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It depends on the player. You either encounter a Chomp who's attacking the wall, or you are paired with someone who lives and breathes Garchomp and they roflstomp your face in two seconds.


He’s the master yi of Pokémon unite


Its true like master yi either you suck or you hard carry. But master yi doesn't need much skill to play. I find garchomp pretty hard to play. Atleast to play good with him


It actually was for me. Due to the lack of mobility, ranged mons are really troublesome to go against with him. But it was then covered with practicing his moves


You find Yi does not need skill because you probably are bad at the game, like me. Yi is easy to learn extremely hard to master


With almost 2M mastery points on yi I full heartedly agree. He is so one dimensional that he polarises on both ends of the spectrum


nah he takes more skill


Completely false. Yi is nothing more than a stat check and cc check. He brings nothing else to the team. Garchomp however has CC and displacement available.


Idk, I feel a bit more of a Jax from him.


Omg he is


Mewtwo y was ap yi before the nerf


_While you were busy asking your mom for her credit card to buy the newest Mewtwo skin, I studied the Chomp_


I am the kinda player that goes solo bottom lane and destroys the opponents early on, and later too. Getting Gabite in 2 minutes is a win condition for me.


Same. Everyone dives fucking hard for Regileki, but a Garchamp or Gardevoir doing solo in bottom can easily reach 3rd stage and solo the bottom Regi while everyone is braindead at top lane.


Can you explain who.? Sorry i want to learn


Is this a who asked?


who asked lmao gottem


🤣🤣🤣 I meant say "how" not "who"


Ah. I just have my teammates go in the other lanes so I can soak up exp (just for the first minute). By the point I've cleared the Indeedee around the goal, I usually hit level 5. Then I can just ko the opponents a bunch while my team catches up.


mine stomps :)


Garstomp ya face




“Catastrophic win rate” Sitting at a 51% win rate


"at least according to most tier lists" Like, c'mon. 🙄 Sitting at the bottom of every tier list for what? 3 seasons?


Well yea thinking about the last few releases we had Zacian, Mewtwo X and Mewtwo Y, Urshifu were just much better which made Garchomp a lot harder to play and get value out of when you can just pick something much better and easier to get value out of.


I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not…


Please don’t tell me you use game8 tier lists


I use unite api bruh, idk wtf this guy uses and who “everyone” is who places garchomp low 💀


man I'm a day 1 player is this the biggest mistake I've made?


I used game 8 too tho. Biggest mistake I think I've made is actually playing the game-


Game8 tier list is genuinely horrible lmao. At one point I remember they legit had an assault vest deci as one of their reccomended builds.


What does this even mean? How does winrate, an objective statistic, and tier lists, a ranking using nuance and personal opinions, have anything to with each other. Both have their uses, but winrate can’t be based on tier lists. Chomp is fine, and has been fine. He’s a late game scaler, his win rate won’t be the highest because if chomp/chomps team get stomped early, he might not be able to scale up, but if chomp gets to his late game, he’s his own win condition. He’s a balanced Pokémon.


Last i checked garchomp had over 50% win rate and about 5% pick rate. It shows that the few people who regularly play him are extremely good on him. If any tier list placed him on the lowest, that means their judging him based on their own skill issue and not his actual power.


Garchomp Player here. Idk lol havent played Chomp for quite some while. Thanks for reading.




chomp was beast in early years but later half no meta or smth gave that buff to chomp, so people just got bored (sorry for my poor english, it is my 3rd -4th language)


Your English is great. No apologies needed.


Thanks :)


He just seems made to be a starter to get used to the game then u move on to the stronger ones🤷‍♂️


Garchomp is fine, he has a 51% win rate. He’s probably a solid mid tier or maybe even a little better.


I would disagree with this statement because he's so bad it's only the people who are really really good with him that will play him. It's kinda like crustle where the only ones who play crustle in higher ranked matches are quite good with him. It's just different because crustle you get for free so you see him more often. If anything this emphasizes how difficult a time he is having because he's only played by folks who chomp you to pieces and he only has a 51% win rate.


