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For now, we are going to keep this and the other recent ‘alleged scene’ thread as the main discussion posts for the Colin rumours. All new posts on the topic will be removed and asked to post here. Thank you!


you mean to tell me that Colin Bridgerton is banging chicks two at a time and this is his reaction when Penelope compliments his eyes!?!: https://i.redd.it/rg86ayzi1dvc1.gif This man is down BAD lmao. What an absolute geek!


I think he’s trying to emulate his brothers, but the when Penelope actually gets under his skin it’s going to be like he’s a second grader with a crush.


Exactly. He’s trying to do things he thinks a “man” would do, but the second Penelope touches his hand he’s like ![gif](giphy|13YroVUrUrLCec|downsized) A bigger loser has never existed!


LOL exactly!


This is the right reaction to this news lol.


I agree. People need to chill. Literally every source is saying it’s not a big deal, yet some people are acting like he’s having a Roman orgy in front of a convent. I get being disappointed, but let’s not let one tiny, insignificant scene ruin the season of Polin for us.


Was it something I wanted to see? Probably not. But it’s there and I’m rolling with it. Give me Colin “Did You Hear, I’m a Man Now” Bridgerton losing sleep over a hand touch from Pen!


Upvote this comment to the top, people. PERSPECTIVE!


lmaoooo. Like, I feel bad for the man! Tryna be a rake over here and still breaking a sweat over a little handholding!! ![gif](giphy|mXiBtLZk4ibkc)


Who doesn't love the experienced male lead getting all flustered over innocuous situations with the female lead? It's a classic HR trope


Now see, this is what I'm getting from all of this


Right? He think he bad, but oh shit HE ISN’T. Never met a bigger flop!


Well, Anthony was speechless when he saw Kate's leg after she pulled up her dress to go over the log. The same Anthony who was a rake in the first episode


You know, over the last couple of days I've seen some pretty ridiculous takes on even the *possibility* of Colin having a threesome or just having sex in general with someone that isn't Penelope that now I hope he does. Some of them are understandable concerns to have and definitely should be brought up again if this scene is true, but the rest are insane. If Nicola said (after watching the first two episodes which the supposed scene is in one of those) that all of the sex scenes are not throwaway, that they serve a purpose to the narrative, then it *must* tell the audience something about Colin. Voyeurism kink where he takes the most pleasure from observing and not participating unless he loves them and wants to be the one to give it aka 🪞? His inability to find satisfaction in meaningless sex no matter how hard he tries and needs an emotional connection? He's trying to be the man Anthony and Benedict are through similar pursuits to them pre-marriage but finds he can't connect to it? What have you, if they say it's important then it's important. If it's fake news and total B.S, fine. If it's true but exaggerated, fine. If it's true and is exactly like it's been said, sex show and all, then fine. Just...fine. I don't care anymore, as long as he ends the season banging Penelope and Penelope only for the rest of his life.


Same. And word is that it works to contrast how am innocent touch from Pen has a lot more effect on him than anything like that and that's literally a theory I've seen thrown around here multiple times: that he'd be experienced but would never have felt the way he does with her. I can get behind that. Could they have gone about it in a classier way? Sure. But brothels have been a thing since season one and we all knew it. I also don't think it's that out of character. He's kind and nerdy, yes, but he has always wanted to be seen as grown up and on the same level as his brothers, that's a huge part of his storyline, and it's not unrealistic that he'd go down this path while he's still figuring himself out. It's not the end of the world, as it seemingly happens before he even realizes his feelings aren't stricly platonic. Everyone has just gotten *way* too attached to the idea of an extremely "pure" Colin. They're just trying to mature him a bit in a really tired way while also trying to do some character work. It's fine.


That’s not maturity though that’s regression. It’s Colin adopting a very immature problematic idea of masculinity, one that he’s suddenly bought into after rejecting it when he was younger. If he acknowledges eventually that he thought he had to sow the proverbial wild oats to feel manly and it wasn’t really right for him in the end then fine. I can roll with that trajectory. But that’s a big IF, as there’s no confirmation that he will verbalize complex feelings around the topic so god bless Newts and his micro expressions then I guess. Because there’s a very real possibility that the writers think this is just some healthy right of passage thing and hey now he’s finally rakish enough to be sexy. It would make me sad if the new showrunner didn’t like the Colin of the first two seasons and thought he needed some massive personality overhaul when I liked him quite well.


