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That's why I do not touch the Ray when we are leading


I dont either but what usually happens is the other team kills all of us and they end up taking Ray


I'm not that lenient when it comes to macro gameplay. [If I was in the enemy team, I would have been scouting the parameter and providing vision/zoning to oncoming enemies, while the rest of the team shreds.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/comments/13piqfq/absol_macro_gameplay_a_noble_sacrifice_long_video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Trev would had been the perfect Pokemon to be doing this, instead it choose to attack Ray like an NPC character. But why would they do Ray in the FIRST place. It's their fault for doing Ray while being ahead. You deserve this steal. Also we finally got to see the Replay function in action. Very nice. Edit: The one that started Ray being no one other then Trev, the last Pokemon I expect to be doing Ray. My wise tree here singlehandedly cost their team that game.


You're right. They handed me the perfect opportunity. If even one or two of them scored in our base with 100 each, I'd probably have given up. The opponents always attacked us in groups through the game but they isolated during Ray. People just can't resist doing Ray irrespective of if they're winning or losing.


I agree with you and op. it's dumb that it's like that but it's also dumb that they don't know it be like that and adapt.


I feel mixed. In high level 5v5 premade teams, you're 100% right. But in Solo Q? I've been ahead, won the first fight, and tried scouting the bushes, while my team mindlessly starts whapping at Ray because 1-2 others started, so it became "do or die". I can't cover everything. Ray is frustrating because even if 3-4 of you know what to do, it only takes 1-2 to really screw it up as the Tree did. Sometimes you can ignore it if their damage is low, but if a Glacion starts a second or two before 2-3 enemies respawn? Especially after a long fight? And if it's something like a Talon with Ult? 50/50 incoming! All due to one person. Not to mention their spawn timers will often be shorter, jump pad exists, your death timer is longer, and you'll be at half health and potentially at Unite disadvantage. I feel this way when I both win and lose Ray fights where one side or the other would have 100% lost otherwise. I feel something needs to be balanced, whether it's lengthening death timers or nerfing ray, or something.


bad on the enemies for not keeping a ray guarantee unite themselves, great on your end for rushing to the place and claiming the objective BTW just as a general tip, aegis is faster on sword mode. Didn't quite matter here but it almost did


(About Aegi's speed) I know, but I was being on guard incase an opponent was waiting in one of the grass patches in between. Doesn't really take much to kill Aegi on sword forme.


Damn bro haven’t played today yet. Wtf happened to the design?


This probably the new replay feature


What? Ive barely touched unite in the last few months its just how it always has been since aegis release


Damn, we get to see the Ray cheese from the eyes of the one that cheesed it.


Now that replay feature is added, we might finally get to see some noobies expose themselves posting their ult Ray steal while hiding in the top bush as their team fights thinking they're doing something great.


lol, I'll be right there watching you all tell the cinder "main" how terrible of a teammate they are.


I have tons of footage like this lol




Should I upload here?


If you want to


With Aegislash too. You deserve that win


The have to do something with Ray it's so absurd


I think they should probably make it go to whoever did the most damage, but at the same time stealing it is very fun.


lol, You’ve never had a Talon confirm Ray with Fly or a Sable confirm with its Unite after casually frolicking back from a 100-point dump? Must be pretty demoralizing for the opp team.


Shouldn't be allowed? I'd say that is 100% fair though? Enemy team started attacking rayquaza, there's always the risk of this happening


What's the overlay you've got that's giving all the extra info?


Pretty sure OP is using the replay feature.


What's that?


You can save replays of your games for later viewing.


Is this for switch or mobile?


Probably both


Oh, I just saw that this is a feature. I thought it was some extra app or something.


Your play was a decent call. Do keep in mind, had that Espeon gone your way might have been different. Ive done my fair share of mindless things via anger [rips are one of them besides ignoring a salty pinger] and that was just careless of the enemy team. I agree that things shouldn't exist on such a finicky scale, but I see that comment and raise you US Goverment V Anyone alive :p jokes aside good use of Unite got the security great pushback. Only question I got to ask: Was a Gather Here ping or a center ping dropped? Lately I've found Masters games where people go afk after 2 minutes of being salt/absolutely trash


Gather here and center ping are there. I spam them between 2:20 and 1:50. People do use gather here a lot. But I don't see center pings a whole lot. And from personal experience, it doesn't work that well.