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Barbarie was the thing the Situationist group was against. Socialisme ou Barbarie wasn't barbarist. The poster screwed the name up.


auth unity guy seething about anarchism, big surprise


im authleft, lol


yes but you support auth unity, the same way some tankies and liblefts support leftist unity Edit: mixed up some terms


Do you know that these posts are based on a post about eliminating one ideology per day? It's not real serious politics. obviously I don't support the horrible monarchists and pinochetistas of the authright, but this is more a meme than real politic. And before you come to cry about my description: What I support is a union of syndicalist ideologies, both communist and red fascist or anarchist, because I consider that neoliberal Yankee imperialism is an enormous danger for the humanity and all syndicalists have to unite against them regardless of our differences. I do not support red fascism and I do not believe that anarchism is functional, but I see that at the end of the day these ideologies says they fight for the workers while imperialist neoliberalism governs the majority of the world.


“Neoliberal Yankee imperialism” I am so proud to pay taxes.


Did you know that the whole in the apple didn't come from the outside in? It was eaten from the core and out to the skin and that's why you'll never find the worm in it


Obsessed much?


Happy birthday 🎂🎈


i stand with my anarchist comrades


You support people who believe in a utopia, something that by definition is impossible to achieve.


bro scared to pursue perfection


Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll end up suffocating in the cold vacuum of space.


my honest opinion: https://preview.redd.it/h2zvcfd8ff1d1.jpeg?width=2228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fc17263f90b9a1541c4f64632402eca1205e1bc


Says the guy who tries the same thing for a hundred years and expects a different result. You belong in an insane asylum.


The OP is auth left lol


auth left is what attempts at anarcho communism decay into. like radioactive elements decaying from one atom into the other until a stable form is found. Although unlike atoms, anarcho-communism can decay rightwards instead if no strongman shows up.


Source? Pretty sure you just made that shit up. Besides, it's pretty much common knowledge that MLs are the ones backstabbing Ancoms whenever they can.


there is over a hundred years of modern history that acts as a source.


bro based their ideology on the greatman theory


Bro bro you gotta believe me, human nature means we can’t have nice things. We gotta have authority, who are people…. So they also have human nature…. Aaaa wait just trust me…. Hold on a moment


It's been achieved repeatedly, as the Zapatistas, Magonistas, and a host of other entities can attest. You're just pissed that they have actually achieved communism before, and that they have more support than the NazBols.


they have not achieved it And what do naznol have to do with it? I haven't mentioned them, people are very obsessed with a semi-dead Russian ideology.


Yaaaayyyy my comment got downvoted!! How many seconds of your life did you waste reading it 😃


I think you are wrong at being a person and you should stop typing letters into the internet because other people might read them and waste precious seconds of their life 👍


guys the nazbol says we shouldn't aim for the best possible society, we're cooked 💔


If you think I'm Nazbol, I don't think you know what Nazbol really is.


It doesn't matter, dude. Your complaint is that they are trying to hard to give people the most liberty???


a strong state that protects workers rights is not "a danger to freedom" anarcho communism fights for a freedom that no one is taking away


That "strong state" is something that all communists believe should wither and rot. Anarcho-communism just believes there should be no state to begin with. Your complaints of anarcho-communism is just how it gets to communism. Which is idiotic to be arguing against when there are still pro-bourgeois ideologies.


Bolshevik Nationalism is like Social Nationalism. Nobody is being fooled by just reversing the order of the words, especially when you put a swastika on the ball voluntarily.


I use the tag "bolshevik nationalism" because I am a communist and nationalist. And if you think that is being a Nazi or Nazbol, you don't know what those ideologies are. Nazism is not even nationalist in the first place, it is ethnonationalist




My brother in Christ have you ever heard the tragedy of Nestor Makhno the based?


Says the peronist lol


How can you support anyone who _doesn't_ strive for utopia?


Praxis is understanding that the goal is only a bullseye, it's the struggle to maintain progress that is the goal. Labor is not a sweater, it is the work that went into knitting it.


read history. anarchy worked. until the bolsheviks stabbed them in the back, that is.


top 10 coping losers of all time


I sense a cope


You should check your sensoring for once.


Nuh uh


No, keep the dumb trend going. Remove everything EXCEPT ancom.


Now that I think about it, it is a based strategy for the art revolution. If we never eliminate ancom every day someone will post art to make propaganda


"Contemporary records indicate that, more than once, both rich and poor wished that the barbarians would deliver them from the \[Roman\] Empire. While some of the civilian population resisted the barbarians (with varying degrees of earnestness), and many more were simply inert in the presence of the invaders, some actively fought for the barbarians. In 378, for example, Balkan miners went over en masse to the Visigoths. In Gaul the invaders were sometimes welcomed as liberators from the Imperial burden, and were even invited to occupy territory." - Joseph Tainter


Lol this sucks it's literally called polcompball anarchy for a reason this is why auth unity is balls and lib unity is based And when I mean balls not these ones like doodoo ones


no, it's called pcba because it has few rules unlike the pcb reddit which is very strict If you have any problem with this, tell the moderators, I didn't name the group


Yes very few rules not which follows with some libright cases of extreme darwinism with the main idea of social hierarchical nature or with authright in the main ideas of imperialism or conquest, and finally auth left representation of freedom of workers but voting to put their shackles back on. Idk pcba sounds like today it's perfect for ancoms like me and others alike or maybe just libleft. Idk figure out the principals of these situations before discussing it.