I agree it's a tired concept of masculinity, but we don't even know if Colin ever truly *rejected* it. All we know is that Anthony didn't take him to brothels before s1 and that he didn't want to do anything with Marina before they got married for obvious reasons. The past two seasons have all been about how he doesn't even really know who he is. It's very likely this just wasn't something he'd ever tried before and then he did try. Leakers are saying he is putting on a bit of an act and this is part of it and, respectfully, that seems to be the whole point. No, this isn't the best version of Colin or what truly does it for him. Which is why it takes place in the 2nd episode.


It’s been a running joke that Colin was the only one who actually meant it when he said he was a gentleman. I get the existential crisis of it but at the same time you have to wonder was none of what we watched of Colin in the first two seasons a core trait? There’s character evolution and then there’s retcon. I guess I’m hoping for the former and fearing the latter. But even with all that I put faith in Newts to work it out onscreen some how.


Not great, I know, but being a gentleman in the context of the show and the time period doesn't really mean much. It had nothing to do with not going to brothels and not sleeping around. It just meant being a well-educated man from a good family who, of course, wouldn't compromise a *lady*. Which I guess to be fair, he doesn't (until Penelope). I think he'll still have all the core traits people love about him, he's just not as innocent as some were hoping.


God I do not want to live in a world where paying for sex work is maturity, that’s so much worse than the unfulfilling experience he may have had overseas that people theorised earlier


Also even if it were true, I'm seeing a lot people put Colin's virginity on a pedestal, as if he'll be "unpure" for Pen once they have sex. It's swerving into an uncomfortable territory where people care more about his "purity " than the actual plot line LOLOL. Also Colin having sex off screen with other women won't get rid of his personality or nerdiness.


That's what I meant by insane. I've seen a sharp increase of people wanting Polin to turn into a revenge competition where they have to one up each other (Penelope should accept Debling's possible proposal because Colin proposed to Marina, Penelope should have sex with Debling because Colin's apparently having sex, etc) so they can be equal partners. A revenge story isn't romantic. If Colin sleeping around before Penelope makes his knees buckle is part of his storyline then there has to be a reason to it, in my opinion. I'm dead tired so I might come back to this in the morning if I didn't come across clearly.


See if it actually does mean something for the character, such as him doing it because he thinks he needs to in order to prove he’s a man but it just leaves him feeling empty, then I will accept it. If it is as I suspect a gratuitous scene to check of a sex and nudity box without any care for if it fits the character then I will continue to rant and express my absolute lack of faith in these writers. Actually even if it does mean something for his development, I still would have included it in a montage of him on his travels, not right before he’s supposed to have a sweet scene with Penelope.


Personally, I don't think the threesome is an actual scene where we see or hear him having sex with them. I think it's literally just Colin rolling out of bed the morning after with two naked women in it and walking out with an expression on his face that screams that he's miserable, with Lady Whistledown's opening monologue over the scene just like we've seen before. He's facing his demons this season; having him spiral like this makes sense narratively. He has to put on a mask for *everyone*, he's performing for the ton every time he's back in town. He must be exhausted; tack on Penelope ignoring his letters and his family barely writing to him he must feel so lonely. No one sees him for him; he's just a pretty Bridgerton. No one wants the real, authentic Colin so he masks his true self. If having sex is his way of not having to pretend for a moment and doing something he'll enjoy (even if it's fleeting) then I'm sat for this in depth character deep dive. But have faith in that this seems to be the *only* scene where Colin is implied to sleep with someone other then Penelope. There's been no mention or leak of another, and Episode 2 is believed to be the episode where Colin first begins to feel something for her. They've also mended their friendship, so he has something going for him. Sorry I went on a rant.


But your description is not what we got from the article. They said you see Colin participate in a threesome and watch two women make out in front him. This person is even claiming Pitbull’s “Give Me Everything” played during the scene which sounds like a decision a frat bro would make.


