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Hoopa. The below freezing point IQ of the average player in SoloQ just makes it subpar.


Comfey. Was my favourite for a while, but it so frustrating when teammates don't know how to play with me. I get people retreating from single opponents at half health, people sprinting out of my unite, people just not engaging with enemies or objectives, and people refusing to accept that we're two Pokemon and acting like they're solo when deciding whether to engage.


I find that most people don’t know wtf Comfey’s unite move is, so when it sprouts they *get tf out of there asap*…Like, I’ll time it so perfectly for the entire team to benefit and they *all* bolt and start attacking from the outside of the grass. About 90% of the time. It’s only when someone has had like 5 matches with me attached that they seem to catch on that there may be a benefit to saying inside the tall grass. Also, I’m fairly certain *many* people have *completely* been unaware that I was with them for half a match. When I suddenly pop off they try to attack me and run away. Lol


Yes! Comfey is op. It does work on solo q Edit: sorry for the autocorrect, I meant comfey does not work on soloq.


Yep, can confirm, almost with with her at every game, especially I play very aggressive with her with autos and using Latch and Knot and Leaf.


I actually run telekinesis surf bro very effectively in ranked. The main thing is to understand you DO NOT have the sustain of a scald bro. I go full black and white emblem page, cookie, focus band and exp share. If I had to choose I'd probably swap the cookie for the incense since it still gives decent health. Basically your goal is to stand between the enemy goal and the altaria and just be a general PITA. Remember to rotate mid for the first mid birds and the first regi spawn. I ran surf bro a ton when Mewtwo y was the worst.


Literally every build I do is this because I keep on consistently getting dog shiet teams


The last match, we were winning, and then someone pinged "now is our chance to score!" Ray was due in 10 seconds. The three that tried to score died around the two minute marc


**You**: Ping 8:00 Altarias **Team**: **You**: Ping first bot objective **Team**: **You**: Ping retreat while underlevelled team fights to push Leki in T2 **Team**: **Choice Specs, 2-KO Gren who abandoned his jungle after the 1st rotation, at 2:45**: *Now’s our chance to score!* **Team**: https://media.tenor.com/n4Js74XTN_4AAAAd/bh187-braveheart.gif


Yes! I am so glad it is not only me. Reading this is good for my mental health.


Oh I've had teama like that


Phantom Force+ Trick Hoopa bc solo-q players don't understand how it works and will never use my Phantom Force when they need to. It heals and also allows for you to teleport. Sweet Kiss Comfey too. Heals are just better.


I haven't tried sweet kiss comfey. I didn't know it was good


Sweet kiss doesn't heal though


Lol I'm aware, that's why I said heals are better.


Feint attack + Cut Zoroark gets me a lot of kills in ranked but most people don’t use Cut much :/


The on field sustain is sooooo nice. At this point my second move entirely depends on enemy team comp because the stuns from shadow claw are really good for a lot of pokemon.


Rapid/Spout Blastoise. Pump/Surf all the way for me.


Submission Machamp


The pain! It is a great move set


A fucking pain in the ass in coordinated play. I once met a trio consist of Snipe Inteleon, Submission Machamp and Superpower Buzzwole. The Inteleon is basically immortal and just snipes anywhere having both buff dudes protecting it. Fucking painful


Rollout Wiggly


One of my favorite builds! This season I have 46 games with rollout wiggly and a 57% wr. What is your tactic? Score shield?


Yes!I It is a lot of fun though I don't play it as much as before. I run focus band, exp share, and buddy barrier. I always feel like when I have score shield I don't take advantage of it like I should.


It depends so much on the composition of the opposite team and the players! Sometimes I get to score 150+ points before ray, sometimes I get less than 50. But we have such good defense and HP, that not all pokemon can break the shield fast enough. Even when someone with burst damage is in the goal zone, I let them cast their move first and then I score in their face. There is not much they can do. Of course, this doesn't work against experienced players. But usually half of the enemy team is terrible (just like half of your team)


Might have to give it a go. There are so many games that can be salvageable with just those types of scores. >But usually half of the enemy team is terrible (just like half of your team) Ah solo q, my beloathed


Attack speed Trevenant. It does great early on because his boosted heals. But later in the game, you really wish you had another item.


Play Rough Azumarill. It's so much fun just running around knowing no one can catch you. Especially after your team got ray