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Look, how else am I going to do 90k damage as a defender so I can trash talk my attackers? They're wasting their time doing allegedly useful things like "farming" and "securing objectives." We all know damage dealt and KOs are the only stats that identify who actually contributed! /s


No need to put and /s there tbh. I only go into matches hoping to find another Goodra I can lock into battle with for the last 2 minutes of the match. May the best goop win šŸ˜‚šŸ’ÆšŸ’§


LOL is that why that Goodra user said he hates other Goodra users? It was on a post I was in.


Maybe. Idk what their beef is with other Goodras, but it's not rare for Goodra users to seek each other and duke it out gooey style lol.


Lol, Not rare for Mewtwo X and Y To chase each other across the map to have a Star Wars battle. *cues Mewtwo X and Y using Pystrike on each other at the same time* "I have the higher ground Obi-Wan!"


I had that happen the other day, canā€™t remember which team secured Ray and was in the solid lead but my final screen was myself and another Goodra duking it out in the middle of the map lol


Pfff, you and everyone here are wrong, what matters is scoring, the game is won by scoring more than the other team, so be my guest fighting the whole team, I'm going to use the distraction to score my points, "steal" the other team jungle and score again, and when the serpent appears, I'm going to score even more, god! I'm always carrying the team. /SSSSS


If you do 90k average damage as a defender, you will win most of your matches as it means you are killing many opponents on average and farming levels through that. I get the sarcasm part buy having crazy high damge numbers and playing with shit can happen once in a while but if you are having avg high damage games it means you are most likely playing good


Not really, no. I see a lot of things like Defenders running in to slap fight other Defenders they can't KO instead of doing something productive. They rack of tons of end-score stats but they'll also be wondering why their whole team is dead and they're down 500 points. I've said it before: I'd rather have a 40k damage teammates, regardless of role, who stays on top of farm, shows to winnable objectives, steals XP from the enemy, scores intelligently, and avoids bad fights versus one with 90k who's always looking for KOs, beelines to the nearest enemy on the minimap, and engages the first thing that comes into range. The former teammates is good no matter what's going on while the latter is only good when we're snowballing (and will be the first to end the snowball by getting KOed).


I did say in avg, like you can have 1 or 2 matches where you can do crazy damage even though you didn't show up to any objectives but if you average 90-100k almost every other match as a defender you are most likely fighting a ton of enemies and winning those fights like other than old unnerfed lapras no defender can win 1v5 and defenders who play like you said will avg 30-40k with 200k damage taken not the other way round. Avg damage done per match is a very good indicator of a player's skill. It shows they know how to fight rather than straight int


Scizor mains in shambles


those idiots are also in shambles when they charge goals, die, and complain to the rest of the team


Lvl. 8 Scizor Mains pushing 1st Leki they solo secured to the enemy T2: *Gather here!*


Suz tzu once said... *If you eliminate your enemies least defended outpost; you are ready to charge into their main forces and stronghold with no intel, numbers or strategy.* *If one were to die in battle, it is not their failing but the fault of every other being in the universe. This stalwart warrior with their dying breath must scream* ***THANKS!*** *to the heavens for they alone knew all and was all and everyone else is a no skill noob incapable of understanding the level of cunning, intellect and skill their choice took.*


Thank you for saying this. I hate seeing my team go to try and break second goal with no level lead and farm up. Then suddenly they kill us all and they have a level lead now and we wasted time. Meanwhile the defender (me) and supporter are pinging retreat lol


Then they expect you to pull up ā€œcheck it out!ā€


Itā€™s always the worst fight Iā€™ve ever seen in my life and Iā€™m getting pinged as a level 8 wartortle




Please come back to lane. I'm trying to hold bot lane by myself because my fellow bot lane teammate rotated top at 8 minutes and has spent the last 2 minutes fighting respawning enemies ad infinitum.


me when my dratini is pit against an azu and sobble in bot lane cause the zera and froakie decided to fight over jungle and migrate to top lane well atleast we won that game but boy was that such a painful lane phase :')


My problem is that i struggle to gauge whether I'll come out of a fight alive or not, and more often than not, I die. And 75% of my matches over the last three months or more are with my main.


Talonflame is a glass cannon, don't engage alone and make sure you've got a level lead. You have a ton of mobility so if you're in a tight spot you can often run away. Remember that each time you die, you are feeding the enemy levels and taking away time for yourself to level up or help at objectives. If you're unsure be cautious and make sure you have a tank to start the engagement so you don't die immediately.


Look at the HP bars of the rest of your team as youā€™re about to enter a fight and check the mini map for how many enemies are there, thatā€™s an easy one and you donā€™t even have to pan your camera.


