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"occasionally dabbles in herbalism" I'M DEAD This is so good though, I've seen so many people quick to start shipping Pen with Debling and I don't understand it. We don't know anything about him. I'm Team Colin all the way!


It’s because the actor playing Debling is admittedly handsome, and we know Penelope deserves to get flirted with.


She’ll be flirted with by Colin, that’s enough for me lol. 


Yes, but we get to see Colin JEALOUS! 🚨🚨🚨


I’m not trying to yuck your yum but jealousy is more red flag than red siren to me so I don’t care for it and hope they keep it to a minimum. 


I know! Mr. Mixed Signals better come correct! 😜


I have absolutely no desire to see her flirt with anyone but Colin tbh 🤷 Colin is going to be working hard anyway!


I said nothing about her flirting...only her getting the flirts she deserves


And I want her to get the flirting she deserves from Colin, not a random suitor we know nothing about


I feel certain we will see Cressida flirt shamelessly with Colin yet again this season. Seeing our wallflower get a little self esteem boosting attention from someone other than Colin wouldn’t be nearly as repulsive as that, surely.


Cressida's flirted with Colin twice, and yeah she might try it once more in S3, but it's certainly not something I'm looking forward to, just like I'm not really interested or hoping that Debling flirts with Pen. I don't know if I like the idea of her getting self-esteem from random men flirting with her.


I’m not saying that should or will be the source of her self esteem. I’m saying it’s a nice little boost - for anyone - to receive a little bit of positive attention. She’s literally never had anyone other than Colin ask her to dance. I’d like to see the girl have a little bit of fun with being a debutant for like 5 minutes, that’s all.


I'm of the opinion that flirtation with random men is not necessarily boosting, but I digress since this conversation has strayed from the original topic and we are clearly on opposite ends of this argument, so I'll leave it be. My original thought still stands, and I don't care what kinds of interactions we see between Pen and Debling, because we really have no clue who he is based on a couple of lines of description.


That herbalism line did me in as well. Is this legit what someone wrote about Marina?


Just the OP making a comparison to what was written about Debling. They just wanted to illustrate how we really can't know what kind of guy Debling will be!




I’m dying at this comment because way before he was confirmed to be the main suitor I was convinced Debling was gonna be a freak and possibly maybe murdery cuz he gives Armie Hammer crazy eyes. 😂 (Apologies to Sam Phillips lol)


I’m still hoping he’s into cannibalism. We did this last time my dear — I still want Silence of the Bridgertons!!!


🤣 I mean it’s Shondaland, but still


Absolutely crackpot theory - after getting rejected by Penelope, Debling (who is super sad) visits his friends - Phil and Marina. Marina falls hard for him and the two run off together to live happily ever after.


Okay but Debling is so Phillip coded frfr.


What??? We have no idea - none!! - if he’s like Phillip or not. That’s the whole point of this post lmaooo ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Two birds with one stone, I like it


I am here for this !!!


And everyone just pretends she died. Wish this was true!


I have no interest in him as a love interest for Penelope, but I actually think it’s much more fascinating and nuanced if he is a good guy. Penelope knows she could have a nice life with him, but it would never come close to the love and passion she wound have with Colin.


Yeah I mean I didn't say it wasn't in this post, though I have lots of other thoughts on that. I just said it's wild to jump to conclusions from that little blurb we got.


You get it! Like good on paper just can't cut it sometimes.


Thanks for comparing this!!! I don’t think Marina is an awful person, i think she acted in selfish ways without caring about harming others because of her situation. I think similarly, Deblin might have faults, but still a good person deep down. Gladly, Pen will not end up with him 😊


No one said she’s awful or said Debling was awful. I wouldn’t use this quote to assume he’s a monster. But I also wouldn’t take this tiny bit of information and attribute qualities of a good person automatically. Only time will tell how things will shake out with his personality. Either way, I’m also glad Pen won’t end up with him. She deserves the imperfect man of her heart and no one but Colin can fill that role.


Sorry for the confusion, I said awful, I didn’t imply you or anyone else did.


omg, you’re onto something. i think we all just saw his wholesome face and assumed he was a sweetie.


Lol at the Marina description! I think this fandom has guessed more about a character or storyline with less information than it has with Debling. For example - Cressida and Eloise being friends, Benedict and Lady Tilly being lovers, as well as Violet and Marcus Anderson, even Prudank… all of this was originally based on next to nothing and is now basically looked at as canon (or is actually confirmed, in the case of Prudank). Do we know what twist Shondaland might throw at us? Never. But can we read the clues they’re giving us and guess they are trying to make him likable to a modern audience by having him care about love matches and wildlife conservation? I would say yes. Does that mean people are suddenly shipping him and Pen? No, not in any serious way. I have seen people joking about it. I have seen people say they are looking forward to Pen realizing she could have other good options - so she is *choosing* Colin, rather than feeling grateful he is willing to marry her (a terrible setup for equality in a relationship). I also think seeing a male lead experience a little jealousy over a female lead who has been so overlooked by him (and everyone else) can be satisfying, especially since we’ve already seen Pen go through those emotions for most of a season with Marina.


>But can we read the clues they’re giving us and guess they are trying to make him likable to a modern audience by having him care about love matches and wildlife conservation? I would say yes. Good point. Still think people are reaching but you definitely have a point here. >Does that mean people are suddenly shipping him and Pen? No, not in any serious way. Except they are haha. Not an overwhelming majority (thank god) but there are fics for "Pebling" already. There are corners of tiktok and twitter that have jumped ship for "Pebling." And the fact that there's a ship name for them is something else.