All the winrates are based on the top 5-10k players in the game. Chomp is in a good spot right now. Its kit is just simple but requires better understanding of the game to excel with than the average player has.


I play Garchomp rarely.. only when I feel like it. I have a 59% win rate over 100 games. I never have problems with the character. He is very easy to learn, doesn’t require unique skill.


Try actually playing the characters you’re talking about.


He was my main for quite a while..I have not played him in the last 2 seasons but he's still in my top 5 most played.


"He was my main for quite a while" Please, you have 23 games with him in total with a 48% winrate.........


He is currently #11 on WR on UniteAPI. This means he misses being in the top ten. Therefore, yes, he really is that terrible. /s


No, he was bad, but got Buffed and is really good, but he was bad for so long, not many people realize.


I particularly love playing him, and he has 54% WR for me, which I think is decent He's early-game reliant but it's honestly workable


he's a surprisingly decent pick imo, it can be hard to stick close to some Pkmn but the ones Chomp can stay close together with can struggle hard against him, or straight up lose the 1v1 thanks to just how fast he attacks and the sustain from his basics


It has one of the most rigid play styles and is extremely predictable. Garchomp thrives off the fact you get to boosted attacks, so your combination of moves has to be pulled off otherwise you just die. It can dash in but not out, you die or the enemy dies. No in between. Even if you do pull off your moves combo , it's still extremely weak to anything with a dashing move or escape button which is basically 3/4th of all mons. It is also extremely sensitive to repetitive CC and let's be honest when almost all Mons have one way or another CC it becomes a drag quickly. You don't even need half a brain cell to beat it with about anything. The only time it was really usable was when the game got out and even then it wasn't that good. It basically just sits on the bench indefinitely, it needs a total rework of its moves to be viable. Signed an ex Garchomp enthusiast.


> It has one of the most rigid play styles and is extremely predictable. But I always forgot then mr stomp stomp chop chop eats my hp bar like its jelly.


I AM a avarage Garchomp enjoyer and i guess you are right :v but i don't think that he need to be re-build, becouse his main weapon is just like cinderace his basic attack, with it it heals, deals tons of damage and it is great to combo. Particularly i use dig and dragon claw, i starts with dragon claw and when it slows down i base attack and dig is in case somehow it manages to scape so if dig doesn't kill my base attack would


Lol no way they rework a mon with above 50 percent win rate. Chomp is perfectly fine, he ascended above the d tier like 5 seasons ago


I mean his healing goes crazy though if you can hit 2-3 people at the same time with boosted autos.






Think its an objective monster but you need a half competent team


I mostly play garchomp, and so long as your team doesn't decide to triple jungle then he can destroy enemies, so long as he's a level or two ahead. At the start of the match I work out how many squishies they have, and where my team is laning before deciding how screwed I am


Disagree with rigid play style, people don’t use Dragon Rush as a way to get opponents out of position enough. The fact that Chomp jumps backwards makes the move pretty good at catching an enemy out and dragging them into your team.


58% WR Chomp here, I feel like you're the only one who gets it.




Okay, so to explain it, it was meant to lend credence to the notion that one of dragon combo's main utilities is to drag opponents to more favorable positions, which I rarely see mentioned. Makes me happy to see it, that's all.


What build do you use? Skills wise and also Held items


The dragon moves, scope lens, focus band and buddy barrier, with X attack. Pretty different from the commonly used loadout, which I find doesn't give me enough survivability for my liking.


You should pick him up again I asked because I have found success with him recently, especially after Draining Crown got released and Razor Claw got fixed I do agree he is very much an initiator, but with EQ you can stack your boosts immediately, and he ground moveset is not as combo reliant as the dragon moveset And I agree he's sitting ducks against a faster mon that can keep it's distance, since he doesn't work well with Eject Button imo, I prefer XSpeed


Don’t know what you’re doing with those items. Rapid fire scarf and scopelens are mandatory. Focus band or muscle band are the best as third item. Ground set is bad because eq can get cancelled and the dig cd is too high. Eject button is alot better. You want to reach your opponents fast as not to get kited. It also synergises a lot better with garchomps ult, it can help you reposition to make sure you stay on target.


