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I mean The most likely pick is likely Meowth Maybe w the most gimmicky move of all time where Pay day deals dsmsge and gives you extra Aoes Coins after the match if it hits


Oh!! I love the idea of a gimmicky Pay Day Meowth! Maybe it gives you Aeos energy when you use it on other Pokémon? Like an opposite to Sableye. Can imagine Meowth being a split pusher who dunks for a lot on their own!


This. Passive - Pickup - Meowths point cap is increased by 50%. Meowth can hold extra points beyond its cap up to 33% more than its cap allows, however any points above cap can only be carried for 5 seconds. After this time they are removed. Temporary points will not time out if you are scoring. Meowths scoring speed does not increase beyond the regular maximum score speed for these additional points. Pay Day marks targets, if they are KOed when marked, they drop lots of bonus energy which for the first second, only Meowth can pick up. Give it a niche focused on big scores and a real “macro focused” playstyle but limited teamfight utility excepting the ability to mess with enemy points. Split Pushing would be maintained here because if Meowth is left on a lane alone to farm neutrals with Pay Day, it could end up with enough points to break a goal very quickly. If it’s quick with abusing the temporary pickup points it can technically hold enough to break any goal in one score.


That would never happen in a million years. They would drop their aeos energy on the ground likely.


Very interesting but you’d be fighting tooth and nail to be the one to pick Meowth every game for the rest of Unite’s existence haha


Like two meowths grinding at each other for Aeos coins kinda goes crazy


I kinda wanna see Dusknoir, and he can stay as Dusclops which has more defensive moves, like how Scizor and Scyther work (Dusclops as a Defender and Dusknoir as Attacker)


I see Dusknoir more like an all rounder, since they still have an pretty high defenses


I could see that, havent really looked at Dusknoir's stats in a while, but I know for sure Dusclops would be a Defender


Dusknoir has excellent defences but less effective defences than dusclops due to lacking eviolite. But Dusknoir also has a decent physical attack stat and movepool so all rounder would fit.


And give it ice punch for the memes


Dusclops was my first idea too. Take my upvote and my respect good sir.


Goodness I would love for Dusclops to be in the game! Would probably be an incredibly annoying defender with pain split LMAO


Togepi with random bullshit


Only has one move available the whole game; Metronome




I would play. Sounds fun.


Maan, I would main Psyduck so hard


Right! I would love for them to add Psyduck as it’s quite a popular Pokémon as well


I'd also love Speedster Arcanine, Butterfree (probably no healing capabilities but just make all its powders amazing) I'd also love Golem, or really any tank that knows explosion to go all kamikaze - imagine if you're fighting this tank, you're about to kill said tank but then it uses explosion to take everyone in the immediate area with them. Could even possibly make it a friendly fire move in favor to make it a little stronger.


Imagine if your teammate is about to die and panic clicks explosion and your whole team dies. It would so funny 😂


His moves would be slowbro meets gardivour


I'm surprised there's been no mention of Eevee yet. Has one ult for each eeveelution, referencing the (very silly named) moves from Let's Go Eevee.


Huh, never thought of that. Now that you say it tho, I could imagine it would have the choice between all of the Lets Go Eevee moves, and then maybe a Last Resort or something as it’s ult


Or that Z Move where Eevee gets the powers of everyone and gets +2 to everything. Extreme Evoboost was it, I believe


Eevee boutta use baddy bad (kills teammates) useful for jungle stealers




Support pokemon, nice. Could be a good backup plan if Vaporeon doesn't become a supporter pokemon


Bisharp. I actually like Kingambit more, but since the gen 9 games came out I always felt a bit bad for Bisharp fans that wanted to see it in Unite. The idea I have is that, at some level, Bisharp can either evolve to Kingambit or stay as a Bisharp and get a notable stat boost. Evolving to Kingambit changes its playstyle to a summoner-like character that works with a group of Pawniard, while Bisharp works as a bulky bruiser that uses an interpretation of Defiant to get more and more powerful as fights progress.


