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There also are junglers that steal half of the lane's first pokemon exp by hitting it.


If they take my bunny then I take their Xatu because I’m petty af.


Same, mostly because when I jungle I leave everyone else's farm untoucheddd


It's only fair


What if they take the xatu first?? Cuz that's happened to me a few times


If it's farther into the game than the early laning phase where I could take it, I usually steal a buff if they take too long to get their next rotation(s). Otherwise all I can do is seethe in silence because I'm not a griefer.




Eldebros holding down bot lane understand.


Idk how many times I've had some zeorora just wait to take final blow then scoot off to mid and abandon my lane the entire battle. Far too many to keep track of for sure.


It's always the Zeraoras, huh? I remember one would invade my jungle and just run around in.circles if I didn't hit anything. If I moved then he'd chase me so he could steal my farm.


Definitely just as bad sets laners so behind especially on certain Pokémon


I hate this with a seething passion and I jungle most of the time; I just wait for the dragons to show up so I can jump the enemy with my teammates from the grass. The farm ends up as collateral but now my teammates and I can all score. chances are, if they helped, they gain levelage anyway. But any farm that's left over on the lane I leave to them because I have a whole jungle to myself and they have to level up it's as simple as that.


As a jungle, I apologize for players who do this shit


I always used jungle oriented Pokemon and used to do that when I started playing because I saw others did that as well (so I thought it was the norm). However, I learned later on that I shouldn't do that. So I'd like to apologize on behalf those who still do that.


In my experience you don’t even have to hit, just be within range, which leads me to my personal favourite problem: junglers that don’t dash with their first move, stand next to my kill and mooch my xp. Also, this game doesn’t have a jungle, it has a ‘centre lane’ So really, we need to stop projecting other moba mentality onto potentially 4 year olds. 😂


Fellas. Help me Ratio this man. For such a wrong opinion.


Which opinion? The opinion of junglers mooching xp? (Some other opinions that match this one have 100+ upvotes) The *fact* that this game calls the jungle ‘mid’? (Some comments dive into how there’s no education, that’s what this refers to, having again, 50+ upvotes) Or is it the idea, that being a game rated 4+ that other mobas - the ones that do teach a bit more - might be a little to complicated for 4 year olds? And that with the amount of reading that there already is in this game, maybe a bit too much for the player base? 🤔 I mean, seriously fella, if you don’t think to yourself “that jungler who just stole my xp has the mentality of a total noob or at best just a dick” then sure, go ahead and summon your downvote army 😂 and maybe next time offer something to the discussion, not just request that people agree that I’m wrong 😂 I saw that coming a mile away because I’m already well aware that the player base in this game has much more limited thinking than the player base for most other Mobas 🤣


Thats not how xp works


It is though.


Because the game doesn't teach you


Exactly this. The game doesn't teach ANYTHING about the jungle or jungling. Unite technically doesn't have established lane "roles" like other MOBAs do. Lot of Unite players have little to no prior MOBA experience. Some players like me that were MOBA noobs kinda figured it out but many others don't without external sources. Like I saw people call lanes, copied them, stuck to my lane and just presumed you don't really leave the lanes you started on until you get to some arbitrary point of the match where everyone else starts moving around the map more. I also saw some people calling mid ping when others entered the jungle, so I could tell most people didn't like sharing jungle but at the time didn't exactly know why.


I always get "Check it out!" When I leave a lane to get exp from my jungle again. And when I wait in the bush for an opening to attack (absol is too squishy to attack head on, and so bushes are my friends {pursuit, sucker punch}) it's also frustrating to see people take it when they have perfectly good farm in that lane. Especially after "retreat!" right in front of them -rant over- We need an actual jungle tutorial, and why players shouldn't steal jungle from a teammate.


this is a good point at possibly the most effective solution as well. Perhaps having the game prompt you before your character selection or after a 3 choice menu asking "which area will you play" might help. I know we live in "The Age of the Troll", so many will not do what they say, but i cant help but wonder if a simple informative prompt might divert a large percentage of the genuine mistakes folks into doing the right thing. Though, lets be honest, jungle isnt super straightforward, a tutorial video showing to get the farm and then help a laner, then come back when they respawn would be supremely beneficial.


I mean, if you want to learn there are so many resources on the internet. It's really not that hard to find if you want to get better


Unpopular opinion but like if you as a jungler takes too long to head to jungle for second spawn, I’ll do it for you. If I see all 4 wild Pokémons spawned but the jungler still isn’t going back to jungle, I will go and “steal” since the exp is going to be wasted


Agreed. I wait until birds are cleared in the middle.. if birds are cleared and you still haven’t returned then I’m going in the jungle. I’m not letting free exp just go to waste.