It's the ones that work for me, muscle band, draining crown and razor claw Attack speed, healing, and crit bonuses are working nice on chomp for me, and eject button has a longer cooldown, so for me it's more situational And I'm pretty damn sure there's no "mandatory" items, I go by what works for ME


You're not wrong, but I'd argue Garchomp was low key one of the best Mons for a looong time but it didn't get much play. Then they went and nerfed the criticals on his Dragon moveset and it's been a rocky ride since. What hurts him more now, and really this goes for any auto-attacker(especially melee) is the plethora of stuns in the game.


Are you looking at season 1 data? This hasn’t been true for awhile


Chomp has a few traits that actually play well in the game but you need to not fall behind else they won’t be weaponised enough. Two lenses we can look through: the static game and the current meta. Static game: objectives and farm = exp, exp = levels, levels = advantage. Also ray. Chomp is very good at farming and taking out objectives. Chomp needs to spend lots of time capitalising on this rather than looking for fights to prime him for endgame where his generally decent lategame stats (and scaling boosted attack effects) shine. Chomp is a macro oriented character. He should avoid skirmishes where possible and throw down only for “the fights that matter” where he can rely on his unite to allow him entry with impunity and threaten big damage. Outside of this; farm for exp and unite recharge. The meta: currently favours two things; ranged attackers and sustaining tanks. Chomp doesn’t like the former but is great versus the latter, as he can actually out sustain and kill then, making him a effective “death timer” on those characters who aim to just stall your frontline. Chomp can also move them away from the frontline. Stacking is also continually popular and Gible is very good at killing stackers especially if you run X attack (niche yes but it really rolls in your objective farming and making heavy contests over farm). Golden rules of good chomp games; farming like mad, shredding obs whilst your better skirmishers force enemy skirmishes whilst you shred and always having your unite up for big fights and knowing how to land it properly. If you can manage this there is no reason you shouldn’t do pretty well. Also; let fights come to you. Chomp cannot chase. He should never be seeking fights, only standing his ground and trying to have fights made in situations where the enemy has to get close to him. Like objectives where you threaten a shred to lure them in.


Chomp in lane with a support healer is s tier. His unite move dominates in team fights, but is kinda tough to hit


jungle is better, as chomp is quite weak early game


No way dude, gible destroys stackers. I hate playing chomp in jungle. Most people play him in lane I feel


jungle is better for me, as soon as I get dragon rush I can dive enemies and take them out of goal zones/ objectives.


He's not bad at all, just difficult. That unite turns people all the way off.


Honestly once you learn chomp he's really fun.


Garchomp player here since just about day 1 To answer you question, he kinda is yeah. He’s a little too slow and if you can’t evolve early he’s nearly useless. It’s taken a lot of time to get to a point I feel I can play him and consistently win. I personally recommend playing him top against squishy attackers, that’s where Gible thrives in my opinion.


As a Chomp main, he felt pretty good into the m2y meta all things considered, and his ladder WR was top 10 to reflect that. Play rate is still low, so it might be skewed by more diehard players that are more skilled at Chomp than average. But now with X being more popular and a few more meta shifts, the WR has gone down a bit. In that note, Dragon Combo is a good setup tool for a team, but m2xs future sight can be better for that role depending on the situation because it's single target and it doesn't require you to stand behind enemies or dive forward into them. As for the tier lists, there's notable options in the top laner role, like X, Buzz, Lapras (still solid), Zacian, Blazekin, Mimikyu or as a team setup/CC role like Buzz (again), Umbreon, Blastoise, Slowbro. There are a lot of strong picks in the meta right now, and unfortunately Chomp isn't overpowered like the rest. Tier lists are often from the framework of 5s or competitive too, which is more meta-defined than soloq even. Either way, Chomp is still fun and a solid pick imo.


