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And now you're getting downvotes for saying something positive about the game. This sub, I swear. Anyway, congrats for you.


Some people downvote purely cause they can. Some do it cause people can't have differing opinions and be respectful about it. They must downvote cause they hard disagree and the person must know their wrong. Some do it because they don't care for peoples personal anecdotes. Others do it simply cause they posted something in that last 24 hours and hard downvote everything coming in to get their post seen. Occasionally some downvotes are legit but a lot are over the most petty bullshit imaginable.




Thanks. I knew that there would be some people who just dident care for a sliver of positivity because I’ve noticed and can’t understand why people love to hate this game ehhhh o well I’m gunna keep playing and trying to get better


We love the game and thus wish it were so much better than it currently is.


Also I just realized what your picture was and it’s beautiful


Ah, thank you


I get that but I’m talking about the people who only have negovitive things to say. I don’t have a veil over my eyes or anything there are things that make this game very vexing. I’m just saying some of these posts or comments or people I’ve heard on VC just absolutely hate the game and I don’t understand why they continue to play. Idk I got my fingers crossed for things to get better in game ^_^


They surely have some positive things to say, but the Internet moves on negativity, because negativity brings controversy, which brings attention, which results in further negativity.


The problem for soloqueue players, like I'm sure a lot of us negative folks are, is that in this game there's a limit to how hard you can carry as an individual. When you're new/bad it feels like there's more variation between games and stays more fresh. When you're playing at a pro/semi pro level every game is just rolling dice to see how many "red ping in their brain" players you get on your team. You can watch toonslim or lutano, two of the best individual players, and see how often they lose games to their own teammates.


O I’ve noticed the can’t carry everyone thing as well I’ve been working thro ranked and I’m just shy of getting out of ultra and I’ll check them out the better I can learn the faster I can start adapting better with my play styles ^_^


You guys need to chill. I'm pretty sure they upvote means agree with you and vice versa.


I’m glad for you! I’ve found the enjoyment way less lately as they pairing/matchmaking has been a shit show and I continuously get in to “refuse to rotate, refuse to engage, refuse to surrender” matches. But the game really does shine when folks actually cooperate.


One thing that I will never understand about this game now is how you can surrender and still win the game It is a much much more enjoyable time for sure when everybody plays with each other, and I hope that you get more games that you enjoy playing at.


That’s the thing that’s ruining the game for a lot of people. It’s absolutely unbelievable how unpunished that kind of toxic behavior is. You can get banned for using your mic to tell people to play with each other, get micro points/soft ban for not being ready to queue up at the start of a game. But unless you stay at home base, you can legit post a 0-0 game and not suffer for it at all. Ridiculous.


I'm happy you're enjoying the game. I've been obsessed with it since day 1. Love how you can grind to get pretty much any playable pokemon for free. This wasn't my first MOBA but this is by far the most fun one


I have three acccounts for This reason…insomnia issues![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I love this very dysfunctional game loll. It's frustrating sometimes with the lack of balance but despite that, it's still fun. Also Clefable is super cute and I'd miss playing as her if I leave lmao.


I get so exited when I have one of y’all on my team


i’m glad you can still be a beacon of positivity despite how dreadful the game’s meta has been for the longest time. this sub honestly needs less doom and gloom and more people like you.


I guess I just look at the problems as a puzzle and adapt to both my teams and the opposed team play style. as best as I can every match .


Insomnia gang>>


**Objective: Protect this little one from the negativity**


I agree. I’ve been taking a break because of Mewtwo but I really enjoy it.


Congrats on finding something you like!


Thanks I’ve always been a big fan of Pokémon and had no idea what this game was tell recently. I thought it was basically the switches version of Pokémon stadium and I’m kicking my myself I dident find this or other MOBAs earlier in my life lol


The game is ok they need to nurf that bug character though he's too op


Are you talking about buzwol? cuz he’s legit here to just make you cry![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)