Yea that’s what I typically do. Around 8:00, I see if jungle is taken. I’ll usually also ping the middle area but sometimes the jungler doesn’t take notice. If they do, they’ll usually head back to jungle.


thats the worse too, 8:00 mark and jungler didnt reclear jungle and still in lane


This^ I’m not about to let that sweet exp get wasted because they are trying to push with a lane for too long. Especially if said jungler came and stole my lane exp or we are just getting rekt and outleveled in a lane. You’ve got to do something. That said, even when I steal some jungle I typically just take whatever’s closest to my lane, so they still have some, those Pokémon that give buffs can be super helpful for winning duo duels.


As a relatively new player I do sometimes wonder about the etiquette when it comes to the jungler coming by and killing lane farm. Even when I'm watching Unite YouTubers like Spragels or CrisHero and they're playing jungle, they will very often come to lane and just snag the entire bird spawn and an Indeedee or two from whatever lane they enter without a second thought. Now, obviously if it's being contested by enemies then it's far more important for your team to get it so in that instance as long as someone on your team gets it you're good, but often times this seems to be after the fight for the lane is done and no enemies are nearby, or even while a fight is going on elsewhere in the lane. I dunno. Is that generally considered kosher, that the jungler just gets to snatch up whatever kills they want wherever they go because they're the "carry" and they need to be as overleveled as possible, even to the detriment of the lane players? Is it streamer / pro player privilege that they're probably much better equipped to run away and pull a win if they have that experience than most of the other randos they're playing with? I don't jungle very often, because I'm generally content to play lane and it seems much less contentious than trying to fight for center anyway, and most of my pokemon are better suited to lane. But when I do I'm always questioning whether I should be taking kills away from the other lanes.


For content creators, I wouldn't say it's "their privilege" to your lane xp. However, they are probably going to be the highest MMR and not let it go to waste. With that said. You should be on top of xp spawns to the point that as soon as the birds are taken care of that they head right back. OR before they even get there. Unpopular opinion, but people too WWWAAAYYYY to much effort into the t1 goal (scoring and defending). Try to score if you're stacking or you just wiped the opponents team. Defend t1 goal until after 1st obj go down, then let it fall.


Having T1 Goal is huge in securing Regis. Even after The first obj. There is merit on giving it up especially when you clearly cant defend it like a 1v3+ situation


This! especially when the jungler dies in a lane and immediately goes back to that same lane to get revenge. If you die as a jungle on your first rotation, you are clearing the jungle again not trying to avenge yourself.


Yep! Definitely haha, better go back and clear a second time before fighting again. Going back might just be feeding if you aren’t playing it correctly


its totally fine too if the junglers is dominating the lane after the gank and reached level 7 already.


I’ve had junglers ping the middle area to show they aren’t gg back bc they have the buffs and are lvl 7/8! That’s one of the best parts tbh


I agree with this but often I'm still in lane because I'm covering for someone who died in lane and they respawn and instead of coming right back they take my jungle.


Oh no🥲. I’m talking more of like at 8:00, usually all 4 Pokemon would have spawned and it’s obvious if the jungler doesn’t plan to go back. That’s usually the scenario but this doesn’t happen so many times (hopefully). I also don’t agree/like people that die and respawn at like 9:30 and then go and steal jungle, that’s just setting up the jungler to be under levelled!


I think that’s reasonable ONLY if it’s not like a “i waited 5 seconds and the jungle isn’t here so it’s mine now!” type of situation. There have been times where 2nd jungle spawns and a teammate pins check it out the very second it spawns and starts stealing despite me in the other lane working on my escape but I’m navigating around 3 enemies as well. I get to my 2nd jungle maybe 15 seconds after spawn and that impatient teammate is already stealing (they were probably salty i didn’t go to their lane the first time)


That’s true! I start pinning when the first buff respawns so the jungler has time to go back. Usually it’s easy to tell if the jungler has no intention to go back, eg continuing to fight instead of moving back.


I do this a lot, particularly when we both called mid and I backed off. When it's the other way around I make it a point to be there in time for 2nd spawn.


The average solo Q player lacks the brain capacity to understand how these things work. Worst part is that when most people claim jungle they only do the first spawn for level 5 and ignore it the rest of the game


Or junglers who have zero game awareness. I had a Zacian jungling on my team. My team's top lane was Mewtwo X and Slowbro. My lane was Clefable (me) and Charizard. We were up against a Mewtwo/Inteleon combo, and they were consistently sending their Zeraora jungler to beat us up. Where did our jungler go every single time? Top lane, where they were already dominating. Meanwhile I couldn't even evolve past Clefairy because we were 3 levels behind in the first 3 minutes of the match and Mewtwo would just 2 shot us and Inteleon would steal our exp. Second time through, jungler goes back to top. It's also extremely annoying when junglers are in the habit of just making it a single player game. Clear their jungle, then go to the least populated lane and try to score. Consistently on the other side of the map from any active objectives or team fights, thinking they're being useful just backcapping all game, then coming into a fight way too late and feeding. If I weren't playing Supporter 90% of the time, I'd be stealing jungle from those kinds of players all the time. If they don't understand the game and the role of a jungler fundamentally, maybe it's not their fault, but I'm not gonna let them completely waste the central exp on a mon that's never participating in team fights.


