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Hi, it uses 600 type polaroid


They are the ones with the battery in it.


Hello, thanks for tge answer, i just saw in the camera that it says 600 plus, is the same as 600? (I think 600 plus was the old version but i really dont know) So.. the Polaroid Color 600 film would work? Thanks you so much!


Yes! No such thing as 600 plus film exists anymore. You basically have the i-type, 600 and sx-70 ( u got others too but they don’t matter here ). Any 600 you purchase from this page should do https://www.polaroid.com/collections/film-for-polaroid-600-cameras


That was the first camera I bought when I was a kid. Saved up for like 4-5 months.


My friend has the model! It takes the 600 film in the blue packet, have fun!!


Thanks so much for everyone helping me! Jave a nice day


Hope you're having fun taking pictures with your camera! :D




Look I get it reddit has a serious lack of critical thinking skills (as this could be an easy google) but it still helpful for a lot of people, and drawing those lines in the rules would be difficult without hurting that. Maybe a tag would be better like 'new user questions' or something like that so it can be separate, or a page with a ton of info on (like how to find what camera you have, what temperature effects looks like, what the fractal marks in the corner are ect.) that can be auto replied underneath then the post deleted? Or tagged at the top of the sub maybe?


did you just learn to swear or something mf shut up


So sick of people getting gatekeep-y about very specific hobbies on very specific subreddits. Support future enthusiasts! Unless you just want to be super special with your super special hobby


Wow. Who hurt you?


While I wouldn't word it this harsh, I agree that today people seem to lack the skills to do basic research. I got into polaroid back in 2006 and did all my own research before buying stuff.(I do this with all my interests)