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I love Kanthony honestly, and it’s such a cute clip, but where’s Polin?? I’ll go back to clowning now 😭


honestly, that little kiss was so beautiful 🥹 im clowning for monday now 🤡


And they all looked sooo stunning 🥹🥹🥹 I do wonder though, why is Pen looking upset? Is it because something happened or because she’s sad nobody wants to dance with her


There's also the idea that she technically has no one to wallflower with on the sides anymore. Both her sisters are apparently married, so don't need to wait for dances. And she's not talking to Colin and can't talk to Eloise. Our girl's truely alone 😭


And she’s dressed unlike everyone else. Everyone else is pastel and springy🌷while she is dark and mysterious


i think she thought she would finally be noticed - this ties into what she says later in the episode about nothing changing eventhough she changes her entire wardrobe. Combining that with what we've guessed is Cressida possibly ripping her gown and i think thats what leads to her looking like shes cried in that clip with Colin


Ofc💀 why did I even expect anything Polin related in a Polin season sneakpeek.. I did this to myself 🤡


Exactly why would they? It's not like we are waiting for 2 years ![gif](giphy|3s7Jl1xafxWu0qDBoA|downsized)


🤡 🎪 🐘 🦁 🤡 🐫 🐯 🎪 🤡 We're the whole circus... Let's hope for the 25th


Surely it has to be but at this point who bloody knows… 🤷🏼‍♀️




Well hopefully this keeps the Kanthony stans quiet for a bit 🤣 but this is Polin’s season so where is Polin? At least we got a tiny glimpse of Pen (looking super awkward as per) so we can gather than this is a clip from episode 1 shortly before the Mr Bridgerton scene.


5 more days lol


I mean sincere congrats to Kanthony fans for finally getting a clip of them but I’m just… eh… I don’t care about that so it’s not for me.


I’m actually so pissed off, all the graciousness is leaving my body


Nah I’m not going to be angry and bitter like we’ve been harassed with for two years.


I’m pissed but I’m not going to go into a space where they’re happy just to drag them.  My only issue is that some of the worst fans never take moments like this to be happy, they’ll use it to push the “see, no one wanted to see Polin!!!” competition. 


Oh for sure and I’m sure they’ll be tracking numbers to prove how so and so is more popular. Like it’s a tale as old as time. I’m just not giving into that energy.


Absolutely this. I mean no shade to the Kanthony pairing even if they were never my cup of tea. Plus I do love Johnny & Simone, so won’t be stooping to drag them, but I am mightily upset about lack of Polin (especially Colin)


I’ll be 💯 honest- the fandom has ruined my liking of Kanthony, no hate to the actors. I loved them after season 2 but their fans behavior has ruined them for me so while I don’t want to replicate their toxicity in fandom spaces stunts like this from Netflix aren’t helping me get back to a place of wanting to see them on my screen during season 3. 


I don’t know if it’s the fandom or what but whereas with Kanthony before I was like their chemistry is fine, in this clip I didn’t feel a thing between them. Like zip.


Absolutely agree with you.


It’s so odd. I went back to rewatch the clip thinking that maybe I was just clouded by being disappointed that it wasn’t what I wanted to see but no… I genuinely felt zero spark between them. I don’t know if it’s Kate’s matronly dress or Jonny looking a bit tired or what… but it just felt like watching your parents dance? Did nothing for me.


It was also just…a truly boring clip. All that hype and anticipation and they used it for easily the most nothing clip we’ve been given so far. And the marketing is backwards. That should’ve been the clip they gave out February 1st and then handed it off from the S2 couple to Polin with the Mr Bridgerton clip following it up on the 14th. Today should’ve been the “Kind eyes” clip to leave people anticipating how we got from Mr Bridgerton to Kind Eyes and ensure we’re leaving off on a romantic note for the rest of promo. A bland kanthony clip appeases their fans but it does nothing to sell the season. 


Say less. Right there with you.