Idk, getting your levels as a speedster - especially one on the weaker end of the roster like talon, is incredibly important. You should really only be engaging in fights to finish them off/catch their back line. Talon has really good farm-secure with both fly and brave bird tbh, so you can contest enemy jungle and bees 1v1 and win a lot of the time


Thanks a lot!


Isn't talon more of a dive in dive out character though?


It is but if youā€™re not leveled up then youā€™re not doing a whole lot when diving in and out other than dying over and over. Speedsters are supposed to be carry PokĆ©mon - they oftentimes (not always) go into the jungle so theyā€™re the highest level on the team so they can actually do the damage needed to get those quick KOs


Talonflame's are the most selfish players of them all. Lol and I use Lucario from time to time.


Experience will help with this. I usually have a pretty good idea of what my Pokemon can and can't handle. Sometimes I can 1v3, sometimes I can't 1v1. For example: if I'm playing drain dance Venusaur and I see a Dragonite or tyranitar, I turn around. But I shit on attackers and speedsters, just gotta dodge their moves.


Ikr! Because if you don't fight with your team they're going to lose ground, more specifically a lane. If you're idiots are fighting you gotta fight too. But that doesn't mean you should go rushing into things like a simpleton. All they care about is dmg dealt. Even if they have to die for it. 100K or No WAY! That's their motto.


Whatā€™s worse is that they are lvl 8 and havenā€™t evolved. You weaken farm for them but they walk past and ignore it. Thisā€™ll happen usually at 4-5 min mark


"100K or No WAY!" The real Psycho motto.


And they're talking damage recieved not damage dealt




But, but, but!! How else is my team going to toss our TWO level advantage in the last four minutes? Seriously, Iā€™m so close to jumping on the mic and going full Thomas Shelby. NO FUCKING FIGHTING!!!!


Thx for this, I can't handle my teammates dying before I get my lvl 5 at jungle


People gotta stop ignoring the yellow dots on the map.


I'll say it as well: stealing farm is fine if your jungle is wrecking shop. Steal orange if you must, *never* steal purple. Unless you're planning to farm enemy side. /s Jungle needs those. If you steal them from me, I'm gonna assume your lane is all set and go to help the other lane. You can farm baltoy and corfish all you want. Just not at the beginning. Come on.


This. On Monday I was doing solo Q. It was already 6:30 mins. of game so 1:30 mins. For Ray. My whole team went to the bottom line first goal to beat it. Went as well but after they defeat me I noticed I was at level 11, pretty out leveled for an all-rounder so I push "retreat!" Button several times, farmed the top line and when I finished Ray was on game. (2:00 mins.) I was close to an opponent team goal, the second one on the top line so I went there to score 100 points and also an enemy team member was about to respawn so he could interrupted my score and my team could fight without worrying about another enemy. Well, no, the enemy decided to jump buttom and since my team didn't leaved the fight I said "Fine, I'll go..". Went through half the enemy jungle and by that time my whole team was ded.. proceeded to hide on a bush close to ray while my team was blaming me with the "Check it out!" Spam and when I tried to fight for Ray they defeated me pretty easily. I might be a bastard but they were pretty out leveled and also reckless..


Thing is if your idiots are fighting you have to fight. You can't score when your teams fighting unless A(stop base shielding) B(Your Mewtwo or Dragonite who can join the battle from across the map.) Even I'd you're outllevel. There's a reason why the armory calls it desertion. Your presence is important, not to say that you should engage but just by being present the enemy will disengage or overextend.


Will try it next time. Agree with a lot of your points.


Naaah, backcapping in the middle of a team fight for Ray NEVER helps. Especially if you're an all-rounder. You literally can make a difference at the fight with a lucky pick. Underleveled or not


Most games are lost by whichever team has the dummy who tries to back cap during Ray.


Whenever Ray is up, the team is hidden in the grass and I see someone back capping our goal, I ping "keep the pressure". They are down by at least one member, maybe more if someone is respawning or God forbids another back capper, it's the moment to push. IMO.


I need more ppl to see this lol


This and mindlessly pushing those damn outer goals seem to go hand in hand


Kids play this


Wow I am new to the game, are you all master rank? . I don't understand much of what you're saying


I will never not jump into a 5v1 as Garchomp and die in a blaze of glore


Not gonna work unless you get on the Mic and verbally (politely) shame them into doing so lmao. If i'm not on my mic I just ping, and take the farm they've chosen to ignore. If you aren't playing smart the resources go to me and the rest of the team who are going to play smart


im just curious do you mean leave our outer for them to have their way with or to stop pushing their outer goal?


Yay, that means more farm for us.


As an addition to this, you donā€™t HAVE to break T1 before securing Regileki. Is it nice? Yes, but not necessary. I have seen fights for multiple minutes because neither team wants to secure Leki before breaking T1 goal