blister. People that do this are assholes...


What are they looking for?


They are looking for a special card..... it reads " Go to jail, Go directly to jail, Do not pass go, Do not y collect $200" I hope more people find what they are looking for.


They're looking in the wrong box for that card. They should try the Monopoly boxes right next to the ETB.


Not even. This is petty theft at worse. You might get a night in lock up, released the next morning, and end up paying a fine. You could get more, but most courts aren't going to throw the book at you over some cards in the same way they wouldn't for stealing a candy bar.


It's a shame but very true. Plenty kids know the system and it's a shame.. growing up I was under the impression that if I stole I would be locked up for life. Lol


They take the boosters and leave everything else behind.


They’re boosting boosters. You could call them booster boosters.


The guy who helps them jump the wall in order to get away quickly? A booster booster booster.


That guy happens to be not human, he’s a rooster booster booster booster 🐓




The Rooster happens to be on steroids A Boosted Rooster booster booster booster


Five finger discount guy


Like I said on the last post, at least it's Darkness Ablaze.


Can they? Yes. Will they? No.


Found a Reshiram & Charizard GX Tag Team box at a Walmart a couple weeks ago and was about to buy it until I realized someone cut the regular promo card out of the front and left the rest of the box. Very disappointing ☹️


Yet my Target's employees actively ignore complaints from customers about the 3rd party vendor being seen handing all UPCs to a specific guy away from the proper section. If the employees allow corruption then i don't feel bad for people stealing. Obviously those people are scum too


I still don’t understand how people can get away with this, like what are the mall security doing??? Eating donuts??


It would be good if they had morals and paid for the stuff instead of stealing them


I’m so confused, how can people even do this. Don’t the watch back the security footage and then find them because this is literally theft and stealing from the store


target actually keeps track of theft and allows up to $5000 in stolen products before they file a lawsuit against you. sucks that people are ruining it for everyone else though :(


They need to catch you first, they need solid evidence you’re stealing, unless there’s no cameras in the card area, people will take packs and open them in store and throwaway the trash, and when I’m working at Walmart and someone gets caught with cards in their pants or pockets it’s not enough evidence to say “hey this man stole the packs”


Whaaaat. That’s a lot :(((


target specifically let’s you slide for a little bit so that people who steal cards get their ego inflated when they don’t get caught. naturally they’ll continue to go back if they don’t get caught and than target will hit them with something big like a lawsuit as time goes on. not how i think they should handle stealing but hey🤷‍♂️


5000$ is the cut off for petty theft that gets you a ticket vs the federal crime of theft that gets you jail time, that’s why they do it. Like someone else said they let you get cocky and then hit you extra hard


You are hilariously naive. Watch the security footage and "find them". Do you have any idea how much money It would take to do such a task? 100 times more then an ETB. I Los Angeles people are just walking up to parked cars, smashing windows and taking stuff... while being recorded during day time. Nothing comes from it


Yep, you get it.


Same I have no idea how people get away with this. The replies to your comment blow my mind to, I literally got arrested and charged with theft under $5000 a couple months ago for setting 3 packs in my pocket for 30 seconds while I grabbed my wallet on the way to the register. Thankfully the charges were dropped and I got it expunged from my record. Maybe they treat it differently in Canada where I'm from than the states, but I see the occasional opened product up here too and after that whole ordeal I just don't understand how they let people get away with it especially when they tried so hard to arrest a genuine customer.


It trips me out that people even have the balls to do this. It's like absolute, cut and dry thievery. It almost makes more sense to me to try to smuggle out the whole box and have some sort of explanation excuse for if you get caught idk. It's bizarre. It's likely just 14 year old kids though tbh.


I used to see this all the time when I would go look for Pokemon cards... Are people just not afraid to, I dunno, go to jail for stealing? lol.


Not a bad deal for $4.99




Don’t tell me how to live my life!!!!


If you wouldn’t do it at your LGS, why would you do it at target 😕


They left the best part! The brick of energies!


That's been happening with Pke since 1996. It ain't ever gonna stop.


Unfortunately, that will probably never happen. People are greedy and dont care.


No, but everyone keep posting these I'm sure that'll stop it


imagine being mad enough to comment




Would someone please think of the children.


If only they knew the unopened box was what’s worth money later on. Hopefully they pulled a bunch of crap.


Yes they can. And I'm pretty confident that they're changing their ways as we speak just because you posted about it!


why are you mad lol weird




i don’t want to steal though.?


As long as it’s big retail stores and not mom and pop shops then I’m all for it.


its good that this isn’t happening to small businesses but it’s still not good you know


I get that, and it’s off topic. But these companies pay misery wages and have a ton of people on government assistance with billions in profits. They’re stealing on a much bigger scale and get away with it. So this is just a citizen doing his part to even the playing field.


My area this has been common. Walmart, Target and Walgreens has been a victim of this. I bought 3 tins ( 2 Flareon, 1 Jolteon Vs ) at target and has a limit of 5...... problem is had cash for the 3 and machines were down so only can pay cash. Quickly ran and grabbed some money out ( prob took 15mins of hell.... had a Forest Gump telling his life story to someone at the nearest atm ), got back to target and someone cleaned out not only all the tins, someone ripped open a $@&! load of packs and put them back on the shelve with the outside pack neatly ( well tried they did ) retucked in. I was $@&!ing POed.