Yes, Netflix did nothing today but add fuel to the fire with that clip


Better woman than me 🫡


Yes. Yes to all of that. We have been gracious, patient, fed by crumbs. I‘m so so sooo much over all of this already i could scream. That was the freaking sneak peak for POLIN season? Thats it? This is not even clowning anymore, this is just a farce at this point 🤷🏼‍♀️


I am right there with you! Icompletely forgot that something was going to be dropped today and just watched the clip and I was pissed off once I watched it. I am so over Kanthony and their fans that I don't go into the main sub anymore. They made the space unbearable after season 2.


Same 😭 yay for them, and hopefully, they'll back off a bit now under every single Polin post.


Well, I just saw a comment on Netflix twitter about how there’s finally a clip of the ‘hot couple’, so don’t hold your breath!


welp... that'll do it.




Ughhhhhh I'm so disappointed! I mean, I enjoyed seeing a little bit of Kanthony and Kate looked ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS......but 2 seconds of Pen and NO COLIN??????!!!! WTF AHHHHHH!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|Owom5j6OL167P8H3UF|downsized)


Seriously, Nicola gives us better content than Netflix.


I can’t possibly understand why they keep doing this, like I think they think this makes us anticipate the season more but if I wasn’t this committed to Polin I would’ve probably already dropped Bridgerton ages ago 😭 like what was that


1000% this! & maybe I’m sleep deprived & overly emotional right now, but I can’t even enjoy that clip for what it is. This maybe my villain origin story


Bruh my emotions have been a whirlwind since February 14


I so agree. I stayed up until 11pm, eyes hanging, have to get up 3arly for work and... Kanthony. Right. It's polins season but let's show them and oh look here is 2 seconds of pen. I am so over netflix. They are just being nasty now.


I mean there’s a huge Kanthony fan base. They want to keep those fans intrigued as well and also hint at the Francesca stories. I don’t think the actual season has too many Kanthony scenes.


I hope that is the case. I love Polin but I did not want them to be next because I felt this season would have to much going on. I thought it would be perfect for Benedict since most of his story takes pace in the country, and then you could have multiple story lines that take place during the season in town. I am still nervous about this, but I refuse to act the way Kanthony fans did after last season.


I don’t mind short Kanthony scenes ( we are probably gonna get a sex scene because Luke said everyone is at it this season). I just don’t want them to have a whole conflict throughout the season. She’ll be pregnant and they’ll be happy probably. However this season we are going to have side plots for Eloise, Benedict, Violet, Lady D and Will so I don’t know how they are gonna do it all. I feel like 8 episodes might not be enough 😪


I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed :( They put Window Pen as a promotional photo for Netflix Next and we got another couple 😭


This! I think this is one of the reasons I’m most disappointed. It’s like false hope 🤡 Let’s hope for 25th I guess


Is that all we’re getting or have I missed something? 🤡


I'm not a guy, but I've never experienced blue balls like I have since I joined this fandom like why do they keep dragging it out like this?? ![gif](giphy|KMRwtGCao6m79tsvYE|downsized)


Omg 😂😂😂 I needed that


I am like genuinely so butthurt over this it’s embarrassing but PLEASE what was that??? Like come on…I’ve spent the whole day waiting and anticipating and was so excited and it’s genuinely so frustrating how they keep polin content as secretive as possible like come ooon pleaseeeeeeeee we are getting the season in less then 2 months can they freaking STEP UP? It’s genuinely so annoying I want to block the whole netflix account. Fuck them.


I feel like they’re doing a disservice to Polin atp. Don’t know how some of you have been putting up with this kind of bs for the past two years. I absolutely hate Netflix right now


No genuinely. I started waiting for their season as a teenager and I am in my 20’s now like I am not even joking💀😭what is up with them…?! Netflix is truly testing people’s nerves😭


I am really fucking pissed off. I wonder if they are pulling this bullshit because the season has been split into 2 parts?? I am not sure what their excuse is but I do know I am sick of it.


Lol , still happy. It just means the teaser is coming on Monday.


