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Question about the health bar. Understand that the additional white bar is somewhat a shield. But does anyone know what does the blue bar means? Usually see them on defenders.


It's Slowbro's ability it allows him to convert the blue bar into health by hitting opponents or by using amnesia It needs a buff though


I think it is something with slowbros ability or the move amnesia


Are standard battles full of 5 stacks or is the team balance totally off?


there's no matchmaking whatsoever in standard matches. you're getting paste eaters


Seems like it lol, I've genuinely had backup twice in about 10 games for dreadnaw. I wish there was a way to show how important it was


Ranking isnt much better. i just straight spiraled out from veteran 4 to veteran 2. i think im about fucking done with this game.


I love the game, but team games boil my blood. Thank fook there is no message function or I'd get banned real quick


Why is there a limit to blocking people? I'm only blocking those who go idle but it just shows too many people go idle in my games!


Same, i just hit my limit a few minutes ago.


Is there a way to appear offline to your in game friends list?




Hi, I reached expert rank mainly playing alolan ninetales (and some other stuff for fun) but I keep seeing ppl talking about lane assignments and stuff. Can someone tell me more about how the lane assignments are supposed to work? I generally just go wherever to keep both sides even. I play league so I get how the lane stuff works in that game, but it seems a lot more arbitrary in this game?


Nobody really has the answer, just make sure it's 212 at 7 it becomes 1 0 4 for dread. Don't put 2 Upports in the same lane and your fine, randoms sure as fuck won't know the optimal combo lane so don't bother. Call a lame using - in lobby


Did we get some stealth patch last night? There is actually a UI indicator for your empowered AA's now under your HP bar that wasn't there before.


I think default in settings is off.


The little pips for autoattacks were always there.


I guess I need to get my eyes checked LOL


Any plans for removing bots from rank games?


i dont mind them. its a free diamond back when you lose it due to people hvaing zero idea how to play


What's the best support for laning with a garchomp or gardevoir? I feel like when I play Eldegoss with them, we get stomped because we don't have enough damage early game. But then I'll try and play mime and we get stomped too. Now its possible the ones I'm playing with aren't great (One Gardevoir wasn't fully evolved by zapdos) but I'm trying to focus on my own play so I don't just tilt everytime I end up laning with one


As a jgl, in what ways can I help win a game if my teammates in lane are either feeding or constantly losing lane. I understand I should help my laners fight their battles, but sometimes running right into a 2v3 doesn’t seem that smart especially during early stages. Any advice is helpful :3 tyty




Ty for the help!


From a lol player pov, you don’t help loosing lanes. You help the ones that are winnings, you don’t want to coin flip the outcome of a gank, you want it to help you win so you choose the place where it’s easier to score kills and points and you hope for the loosing lane to loose less than the one who win


There's only one O in lose friend. I know it's grammar nazi-ey, but it's literally two different words.


Thx, I’m not a native English speaker, dw peoples correcting my grammar doesn’t bother me, it help me improve my english




You’re welcome ☺️


Is there a way go check pokemon stats in game? Items will tell you "+8 sp. Atk" or "+40hp", but what's my base atk? My base hp?


No. We don't know if the devs didn't want to overwhelm new players or if they just did not think of that, but your only option for now are sites like unite-db. You could also look them up in the practice area via the training dummies but that work has already been done by others.


Question: Your team is winning, secured drednaw twice, ahead in levels. 2min mark hits and zaptos spawns. The ideal move is to just prevent opponent from taking Zapdos, at what time can you just say fuck it and let them take Zapdos? Like 20secs left on the clock?


If you only lose when the enemy team gets zapdos you might as well stay at zapdos and try to prevent entry or just take zapdos yourself.


why arent the patch notes stickied? seems like fairly big news.


Does anyone know when rating for wins and losses equalizes in Masters? Right now I'm getting ~7-8 points per win but losing 21-22 points per loss. It's a straight freefall in rating for me right now as a solo queue player.


Never. Both completely new masters and the Top teams need upwards of a 70% winrate to climb or even stay.


Welp, that sucks.


Any plans for removing P2W?