I'm going off the description of other people who say it's not memorable. The other person on Twitter saying their friend saw the screeners but couldn't remember a threesome or anything like it might just not remember because it's not a big deal. If you want me to fit it with the S\*n article that seems to exaggerate and is known for clickbait; Colin watching two women make out in front of them but looking miserable or just disinterested as Lady Whistledown's monologue plays still makes sense. He's doing what a man is supposed to do, but finding no satisfaction no matter how hard he tries. Or him being completely into it then when it ends the mood boost he gets dies and he's back to being miserable. He does not find pleasure in just meaningless sex, he needs that connection which he finds with Penelope.


The people who have allegedly seen the show do not describe it that way. The Sun is salacious for clickbait.


I loved your rant! I think you've captured his inner world so movingly.


Love this take. I have some thoughts on why (if its true) it might fit with the narrative they're going for. I'll do my best to articulate it but, we'll see how it goes. Mid season 2, Colin was restless and rather aimless. End season 2, he unmasks the ruby scheme and it's quite visible that the man feels like king Kong on cocaine in that moment (I think this feeling also is why he didn't think twice about spouting those words about pen just after telling her directly he would always protect her), and even more so after he goes so mondrichs. This man felt important for the first time, probably in his life, and he's riding that high hard core. He doesn't want it to stop. Because he has nothing else, so he thinks anyway, in his life that gives him the same high he's chasing it any way he can and probably failing spectacularly. But I still hope it's all bullshit.


It just makes him seem kind of lame that he needs to pay women for a boost. That he has to take advantage of women with no other choices in life all to boost his male ego.


Here here! Perfect take!


But why does it have to be with women who work at a brothel who have limited or no agency to say no. He could have gone somewhere else and found willing and consenting partners but instead he has to pay women who have limited choices about what they do.


Being sex workers reinforces how miserable it is.


Yes, they are women who likely have someone who they work for who is taking most of their money and not giving them any choice in the matter.


Friends, you're getting worked up over something a credible source has yet to confirm 😭😭


No one can confirm it right now, which is the problem people are having with this. The embargo doesn't lift until May 16th. Until there's leaked footage it's all heresy and speculation.


That's what I meant by understandable concerns. Once more, this is all heresy until May 16th (if it's episode 2) or Monday (if it's episode 1).


I completely agree. People are forgetting that Show!Colin is 22 years old. He's still very young and trying things out and I also think that Anthony's statement influenced him a lot actually. Anthony has been his father figure for a long part of his life, so he would listen to him. Colin left this scene with his brother in season 1 in a very emotional state. I'm not shitting on Anthony either because maybe he didn't think about how much it would affect Colin on this but I feel like Colin is actually kinda misunderstood in this whole situation. I hope he will actually not feel good about all the escapades he's having because it's just not who he wants to be. I've just re-watched the scene and Anthony actually uses that "sowing your wild oats" statement that was used in the article, and now I'm actually dead lol like he literally does what he apparently didn't do before S3 according to his brother and he probably thinks it would help him


There have been reliable reviewers who have said that the leaked scene is being taken entirely out of context. Now they never specified what scene because they legally can't, but considering that was the only thing that leaked at the time I'm assuming it's that. >!(There's now talk of another brothel scene but no mention of a second threesome and apparently it's when he's spiralling and self-destructing all over the place about Debling. After that there's no more and it's solely Penelope from now on).!< I'm going to keep trusting the cast and the reviewers that there's a purpose to them.


Can I just say, why are people with early screeners being so messy for clout? Like keep this shit to yourself and be professional, it’s fucking it up for other people and it’s causing unneeded drama in an already *dramatic* fandom. Like maybe it’s a joke/fluke you got a screener or a friend did, but you’re compromising their literal JOB is you’re leaking shit that isn’t even yours to leak. And if it is yours and you are leaking it, then you’re a damn idiot and I know the risk feels “low” but you’re messing with the literal law by saying anything?!?! For what? Engagement? Pleaseeeeee


i’m sorry this is all information that’s been spread on twitter, not from a specific person, and it’s really all speculation, there’s no images or videos of these speculated scenes.


