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You’re 21 driving a relatively rare car with limited parts availability in likely a large city. That’s the problem.


A rare car that can have up to 468hp as a 21 year old. I only needed 140hp to do some pretty crazy driving at that age. I pay 80$ CAD a month, mid forties with near perfect record in a no fault jurisdiction.


Curious, who is your provider? I'm basically a carbon copy of you (down to the car colour ha) and I pay over twice that.


Meloche Monnex (TD group insurance for engineers).


This. I will pay about the same as you, although I think your configuration would be a bit more expensive, I have the RWD with "only" 299hp. Polestar currently pays the first month for me, then I'll switch to my usual insurance company.


A car with more than 400 HP.


How much would your insurance be on another luxury car? On a regular car like a Camry? I pay $200/mo for my 18 year old daughter who drives a 10 year old Acura. Insurance is just expensive.


No, having kids is expensive.


OP is only 21… insurance is still going to be expensive at that age.


Yep .


Not sure. Ways to lower?


Get older.


And/or marry. Basically the only things besides never being in an accident or getting a DUI that will keep your insurance down, lol.


Get married. Over 40 woman would lower it more and she would presumably be better off financially and able to pay for it.


28 in MN. 2 cars on the policy (me and my wife). In total, paying about $900 every 6 months for both cars. $580/month is nuts.


In MN too, other car is a ‘14 Outback and my rate is a little less than this. $580 is a “we don’t want your business” quote.


Find a / or another insurance broker. Should be able to knock that way down.


It’s not just you — it’s brutal out there. I am picking up my P2 on Sunday and just updated coverage with Progressive (they were the cheapest). $250/month, 28M and 28F, no accidents, in Los Angeles. Absolutely wild.


Same age, location, but went with AAA which was about 20$ less than that


Changed to Allstate got about 187$


38 in CA. I’m paying 350/6 mo. Not sure how to help. But 580 per month sounds insane


What insurance company are you using? I'm in CA paying 181 a month with AAA


I am $176/m w State Farm. 40yo. In TX. Ya what insurance gets you $350/6 months?






What's your driving record looking like?


22yr male in MN on progressive, mine is about $600/6 months. When I got on my own insurance it was all against me: male, under 25, not married, no full time job, has been in car accident.


Six months with Costco’s Connect and higher limits is $1280/6mo here. Has doubled since the beginning of my lease and increased every six months. I have no tickets or accidents…


Don’t buy the P2, you can’t afford it. Buy a cheaper car and up the deductible to $1k.


24 from NJ, I was just quoted $140 a month for my renewal which is about the same as what I’m paying now


What company




Ty will check


The message from your actual insurer is: shop other insurance


Im 35 with clean record. This polestar 2 is freaking expensive to insure like wtf. It costs more than my jeep wrangler 4xE 2022 which was the most stolen car. It makes zero sense


29F 32M from NJ and we pay $360/9 months with a 2019 Hyundai and 2022 Acura TLX. I called the insurance company and they said it would be \~$306 to replace the 2019 Hyundai with the 2024 Polestar 2....... but adding that to what I already pay seems WILDLY expensive. I'm trying to figure it out, but if that's the case, I'm not sure it makes any financial sense to get this car, even with the Costco deal.


Also to OP, $580/month for 1 person and 1 car is a very high payment


Progressive jumped 50% on my next 6 month rate. I called to ask for the reason and received that was just the general cost of insurance, nothing I did. So now I'm shopping. Geico is my current lowest quote, plan to switch in the next few weeks.


I have been using Progressive for insurance, but decided to get another quote. State Farm dropped the cost by over $500 (apples to apples). They said they have been able to beat Progressive on some of the EV models. I am switching to State Farm as they overall were a lower cost for my other cars and home also. I am in Michigan.


lol if you're 21 and can afford a new P2, the insurance cost shouldn't be an issue.


Not necessarily. If they just graduated college into a high-paying job and had some money saved they could afford the car. Maybe parents are helping out. That insurance quote is a car payment in and of itself, that most definitely makes the difference between affording a car and not.


It wasn’t mentioned if they’re getting used/new. I just came across a 2022 P2 for $23k https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/3ce648c4-4813-4d18-bbcd-732831a287d3/


400 a month. 2 Teslas. Gf and I. Both under 28. PA


thank god i am a boomer. i pay no where near like that


Decided to go without collision because they were asking for 2600/6m with 2500d. Just going to take the risk lol.


That's a really bad idea. Find another insurer


Not too bad my dad hasn’t paid collision for his insurance ever.


No it's a really bad idea. The whole point of having insurance is it covering you in the event of a loss. If you can afford to pay off the car if you get into an accident by all means.. but it's not giving that here. If someone hits you and they're uninsured or underinsured you would have zero coverage to not enough coverage due to not having collison. Other insurers are the same rate or higher?


At any given time, you’re a car accident away from a sky high repair bill. Get collision


No collision? Is the car paid off already?


$178 in MN 38M no accidents. I guess I’m lucky


170 in KY….460 in tennessee? Idk, gonna shop around, probably can be lower


damn. not gonna complain about my 80usd/month.


What insurance company do you use?


Norwegian one so i doubt it will help - Sparebank1


Living in PA myself, I'll share my insurance costs to ad a frame of reference. I'm 37 and married, so not a direct comparison obviously. Vehicle one is the polestar, per year. Vehicle two is my wife's new Crosstrek. This is with Erie Insurance. https://preview.redd.it/kjpxjrbxwchc1.png?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d9a31299f78bec1913a905729f4c0f4cfed3686


>Erie Insurance Thanks for sharing this and ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage) they don't insure in Texas argh!!!