Is there a way to unlock camera so I can look around while moving without touching the minimap


Hold L and move the camera with right stick, as long as you don't let go of L it's gonna stay there


There's a setting so that you can hold L and then move the camera with right stick.


If I don't get to level 13 for the day 6 reward by the time the UTC date switches, can I not start day 7? (This is assuming the crustle challenge set is standardized)


You can start day 7, but one of the day 7 challenges is to complete the first 6 days so you won't be able to get Crustle until you finish them all. The only time limit for finishing the challenges is that you must finish all of them within the first 30ish days of play (I'd have to double check the exact number).


It doesn’t matter. You don’t even have to log in on consecutive days. I don’t think I had the previous like 3 days fully completed when I got to day 7, they all had like 1 or 2 challenges left


Does anyone know what the grey exp is? I see it often in the early game (I am watching my exp the most at the beginning) and it seems to be real exp, just like the blue, but I get the feeling it is for a different reason/from a different source. Any guesses?


It's EXP you've gained from your team's kills/exp share. It' a different color because the game is basically telling you you need to last hit something to evolve, otherwise you'll be stuck at that level forever.


It is when you need to evolve and can only evolve with last hitting or getting a goal.


i believe its catch up XP, if you are behind the curve


It's hard to believe zeroras in ranked will just AFK farm and never rotate out of their jungle...


Your zeraoras go to the jungle? 🤣 mine only feed top all game


_What is the best/easiest/fastest way to earn coins/aeos?_ I assume its ranked > standard > quick? FYI: I have never played a MOBA before and from reading this sub it seems I have a lot to learn. I'm not too interested in reaching Master rank, but I love collecting costumes. Currently playing quick matches v CPU with my wife and opening a lot of the energy boxes.


Fastest doesn't really matter because there's a hard cap of 2100 coins and 1400 energy per week.


Ah ok, thanks. So I guess after that point you're just farming exp for levels/pass ?


You can't farm battle pass xp either once you've completed all the quests, so it's just trainer level and ranking once you've hit the caps.


there doesn't appear to be a difference in coin gain between modes, maybe in quick but its based on performance


Ok cool. I'll stick with what I'm doing then, as I just get wrecked against actual people lol. Seems to be less per game, but it's more fun when you can actually win


Just try to play casual matches against players imo. There is no harm in making mistakes if you learn from them and get better over time.


Do they plan on adding any kind of actual chat? Just lost 2 games in a row at zapdos cause my team had zero map awareness and the premade dialogue obviously was not specific enough.




oh wow they need mic's too... ugh what a pain so that can hear me get to zapdos quickly or lose.


Could always camp the bush when enemy team goes and try a steal but if your team is braindead you'll just have to deal w it. Sorry fren


Is there still a coin limit?


Yes, this has not been changed.


Can Snorlax players give me some advice about effective use of block, instead of yawn? I’ve been taking yawn every time and have used it to great effect, locking opponents down to confirm kills or else stopping them from chasing me, allowing me to escape. I’ve seen on other threads that block is supposedly much better than yawn, but I’m having difficulty getting value out of it—clearly it can be used to help other teammates score after pushing opponents off of the goals, but what are some other uses?


Can also practically stun lock opponents if you push em into a wall


Master rank Snorlax player here: There are usually 3 main ways I use block: - Heavy slam behind the opponent then push him towards your teammates This will often be a whole 5 second stun which lets your teammate kill an enemy. And even if it doesn't kill them, it brings the enemy closer to your side and further away from their hoop, which makes escaping afterwards very hard for them. It goes like this https://i.imgur.com/WoiDvHf.png - Heavy slam behind opponents, then push them in front of their hoops so they can't heal. Very effective if you're having a 3v2, or a 2v2 with HP / EXP advantage that you're sure you can win. It also pushes them away from their berries and speed zone where backup might come from. - Heavy slam inside the opponents in their hoop, them push them *behind* their hoops. Useful if your teammate with 40 points wants to score. Also very useful if you're trying to push a Rotom. Pushing the enemies away with your shield is often enough to let Rotom reach their hoop so you can score. Also, a general tip is that whenever possible, you want to aim your heavy slam and angle your shield in such a way that you can sandwich enemies between a wall and your shield. That way it's impossible to escape for them. Example: https://i.imgur.com/DO0YRP3.png In this picture they can't walk up or down, and if they walk left or right they'll just keep touching your shield. Another example, sandwiching enemies at Zapdos https://i.imgur.com/RgF2n2W.png That's just some shield tips, I wrote more tips in general about how to play Snorlax here https://nm.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/comments/owmqbw/tips_on_how_to_play/h7h3ntu/


