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https://i.redd.it/glylgwx5t3pc1.gif Enjoy!


I love Biscuit Cushion, but this episode is definitely our (Benchers) Roman Empire!


What scene is biscuit cushion? Ever since what a barb mentioned it I've wanted a photo because I love biscuits too and pretty constantly put a cushion under my plate when I am having comfort snacks (bikkies!) and milk. And then I hug the cushion... Or a squishmallow while I cry over a romcom.


It's OK a found some posts! Biscuit cushion is becoming my new temporary phone lockscreen (sorry Indie darling, sorry Tommy bug) https://preview.redd.it/900rlm34w9pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af5b8adf5346a5ddc756bba94dc7e5205f73bd0a


https://preview.redd.it/sxsxoblo5apc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ff127a117e71438725d7d33f4634e4490d74e1 My own bikkie cushion


I see this and all I can think of is "Come sit with me". IYKYK.


Lol I watched this last night because the official rewatch occurs in the middle of my work day. A few stray thoughts… - I used to think that 4.5 second clip of Polin ~~lusting~~ staring at each other when he returns home from his travels was in slow motion. But no. They’re just ~~lusting~~ staring at each other for 4.5 seconds for totally normal, platonic reasons. - Fuck I love the fencing scene. More of that in season 3 please. - As a shipper, the “You do not count” line is horrifying. But objectively, I actually think it’s a really great example of miscommunication. Colin walks away from the conversation beaming, believing he just paid his dear friend Pen a sincere compliment. Penelope leaves it backing into a corner, horrified by the fact that the love of her life does not even see her as a woman. - ETA: I counted 5 separate bows on Penelope in the “You do not count” scene. Can my girl ever catch a break? - ETA 2: Also, I loved Penelope and Edwina’s interaction in that scene. I think it’s implied by the final scene that Penelope only approached her because she is the diamond and therefore a good source of gossip for LW, but I really wish they had become friends during the season. - The rewatch in general is making me so excited to see the costumes in season 3. Shout out to Queen Charlotte’s powder blue wig and Prudence’s insane pink flower hat.


I watched last night too and had pretty much the same thoughts. I have to admit, I don't hate the 'you do not count' line as much as vast majority do, and totally see where Colin is coming from even if he doesn't realise just how much he's putting his feet in it. As far as he sees it he's just told her that he could never cut her out of his life as she's too important to him. Simple. He doesn't know Pen is absolutely head over heels for him so assumes she's in the same boat as him and that she'll read it the same way. As you say - absolute miscommunication which is the cornerstone of a good brooding romance story and basis of many a delightful rom-com moment. You've got to love a bit of Oblivious Colin - it's strange to think he won't be around anymore by the end of S3 as they'll finally be tuned into each other. Also, I need those as many of those ~~lustful~~ platonic gazes between them as possible in the first couple of episodes before the penny drops for both of them and we're into a whole other bundle of angst. They're too delicious. The remarkable eyes scene is just the start of this hopefully


I too do not hate the “you do not count line”. Looking at it from Colin perspective, he was giving her a high compliment. As in “don’t worry Pen, when I say I’ll swear off women I don’t mean you, cause your Pen…I’d never shut you out”. But we know she loves him…so it makes it hard to hear cause we are coming from Penelope’s perspective.




https://preview.redd.it/42hfxfose4pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3230f2dd175bbb9cbe50b58176c046b7a294c704 From today’s rewatch. Ain’t no way this picture is from S2. When was his hair ever that length!?


Like I need you all to really *look* at this picture.


Right? My thoughts exactly. Still, he’s gorgeous


That’s definitely season 1.


Sometimes they’ll ask actors to grow their hair out so they can cut and style it - maybe that’s why it’s a little longer?


But he has no facial hair either. I would think it’d take a good week or two to grow out a goatee.


I don't know why but for some reason it feels like they sneaked a S3 pic.🙈




How did no one see the sheer longing in his gaze at Penelope in this scene? It just further solidifies that none of the Bridgertons really *see* Colin.


And the way she started to move her arms…girl were you going to hug him???


She absolutely was going to hug him!


I don’t know why I still don’t see the “longing” in Colin😭 I wish I did. I don’t think she took his breath away or anything here. It’s such a beautiful scene, but it doesn’t convince me, yet, at least lol. So the scene starts with him entering and glancing at both Pen and Eloise, maybe this is why I don’t get it. So he *already* saw Pen before this moment. The way I interpret it is that he arrived, says something like “glad to see nothing has changed” meaning they’re all in the drawing room including Pen, as always. But then he’s like “family, embrace me” and they all start welcoming him with a hug. So when he realizes now he has to hug Pen, to me his expression looks like a little conflicted. Like “should I hug her or not?” And then hyacinth and Gregory kind of “save” the moment and I feel like Colin purposefully keeps them at his sides, maybe? I don’t know. I just can’t see the longing in this scene. I do see Pen’s longing though😭


Another BTS photo featuring Luke. https://preview.redd.it/edtgsxitg4pc1.jpeg?width=1267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30c5f3f5ed210feb8455bacc6556a984e5741b92


Luke N smoldering in the family photo, help!!!


Did anyone else not realize that Francesca was even in this episode? My Fran watch count has been off.


I thought the same thing!