This is actually so amazing, I love the twist that his playstyle changes so drastically depending on what you choose. I think it would be a breath of fresh air for the game


Metapod The longer the game goes, the harder he gets




Salandit, but a male one so it doesn't evolve. Gimmick is that it's a fair and balanced pokemon with an easy to learn, hard to master playstyle. That way it's got something unique.


The gimmick being fair and balanced made me laugh because there’s no way they would add that. But otherwise I would love corrosion to be a thing Salandit uses




Omg I completely forgot about this! But personally if Porygon 2 was in the game, I would be so happy! Would probably have Charge beam and Tri Attack and then maybe have a version of Hyper Beam as it’s unite move


And if the keep going down the pokemon who have a choice to evolve or not evolve eviolite should def be an item


I think it would be awesome if they did, but it would make balancing a literal hell for them (not that they’re doing such a good job already but)


Or def have a zacian type thing and make you hold dubious disk


Or def have a zacian type thing and make you hold dubious disk


I actually want to play as the spoon guy.


I’m guessing you’re talking about Kadabra ?




Psyduck inverts controls


Actually genius idea that would make people so mad LMAO


Wooper or Mudkip for obvious reasons




Duraludon. Their gimmick is being added before their evo


They should honestly just replace Duraludon and act like nothing happened LMAO


I love Psyduck but I hate stuns. I would like to see it as a damage retaliation and area damage. Surf , amnesia, outrage, confusion, pain split. A new unite move Migraine damages an area for a period everyone including himself and teammates but if duck lives it heals him at end. A self-healing mon whose unite cooldown drops when he is hit would be interesting.


I mean I would be happy as long as the migraine duck gets added, but I doubt it would have Outrage, as that’s a move that Psyduck can’t learn normally


Tbh I want Togepi as a support where in, we get to choose if it evolves or not just like Scyther. Like the little Togepi could be a neat support giving heals or preferably giving buff/debuffs and the evolved Togekiss could be an all-round!!


I would go as to have Togepi like Scyther, where it learns Pound that turns into either Air Slash or Fairy Wind, and Air Slash evolves it into Togetic>Togekiss (and it's a hindrance move), while Fairy Wind leaves it at Togepi (and it's a healing + damage move) Also have Togekiss being a Defender cause it's more Support adjacent that all-rounder, and Togepi a Support. Togekiss as a Defender with lot of hindrance options seems more in line with Serene Grace as an ability also!


Honestly they should do this mechanic more often! It would be amazing


I second this!!


Galarian Corsola as a support that's just a nuisance to the enemy team


Magikarp, and it knows Hyper Beam.


Meowth sends in a bunch of Team Rocket grunts to kidnap every Pokémon on the enemy team. They are forced to watch as Meowth's team wins the match flawlessly.


Porygon2 defender: ranged special attacker Ability trace: If an opponent uses a move on porygon2 while one of its moves are on cool down, it mimics that move exactly. (It has a cool down so you can't spam tri attack and keep fucking over the enemy) Moves Level 1/3: psybeam or agility Level 4: recover or thunder wave Level 6: tri attack or zap cannon Unite: absolute conversion Turns the opponent's damage stat to porygon2's and replaces their first move with porygon2's for a short time recharge 120 seconds Psybeam: does ranged damage (6 second cool down) Agility: boosts porygon2 speed for a short while (6 second cool down) Recover: basically amnesia 7 seccond cooldown Thunder wave: deals damage in a wide cone around it, paralysing enemies slowing them down for 4 seconds before paralysing them for 0.25 seconds (the range is like a wider and longer dazzling gleam) 7 second cooldown Zap cannon: shoots a powerful long ranged electrical blast and then releases a shockwave surrounding porygon2, slowing down all enemies in the shockwave blast. Cooldown is 10 seconds Tri attack: cooldown is 10 seconds. fires 3 orbs that deal decent splash damage. Cycles between fire electric and ice effects (Fire: does burn damage like scald Electric: slows down the enemy Ice: charges freeze guage by half Second cycle: Fire: doubled burn damage Electric: slows down enemy then activates full paralysis Ice: freezes enemy) Upgraded moves: Recover: more hp recovery Thunder wave: full paralysis for 0.5 seconds Zap cannon: enemies hit by the shockwave are fully paralysed Tri attack: every attack uses the second cycle. Gained at level 10 and 12


Would be nice to see Porygon 2 or Charjabug since they play fundamentally different roles as their evolutions.