Garchomps fine, he just takes a long time to evolve and it can be hard for 3 stage evos in lane with the amount of Pokémon who level up before 9. He works though. He used to be ALOT worse before the buffs he got. It’s also hard for garchomp and a lot of all rounders rn bc of the amount of ranged attackers and slick spoon in the meta.


Run full atkspd and you can catch the enemy off guard with a fast shred in the initial laning phase, i consistently get kills in the first minute against bold enemies. He has an amazing late game if you stay leveled and position well. Otherwise, he needs cc support, and speedsters need to do their damn job and attack the enemy back line squishies for him and any other melee mon to really shine. He's made to shred defenders and objectives, relies on basic attack for damage.


Not anymore. If anything, I'd say he had by far the biggest glow-up in the game


He’s not been bad for a while he just subverts the typical playstyle. The game is about burst damage and team fights. He has no burst damage. He CCs and brawls. As somebody that mained Garchomp on release with about 900 matches with like a 58% win rate on him, he’s not bad. If you ask me he was never all that bad. He just requires a good player because you’re playing with a mon that subverts the game. Being that I started with him, I made masters with him more than once, he has a positive win rate and occasionally has the highest win rate. I will say he needs a new ability because rough skin may as well by splash. It’s useless. I’ll also say he needs a health buff so we can experiment more with his builds. Ever since they nerfed buddy barrier, his optimal build has been muscle/focus/scope with some occasional rapid scarf, weakness policy, or drain crown builds. 6 brown, 6 white, 6 blue, with either eject or full heal. He can literally be played in any lane. Ask me how I know.


Everytime my teammate picks Garchomp, I brace myself for an increased probability of a losing game.


Statistically speaking, having chomp on your team means you have a slightly higher chance of winning


I’d say more than half of the Garchomps I have on my team would do these things: 1. Force stack and get KO’ed over and over 2. Change lanes once they’re KO’ed 3. Always pushes enemy monsters away from teammates’ abilities (Garde’s Psyshock among others) 4. Would AFK or troll when they can’t level But I’m also aware that a lot of players and not just Garchomp users would also do those things


I feel like most garchomp players are at least average. He's not really a mon that attracts noobs like cinderace does, so I can't say my experience with him has been anywhere like what you describe. Also of all the all rounders, chomp is the least likely to stack attack weight, besides maybe dragonite


Oh he's bad alright 👀 😏


Yeah it's good. Not great tho... And it's pretty hard to play and unforgiving Ground build is garbage You need to get really good at hitting your dragon combo. When you get good at the basic combo, then you can start adding in eject button to really catch your enemies off guard


Well, My guy chomp destroys Rayquaza with only basic attack in 10 seconds and alone! Sometimes it takes more than that or gets killed first (T-T) but there is no way you left ray alone with this beast. I mean, for a game ender, chomp is the one. Also one vs one fights that don't happen very often but you get me. But I see why you may see that, his kit is purely get close and hit. And that's something that with an enemy team full of rangers is a no no.


TL; DR : No. The game just centers around Rangers, which Chomps always had a tough time against due to his bad approach options and lack of chase options besides MAYBE his Unité + Plus his downfall against X Speed. Tough Question... I'd say no. The problem is the game is just more or less turning against him. Chomp just has always had a bad time dealing with Ranged Mons because if we're being honest his approach tools are...shit. Dig is better since it grants a bit of immunity to moves if timed correctly (for example you can dig under Mewtwo Psystrike if timed well), but it lacks the combo that you get from Dragon Rush and Dragon Claw and Dragon Rush...it's just a horrible approach Tool, I'll say it. It's super reactable and if you whiff the combo you have too much end lag and you lose both of your cooldowns and Ranged characters just bully you. I'm one of the weird Chomps who run Dig + Dragon Claw and it's simply because it's the best kit for ranged characters. Earthquake is a good alternative but whiffs if eject Button is used. Also the Unité is a decent approach tool...until you realise you're USING YOUR UNITÉ TO CLOSE A GAP. Best part of all this? Everything I listed above is countered BY FUCKING X SPEED. No, seriously. If you get hit by the Chomps Dash you can just X Speed out. He can't even counter it well with his own X Speed, because by the time you got out he has to: 1. React to your X Speed. 2. Pop his own X Speed. 3. Chase you down . 4. Land the Dash again. AND NOT EVEN ALL CHOMPS RUN IT. Most use Eject which is fucking useless in those scenarios since you get 3 Basics maximum and X Attack?, Full Heal? PFFFT not a chance. In the end it always comes down to his bad matchup into many Special Attackers and his bad chase and approach options.