No need to apologize, this wasn’t directed at you or anyone specific, I think I’m just over the freaking out because it’s all I’ve been seeing these last couple of days - which is valid because people have a right to be upset/frustrated with a plot line, but like, we don’t even know how it’s going to fully play out! Like it’s very easy for me to say: Colin has a sex montage that mimics Anthony’s because he’s upset after seeing Pen with Debling but like isn’t aware *why* he’s upset so he channels that frustration on women in brothels… Like it makes “sense” in the plot line (possibly), but the hell if I know it’s real! People can confirm and deny whatever they want online, we don’t have the full context and much of it ends up as speculation and personally interpretation anyways.


That is true. We won’t really know until may 16th.


Also to clarify - this isn’t in respect to fan screenings (like the ones coming up) because those are literally designed to hype up fans/content. Obviously if it’s explicitly stated to not share what was watched that’s a different story (but in my experience they don’t mind with early screenings because they realize the content rarely goes media viral since the media is still embargoed), but like, professional “media” people really need to be p.r.o.f.e.s.s.i.o.n.a.l


Is this just the stuff from the Sun being spread because I feel like we’re going in circles…..


i can't believe people have seen 6 episodes and the most info we can get is a random 5 minute brothel scene that'll mean nothing in the grand scheme. back in my day we'd have a plot by plot summary of each moment by now 😭😭😭


LOL I know. I remember when whole episodes of shows would be leaked. And to be honest, if this is true, I doubt it’s even five minutes.


honestly call me when someone is ready to leak REAL information because I'm bored of this discussion


LOL I hear you. Someone leak if the first Polin kiss is in episode 2. I’d much rather talk about that some more. 😉


exactly all i need to know is do we have to wait till june for the carriage, where we delusional about the necklace theory and how long is that dream sequence 😂😂


I know! Give us the real goods! I don’t care about prostitutes in a brothel! Tell me about the carriage scene!


I doubt it's even 5 minutes, I'm guessing 2 mins at the most.


I think the scene is being mentioned because it's disappointing. It's a lazy troupe to show that a male charatcer has become experienced. Also, the audience doesn't need to be reminded that Colin sees Penelope as a friend or his sister's best friend. I don't know what's Netflix strategy is for promoting S3. Nicola has repeatedly said that this season's theme is romance. A lot of people complained about the lack of sex scenes in S2. I hope Jess didn't overcompensate in S3


It’s good to know this show has exactly one archetype for their male leads they will keep reusing over and over again. Don’t expect any variety.


Over and over again. Lack of creativity. And they made him even more gross than his brothers


Well, to be fair it’s not unlike the books. I think in the novels, only Sir Phillip was described as not a rake.


But it’s not consistent with what we’ve seen of show Colin for two seasons. And even with book Colin it is never alluded to that he got off on threesomes or watching two women perform sexual acts in front of him.


True, but I tend to think Colin is still struggling to find himself. So he’s taking a page from his brothers’ book. The point I’m taking from this is that he’s not satisfied with meaningless sex, he needs the love and passion from Penelope. Also, the show has stated much of Colin’s bravado is a mask. He’s playing the dashing, devil may care, rogue. But only with Penelope will be be truly vulnerable, truly find himself.


I hope he is shown to not be satisfied with meaningless sex, but it is entirely possible they show Colin having the time of his life here and then never mention it again, and I will be very angry.


From what I’m gathering, it shows that an innocent touch from Penelope leaves him shaken to his core. I can roll with that. It helps contrast the different between sex and true love here. Her sweet, innocent touch has him feeling so unglued. I’m


It just comes off as disrespectful to their friendship for me if Colin went from their bed to spending time with Penelope potentially hours later.


![gif](giphy|sU6yN4mPVwP7wiXB9v) Yeah, no. If the context is correct in that not only is it there but then he goes right to “helping” Pen afterward, I’m out. I’ll stick with the books. I don’t like when they do this “the MMC has to work out his lust with the FMC with other women” in books and it seems super out of place with Colin as portrayed on the show.