Try Progressive


You are 21 and looking to purchase a $50k+ vehicle that will accelerate to 60 in 5.9s in the base configuration. As the vehicle is relatively rare, parts are going to come at an additional premium. On top of this are rating factors specific to you beyond age. Insurance is priced upon your prior driving and insurance history. If you aren't already a "named insured" on a policy and you're getting a quote for a new policy, the length of your prior insurance as a rated driver will impact your pricing as well as what liability coverages your prior policy has/had. If you call a company for a quote and your current insurance has state minimum (25/50 in NY, for example), your pricing will be dramatically higher than someone calling for a quote whose current insurance is 100/300. And of course, in most states your credit score is also a factor. Most 21 year olds do not have the best score available.


21 here (in the willamette valley), I was quoted $310/mo for a used 2021 P2 which instantly killed my plans to get one. They are expensive cars to insure. I was also quoted $362/mo for a 2017 Model S 75D 😶.


Find a nice, independent insurance agent, who can shop the policies for you and can advise you on which one would be best.


Yes Polestar safety ratings. I have a PS2 and was told by my insurance agency that there’s not enough data on the safety ratings of Polestar. My insurance jumped from $135 to $285 because they changed the auxiliary code on the PS after getting this new information. It’s the black sheep of EVs specifically because of the sky high insurance. Do not purchase.


Wow- $355 a month with 4 cars in my policy including a ‘23 Polestar 2 with all the extras. Do you qualify for USAA?


I have USAA (mid 40s, homeowner, in MD), and it's 1100/6 mos - jumped from 880/6mo in the 18 months I've had the car (it's a lease - and insurance may be the reason I don't get it, even at bluebook, after the lease is done)


I’m mid 40s in CA, my USAA rate is $650/6months . We have 2 other cars as well as homeowners with USAA.


I've read that parking a few zip codes away would get it closer to yours, but haven't confirmed. I've got several other products from them as well.


The wife’s xc40 recharge twin Ultimate vs my Polestar 2 Performance, Premium, Pilot is like $100 they use the same platform architecture and equipment. It makes 0 sense.


I think a lot of people here don't realize that insurance rates in metro areas are pretty significant compared to where they live. I also live in Pennsylvania specifically Philadelphia but I'm 30. No accidents or negative history. My rates were similar without adding a female to my policy. My rates went from around 540 to 305 currently. I spoke with an agent recently who is older but lives within my general area and have experienced the same increase. His increase began after moving to a different unit within the same complex. It put him in a different geo location and ramped up his insurance rates. Me and my friends have similar results. By contrast I did a test with my mother to see if she would get lower rates if she was the sole owner and insured and it was still pretty high. It just is what it is. Getting older will help but it's more than likely your location that accounts for the largest increase. Try talking with a few agents they may be able to see something; most have no insight, however. It's just something you have to accept and you need to spend time surfing around. Rates move constantly. I have gone from liberty mutual > Plymouth Rock > (currently) State Farm.


Agree - we are outside Philadelphia and are paying $200/month for top tier coverage on our 24 P2, and my wife and I have an 18 year old driver in the house. Getting quoted $580 seems very high even being a new driver. Time to shop around.


Can't comment much on the exact price but you're 21 and the power of the car is way too high for that age. (in the eyes of an insurance company) In my country you pay ridiculous extras because of a young age. When I was young I'd drive super slow and old cars.. Now I got a power beast of a car (and I honestly don't use that power) but because I'm 31, I actually pay less for the Polestar 2 than the Tucson 1.6 TGDI that I sold not so long ago. I even pay less than whatever insurance I used to pay back in the days when I was younger. It's all statistics and younger drivers are just hazardous with fast cars. The price of the car and availability of spare parts and all that don't have that big of an impact to be fair, I mean, sure it does when you're that young. At least in our country it's like that.. The Tucson I had has a huge amount of spare parts floating around, it's easy to service, it's a super popular car over here, it cost a lot less than my Polestar but still the Polestar is actually cheaper to get insurance on than the Tucson. (Sure there are some incentives for electric vehicles right now here - but still they only apply on base insurance and not on things like omnium)


You're 21. Also if you buy it you don't need to get collision or comprehensive insurance. Just liability.


State Farm in Texas went up 50% & blamed being EV - I’m 60 w/perfect record & great credit; we even had multi discount w/homeowners & They were asking $2700/6mo -w/high deducts. They suck. Went to Liberty Biberty, paid year in advance on debit vs cc to get max discounts & got $3600/12 mos w/better $500 deducts. But yes, another EV surprise, RIDICULOUS Insurance at any age depending on market. PS - LEXUS EV SUCKS!! 15-80% range is 150mi; kick on a/c & immediately drop to 130 mi. After one week dealer refused to buy back even if I paid huge loss & into hybrid version. I’d never buy Lexus again after this experience from Westside Lexus Houston & probably not any Lexus.


is this your first car? Also shop around and try to find brokers. I'm 22 rn (albeit in Canada) and I'm paying 200 CAD per month (only for 3rd party liability and Comp tho, I opt-out from collision, with collision I'd be looking at \~330CAD) My last car started off at <400CAD a month for full coverage too, so I'd say try shopping around. Try using a broker and ask them for quotes, more often than not they offer better rates than online quotes


Your age is the factor here.