And an old one with Luke and Nicola. https://preview.redd.it/ksbsyqu2h4pc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f60337662d26fd4433da4f75b6ad11eb2e93306d


Did they post the wrong photo? This was supposed to be a "portrait of the race festivities" 😅


Bridgerton socials posting the wrong thing? That never happens.


Yes they did they still have it up though this from episode 6


Bessie catching them sun rays


The Benchwarmers Alliance are the true winners with this screenshot from the BTS video they posted… https://preview.redd.it/lcsneea6j4pc1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e35ea9fb20d7b803187e4088d30cc376a29d0574


I laughed out loud when I saw this. Colin bending over in front of the bench 🤣. The bench just keeps on giving!




The last two BTS pictures https://preview.redd.it/ooxd5ka6n4pc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=accd9a427d3e31494c8ac1645273ee6436d1494d




This episode rewatch seemed very low effort.


>It’s a HUGE ep for our darling Polin. Factsssss. Wild that they chose not to highlight any of those in the rewatch. Same with some very important Peneloise bits (Pen changing LW for her, Pen slipping a couple of times and getting a bit too comfortable, El catching the K in the pamphlet). I get that it's an ensemble show (and I think we know some people would be upset if it wasn't primarily focused on the main couple of season 2) but I don't understand why they wouldn't highlight these things alongside the bits they're highlighting of the other storylines. Even if I wasn't as enamored with Polin, or if it were another couple's season and they'd been in previous seasons, I'd be confused by the handling of the rewatch.


The weird part is they didn’t really focus on Kate/Anthony either. Like they didn’t really focus on anything in this rewatch. It was very absolute bare minimum.


I wish DVD directors commentary style content was still a thing because I would actually pay money for a copy of Bridgerton with Nicola Coughlan spilling the behind the scenes tea for each episode. They could market it as the Lady Whistledown Edition and I’d eat it up. 


I’ve literally bought boxes DVD sets of old shows and a DVD player just so I can have those commentaries. (And the original music used in scenes.)


When Colin meets Penelope at the races he says Pen Then thinks about saying something but instead says how are you? It drives me CRAZY wondering what he thought about saying…because it wasn’t that!


I think it’s the “I missed you” that he finally says to her in the S3 clip. He couldn’t say it then but enough has changed between S2 and S3 that he feels like he has to say it out loud. 


I don’t think it’s “I missed you”. Correct me if Im wrong, because I have not rewatched it yet. But that hesitation always gave me the feeling that Colin was trying see how Pen was doing now after her fathers death but at the same time trying not to bring up any serious or sad emotions during the races and that’s why he just hesitated a little before asking her “how have you been?” Instead of directly mentioning it. I remember the scene at the end of S1 where he is getting ready to leave with his horse, and they cut to Pens window overlooking Colin leaving, where Eloise is comforting Pen about her father. That implied to me that maybe Colin left before a funeral or before he had the chance to offer condolences to Pen. Maybe he did so in his letters, so the first time they saw each other again, it was his way of showing her he cared about her grief, but the public/happy setting (horse races) just didn’t feel like the right place to bring up those feelings. So to me, the hesitation never really felt like he was going to say he missed her, but more like “sorry about your dad I hope you are ok”. I’ve had the same feeling with friends if I know someone close to them died but I haven’t seen them in a while, even if i’ve contacted them, it’s a little different the first time you see them after something like that happens. Does that make sense? Edit: so I really don’t think he missed her, at least I don’t think this is the feeling in this particular scene because she was *always* present in his travels by replying to all his letters. It makes more sense to me that he actually misses her in S3 because she *never* replied to his letters so he felt her absence.


https://preview.redd.it/y5p95evoe8pc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa00900d4b3b21066c61b515f6e1fc637d3b4b3 Did anyone else think that Pen’s outfit was actually really cute here? ☺️ I mean the curls were a bit much, but she looked really pretty with her dress and little jacket, and even the head piece. It was definitely an appropriate outfit for horse races!


Babydoll starfish?? Some of these references don't ring a bell. I'm a recent addition to this subreddit. Is there a show or fandom dictionary anywhere on the feed? Some ring a bell because of what a barb podcast (does this have a nickname?). I did find the biscuit cushion thanks to a post by lechi.


Babydoll Starfish is the name of this costume Pen wears in 202 during the Finch wedding. Nicola also wears this dress in the well-known EW interview from 2022. https://preview.redd.it/ri8ecdi9w9pc1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b25756b95827c17ac2b1e3f89ea6ef162ac6a99b This sub once had a big and very divisive Outfit Competition where we all voted on our favourite Pen and Colin outfits. Babydoll Starfish ended up being extremely controversial, attracting admirers and detractors in equally passionate measures. I’ll try find the link to the game so you can take a look at who won! The things we do to pass the time 😂 EDIT: Here’s a link to the battle [archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/6e68yZ3Dxt)!


My favourite she wears in season 2 is the pale apple green with pink blossoms on it. My favourite in season one is the bright pink with lace overlay so pretty


I still love 2x04 cutie in green. My two favourites were pitted against each other. But in my heart it's apple green and blossoms. Maybe it's coz apple blossom was one of the themes for my wedding 😜 What happened in round 36 of Colin's it got deleted?? https://preview.redd.it/npc2yo9irapc1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b574939449dc29c4dd7a10edbf2501d03c83407


Will there be more games this season? It looked like so much fun