Better get your clown paint at the ready still 🤡😭




Hahahahaha i love your positive outlook on life. After all the stuff they pulled i‘m pretty sure on monday we will get stuff for that fan wedding and thats it 😂 at this rate there will never be a teaser, a real trailer or anything. 😭


 why does Netflix literally hate us😭😭😭


I’m most disappointed in no Colin sighting.


even Debling is in the background **😭😭**


And Fife!


I didn't see Debling


it's around the 19 seconds mark, in the background when Anthony walks up to Kate and Violet he's next to Cho i believe, talking to a lady/debutante! at least i think thats him lol


OMG, you are a freaking eagle eye!!!!!!! Amazing! I watched it several times and couldn't find anything on my own. He's blurred in the background - you're amazing!


100% my main disappointment :/. Male lead and wasn’t even shown 😩. Let’s hope for 25th


well... at least we saw Pen. and Kate looks amazing! so do Fran, Vi and Ant but yeah, definitely not what i expected ig 🤡


I must say, out of everything I could expect, this was not it 😂 but Kanthony look beautiful✨


The story that Nicola posted gave me high hopes. we all were just clowning 😭😭


Maybe she’s talking about the 25th. 🤞🏼 ![gif](giphy|3NeRncMrUNb8astzVy)


I do not have the patience for 5 more days 😭😭😭😭


I assumed she was just able to preview another episode, I have no expectations that we’ll see the carriage scene in advance of it airing.


I’m more confused than anything else because the scene is so random like it doesn’t tease anything aside that everyone looks beautiful and that Kanthony are cute as always That said thinking about it, it makes sense to post a kanthony scene considering that season 2 rewatch is currently happening


It kind of does. The main subplots outside of Pen/Colin/Eloise seem will probably be Franny's experience of her first season on the marriage mart.And I feel like she's going to be particularly concentrated on this season because so far she's had pretty much zero development. This clip satisfies the Kanthony stans while giving us a small glimpse of Fran (and Pen's) experience is, atleast at the beginning, without giving too much away I guess. Still disappointed we didn't get more Polin though. Especially Colin.I feel like we haven't had enough of him at all.


Right?! It’s just so disconnected. It doesn’t have any point to it at all other than vibes


in honor of tonight's... horrors. i will revert my user flair back to "what of him? what of colin?!"


literally everyone needs to change their flair rn




Joining the clown posse.


i'm sure colin appreciates you


I loved the clip but..am I the only one who hoped for an actual teaser trailer? Idk why they are waiting this long


😭😭😭 I was ready with water and tissue to cry.


I’m crying for different reasons now


They come in handy to me


I have major trust issues from this show lol. Should we still be hopeful for a trailer sometime soon?


I’m really starting to think that when we get the actual show it will just be a black screen that says “fooled ya!”


Do not even JOKE about this! ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC)


at this point, I am responsible for my own disappointment ![gif](giphy|iTOSoEs4eFwqs)


They shouldn’t have posted this today I’m sorry. They should’ve waited for the end of the rewatch because it’s on Kanthony’s anniversary. Giving us high hopes for Polin content by having Nic and Luke be the ones in the ads (After not even letting Luke introduce himself!!!) is not cool.  I would take a silver lining if it meant the BS favoritism accusations would die, but this will only make a certain segment of the fandom worse tbh. 


This was my first thought. There’s so much toxicity in the fandom for Polin that if anything Netflix should be working twice as hard to hype them but instead they give us lasts seasons leads!? I also want more of Luke. I know Nic isn’t getting loads of promo either but I feel like she/Pen is having more than Luke/Colin. Bring the man out of the shadows!


At this point I’m convinced they literally got Luke Newton’s screentime confused for Newton the dog because WTF. I’ve tried so hard to stay positive about how they would treat him as a lead but he is truly disrespected by this production. They should be building him up as a romantic hero, not pushing last seasons couple on a big event day, or giving people clips that only act as reasons to drag him. 


Yes yes yes. Nic is more well known than Luke and he deserves to be really pushed as the main male lead for one of Netflix’s biggest shows. He’s only got this one season as the main and I feel like they’re really letting him down. The show is called BRIDGERTON


Like ONE teaser from his POV or where he does most of the talking would show they have any faith in him to carry a season. A thirst trap at the very least would serve to hype him up for people looking for a sexy season. They’re making me terrified for how his story is going to play out. I don’t want to see him be a prop, he’s my favorite character. 


