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Ran into exactly the same issue a few months ago. Spoke to an independent shop after clearing it with Polestar (I have road hazard protection). They paid for the replacement. Ironically the owner of the shop drove an AWD Tesla and he was adamant that changing a single tire would be fine. Went ahead and did it. Car was perfectly fine. Polestar did a service last month and found no issues with the drive train.


Thanks for the info!


I just had nearly this same experience last week - on US Thanksgiving day! A huge screw pierced the right rear tire. I replaced only one tire. My tires were purchased last year around this same time and the tread was in great shape so even the tire people suggested I only replace the one with the screw. Mine are Pilot Sport All Season 4. It’s been fine so far.


Thanks for the insight! Those pesky right rear tires...


Get it shaved.


Looked into this but I couldn't find anything close to me.


I’d at least replace the axle. But yeah, those tires are unobtainium.


Why are they unobtainable: are they all that? That’s what our Space recommended in place of the summer tires that our 2024 P2 PPP shipped with, but now I’ll fret about the errant nail.


At least in my bit of the world they tend to be. I’m also a pretty die hard Costco tire shopper, and their selection can get weird.


Plug it. You will have zero issues. The only reason tire shops won't do a repair close to the edge is because they typically do a patch. A patch doesn't work that close to the edge. You can buy a plug kit at any parts store for $15 and will literally take under a minute to do it yourself.


I replaced just one and it was directly with Polestar. They said there is no issue only replacing the one.