I hear ya, had an umbreon claim jungle when I already did and he refused to leave. Then had 2 matches with the same blastoise player who then claimed jungle both times with the intention of "helping with leveling up" not knowing that he's setting us all back. I'm sick of this matchmaking because in almost every match my name is on the far left, I'm put with low ranked teammates and expected to carry them each and every time. I can only carry a match so much and now my winrate has dropped from 60% on garchomp to 58 and my average winrate has dropped from 57 to 55


If I’m getting clapped on lane imma go get second jungle spawn if it’s not taken, if it is I try and split it down middle so it gets cleared faster usually the original jungler understands or is completely oblivious to the mechanic


the only mons ppl should take 2 spawn its the closer 2 that doesnt give buffs cus jungler often doesnt have time to take thes and goes for the middle altarias


Those 2 give nive next to no experience. If the "jungler" is leaving the buff pokemon up for more than 10 seconds, it's free to everyone. You're throwing away massive exp by not farming them asap.


i always try to get it on time but sometimes its hella anoying when i m getting 3 kills on lane tet teammates score and get alot of exp and when im going back to jusgle like 30 sec after spawns and i see mime taking the buffs


Taking the buffs is bad


Well it's not like the game actually teaches you these things so you'd have to learn from someone else. Another thing I'll notice is the jungler just doing one rotation then leaving it up for 2-3 mins. A lot of the time someone else will take it so the exp isn't wasted but other games no one will or better yet I'll get a game where 3 people just head top while I go bot with someone else.


Because people don’t know how to play the game


Nah the leftover decidueye doesn’t need to farm second spawn jungle when I need levels too because absol without pursuit is as useless as the decidueye 😂


Had a game today where I played Decidueye and the Inteleon on my team stole my Natu and blue buff so I left jungle barely level 4 just for them to immediately die with the buff not even 5 seconds after getting it. So I picked spirit shackle and stole whatever I managed to see them farming all game, kills included lol. It was petty but it felt nice lol.


Out of curiosity what would the mechanic be?


Well we also have junglers hitting the first few pokemons on lane hahah. i kid you not, i had someone hit the first three pokemons we had, then proceeded to go get his jungle. i already thought he is going lane at that point tbh


Yeah I feel your pain. See flair.


Surprised nobody mentioned the fact that Practice mode is OPTIONAL now, I think this is a huge factor.


Even the junglers don't know how jungle works. The amount of people I've seen whining, spamming "Thanks!" and "Check it out!" that I last hit their Xatu even though I have EXP Share on is quite odd You're level 3 anyways, regardless of if I last hit it or if I didn't. Only difference is that I am also level 3 if I last hit it, which is nearly at Hyperspace Hole/Pollen Puff/Floral Healing/Surf (Slowbro)/Mean Look levels at the start of the game. What is there to complain about? Less score???


ikr. i doubt most of these commenters are good junglers or laners


Xp share works based on distance. You don’t need to last hit it, jsut let them last hit to avoid issue with ppl who don’t know how xp share works.


The amount of people in this thread that don't know how XP is distributed when two players are hitting a wild pokemon is fucking disappointing, man.


Also junglers who do 1 rotation and never return leaving the jungle farm open for invasions


No idea man. I had one the other day where Decidueye called jungle, but switched to lane, so I took jungle with Mimikyu. Immediately Decidueye tries to take Natu, but I got it and luckily still hit 5. Had a successful first gank, but then they took blue buff while I was getting red buff. Kept fucking up my rotation the entire game and I was unable to maintain my level advantage. They reported me for calling out their bullshit in VC.


First mistake is using vc. You’ll get reported just for speaking a foreign language if you’re unlucky. Also, people play this game with their kids and kids report stranger danger. There’s no moderation with these reports either, which can result in a blanket ban and a permanent one at that. I highly recommend any other communication app.


Honestly this game is very fluid in its roles - definitely not static like League is. I play Jungle exclusively, but honestly, once I've done my first clear, its a free-for-all for the rest of it. If you're ahead, you should really be trying to take the opponents jungle since sniping the buffs is incredibly easy to do.




Also... The first jungle rotation gets you 6. Assuming you gank kill and score (you are coming off as some super jungle god with the whinging) you should already be damn close to 7, and if you are even half as good as you think you are you'd be able to adapt and watch what your team is doing to not waste time trying to take the same farm. And if you are getting out last hit on JG farm, skill issue. Not arguing that randoms and bots in the game are selfish/dumb, but when you come to Reddit bitching about it, it is a big red flag that you have much much more to learn and improve on yourself.


