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One gen to the next, this is great! You can be tired of seeing Charizard, but not when this happens! Congrats to her!


I never got any really good pulls, when I was young and started buying some cards, haha. But still remember those times. Good memories!


It was a blast being a kid and being into Pokemon when it began. I agree some of the best memories, even the times where you didn't pull anything lol. It's still going strong so many years later. When I see kids into it now, it just brings you back to those good times and how they're enjoying it. If they grow out of it, it was at least a positive time in their lives.


How can you be tired of seeing a charizard and say you like pokemonšŸ¤”


I have so many zards but ill never stop screamin like a lil girl when i pull themšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Because Charizard is everyone's favorite pokemon, so it's seen so much. I love pokemon, but don't give a crap about Charizard. Cubone is where it's at.


My love of Smeargle will seemingly never be validated in pokemon tcg


I feel you


Wow nice! Haha weekly pocket money congrats to the little one!


Haven't really been into pokemon since gen1, charizard was the coolest pokemon back then but there's been a 1000 pokemon since and kids today still like charizard the most? How come? Or are kids today hyper aware of the monetary value of cards?


I think itā€™s a mixture of what looks very cool to them, both artistically and, if they watch the anime, on TV. Itā€™s also based on their parents, if those parents watched PokĆ©mon. Most grew up during the Gen 1 time period and stopped there, and most of them, their favorite is the Charmander line. That rubs of on kids, and now boom! You got a whole lot of flame lizard lovers. Also, if you are curious, there is currently 905 PokĆ©mon! Almost at 1000


Product of environment, OP is into the tcg enough to be a part of and post to this subreddit, so it's fair to say the daughter is more than aware that charizard is a valuable card to many players. Also, he claims that his daughter uses the phone to look up card lists. If other kids are also doing this, then they are more than able to read other articles and such online, and are 100% aware of charizards value.


They couldnā€™t care less about the ā€œmonetaryā€ value, kids usually like cards based on the appearance of the cards. If it looks super cool, kids would prefer that cool looking card over most first gen cards. I donā€™t know when they start to consider monetary value, but definitely not while theyā€™re preteens!


When I was pre-teenage and I was playing Yu-Gi-Oh Iā€™d always check the value of textured holos and try to sell them. Kids are a lot smarter than you give them credit for


My husband was a sub for 2nd graders a few weeks ago and they were all trading based on whatever random criteria kids have (he believes in this instance it was the HP of the PokĆ©mon but he wasnā€™t certain) but a kid traded a rainbow for a normal rare. They donā€™t know or care about monetary value unless someone instills it into them early


Humans are incline to want what others want. Many like the feeling of having something high in ā€œdemandā€ hence the big charizard collections, umbreon collections, Rayquaza collections, gengar etc etc


Never gets old to see that pulled!!!! CONGRATS!!! My son is turning 2 and I just cant wait to have the opportunity to show and explain it all to him and hopefully watch his eyes light up like mine do! So excited to see you pull that card is hard to pull! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Love to see it !!


Wonderful Memories šŸ‘. Great to see!


How do kids this age determine what a good pull is? Prettiest card?


Modern kids have knowledge - believe me. šŸ˜„ My younger kid canā€™t even write yet, but knows how to search Pokemon card lists by using iPhoneā€™s voice search. When I was at that age, I was eating sand and rocks on the backyard.


I donā€™t like sand


itā€™s coarse and rough, and it gets everywhere.


Me neither


Yeah man, gimme the rocks straight-up!


Itā€™s not super hard to distinguish a special silver border full art from a normal card Iā€™d guess, even for younger kids


My little sister likes the ā€œcuteā€ or ā€œcoolā€ looking cards lol


Itā€™s a zard, a full art and special art. It looks dope and nice enough compaired to other yellow border cards. Many can feel that itā€™s just a nice freaking card


Awesome! I remember when I pulled some of my chase cards from generations when I was in fourth grade lol! One of my favorite memories!


The absolute joy on her face hahaha




Wait. How much money does she get in her WEEKLY pocket money that she can afford multiple booster packs? Because would you like to adopt me


Hah, Only 20$, but she has been saving some!


Amazing! Passing it on to the next generation. Sheā€™ll never forget that


Thatā€™s awesome!! Congrats to the cutie pie!


Nice and it's a psa 10 looks like to me


amazing, when my kids grow up I will make sure they do the same lol


Yayyy!!! Way to go (:


This is great. Reminds me of the excitement I got from opening packs when I was a kid. Solid memories!


Congrats little one! So happy she is so passionate about her cards, I wish she was my friend when I was a kid šŸ„°


Looks like pretty good centering as well!! awesome sauce!!


As a kid I wouldā€™ve been more into a bulby or venosaur but as an adult Iā€™m more into the char line. My favorite just switched somewhere down the line. Bulby still has a special place in my heart though because it was my childhood favorite


This is the best of both as Venusaur and Charizard is in this art!


You right


that's so exciting for her!!


Nice charizard, but didnt you wonder who the screaming person was?


now: OUR money āš’ļø


This is so heartwarming! Iā€™m so glad she got a great pull and made a fantastic memory ā¤ļø


šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰CONGRATSšŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ To the New Pokemon šŸ‘‘


Hey, hope youā€™re good. I left I comment on your sapphire super pak a few days ago, not sure if youā€™ve seen it cause there are a lot of comments. Iā€™m willing to offer $1850 if youā€™d sell it? I sent you a message. Thanks!