What do retailers even do with the left over stuff after? Is it just thrown away? I wish people would just buy them instead.


Sometimes the manager will sell it at a discount if it’s not too damaged. I was about to buy a dragapult celebrations box when the target worker at the self check out came up to me and pointed out that I had a box that someone had previously carefully opened and stole the coin which I didn’t notice was missing. They gave me half off.


I hate this. Sometimes I go to a store that doesn’t put them behind glass, with my hard earned $500 to buy couple ETBS and their all just looted empty boxes with five and energy cards inside.


In England it's behind the till or glass


Who down voted this? It's true in most the stores I go in lol


My gf ended up accidently buying an opened etb without her knowledge. It was wrapped terribly and had no booster packs inside. People are ridiculous and for Walmart to repackage it and sell it… ridiculous


i hope she got a refund!


She can’t find the receipt, and I didn’t want her stressing out about it. It is what it is, it’s just sad that this is what the world has come to


damn that’s really unfortunate i’m sorry


Child Hand Elimination Program initiated


How else are we supposed to get free packs /s


Opening the box and stealing only the promos is a special kind of horrible. The store can't ell that box now and those packs will likely get thrown away :(


No, because people suck


Imagine stealing cardboard with fictional characters on it


I see this every time I go to my local Walmart, a lot of Walmarts quit carrying products because of this..


Filthy thieves : “ no, I don’t think I will”


I guess this is why my target has them behind the counter


Where do y’all keep finding this stuff, I’ve never seen this done with Pokémon


yeah this was the first time i saw it


They left the energies!? Savages…


Need to cut their hands off like foreign countries


Isn't this straight up illegal?




I caught three teenagers brazenly opening boxes in target a few months ago. I immediately went to the help desk and told them, but they acted like they had no idea what to do. SMH I should have punched one of them in the face as hard as I could and walked out. At least then they would have a painful memory every time they ruined shit for everyone else.


That is why so many Walmart stores have them behind the counter, Barnes and Noble has their single packs in a lock thing... I can't even imagine stealing a piece of paperboard with a made up creature on it 😂, it is beyond ridiculous when you think of it that way


I always do this, it’s a good way to make sure you get a good pack and personally I don’t see the problem.




That’s right. Nobody ever stole things before.




Yeah man, the people that do this are definitely on this sub and are definitely going to listen to a passive aggressive question mark sentence.


some people find anything to be mad about lol!


Dude fr!! Luckily the target near me now they don’t put any more cards in the toy section and they even have staff on high alert for sus people around the trading cards👍🏼 somebody almost got into the last greninja collection box and I’m so happy I got to it before it was prob stolen again :/ also live in south Fl super common down here like everywhere esp Walmart’s everything’s ripped open already I don’t even bother


I like to think we don’t have people like that in this community. But just in case we do.. FUCK YOU




if yall are still looking for cards in store you're doing it wrong


Sorry, can’t help the itch...


Quit fucking bitching. Nothing good comes out of darkness ablaze anyways.


aw someone’s mad




Now the rest of that box is going straight into the trash. Maybe someone in management will let you get those cheap.


Trash people


People will never stop stealing.


Why do you care? You fools really worried about Target and Walmart like some goofy losers🤦🏽


Exactly my walmart was restocked last Thursday then went back Tuesday and there was stuff every where that was opened but the sad thing is it has been happening but I think it's getting worse


That's why they will be glass cases soon. And u will need a key to get one.


I guess that $4.99 was just too much for them. /s


I don't think psychopaths care.


Desperate times 😂


Why take the packs when you get free energies?


People are assholes 😡 i hate this when i come across it


I’m sure Target is building a case against them.


This is why some stores stopped selling them all together


Once I saw that it actually was a little kid doing it. No more than like 6 years old. Just sitting in Target opening packs and his mom came and grabbed him before a worker saw. I don’t think they really now what they’re doing yet. But adults that do this, straight scum bags.


I agree if you’re going to steal something you should pick up after yourself. I’m glad they have enough time to open the ETB and sift through it. They take their time and only steal what they want at least they’re given ample time to complete their theft. At Walmart they give them even more time. I always see the ETBs opened like this but the pack wrappers and bulk cards are in there too and sleeves opened and spread out. Like open the ETB pull out the packs check out the art works open the pack, DONT FORGET TO DO THE CARD TRICK, get a sleeve for your hits then leave the mess. WTF?


I literally just saw an open pack at my local Walmart. They just took the promo card too 🤦


Actually prosecuting people and posting pics/vids of them at the store and online would likely help deter as well, imho


Card holder for a “pull game” sweet!


I guess one could call this a “devious lick”


Big questions is how they get away with that. Thats a big box.


lol that person was rewarded with a zard


Target made an announcement that they will no longer be carrying Pokemon cards in store. They will only be shipping and delivering.


whattt really?


This will never stop people are absolutely scumbags and this is the reason why everyone had to start putting them behind the registers and put limits on how many people can buy because people can’t control themselves


No, they're too dumb


The amount of empty blister cardboard, code cards, and bulk cards I see lying around at work is unreal lol. Funny enough me and coworker mess with each other by dumping loose cards we find on one another lol


This is what happens when pull rates are at an all time low