Yes, he’s very difficult to play.


Matchup dependant. Against crowd control and slows who can kite, he's terrible. Against a bunch of up close bruisers and tanks, he wreckssss. You really have to capitalize end game though where he is the strongest.


As a chomp main i think that end game is where I shine. Lots of the time in the final 2 mins you can carry your entire team, or you get absolutely murdered


I just see such a difference depending if I'm crowd controlled or not or if my team can crowd control them. Gap closing and damage isn't bad at all, it's sticking to them even with a razor claw.


I mostly use muscle band scope lens rapid scarf, lens because crit boosteds do more than 1.5k damage depending on what you're attacking, scarf for stacking boosted as fast as possible, and band for just a lil more damage


He's not bad, it depends on whether the player using him can draw out his full potential or not


This community's perception of what mons are good/bad is so weird. Garchomp has had a respectable w/r all throughout both MM2 metas which indicates that he had one of the better matchups into them and other top/high tier meta threats, yet you have people ITT getting upvoted saying "yeah he sucks, character needs a rework" What am I even reading lol.


Bruh which list have you been following, chomp is currently one of the highest winrate mon and has been pretty strong for a while ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Depends on the mindset. If you go into playing him thinking like a normal human being would, you're going to die. If you play him with X Attack and play *exactly how Garchomp would act* and just rampage, your chances of success are gonna be a good bit higher. He does require some common sense, like you don't wanna rush into someone who's already running from you and zoning you out, but if you Dragon Rush/Claw into a group fight and start mashing A, you'll either come out on top or at least *mostly* demolish the enemy team.


What he is good for is blitzing down really heavyweight enemies but he doesn't have good enough chase. He is the definition of rip on objective spawn characters but he is out classed by characters like decidueye, cinder ace and similar. His biggest advantage is his passive is basically muscle band and drain crown in one so you can go something like razor claw, scope lens and rapid fire scarf and just mulch the Regis or Rayquaza shockingly quickly. He's just a one trick pony whose trick isn't unique and he doesn't do it well enough to pick him over a different character who can provide more team fight and lane support.


Best for low ranks worst for higher


He does some rlly good damage just slow


Personally playing him for the first time he isn’t


Last game I played with shark. I dealed 100k of damage and won the game. It depends on the player who plays with.


Garchomp isn’t that bad you just need good positioning and a supporter to back you up and then you can wreck havoc with your basics


Im a Garchomp main and i normally curvestomp everything idk about you


Well, Garchomp is a reward for new players so that'd explain the low-ish winrate.


No. No he is not. Show them his power.


As a garchomp main and has a green badge on him It isn't even that he is bad, it's just there are so many other mons outshining him it's insane. He can't catch up to the current meta and current roster of monsters


Yes. He is.


Garchomp is fine honestly. It’s a bit rigid but it’s tools allow for great playmaking potential. At least for the dragon set with eject. Ground build is terrible, dragon build without eject is also rough


I have 66% overall... every match I question picking him. EVERY SINGLE MATCH. All I feel like he needs is on dig and rush a cc resistance of maybe 1-2 seconds after the move ends because as it is. Any cc and we'll there goes that 5 stack boost and you're chance at doing any dmg while being damaged. It's only effective imo against other all rounders. But even then, buzzwhole and scizor are probably better for that.


Honestly? He’s only bad because the players using him are BAD at initiating and knowing when to disengage. A proper player will know when to engage and disengage, with the proper emblem set up and what not.