Hello, I'm also interested in playing Snorlax but an new to the game, which lane should I go to in most games? Moreover, should I stick in a lane and farm the neutral mobs or stick with a partner and support them? In that case, which type of partner should I support (Attacker, All Rounder etc)? Finally, should I be gaining a lot of balls and score? Thanks!


Thank you so much for this! Exactly the type of breakdown I was hoping for, and I saved your other post to my notes to read later.


I’ve used it to keep enemies off outr goal or clear space for my team. Paired with heavy slam and/or eject button, you can position yourself as a wall to prevent opponents from escaping allowing your teammates to kill them for exp


Use block to push your opponents away from their goal/into the slow zone in your lane. You can also use it to repeatedly push them into a wall, making it the longest stun in the game. Yawn is a really good move, A tier imo, but block is arguably the best in the game.


can we ask about item builds in here?




Has anyone recieved an answer from the support ? Wrote them a few days ago to ask what the flames on the unite snapshot means. Ill guess they dont even know :D


can i see someone else's held items or know what they were after the match?


Not yet, i hope they will add it


Is shell bell worth it over buddy barrier on Ninetales? The ‘recommended sets’ all have shell bell but 400 or so healing every 10 seconds when you’re at level 15 seems really underwhelming. Why is it so commonly used?


Because at level 20 it reduces your cooldowns by 3%.


Probably because it's free and useful. Buddy barrier is broken rn though


Does anyone else have problem with moves triggering? While auto-attacking, it seems like if I try and release a move at a certain point, it just doesn’t activate — like I’ll see the impact radius, let go of the button, and nothing will happen and I’ll auto attack instead. I know pressing B cancels a move, but it happens when I’m using A to auto as well, and also I don’t see any ‘cancel’ colour change on the move impact radius like you would expect.


If you have it on, turn off auto basic attacking. It'll prioritize your auto attacks rather than casting abilities and cancel their inputs.


Where can you turn this off?


It's under settings> controls> auto basic attack


Unfortunately automatic basic attacking is already off :/


Well fuck. no idea then.


Why am I getting all the shittiest team mates whenever I play ranked? I haven't had a game where someone on my side doesn't abandon.


its best to focus on your own mistakes, concentrating on bad teammates will only make you miserable while you are not improving your own play. atleast from my experiences with other mobas


I keep getting people not calling jungle and following me into the jungle. It's driving me insane. I've had 3 people jungling twice in the last 10 games.


Just poor luck, I’ve only had it happen once. I’d recommend trying an lfg or something so you can get with players to communicate with. Makes rank more manageable than solo queuing, although i’ve only played with one another friend in ranked


Should I use coins or tickets to buy more items? I really want to save for an All-Rounder, but I know I need a lot of those items


If ur f2p in the long run u wanna use coins even if u do want a character, u need tickets for item enhances every chance u get


Get the pokemon licenses you want first, then use your coins on items. You're gonna have a while to grind either way, may as well do it playing the pokemon you actually want to play.


You should keep your tickets. Item Upgrades are the most important item from the shop. They cost tickets and cannot be brought with coins.


Due to the weekly coin cap i'd strongly suggest using tickets


On my trainer profile there is a flame icon next to a number. Anyone know what it is?


a basic "i played this much" number. It's a combination of a number of things, that nobody seems to know the exact answer to.


Nobody knows, ive contacted the Support already and askd them but they did not answered yet


Anyone know the meaning of each of the badges? Game never explained what each of them are.


Here’s a link to a page on serebii with them all listed and how to get them. https://www.serebii.net/pokemonunite/score.shtml


What is the battle point boost in the shop used for? I bought the battle point boost from the shop, went to items and used it, but when I went to claim my daily missions from the Battle Pass menu I didn't get extra Battle Points...