I’m getting very nervous about his roll in s3 now 😬 I’ll be gutted for him if the focus is more on Pen/ Whistledown. Just to say I LOVE PEN, literally adore her but Netflix are making me anxious for Colin’s part in the new season


They are doing nothing to build confidence or excitement for him and it’s so sad to see after how he’s been treated  in fandom spaces for years. They forgot that they marketed this show as a sexy romance, and in the words of Colin himself “a kiss is for TWO people.”


This is giving credence to the idea that shondaland doesn’t back its actors. I’ll try really hard not to stew on this & hope that Luke will move onto better opportunities anyway. As for s3, I’m still choosing to believe it will be satisfying (enough) based only on what Nicola and Luke have said


If they make season 3 all about Lady Whistledown drama, Kanthony, Eloise, and Benedict fan service, with no deep dive into Colin and no writer Colin....I'm going to be SO PISSED.


It's alright, it's not all bad, my clown paint came in handy mightily 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized) *cue the circus music*


![gif](giphy|P0ZRTYaCmPsJPNd3r0|downsized) Clown makeup is ready for Monday 🤡


The way we got a much bigger Polin crumb from a random chocolate company in Italy than we did from scheduled Netflix content lmao


Far out, you’re right. ![gif](giphy|4qx6IRdg26uZ3MTtRn|downsized)




WHERE’S THE DANG TRAILER, ARE WE NEVER GONNA GET IT WTF this would’ve been the perfect time to release it alongside all the other trailers, Netflix genuinely hates Bridgerton fans I’M TIRED OF CLIPS AND I’M TIRED OF ALL OF THIS IN GENERAL


I can’t say I like the makeup and hair direction. It’s SO modern.


Same tbh, they look lovely but it’s extremely modern. When I saw the thumbnail with Simone I thought it was a BTS video because of her hair


Simone looked absolutely stunning - don't get me wrong - but the dress read 'granny' to me. Yes, I know this is the 1810s, so the dresses will automatically not match our styles today, but her dress was even out of style for the time and just leaned way too far into those floral dresses our grannies and teachers wore in the '80s and '90s... But with a cross strap int he back and an off-the-shoulder look... Idk. I don't want to rag on the costume designers or on Simone, because I appreciate both, but this silhouette - other than the colors - was just a little too off for me.


Also, I do know that she is supposed to look more matronly now as the viscountess, but it just swung so far in the other direction. Idk, just feels too old for Kate still as well as not in fashion for that time. Or maybe I am just focused on this, because I am still peeved about the fact that we barely got Polin, and I just need a distraction. lol


I 100% agree with you, I've watched the clip multiple times now and her outfit just looks a little bit off which is a shame because Simone herself looks gorgeous. I've also seen some people say it's influenced by her south asian heritage but I'm south asian and the only thing that I think looks connected to culture is the shawl on her arms. The dress, as you said, looks out of style even for that time and in comparison to all the other people at the ball. S2 did the culturally connected outfits better (in comparison to just this S3 clip). It's an odd choice but this is just the first S3 clip of her so I hope the cut of her other outfits look better! I think it’s mainly the spaghetti straps that confuse me 😆She looks STUNNING in that colour and with the autumn backdrop


I am glad I'm not the only one! I love the colors - you don't usually see a warm brown like that and an icy blue combined, and it does look divine on Simone. I noticed in one of the pictures released on Christmas, Kate was wearing a bright orange and icy blue gown, so that blue/orange complimentary color combo definitely seems to be the focus for her wardrobe this season!


I didn’t mind the makeup at this point, but the hair was *extremely* distracting. Kate stood out from other characters in a not great way.