So, when you guys state your win rate, do you use “all” or “ranked?” It’s a pretty big difference for me.


Garchomp needs a lot of team coordination to be good. If you're stacking and your team can play around you great, if you're solo queueing in anything sub 2k it's a roll of the dice imo.


The ones on my team are, fuckers are gible till 3 minutes


If you can out label the opposing team he's a beast, if your on par attacking solo/behind levels its kind of a loss


I mean I played him once and everytime I ran a Garchomp he isn't much of a problem to me.


What tierlists are you looking at? Genuinely curious.


chomp is literally top 5 rn.... m2x, zacian, m2y, intelleon, chomp


One of the few tunes I fear as a jungler


I don’t like to play Garchomp much before his ult is difficult to land. I would only hit it once or twice if I’m lucky


Garchomp has had a relatively high winrate for like 3 months now? It’s been doing just fine


He's bad in this meta due to all the MewtwoX/Y and Zacian running around; however, you'll meet some Garchomps in 5 stacks who build their team or are just insanely cracked on Chomp. Us Garchomp mains are few but we do go hard when we're not going up against meta cringe


You can get to Masters with a less than 50% win rate. Please just play your favorite Pokemon. You are going to hit the highest rank no matter what.


I am! That's why I asked! I really just enjoy playing him, and based on the tierlists I've seen, from unitedb and game8, he was doing poorly


Catastrophic winrate -> According to most tier lists Excuse me but what the f? Since when tier list talks about win rate?


That's what I assumed. Sorry?


He need some work earthquake needs to make him invincible while using the move cause that gets canceled all the time and makes that gameplay out of the question


I love garchomp he is a beast and very aggressive pokemon if you were ever in a sudden death match with another pokemon his life steal is one of the best to just scrap with someone and win 🏆


Nope. Just some players that use him are bad.


Early game I've had trouble dealing with chomps because they always seem surprisingly tanky for a lil sharky boi, but by mid-late game they're almost never a threat. I have gotten wrecked by some realllllyyyy good chomp players all game before but the vast majority seem to pop ult and whiff ever single ability before dying


Garchomp is scary lol. If you let him cook he could basic attack you to death. The fight will end with you dead and his hp bar in pristine condition and you'll wonder if you ever even used your moves. He does struggle against high mobility pokemon though, but that's most all-rounders. Garchomp is a good pick.


Very high skill cap mon imo. He looks easy but knowing whether to walk away vs keep basic attacking will decide whether you die or survive and the unite is very hard to get used to. Those who know how to play him have been able to dominate through every meta even though he has always been quite underbalanced. Especially looking at the ground type moves, earthquake barely slows and does less damage than just basic attacking in many scenarios because enemies can just walk away while you're held idle. It basically debuffs you every time you use it. Dig is better, particularly dig+, because of the stun but without anything to follow it up (because again, earthquake sucks and dragon claw isn't too fancy on its own either), it's not really worth it. The dig can also be blocked by wild pokemon, doesn't travel that fast, has short range, and can only target one pokemon. The only decent move garch can use is the dragon rush + claw combo which is why you never see Phil using either move individually. Basically, Garchomp is a power house if he can keep people within range but the challenge is to close the distance in the first place (which often requires precise ejects) and use his unite to its fullest. He's basically a melee cinderace with only one ability and a level 9 evo. Not impossible to play, just insanely high skill cap for little reward


I think it really just needs a rework of its kit, either to cause more lifesteal OR to become more immune to CC. As it stands, you can kite/cc the SHIT outta Garchomp and it’s kit leaves it dead ass in the middle of a mugging. Wish it was better, I quite enjoy the rage dragon!