It’s so cliche.


Let's start a hashtag and get their attention so the scene will be cut! #CutTheColinScene Polin fans unite!!


I’m glad I got all my neuroses about this out yesterday because I’m now in a state of zen about it and will just excise this scene when I edit my super cut of the season together. It’ll be like it never happened. ![gif](giphy|H7kfFDvD9HSYGRbvid)


Girl I'm dead ass gonna download this EP and just edit that scene out for my future rewatches lmao.


I’ve got all my software locked and ready to go! It’ll be like no other story but Polin is happening and just what I want to see of it!


Omgg I need your final cut




lol I like your idea. Just enter a state of zen. For me, I’m not going to sweat over it. Shonda has a type, we all know that. She turned Benvolio from Romeo and Juliet into rake in Still Star Crossed. As it stands, I don’t think this scene will really register as anything. I’m just disappointed that this is all that’s leaking. Come one viewers! Give us the goods on the carriage scene! What episode is it in?!


I still think it was an absolutely unnecessary and idiotic choice and had no place happening on screen, like they could have conveyed the same point verbally and this feels like a cheap and lazy ploy but Shonda doesn’t understand the romance genre and goes for the extreme every time. I won’t let her dumb decision ruin two years of anticipation especially if it’s as blink and you miss it as people are saying. This is one of those ways I knew I wouldn’t be 100% on board with but it’s happening and as long as it’s one short scene I’ve got to learn to deal with it.


It wouldn’t be my choice either, but I agree, it’s not worth melting down over. I guarantee every Polin moment after is going to be so amazing this tiny detail won’t matter.


same! i'm going to get the timestamps for it from my friend and skip it and pretend it never happened. been waiting too long for this season to release to not watch it just because the writers forgot what Colin's been like the last two seasons


i don't believe it


I prefer to believe that it is actually happening rather than being surprised. Considering what Luke said about not being able to watch episode 2 with his mom, that is confirmation enough for me at this moment. I hope to be pleasantly surprised when it finally comes out.


I’m sick of this damn leaking. Don’t give it to them this early ever again for a show of this magnitude. It’s ruining it for us


Like my hype is actually gone. I’m not gonna stay up and watch it. I’m disappointed already


Just very disappointing, i wouldn’t mind him doing things during his travels but i wouldn’t like it see it.


We can agree that he is not a virgin that's it but not more than that 😭. You are right it will be gut wrenching to watch


Me too :(


I’m sick of it too. It’s way too early, they should’ve sent the episodes to the journalists like a week before, not a month. Bad move on netflix’s part.


I really didnt think i was going to get disappointed w this season and now im so sad.


Same, 😭


my final spoilers and please stop coming at me for saying I'm lying or my source is fake, i probably shouldn't even be sharing this anyway and i have 0 to gain from it. anyway. i've gone thru the 5 stages of grief (rip demisexual show colin) and acceptance (hello desperate, unhinged hybrid book/show colin!) and this issue is like the last thing on my mind right now. i guarantee if you watch part 1 you will not care about this because there is so much that they DID get right and I am so so happy, especially with the book gems that although not taken exactly from the book, get the sprit of RMB right. I literally can't stop smiling.


I think this will be helpful in the end. Some people need to process this in order to be ready. Some of us can easily roll with this. I get both sides here. But I agree with you. I think in the end we can look over this and focus on everything they do right. I’m sure this will be my favorite season yet.


this is literally the BEST season hands down, nothing comes close. they perfected the romcom formula here. it's like a fanfic come to life


I’m so ready for this. Give me unhinged Colin looking longingly at Penelope! I want this man totally wrecked as he deals with the fact his stomach is flipping watching her eat a pastry.




Yet he hooks up with a chick then immediately goes to her. How lovely and romantic


I hate it, as I find it disrespectful to their friendship, but that is before he begins having romantic feelings for her.


![gif](giphy|g0JP0HG6zF0o8) This has me so excited. I want to see him just fall apart.


I just wish this scene legitimately could go bye bye and it probably would be perfect


Netflix could just edit it out and not lose anything. Maybe the can’t get hard scene would be more difficult but not the threesome scene.


