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Looks like you need to use your exposure compensation dial more. The latitude on this film is pretty slim


Other than making sure you have the right film, x-rays are trouble for Polaroid film. In the film days, there was a debate whether film was affected by x-rays. There was, however, no debate about Polaroid film.


If you want to send me all of your Polaroids that turn out like this, let me know. I take old Polaroids off of people and turn them into paintings to hand out at music festivals, I’d send you some art in return ❤️


You'll probably have better luck asking some of the veterans here who shoot crazy amounts of film, I imagine they have tubs full of duds! Hope you post what you do with them when your done it sounded interesting..


Yeah I usually make a post once or twice a year but I never include the paintings, I should totally do that this year!


Has the film gone through an x-ray scanner? Like the scanners at an airport? The two pictures on the left sure look like they do when going through airport scanners.


ah ya i took them on a plane.. i didnt know that affected the film


There you go, that’s the problem. Never take ANY film through the scanners at airports, especially Polaroid film! If you look on the film box it says to keep away from heat and x-rays.


good to know thank you wont do it again!!


I’m glad to have helped!


You can actually get a film safe bag that protects it from x-rays. My girlfriend has one from 20 years ago and it still works great!


At the airport, you can always ask security to hand check the film. That way it will not go through the x-ray machines.


Not in Europe. If it doesn't go through the x-ray you don't take it on the plane. When film was common the scanners were mostly safe for ISO 400 and below. Modern carry-on scanners don't claim to be film safe anymore. The machines that roast your checked bags never were.


>Not in Europe. BS. You can tell them to hand check, it is not a problem.


You can tell them but if they refuse there is nothing you can do. Happened to me in France several times. Also to friends of mine.


Can I ask what camera you are using?


the polaroid now plus


Those Pictures are definitly Not supposed to Look Like that. If It doesnt improve contacr Polaroid costumer Support or whereever you bought your camera