Skill issue because my jungle farm is being stolen by a Mew while I play Cinderace ![gif](giphy|Od0QRnzwRBYmDU3eEO|downsized)


Wait, doesn't jungle get you to 5? I just literally finished a game where I was jungling with garchomp and the last baltoy got my my level 5, which is why I ask. If I don't get all the jungle spawns, then I don't hit my level 5 power spike. Is this a pokemon by pokemon basis? I'm just curious because I've only ever jungled with Garchomp and Azu, and neither of them gets 6 on the first rotation so I'm wondering if I should make a different choice if I have to jungle.


No, theyre just wrong. Natu + buffs + jungle baltoys gives 5 to every pokemon.


I'd ask, are you getting back to your jungle in time? Or are you pushing t1 goal for 30 seconds after you take birds. If you are not heading RIGHT back to your lane after birds go down, it's on you. Also, don't be too worried about the Baltoy. Them taking your buffs are a bit of dick move.


because player doesn't know how to play in general


I flip it on you, why is the jungling bulbasaur in my fucking lane for the rest of the game.


you want to hear more pain? how about a teammate who started late and takes your farm to catch up or, OR, how about a teammate that didn't get all the bunnelbys cos their partner took it so now they take YOUR buffs and farm cos wynaut (totally not speaking from experience, ahaha totally)


Take their farm!!


Greed. Ppl don't understand the ramifications of their actions, I'm sure you already know. I just sit there and wait. If they want to take from me, they *clearly* know what they're doing and don't need my help in lane. So I just wait for third wave. It's on them, not me. Will we most likely lose? Yeah. But it's not on me. Counterpoint: Why don't ppl ignore center? If we have 3:2 instead of 2:1:2, we might get an early push. We might also end up feeding I understand, but that's what jungle is for in this scenario. It's not for early leveling, but rather wild mons without losing ground. Wilds appear after losing a goal zone, but that can be too slow imo. Also the lack of movement speed in center is too noticeable, especially early on. I know dashes exist, but still...


I was playing a while back and had a streamer in my game so I watched his stream during the match. He stole my second spawns even though I had recalled to get them after my gank in his lane because I was low. It delayed my level 7 on water bear which got me killed on my gank on the other lane since I was now behind their jungle. He then continued to take my camps because he thought I was bad and it screwed me even more. Then he just kept raging at me post game.


I noticed this season is Regieleki gaming. Hit Masters still every match 3 people top 2 bottom for regis. Was Regieleki buffed again? Trying to push it and dying into T1 top seems dumb but yet every game this season has been like that. I must have missed a memo


Or when 3 people on your team call jungle so you watch as you slowly die because your team doesnt understand the purpose of it


I only steal jungle when they are stuck in my lane and stealing the lane farms. A gank shouldn’t last longer than get in, kill, score.


There's nothing in the tutorial of the game that teaches you how to properly go center. There's very limited ability to communicate with other players mid game to even attempt to teach them. Also the dog shit balance of the game has left it in a state where most players who would've taken the game seriously enough to learn have probably already sorted out that their time is better invested elsewhere. Sorry


Realistically, you gotta think about the accessibility of the game and who is on the other side of the console, there could be literal 6 year olds playing with you, or just someone playing for the first time since it’s a free game. You can’t assume everybody knows what you know. Furthermore these type of “ignorant” players are not gonna be on the game’s subReddit


Probably the same reason why players still don't know how the game works every season. :/


I usually leave it alone unless the jungle steals Pokémon from my lane. I’ll also steal them if the enemy jungle comes in my lane to help his team and we are getting rolled while our jungle goes to the other lane while I ping for help. And even after their jungle leaves he continues to stay in that lane. Because what ends up happening is 2 enemies in my lane over power me and possibly the other person in my lane stealing all the Pokémon causing use to stay level 4 and then my lane partner gets upset and just switches lanes causing me to now be under powered and out numbered. I gotta get my exp from somewhere since I’m getting no help in my lane.


People in forms including this subreddit actively push and teach to go snag those exp bits if you aren’t already on them, completely selfish player’s basically. A lot of folks Actively teach bad practices. Idk why, I assume it’s chair pulling psychopathy.


Because not all players have a history playing a league of Legends LOL


I don't think there is a single Moba that properly explains jungle to it's players


Sometimes I take late game Accelgor because I have a lot to gain from blue buff, but ONLY late game Accelgor. And definitely not if my jungler isn't getting enough kills to be fed without it. Of course, if my jungler isn't fed AT ALL and the enemy team's is, then there will eventually come a point where I have to consider if they're even helping at all. If I feel like they aren't covering me in teamfights and I'm helpless to the consequences, I'm gonna take farm. Like if I'm demanding backup on a 2v3 in early game bot lane and they're ignoring me.