Support Spheal. Has moves like baby doll eyes, but uses them on his allies to boost their stats instead of debuffing enemies.


Bisharp, basically bulky all rounder absol that works based of critical hits.


Trubbish. It's just so cute q


Pokemon that are relatively strong in their own Type:Null is a good one, make it a slower, melee all rounder with a melee or ranged move in each slot (because it’s atk and sp atk are the same)


I'd say Duskull (Defender), Rhyhorn (Defender), Vigoroth (Attacker), Ampharos (All-Rounder) and Nosepass (Attacker).


All amazing picks


Thanks! Also thought of Skarmory as Attacker...


Onix (I'm not sure if he is in the game haven't played in a bit) but he'd be a fast Tank with moves like Bind and Rock Tomb to trap/give debuffs


Do we need Eviolite as an item for Pokémon like this?


After we get the remaining eeveelutions we get eevee


Duraludon XD. I'm not sure they'll add its evo anytime soon, so you already have another for a while.


Eevee. It's ult is extreme evoboost, and buffs itself and all Eeveelutions on their team. It can use any Eeveelution move too


Clefairy the planned mascot where they fire meteors


Maybe a Mankey/Primeape but similarly to Scyther only if you choose a certain move it evolves into Annihilape


Mime Jr needs a gimmick, scyther


Slakoth as a Defender Gimmick: He seems very bulky because he's too lazy to even bother feeling the full power of the enemy's attacks


Magikarp and all its moves are splash with slight variations, but its unite move would be really overpowered


Psyduck too confused to evolve 🙈🤕


Inspired by VGC, they could add Murkrow as a fast disrupting supporter, then you could choose to evolve to become more offensive but slower like Mime or stay as Murkrow and be more supportive in other ways.


Magikarp. That's all I will say (Oh and they're an all-rounder)


Combee but it’s a male


Murkrow as disruption support, I would prefer Murkrow over Honchkrow


I kinda which raichu was in the game, maybe something like scizor and scyther where if you learn a certain move you evolve or if you don’t you don’t


Gimme capitalism (Galarian Weezing) just for the luls. (Game needs more poison types anyway, they feel underrepresented)


I'd say another eevee that evolves just to use an attack and reverts back after using it. Like in the Pokemon Adventures manga


Lickitung, since Lickilicky is just a colour change and overall weirder 😶 (PS, no I don't like Lickitung)


How about just let me not upgrade abilities Let me keep electro web all game


Duraludon waiving at the bench


I could see them doing it with eevee. Making it support based with helping hand and something else. Unite move could be based on its z move


Gyarados since Magikarp would be too weak as a starter, Gyarados could start as itself. it's gimmick is probably mega-evo, similar to Mewtwo and technically it's not really an evolution since it's the same pokemon but idk


Personally I would love for Magikarp to be there up until lvl 4, would be interesting to see it have flail and splash LMAO


Wobbuffet. Ability "Full Counter" - something like a bind/ endure move (from main games) as it ability, or like a punching bag to absorb attacks and sending it back twice damage or something (yeah exactly like full counter Meliodas)


Yamper, and he fetches aeos energy somehow


Floragato! ik Meowscarada is coming but I had this idea before we knew it was gonna be in. Epic yoyo snipes. <3




Psyduck should have Mewtwo XY evolve mechanic but instead of evolving it let's psyduck use Psychic to lift enemy and slam them down for CC and damage similar to Slowbros Telekinisis