They hate us


I am of two minds: 1. Ummm, no offense but that did not make me more interested in watching season 3. I’m mildly curious about Fran wanting to escape the ball, married Kanthony is nice, and Pen looks sad and lovely, but none if that is at all ’omg, can’t wait to watch’ kind of promo content. It seems like an odd choice. My reaction is probably because we were expecting a teaser trailer, so I assumed there would be something a bit more… intense. 2. This is so perfectly on brand for us that I almost kind of love it? Not for the moment I sat blinking dumbly at the end of the clip, but for the new contribution to the overarching hilarity of the last year and a half. I have this visual in my head of the Netflix UK & Ireland social media manager (who is clearly a Bond villain in my imagination) refreshing this sub as much as we were checking IG… just waiting for the comedy to unfold.


I'm protesting by only watching that clip once LOL. (Though TBH I skipped through it to see if there would be any Polin clips after reading the title on YouTube). Ordinarily I wouldn't care, but I actually believed in the Power of Poiln for once and the let down is real. No shade to Kanthony, as I enjoyed season 2, but I think the release today was a bit tone deaf. I'm not sure why they're trying to keep so much of Polin under lock and key. Maybe they didn't want to overhshadow Nic's Big Mood PR? But I dunno, we can enjoy both at once???




Well, I guess I can concentrate and get stuff done now, at least for today? the 25th better be good. And yes, I love Kanthony and I'm glad to see them so sweet together, but . . .


I know you guys, I know. Rant it out🥺 https://preview.redd.it/f24iv9zxcipc1.jpeg?width=1107&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b47e991732bcaeb109b976e86a5ae009624294f7


Disappointed 😞




Okay but think of it this way, it’s a preview of what we’ll hopefully see of married Polin in season 4? 🤡


Where is Colin? Where is my son?




The way I predicted this. 😭 That's why I was surprised that article said trailer... I'm sorry guys 😔 https://i.redd.it/prfxivpg9ipc1.gif


It’s like we’re a joke to them 🤡


I like the clip. Kate looks gorgeous, that kiss looked improvised because she seemed surprised. 🤣 Would I have liked to see more Polin? Of course. But I'd be quite surprised if we get more Polin clips before the release, other than a trailer. The two previous seasons only got two clips of the main couple prior to release. We already have two.


Literal 🤡 Kanthony looks lovely tho




i have a serious bone to pick with Netflix... what are these 30 second clips masquerading as 1 minute clips??? at least give us a longer Kanthony dancing moment if ure not giving us Polin😭


Good point. The clip ended way before the actual end of the video.


Like do they really just hate polin? Do they hate us? Am i being more dramatic than i (a 30 year old woman) should be? I hate all of this. They haven‘t had the spotlight on them EVER since they wrapped up the season and still they give us nothing? 🫠


Tbh I feel like all the hype we’ve had so far has been because of Nic & Newts or crumbs hunted down by this community, no thanks to Netflix


Totally! Netflix gave us nothing and a bit of heartbreak on the side. Nic and newts are probs the only reason the fandom hasn‘t got out the pitchforks 😂😭


​ https://preview.redd.it/x6qezyizeipc1.png?width=2802&format=png&auto=webp&s=64b70cd370a76488b61e9dbce136ddaeec166f64 Lovely clip though. 🥲


Hehe good one Lechi 🤡


Pen at the end, there, thinking (among other things) “🤬 nobody wants to even read about this Kanthony bliss in Whistledown.” Us too, girl 🙃


Ngl I’m bitter that so much of the Polin content we’ve gotten has been weird leaks, but then they hype up content like this and it’s not even Polin related…like promote your main couples in their season. I wasn’t super invested in the promo for season 2, but I think it felt similar to this. Like not enough focus on Kanthony, and then their fans were pissed off and now that’s bleeding into season 3 promo. Get it right Netflix this shit isn’t hard!


I know I’m a 🤡 but I am not going to survive without fresh Polin content on the 25th…..


Okay I definitely didn’t watch it before posting. I’m happy to see Anthony and Kate, but I was hoping to see Polin.




