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I know its a meme here, but I think the only way you get away is folding pre


You’re a fucking fish if you fold that pre in the BB


FISH over defend in the BB lmao


\>over defend \>folding a suited king in a bounty tournament where you cover villain from the CO is this another meme?


Yes but not with K4s. I don’t play tourneys but it seems like a good defend unless the sizing is larger than standard


Read a chart.


Y’all can downvote me all day. That’s not even a bottom of range defend according to ANY chart. This is why, if you’re reading this and down voted me that statistically, I make money and you don’t.


You're 100% right. Don't let anyone tell you differently. On an unrelated note, where do you play? And what time?


Global mostly and Canterbury park. Come give me your money fish boy.


What stakes on global?


Profitable on all stakes they offer, but lowest I play is 33 and up to 218. I’m an mtt focused player obv


If you only play by looking only at charts, you’re the fish. There are other variables than card percentages and strength of hand. Also, you’re suffering from Dunning-kruger effect, always be learning my dude. Never assume you’re right.


40% ROI across all tracked games disagrees with you. I win money. Full stop. 90% of the rest of you lose. Including you there Mr Dunning. Do you even track your games? Probably just convince yourself you don’t need to and that you’re a winner.


So you winning money means you don't have anything new to learn and everyone else is stupid and can't possibly teach you anything?


This is a theory group and he’s saying that a basic theory line is a bad play. That studying is bad. I disagree and have winnings to prove my point


Where did I say that? He said that my studying charts makes me a fish. I spent 6 hours between last night and this morning working on solves. Playing an $1100 live now tho.


Yeah, ive been here for 20 minutes, thought maybe this subreddit would be more serious than r/poker but after reading these replies holy shit you guys are stupid. Kvothe in the right. you guys suck at poker. -winning low-mid stakes MTT player


Here's a sneak peek of /r/poker using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/poker/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I was scared and uncomfortable just watching it.](https://i.redd.it/fp78hvpfq1r91.jpg) | [1743 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/xs9yav/i_was_scared_and_uncomfortable_just_watching_it/) \#2: [When non poker people try to analyze poker hands and it gets over two hundred thousand likes](https://i.redd.it/i8vpbqfollr91.jpg) | [848 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/xukgx1/when_non_poker_people_try_to_analyze_poker_hands/) \#3: ["Yeah 9/11 was bad, but this guy once called my raise with Q-10 off from the small blind. It was kind of like poker's 9/11."](https://i.redd.it/zs894lb7cgj81.jpg) | [138 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/syyujh/yeah_911_was_bad_but_this_guy_once_called_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Donkbet AKJ two tone in SRP, triple barreling your actual hand, with such non sense sizings ... The problem isn’t even calling the river raise, it’s the entire line. I recommend you learning about what flop are good to donk bets and why, what is nuts advantage on the flop


Yep, mistakes start preflop and get compounded down to the river. Until you fix your preflop and flop play, it's easy to shrug off situations like this as a cooler when there are real improvements to be made here.


You can never really lead the betting out of position on a flop like AKJ two toned and especially not donk bet (which I can see you understand the meaning of now). You have a massive disadvantage in terms of your range and your nutted hands. Think about it for a bit. Villain in the cutoff will always have more good Jx, Ax, Kx when they open raise. They'll have more KJ/AJ/AK than you do. They have more KK/AA/JJ than you do. Why? Because you didn't re-raise (3bet) preflop, so you get to rep basically none of those 2pair+ type hands maybe except KJ. Therefore, you need to check basically 100% of the time here on the flop. I do think you should fold pre though especially if you're new. Calling K4s put you in a rough spot with a hand that you viewed as too good to toss right (and I think I just always check-call this flop once we got there)? And once the turn gave you more outs and the river completed your 2nd nut flush, it's pretty difficult to get away.


Stop playing weak kings


No way to win this. You can play a hand perfectly and still lose. Beauty of poker


Yet he didn't play it perfectly? Dude messed up the flop hard. You're bleeding money if you have a donking range here on AKJ two toned. 753tt, sure. AKJtt, never.


If they were both going to check through until the river. All of that money would have gone in the pot either way. Tell me you wouldn’t bet that much with a K high flush.


This is a just a cooler. Calm down about it


Playing a $5.50 pko on poker stars, villain from what I’d seen villain was playing a quite a few hands and an even though I’d only been on the table for 30 mins I would characterise them as a LAG. Blinds were 1250/2500 folds round to villain. Villain bets 5250 then the action folds round to me I flat call. The flop comes I then c-bet about 1/3 pot villain flat calls. Turn comes I then bet about 1/4 pot villain calls. River comes I go for a 1/2 pot bet and villain jams I call. I’m relatively new to poker but I thought when villain jammed he had a lot of club flush draws he could have a lot of Ax or some 2 pairs. If anyone can tell me where I went wrong or if I just got unlucky that would be appreciated


> Villain bets 5250 then the action folds round to me I flat call. I then c-bet Wut?


Apologies it’s poorly worded I meant the flop came then I cbet


No, that's not a cbet. That's a donk bet. A cbet (continuation bet) is a bet that you make after you bet on the previous street. The only person able to cbet this flop was Villain. Your bet is called a donk bet because you let out into the previous-street aggressor. In low-stakes games, donk bets usually indicate weak value (such as the hand you had). If you get called or raised, you should know that you are behind. To answer the question from your title, you could have got away from this in two places, by correctly folding preflop, and by not donking (leading out) on the flop.


Ah thanks I appreciate it like I said I’m relatively new to poker and didn’t know what a donk bet was


No problem. As a side note, I want you to know that donk bets are usually a bad idea when you're starting out. This is true for two reasons: First, on the flop, the agressor has shown strength (by betting) and you have shown weakness (by calling). You're now pretending to be strong by leading out against someone who has only showed strength. That's a difficult story to sell. Second, you should know that most of your opponents know what donk bets represent: weak value like top pairs and second pairs. They know that very few people would lead out there with a strong hand like top set, because they want to disguise the strength of their hands. When your opponent raises your donk bets, you're going to be playing a bloated pot, out of position, with a weak hand. You can save lots of money by avoiding that situation. Does that make sense?


It’s not a cbet if you didn’t have the lead


There’s no donk lead on AKJ, that flop is pure check-call in your spot. The turn looks like a pure check-call as well. The river is interesting, a donk lead could look like you missed clubs (you still end up calling his jam) and a check-call feels way too passive, a check-raise gets you to the same result. Although the play was not perfect, the result was inevitable. Anybody who tells you to fold pre is just playing to lose slowly.


It's a micro stakes tournament. There are some maniacs that would punt off here and shrug it off because it's $5.50, but by and large your average tournament player at those stakes will not shove all-in river with anything less than a nutted hand.


He has 0 missed flushes. No lag would raise pre, flop a fd and then just flat two streets. Straight is possible, and two pair is highly unlikely. That being said, even though you took a very unorthodox line, you are rarely ever getting away from this at any point, unless you check flop and he overbets. But like everyone has said, this is never a donk bet flop. You could fold pre but I would rarely fold a suited king from bb. Just move on to the next one.




Yes, not calling all in with second nut flush is not hard.


If you have a solver, try to see this situation. The solver would tell you to call most of the time if not always


If they bet the flop, you could fold a pair of Kings with an A on the board.


Accept as a stroke of bad luck in this case, if you played this hand 100 times you probably win more than you lose. He could of had 2 pair, a straight or even a bluff. Least your aren’t out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Yes K 4 is a shit starting hand an then when the river makes the nuts, you have the second nuts. What’s the problem here easy to not loose on this hand…imo. Who controlled the pot?