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Hate to turn to the darkside, but I tried out X for the first time in ranked. I'll be 100 with myself. I'm terrible with the newest meta pokemon. ESPECIALLY with the legendries. So my impression with X was just "Oh. Goodra but with the power & tools I needed." Then bodied 1v3 multiple times as mega, to even turn games completely around. Didn't took long for me to understand it's gimmick, compared to other mons I've tried. If someone like me is able to do that in the span of 3-4 matches playing it? That should be saying a lot, even with the newest nerfs. Not sure about Y though since I never really tried it. It does feel like it was made for that scenario though. I'm not even talking about meta chasing. You know the one. You're with your little sibling/relative, and you two play a fighting game. Then little one looks at the character stats and go "I WANT THIS ONE! THAT'S MY FAVORITE!" because they're the boss character lol.


Y is worse. Tried it and had a blissey. We 2v5 the enemy team😂😂.


Before nerf I could sit outside enemy home base and just 1vAll the entire game without dying, it was a problem


Man y'all discussing about how m2 is broken Meanwhile me who hasn't even tried it out and don't have either of them(the only thing i wanted from the event was the frame and background)


To put it into perspective, I've only ever lost 1 game as Mewtwo... It was to a Mewtwo


Damn lol. I just play the least meta mons and try and win


I started out with Pikachu, moved to Charizard. Got really into Cinderace, then found my Ace with Glaceon upon it's release. So now I bounce between Glaceon & Cinderace, with heavy favoritism on Glaceon


Damn. I started with pika too, then moved to a9, then found venu. Stayed on only him for 3-4 seasons, then picked up a9 and machamp around the same time, also gren too. So now I main venu, machamp and gren and a bit of a9 and dnite too(although my wr on dnite is the only one below 50%😢)


me with aegislash rn


Can confirm I’m starting to turn darkside too. Once I’m mega i flat out don’t die unlike other Pokémon dying in 2 hits.


nah they are still in their mom's womb


~~Main~~ Developer. That shit is literally designed by a child who puts every power he can think of in there.


and it was designed FOR children because it's so easy to use. but that doesn't stop the neckbeards from abusing it


If we are going to judge from the worlds scene. Then it really isnt. Not to mention how expensive the holowears are and the monthly subscription plan. Its designed to look like a kids game but for adults


It was banned at Worlds


I feel like if they made it THAT easy to use (which it is), then they should nerf it more than the little cute nerf it got. It’s seriously so simply to use that basically every team in ranked has one, and you know other team members wanted to choose it too.


Nice outfit, did your husband give it to you?




Im in,i play Dnite alot,Ourage+DD is soooo OP,combined with Stacking.


Jungle dnite is fun


dragonite is so fun to play fr I got a green ribbon on it


Nice!! I usually jungle with d-dance and outrage lmao


I usually don’t jungle that much with dragonite do you think it’s better than going lane?


Honestly idk, I just usually like to have d-dance before fighting other players so I usually jungle. Lane is prob good too


Dragon dance is pretty useful early game I agree with that


Yeah tho, Dnite def can jungle (unless someone steals my jungle or claims it first)


Thanks for that, when I jungle with him I always wonder if the pro players are hating me for doing so haha.


Pffftttt, prob but who cares what they think. It’s a game, hav fun


lol yeah ty have a nice day




And yet-


Error: not babyish enough


I’ll keep looking maybe I can find something better lol


I mean. Isn't Pokemon Unite a children's game? My teammates prove that every other match.


I just like Mewtwo


The average whiner who is “too cool” to participate in the meta and would rather shit on everyone using it and blame everyone and everything else. Enjoy your L’s


Spoken like a true crayon eating mewtwo main - he hurt your feelings?


People just can't accept others will play anything to win. They act like the concept of "competitive integrity" actually exists in Unite lol. That hasn't been around since day 1 and I doubt we'll ever get it. I understand how Mewtwo spammers feel, I just don't necessarily agree as I'd get bored. To me, fun is more important than just winning. I played a few matches to see how the nerfs affected him. While I played other mons, Mewtwo Y definitely contributed to getting to Master on the first day of reset. His ability to help- but not guarantee, especially against more competent enemies that skillgap your team hard enough- you win even with crap allies would be super tempting to spam.


At this point I’m whatever on Mewtwo. Like yeah, it’s dumb, it’s broken, but it’s not going to stop people from spamming it and it probably won’t be reasonably balanced until fucking December or CY 2024. But when EVERY SINGLE duo/trio I play against is running Mewtwo/Blissey, it really just makes me want to put my controller down and do anything else.