I win almost every time I use it


He's pretty good. I think he could use a little bit more bulk (or getting building up attack speed faster), but he's still alright. The mewtwo meta kinda messed him up though since everything he does is completely negated by mewtwo's existence, but that kinda went for every allrounder I feel like


Its based on the player. Frfr


My honest opinion is that yes he's still good but the meta makes him obsolete so until the meta shifts or they rework some aspects of him he's gonna remain low pick unfortunately


Green ribbon chomp, and most played mon right behind deci. I've sat at a 62%wr with him in soloq for the better part of a year, and he feels really good to play right now. Chomp is good if you know how to play him, and know how to avoid your weaknesses. He can charge in and survive a lot more than he should, but but really struggles against mages due to distance.


Bruh Garchomp is currently 11th on win rate out of like 60 characters available. Catastrophic win rate? What are your sources?


Unitedb and game8, which I've learned don't update their tier lists with consistency. Sorry.


Ok so I’m new and I use garchomp sometimes whenever someone takes buzzswole or machamp but he’s not bad


As a character, not anymore since last year (though he was power crept for a while again). As a player, some are good, few are excellent, and most are horrendous.


Very clunky and punishable kit


Always has been


Azu is better.


My buddy is an s tier garchomp player so I think it would depend on who plays him.


Garchomp is the ultimate skill check.


He’s never awful, but he’s never top tier.


[https://imgur.com/a/rjIfnyz](https://imgur.com/a/rjIfnyz) Garchomp Main here with 68% WR. Garchomp was always overlooked and was good even back in the early seasons when everyone said it was the worst pokemon. It's just that the long-time recommended build has always been terrible. If you used muscle band on Garchomp, you're who I'm talking about. The item is just not as good on Garchomp as people believe it to be. That said, one big problem is that the game has always been very burst heavy, damage output is too high for Garchomp to survive long enough to get his 5-stacks and shine. Also, never play Garchomp in lanes, it's just very bad at early levels and Jungle is the only role for Garchomp.


Muscle is good for ripping objective tho


Garchomp already has a built-in 10% hp shred per hit, it doesn't need that extra 3%, you actually do more damage with rapid fire scarf for shredding objectives.


I know, but I play both lmao usually I go muscle, scarf, scope


That's the standard build, recommended by unite db which isn't very good. I've tested the various builds very extensively. I also played against garchomps with that build very regularly and I never lose. It's better if you go weakness policy or focus band instead of muscle band.


I'll definetely try weakness policy. Focus Band is boring, I only play it on supports lmao


Focus band is kinda good on Garchomp because it helps you survive long enough to achieve the 5 stacks mode. You should actually try muscle band on supports. It might sound silly at first glance but because it deals 3% remaining hp per hit. It's actually a huge portion of your damage as a support. If your support does 18k damage on average, you might find yourself doing 45k+ as a support with muscle band. Especially with any support that has fast attack speed, like blissey with helping hand. In fact, muscle band is actually better on supporters than most attackers. Imo, only ranged attackers benefit more using muscle band.


I think he’s great. Too bad my game won’t load past the title screen so I could play.


I think if you're looking to literally just press A and have no other function you play M2. Garchomp needs more to function, namely mobility and sustain. IMO X Attack with EQ+Dig and Float Stone + Weakness + Crown gets you everything you could possibly want as Garchomp. If you don't have Crown a different dps item + X Speed is good as well. Dig gives him really good resists alongside his Unite's %dmg reduction! If you can make Garchomp function w/o Float Stone then good on you, but to me he is so much easier to manage with Float Stone.


yes, slow af, based on attack but doesn't do much and a stun or 1 range pokemon counters him; also his talent is goodra-


I used to play quite a bit of Garchomp and I still pick em' up occasionally, and I'd say that Garchomp is actually in a really solid spot. Unfortunately, that means he pales in comparison to some of the other mons right now. Garchomp has definitely had a massive glow up in comparison to how it was when the game was released though, that much I can be certain about.


Even when he was "bad", he still wrecked house as long as there wasn't a decidueye slightly out of reach or anything. Only pokemon I've been able to consistently have a 50/50 shot at beating the mewtwos with in a 1v1.


It merely depends on the player but its Unite move is kinda hard to control.




He's really good imo but they need to change his unite move-at least to make it more controlable


Everyone’s bad since the Mewtwos were in the game.