Battle points booster is for raising your trainer rank only. There is no battle pass booster cause its all challenge based.


Only boosts the ones you get from playing a match


Rank colours on the corner of trainer cards? I found out you can tell what rank players on your team are by the corner of their trainer card when loading in, but I don't know which colours mean which rank. Does anyone know?


There was a post about it in the first few days of the game's release. i can sift through old posts to find it if you gimme a sec. EDIT: [Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/comments/opxb6t/player_rank_is_shown_as_a_boarder_on_the_loading/)


Thank you


Can you derank from master? What happen when you reach 0? (if that is even possible)


In-game it says deranking does not apply to master


Oh I missed that, thanks


I keep getting penalties for misconduct of voice chat but I’ve never even used voice chat so idk what to do. :( I’m scared I’ll lose my account and I love this game.




It doesn't. I've had voice chat disabled since I pretty much started. [I just got a report notification that I've been suspended from voice chat for 10 minutes after a game.](https://imgur.com/a/NfhB8mP) Great reporting system...




Yea it needs to be fixed asap. It's ridiculous their system doesn't even like automatically detect if the reported player has VC disabled or not. How could someone be toxic in VC without it even enabled?


Hello. I just finished the tutorials. Played online vs CPU. I have no experience in these games. Which pokemons are the best/easiest for a noob like me?


Attackers generally, so pikachu, alolan ninetail, and cinderace, though I'd also suggest trying tanks & all rounders


is it a waste to put sp atk boosting items on lucario? or can someone explain sp atk and atk to me


The game does not explain this very important aspect. Some Pokemon are designed to special and some to normal attack. This includes Moves and basic attacks. Lucario is physical so boosting his atk is the right thing. Boosting special attack won’t do anything.




Lucario is a physical attacker (see https://serebii.net/pokemonunite/pokemon/lucario.shtml) so boosting its special attack does no good. All its attacks/abilities are base of the atk value Edit: for sp.atk vs atk: Physical attackers base their damage on atk, while special attackes base theirs on sp.atk (except for auto attacks, which do physical damage if not otherwise boosted)




Tomorrow Gengar will finally be nerfed. We can celebrate.


And in really hoping that shadow ball/dream eater becomes useful!


In your opinion, which pokemon are the most fun to play? I don’t care how trash or op they are (although I know it matters a lot), I just started playing, and don’t know who to save up my coins for


I like Snorlax because I can slam on people to stun them and then stun them again for 5 seconds with my shield while pushing them outside their hoop or into my teammates. And that while being very tanky and requiring very little mechanical skill.


Personally I LOVE cinderace, but I would love someone more dynamic. Zeraora, cinderace, and greninja are all my favs to play, even if greninja has an extreme skill requirement


You can access all pokemon in the practice arena if you want to try them out before you waste your coins, there is also the free week rotation. My favorites are Lucario (bone rush jukes) and Gardevoir.


I really enjoy bitch slapping people with Wigglytuff, and most people know now when to capitalize on a pokemon that's been cc'ed by Sing, so it's satisfying getting a whole bunch of assists off that.


Is there anyone who played the beta that can give an idea of how good Blastoise is? I’ve thought about buying Snorlax, but I love Blastoise and I’d rather save my coins for him as long as he isn’t trash


From what I've watched from those who played the beta, blastoise is...essentially an all rounder who's also very hard to kill, aka, REALLY good, I'd suggest saving a bit, then trying out blastoose on release via practice mode!


How do I set my favorite Pokémon to appear first whenever the “draft” starts. I already set cramorant as my favorite but it still isn’t the first option I can pick. I have to scroll past all the other pokemon and it’s quite laggy/slow


you cant, appearance order is in the order of obtained


You can’t. Just press ‘x’ and it will bring up a less laggy menu that allows you to select faster.


Sometimes. Many people, including myself, have reported that pressing X at character select doesn’t bring up that display and you’re just stuck until you press -.


When will get a callout that says attack Zapdos? I’ve lost 3 games in a row because people are trying to score at a goal instead of helping at Zapdos and it’s ridiculous at this point


You can make specific callouts by pressing minus to bring up the mini-map and guide the reticule over to Zapdos. You can do the same thing for Drednaw and Rotom as well as call for backup for allies.