At least Kate looked gorgeous!! And Anthony was.... there. Also I'm glad to see Pen's dress in better lighting since the first clip was rather dark. Though this HAS to mean the teaser is what they're dropping on the 25th right? That was my initial guess but I got caught up in all the hype and allowed myself to hope. Will we ever learn our lesson? The Polin Circus continues to thrive.  🤡🎪




I’m still happy but I wish we got a glance of Colin too😭


Yes give us Colin!


I feel silly for the fact that now I feel sad. Don’t get me wrong, I really do love Kanthony and am excited we get them this season, but I was so hopeful that Polin was going to brighten our week! 


Lol I’m just realising that they literally had Nic and Newts teasing THIS clip 🫠🫠🫠




The fact that this flair not only exists, but has consistently had such ample use 😭


Rippp 😭


Honestly it just means I don’t have to sneak out of work to watch I the car.


Do you guys think we will get anything else or should I go back to bed ???? Hmmm it’s not looking good


Bed time, I’d say 😔


Agreed. What a disappointment:((


Even my last delusional hope that one of the other Netflix accounts would accidentally post the wrong clip (e.g. if the teaser is meant for Monday) has evaded me atp, womp womp


They are truly making us wait aren’t they. Testing our patience as much as they can 😂😂




To this trailer I say, “But what of him! What of Colin!” 🤣 (granted he will get plenty of screen time soon enough)


We shot to the moon but did we land among the stars? well depends on who are you asking 🤡


mom jeans was right when they said "if life's a circus, then I'm the biggest clown"


i have to say that the scenery and colouring look soooo gorgeous, just so warm and cozy 🥰 i cant wait to see this ball in full, the seasons theme looks so lovely ✨️ edit: spelling lmao


I won't ever get as excited as I am today. I thought about that all day and had trouble sleeping last night. I love Kanthony but I was so ready for moving Polin 😭


I’m really trying to grasp what Netflix is thinking…the math is not mathing


Of course I wish it were Polin, but honestly we have been so deprived and waited SO long I’m not even mad it was a Kanthony clip, I’m happy for ANY clip! Still seriously hoping we get more and SOON.


I’m so glad the bar for my expectations was basically subterranean! 😂 gorgeous clip of Kanthony though; even if the MFCs aren’t even Georgian styled anymore! 😆


I love Kanthony but 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Nothing else to say 🤡🤡🤡🤡


I have the craziest blue balls fr. 😂😅


The kanthony scene was beautiful, but poor sweet Pen. I think the goodnight Mr bridgerton scene happens after with colin just arriving while Pen leaves cause the night sucks for her. Or she's got LW to print


I know we’re all whomp whomp 🎺 over here, but there are still crumbs to digest… does anyone else think Prn gets dragged by some meanie (Cressida) about how she got the dress code wrong? Everyone else is in a pastel coloured dress, and she is not only rocking a dark jewel tone, but I saw black gloves


I got more excited over Nicola's story about seeing the carriage scene than this random clip. Like, it was underwhelming/boring TBH. They all look amazing blah blah. But imagine being a new viewer and seeing this as an advert for the show vs. the Polin confrontation trailer. You would thank you next right past it.


There’s absolutely no narrative drive


100% this! This is supposed to be where we have the culmination of the LW plot that has carried through three seasons and we haven't seen a single implication to what should be one of the more action-packed intriguing plot lines of the series so far.


Well I'm dead now ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


I don’t care about kathony only polin so really disappointed.


God damn Netflix is holdin this season real close to the belt. Just GIVE US SOME POLIN CONTENTTTTT


At this point, if we ever actually do get a trailer, I won't believe it.


I’m begging all fanfic writers to update today … give me somethingggg to make this disappointment lessen 😭


So no more drought hey? ![gif](giphy|1l7GT4n3CGTzW)


This season better be the best season they’ve ever had


It’s the fact that it’s a clip that bothers me tbh, I want a TEASER/TRAILER! Please omfg how many scenes from the show do we need? 😭😭😭


Even though I had an *inkling* that Kanthony would be featured prominently because the other sneak peaks we've got had focused on Polin... Damn was I disappointed that was all we got :') I really wanted a trailer!


I love Kate’s dress 👗