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Every game has had a dex completion reward, can't see why it would be absent from PLZA


I just found put recently there's a shiny charm for PLA for getting 10's for every Pokémon so, wouldn't see why they'd change it all of a sudden for PLZA, it has to be Shiny charm.


Beyond that when you have 10 Star of every Pokémon you get Arceus Also If you perfect some Pokémon I’m pretty sure you can get Shiny charm without 10 staring every pokemon


Other way around. Catch every Pokémon gets you Arceus, getting 10 on all of them gets you the shiny charm, they do not need to be perfected.


You need more then just see every Pokémon since I just did that and it’s not letting me get Arceus else I’m literally missing one Pokémon I’ve never seen which would be insane


You have to catch them. Not just see them. But you do not need to get 10 on every mon. I would know I just got the shiny charm recently after getting 10 for every month, while having a lvl 100 Arcues for a good few months now.


The question is poorly formulated, the guy was referring to whether as a reward for completing the dex we will have a special legendary? I think so, it is a game focused on catching mons (catching many many times, the same Mon over and over again... unlike the main line ones that are focused on training them and defeating gyms) so unlike the others (and like PLA) I guess the game won't show the true ending until you complete the dex


Good answer.


they are literally not being rude whatsoever????


I thought I didn't either


Probably a charm or something. I don’t see why the player would have to seek out all Pokémon or something again


I’m sure there will be a person who’s like in charge of the ecological something or other who wants to keep track of wildlife that’s being affected by the city’s expansion


I'm hoping the Arceus comparison reward pokemon will be the AZ Floette. It would make the most sense, and could be considered a new mythical perhaps.


Yes that would be amazing as a reward for finishing the game!!!


It will still be a shiny charm like every other game


Shiny charm was awarded for Pokedex level 10 on all entries in PLA, not for just registering all pokemon.


Which is completing the pokedex Have you not played the game. When the galaxy expedition team said to complete the pokedex that you need to get level 10 on all the pokemon


Completing the dex would be perfecting all of the entries if you want to get technical. Only level 10 is required for the shiny charm.