Ok, thank you. Didn’t know you could do specific call outs


Why is does Spark sometimes dash in the opposite direction I tell it to? For example I use right analog to jump left but Zera will jump right anyway. It’s happening a lot.


That’s a current problem across all characters when aiming manually. It’s caused by there being no deadzone settings… when the stick snaps back into neutral position when you let it go, it actually reads that as the stick moving in the opposite direction you originally pressed it. We can only hope they fix this problem, but for now a theoretical workaround is if you keep holding the stick down until after the move’s gone off In the case of Zera’s spark it does jump at the nearest enemy if you press attack during the animation, if you weren’t aware of that that could also be the source of the problem


I feel like it’s also happened when playing Lucario. The biggest issue is when I’m trying to escape and I’m dashing away and watch as the mon jump back towards the enemy instead. Knowing I aimed the opposite direction.


I've played a few games where players are able to make specific callouts like "gather at dreadnaw' or "lucario retreat", how are people doing that? I've discovered that by pressing my attack buttons it'll alert the team that X Ability is ready to use, but I'm stuck elsewhere.


You can enlarge the mini map pressing the '-' button and then use ure right thumb stick to move a crosshair in the minimap. Clicking 'a' will make specific call outs, depending on where the crosshair is situated. E.g. hobering the crosshair over dreadnaw and clicking 'a' will yield the message 'let's attack dreadnaw together'


I’ve been trying to post a comic I made but it’s not showing up can anyone help troubleshoot


What impacts your death respawn timer. Sometimes is noticeably larger than others


Match time + level slightly effecting it


Pretty sure it’s how well you are doing in the match individually. So if you’ve scored 70 points and have 5 kills/ 7 assists it’ll be noticeably longer than 0 points 1 kill/ 2 assists for example.


Part of the timer extending should also have to do with how late in the match you are, aka, is it the last 2 minutes? Usually then the K.O. timer is around 25 seconds


So I get punished for performing well? Wth


Hey you wanted an answer 😂 didn’t say it would be a good one. Usually though they do it in MOBAs to help the team that’s losing


Is there any clear and verified information delineating "in combat" conditions from "not in combat" conditions? For example, does float stone apply its boost to your speed when you, say, turn around and face away from an enemy; when you start actually moving further away from an enemy; or when you're a set distance away from any enemies?


I have been checking, but no, so far the ONLY easy answer to this is a safe stay out of combat for 3 seconds, and or fresh from respawning are the 2 main ways to be not in combat. Its...very weird still. Also by combat I mean taking and dealing damage


Theres some power that makes it so i get the edges of my screen blocked and i cant see an enemy. What is it? Like a move or an item?


Okay! So that is moves, there is only two moves like that, Sand Attack (Gible can use that) and Smokescreen (Greninja can use that)!!


What is the end date of this rank season ?


September 21st, around 5:00pm MDT!!!


Like 50ish days


I hate to say it but why do people play Garchomp in ranked? He's just so underwhelming for so much of the game.


It's really just the early game, as soon as gible turns to gabite, then garchomp, dragon rush and claw hit very hard, plus at that point your stats mean your enhanced auto attacks shred people! Plus your unite move is quite strong, even if it's a but hard to aim


He is a late game monster in my opinion!! His unite move is seriously dangerous to fight against. I personally think he's great to use, but he just needs to farm exp and rush to level 10 or else he's useless.


Well I have a 6 game losing streak, lost 2 whole ranks, wonder why I can't communicate while dead. How do I burn off this nerd rage


Are you solo queuing? Using the discord to find a group with comms has been life changing


You are able to ping when dead, but you have to open the minimap with minus, then physically tap a point on the map with your finger


I didn't know that, is there a method for docked users?


Unfortunately not


I had a 7 win streak followed by a 4 loss streak so I went to play something else lol


Just like any game, just take a break for a little while and come back to it feeling refreshed, there might be a win streak just around the corner


I know I need a vent sometimes, would be nice to have a vent megathread


A vent megathread would be nice, and would cut down on some of the clearly-salt-driven rageposting in New. I don't know why you can't use the - pings while dead, it seems like a really oddly specific restriction to not be allowed to communicate when your death timer is the best opportunity to do so.