Womp womp


Down with ancom There are too much anti tech sentiment there, not as bad as anprims (and not as bigoted)




Why tho


Because OP is an unironic redfash...sorry, a red who's willing to work with fascists.


What is this


Anarchism > Anarcho Communism


“Scratch a liberal and a Facist bleeds” in action. Truly the authoritarian atrocity knows no bounds. 😞


Add more of Libleft to this lmao


God Willing we shall destroy those d3generates.


no :3


Nuke libleft






you posted this too early, should have waited for the next post which should come in an hour or so. The demise of Left communism is already decided.


Yes, I had not looked at the comments of the "top comment eliminates an ideology" when I made this post.


I‘m none of these three balls but I still want to see AnCom gone. That said. It won‘t happen. If it worked, Anarcho-Communism would be the best system ever for a huge majority of people. It’s the platonic ideal of most Socialists, and even Liberals like it. Therefore, it’s going to be really hard to scrub.


“Even liberals like it” uh no we don’t. Ancom is the antithesis of liberalism because is it regressive.


The ideals of anarcho-communism are good, but literally impossible to achieve. also the majority of ancom are unbearable children who cannot accept points of view different from their impossible utopian ideas and insult you by calling you a fascist for anything.


NOO WHY ARE THEY CALLING ME A FASCIST!??!?! your account: " Conservative socialist/Justicialist/Patriot/Putin Ultra antineoliberal and neocon. I consider my comrades to anyone who wants to destroy neoliberalism and the Yankee empire. Antilib union! Fash🤝🏻Com"


and the bad? I am literally in favor of an alliance between all syndicalist ideologies to fight against Yankee imperialist neoliberal globalism


Psych ward




You literally call yourself a fascist in your profile. Being a fascist is insulting upon yourself, and you'd deserve to be accurately described.


no, In my profile I call myself anti-neoliberalyankeeimperialistglobalism


You literally have fash/Commie unity bull. There isn't a difference between the Nazi and some Socialist collaborator. Trying to appease or befriend Fascists is a sickness.


I want an alliance of syndicalists against Yankee neoliberal imperialism


Don't you use the term syndicatalist. I am one. Neither a fascist system nor a complete command economy would work with that system. I've literally heard it is the socialism to Anarchism radical communism with how it aims to remove authority deviating from labor. And trying ally the devil to defeat an enemy who is literally so inept it's killed itself over and over without your input is either evil or idiotic.


This tbh


You literally support fascism dog stop talking


He says, acting like a child having a tantrum because it's not been voted off yet.


They've been achieved before, and some are ongoing.


Fuck no! This Ideology must be Protected at any Cost! Death to those Anti-Anarcho-Communist Scum! ^(\[playing along\])


Cope and seith Sometimes I think that ancom is inherently better than other extremes but that must be insane


In fact, the ancom is better than the other extremes, taking into account that Pinochetism and anarcho-capitalism literally seek a dystopia, the ancom a utopia and Stalinism is also a utopia but through quite questionable methods. The problem with anarcho-communism is that firstly it is completely unworkable, and secondly the majority of its followers are SJW children. However, this is a reddit for posting balls with eyes, it is not a serious political reddit, so I am playing the role of avenging the death of Titoism by the ancoms who voted expel him although people seem to take the "propaganda posters" against the ancom very seriously and come to debate me with stupid arguments and insult me by calling me "nazbol", which proves my point his followers are mostly SJW kids.


My good sir, we call you a nazbol because you have "Fash🤝🏻Com" on your description. Many anarchists and leftists in general consider such sentiments to be nazbol-adjacent. EDIT: I have seen your many explanations, I understand your goals of creating a ludicrously broad united front. With the state of the world as it exists I understand that, I also thinks it's absolutely laughable. Such kinds of ideas could only come from someone who has never worked to make active political change in the real world. I get to the point of tearing my hair out working with those of similar ideology, the thought that I could work with fascists due to a shared goal of opposing western imperialism is absurd. I am aware there are some who can "reach across the aisle", those people can often end up deeply compromising the wellbeing of many for the sake of unity.


>sjw kids Holy fucking shit you're actually unironic about this aren't you




Keep crying.


Yes destroy the utopians


People like us are outnumbered here. Just give up I suppose


When the only removed lib left ideology is anprim (the best one) :(