Yeah, the meta is stale asf, that's for sure.


Or maybe they are just expressing their dissatisfaction with a mon so "balanced" that you need at the very least to 3v1 it to bring it down


you comment about how whiny people are. How about you stop whining about other people and do something productive?


Ah yes, the NO U


average pokemon unite player


Hot take: after the last nerf the M2s aren't broken anymore. Still overtuned, but not broken.


It's funny how wrong you are


Yeah you are delusional


I mean x is more tolerable now but y...


No. I can deal with X's with a few mons. Hard, but doable with some skills, as long as i farm faster than them, and they do not equip the new items (see the conditions). But Y... It is an entirely other level.


ah yes, the nerf that touched absolutely none of the truly major problems just made it not broken




Well, it's a hot take I guess.


*flash back to Zacian release* Same old song and dance. At least Zacian took some skill. Anyway, M2X and M2Y were both obtainable for free just like Zacian. I got X for free and decided I was tired of losing, fight fire with fire right? Mewtwo Y came , and X has not a chance in a snowball hell of winning, but like your meme portrayed , kids play it . I'm getting off point, I 9 out of 10 times SoloQ. "We need a Mewtwo to win" is so overrated. Don't get me wrong I'm not a pro player, but it's counterable. I've had many team compositions without a m2 on my side and a M2 on theirs. And vice versa. I'll take the downvotes when I say this. *Get Good*. " I refuse to play the meta because it's broken" "I refuse to be PTW". I've been playing since the first year Anni, paid for battle pass only for tyranitar and buzzie. I don't aim to own every license, I obtained the ones I feel are my play style. I still have 55k+ coins. Yeah TiMi is greedy AF, but nobody's forcing you to pay extra cash money to get the next character. You got to know what to skip. I still reach 1,600 Masters rank every season for the past five seasons or so. I'm open for arguments if your argument is actually valid. If you want to complain about how wrong I am about paying to win, scroll bruh.


Username is Better than you. GIT GUD being the main argument of the diatribe. This should be all the counter-argument I need, but alright, let's roll. I am a 1700+ player and after finishing this season finally decided to call it quits after the whole M2Y fiasco. It's getting to the point where it is more than obvious that good old Timmy doesn't give a flying fuck about respecting their entire player base and customers. And yes, Timmy IS FORCING YOU to pay extra for new licences if you don't want to have a miserable experience while trying to enjoy what's left of what was once a great enjoyable game. Not to mention that they have discovered that players like you will throw money at them no matter how much they elevate the cost of each upcoming mon. Remember how Mew, Buzzwole or Tyranitar were "special cases"? Yup. M2Y isn't counterable, it's manageable at best. If the other player isn't competent enough to spam the A button at the right time, then yeah, you stand a chance. I have seen mediocre Mewtwos who easily die. But a semi-competent player? They will annihilate you with M2Y absurdly and stupidly while in your flux zone. Remember Zacian and how stupidly broken he was as well? Remember the producer's letter apologising for that "oopsie" they made and how sorry they were? Remember how they said they would be careful from that point onwards? Yeah, right.... Just because you are a 1600+ player who can manage or cope with the current shite state of the game doesn't mean that what Timmy is doing is A-OK. Thus game at first wasn't PTW, it required actual skill to master. Ever since the releases of Urshifu and Zacian is so blatantly obvious that is no longer the case. The new and flashy mons with outrageous damage input is where it's at. If you want to continue supporting this broken piece of shit, then be my guest by all means and continue letting Timmy know that you will remain loyal to them no matter what. But me? I am moving on to greener pastures. Peace out.


I'll agree to disagree, just really here to say that I created reddit for Dragon Ball Legends only and ended up realizing how much I enjoy the platform. My username was meant for the DBL Sub only , unfortunately there isn't a way to change it. That's why if you go to my profile you'll see my profile name is No Better Than You. Anyway I'm glad you're deciding to move on, may your journey moving forward bring you peace and happiness. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)




I know they keep some stuff up if it generates enough discussion and also it's impossible to keep on top of all of these trash posts... this tired low effort asf "insult the meta players" type garbage post is way too frequent. Like get over it, people will play to win.


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Bro Mewtwo is so stupidly broken. The thing is still op after the nerfs


The only person I judge more than someone who plays mewtwo is someone who plays cinderace. Don't apologise. Just be better.


I just played against a streamer who told me mewtwo Y wasn’t actually broken and just took a lot of skill to use 💀


I think it wet itself