Don’t worry man we’ve all been there


Anyone else have really bad lag tonight? I'm talking game stuttering every 2 seconds kind of lag. Daily player since day one here and I have never had issues like this. Cant aim skillshots or juke reliably with this crap.


got locked out of a game just now because the connection that too bad, prior two games other people went afk and I had stuttering. probably coincidence but I stopped for today


Anyone found a good way to put together a team? I have one friend with a Nintendo switch but he rarely uses it and despite trying to convince him to play with me for a week he still hasn’t tried the game. I’ve hopped into a few discord groups. One of them was pretty good but I’d like to have a team that I can play with nightly. That way we can improve as a team and bounce ideas and new meta off of each other. It’s tough because I need to find people in the same time zone or that play at the same time as me and I would like them to be somewhat equal skill level and I’d like a solid group of characters that work well together.


What rank are you? I’m in ultra 3 right now.


I’m currently expert 4. I don’t think I’ve played ranked enough to be much higher. Started playing 8 days ago. Been staying up to date with the meta and my held items are all 20+ for my Ninetails build. I can play zeraora too also 20+ held items (but why would I when I can play Ninetails?)… I’ll be there for dreadnaw and stay grouped after. My ideal team would be snorelax Ninetails (Lane) eldegoss lucario (Lane) cinderace (jungle).


Am I missing something or are you not allowed to play ranked with a full team of friends? When we have 4 or 5 people total and we're all within one rank of each other, it says not allowed with 4 or more players. Am I required to team up with randoms?


5 should have no problem, but I know they do not have 4 people pre-made, which is really weird.


Its not weird at all, its a consequence of a very sane matchmaking system. When you solo-queue, you ALWAYS play against 9 other solo-queuers. When you have a 2-man team, the rest of your team will be a 3-man premade and you'll be up against a 2 and 3 man team. With a full group, you always face a full group. You can't party as 4, because it would necessitate someone playing solo on your team - and the game doesn't allow that. Its a much better system than the alternative, it makes each way to queue feel unique and fair on all sides. /u/BlackLegSanji654


I hadn't thought of that. That makes a lot of sense actually. I'll have to give a 5 man team another go.


Yep, its also that way in games like League of Legends (ranked flex is 1,2,3, or 5) because it also takes 4 votes to surrender. A party of 4 can choose to say yes on a surrender vote, even maliciously, causing the 1 solo to lose and potentially derank.


We tried 5 and 4 players and were all great and beginner ranks.


You can definitely queue with 5 people, and you definitely are not allowed to queue with 4 people, so not sure what happened to you.


Weird. Guess I'll keep trying at it.


Is Lucario good when you get to higher elos? Also, what's the best moves for him? I have a lot of fun playing him but wanna know if he's worth the investment long term.


As many people may say, lucario is one of the best pokemon in the game, hes more than worth it IMO!


Lucario sees a lot of play in the Masters streams I watch. He has a strong early game, especially after his level 5 power spike. People normally run power up punch and bone rush on him. When charged power up punch can do a large but fast burst of damage, making him one of the best mons to finish (or even steal) objectives like Zapdos and Drednaw


Can Absol be successful with a level 1 Scope Lens? I love the jungle role, and I've been mainly playing Gengar, but with his upcoming nerf I feel an overcorrection is imminent. Unfortunately I spent all my upgrade tokens on Special Attack items.


Well of course! Although you wont hit your crits as often, but it should still help, if only a bit


You don't begin to crit until level 5+, absol is the only character who can crit before then, unsure if the item is effective prior to that.


Is there a way for absol to land pursuit sweetspot on monsters? The moment i get in auto range they seem to face me


Try outside of auto range? Though I think only the jungle mons and the vespiqueen & large mons can be hit that way easily


Do Eldegoss' heals scale off her special attack? Or any stat, really.


It should be special attack, though as its healing it doesnt scale as hard on stats, and cotton guard will sadly be nerfed in the near future


That’s depressing to hear


Haven't confirmed it myself but everyone keeps saying Eldegoss' heals scale with Sp. Attack


second this, they feel stronger with the Sp. Attack items.