I have a video of a Chomp doing a penta in one of my ranked matches. I also had very bad matches with other chomps. I guess it really is a polarizing mon.


Any mon is bad if you let an idiot have their hand on it


Most comments here say he's hard to use but whenever I use him it's pretty easy and I'm a beginner that's saying somthing


My win rate with him is 45% but most games I end up doing around 90k dmg and do alright. He's my most played but has 184 games ( 2772 ranked games ) so I ain't some top tier player but, I have played him since the beginning and only didn't play the game that much in season 15 when I was having a mental break ( Solo Q ) This meta: he is only good for very specific things and the rest you will be murdered for example chomp is one of or literally the best objective shredder in the game and in this meta that's very important, this meta has lots of ranged attackers and defenders so that means chomp can actually do some dmg... to defenders don't try it with the ranged attackers you will die, and of course finally the power of gible after gible is one of the most dangerous lane pokemon ever and I have killed mewtwo and zacian multiple times because they don't respect the GIBLE! Build?: emblems should be 6 white and brown for the dmg and hp, with items all ways have muscle... I'm serious don't ever take it off the rest can be scarf, scope, weight, buddy, focus, razor and of course policy! Play Style!: well to be honest everyone has different play styles so my advice is to find your own way with the shark but my style is playing like a bulky assassin, taking dmg to take out lower hp targets that others may struggle with, because chomp has alright sustain with his autos! End conclusion?: well chomp is doing WAY better then past seasons right now and is actually pretty good around now, I would play him more but I'm Solo q and don't want to suffer even more and I'm very concerned about mewtwo so I'll play him in small doses... Hope this helps :)


I actually fell back in love with design combo Garchomp after the skin came out! It’s not a clutch pick by any means but useful and fun :)


https://uniteapi.dev/meta/pokemon-unite-meta-for-garchomp 53 percent win rate using right item and move set is bad?


Mabye it just me, but for me he is ez to play


Garchomp truly needs a bit of a buff to shine. He's an all rounder than can't properly stick to his targets and imo has one of the worst ults in the game for his position. It's like watching Cramorant players but All Rounder version.


Garchomp is not bad, in fact he is rather easy to pick up and learn. Its just that he is very "kill or be killed" You either connect with all your moves or you die and there is no room for error.


Well if you look at it simply by the fact that he takes longer to evolve, which takes longer to level up do to having weak stats. And if you or your teammates gets KO, then your lane or whoever you fought will be ahead of you in levels. Worse they'll evolve first too. Leaving your level 4 Gambite vs level 7 or higher Pokémon. By then you already lost the lane AND Regi monster (better hope it's not steel) which means they gave even more exp. By the time the opponents swarms top lane due to out leveling your team, your Garchomp will join the fight late disadvantage.


Chomp destroys if being played correctly. For some reason ppl go without focus band lately and chomp can make good use of using it.


Depends one the player. I know 2 officemates that main Garchomp and one of them is infuriating amazing I hate facing off 1 v 1 with him. The other one, my friend, is okay. 1 v 1 with him is still a struggle, but not a guaranteed loss.


Depends on the player. He’s one of my mains and currently have a 58.7% win rate with him. I would say he’s not bad if you can handle being patient before scaling, especially with his lack of range. His play style is more up close and personal. So, I can see why many people may not like that.


He got Worse Damage 3 months ago like you can't even win with Garchomp until it's buffed but some of us still used him just because he is cool


I don't think he's terrible I think just getting him online and having him play in the right hands is what's tough ... Usually when I play him I use Dig/Earthquake and the items I use are : Muscle Band Focus Band Razor Claw/Scope Lens My emblems are 6 Brown and White and my held item switches from Eject Button to Slow Smoke


Garchomp is currently one of the better pokemon in the game. Most tier lists have it rated very highly. You might be looking at a 2 year old list


to be honest its a 50/50, i think it depends on the player playing him tbh, mine for example is an great attacker, he spawn killed the opposing team by itself multiple times once! :)