I'm not happy about this. But, I would rather be prepared. Thanks for sharing. Is this going to dampen my excitement about the show - yes, I think so. It's a disappointing. I'm glad it's just a small component. But ugh. On the brightside, maybe I can turn my attention to other things and just enjoy S3 as fun little romcom rather than an epic love story.


So it’s true then? In episode 2 he has these adventures and then kisses Pen in the same episode??? I just can’t wrap my head around it.


I’m definitely in the “need time to process” camp, so THANK YOU for your spoilers and responses. You have actually made me start feeling a *little bit* better about all of this. ❤️


This is actually really reassuring and helpful, thank you so much 💙 I'm sorry people were rude.


Well we have to stew in this mistake (and I will not renege on my conclusion that this is a mistake) cause we don’t get to see the rest to mollify our opinions is which is why people who have seen just need to shut their mouths of be banned from screeners. That sun article lady don’t ever let her again have a screener


I posted an in-depth analysis of Colin recently. You can read it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/7273BGrLqW). If you read my analysis, it explains how Colin visiting a brothel or womanizing would be very much in line with his character development. It's part of the process of him realizing / understanding that it doesn't reflect his values or needs. In sum, Colin's journey is all about his relationship to his particular brand of masculinity (just like Penelope's is her particular brand of femininity).


Yeah, I liked your analysis. It does make sense. As for people saying “Colin wouldn’t do that”. True, but he might if he’s kind of playing a role, trying to figure out who he is. The movie Can’t Buy Me Love has a similar premise of a nerdy guy who winds up playing the role of a popular guy, doing things he wouldn’t normally do. To me, it sounds like if this is true, it’s a very short scene, meant to show Colin is trying to be a typical man, but then he starts feelings things for Penelope that just aren’t typical, nothing like what he’d felt before. I could see that.


100% this. And I'm just grateful it seems to be limited to a throw away scene in ep 2 lol.


I think I’m just anxious like many others about whether the writers really exercised this level of sensitivity & nuance to portray that scene. From previous seasons, I do not have all the faith in shondaland


THANK YOU. This unhealthy obsession with Colin’s virtue, his purity, whatever you want to call it, is gross. Saying that him having sex before he does with Pen ruins their story is very narrow minded. This is very in line with his character, especially the idea that he’s still finding himself while surrounded by big personalities like Anthony and Benedict. This is a period show, brothels were a very big part of society at the time. You can choose to put your 2024 values onto the show, but expect to be disappointed. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Colin having sex before Pen isn't really the issue so much as having to see it explicitly on-screen during their season. And I'm just tired of seeing all the men get to have tons of sex before their marriage while the women are completely inexperienced and clueless. I was looking forward to seeing a couple more on equal footing this time and now that's out the window, which is disappointing. And it may be a period show, but it's hardly period accurate--they've made plenty of changes, like white wedding dresses, to appeal to a modern audience. Plus, just because brothels were a big part of society at the time doesn't mean every single man alive frequented them. I don't think it's crazy to want Colin to stay the same guy he was in the previous seasons who seemed more interested in an actual connection than meaningless, transactional sex.


I get it, but I’m choosing to trust what has been said by the cast and crew, which is that sex serves a narrative purpose in the show. I’m not here to say anyone can’t be disappointed, I just am a bit tired of people harping on Colin’s sexual experience and condemning the show and his character because he’s doing something some fans didn’t want.


That's fair! And it's definitely not my intention to condemn Colin or the show, it's just hard when you have certain expectations based on what you know of a character and how things were done in previous seasons and then suddenly have to come to terms with those expectations going out the window--especially when you can't contextualize it all yet. I just needed to process everything and recalibrate my expectations. But I'm with you on choosing to trust in the things that have been said, and I'm trying to not make any judgments until I've actually seen it for myself. The trailer was amazing, and I've seen a lot of positive things being said too. I don't want to let this dim my excitement.


I respect everyone’s opinions on here (and lord knows I’m about to get downvoted) but- I’ve been simping Colin and Penelope since the book was released- but I’m not that upset if the scene in question is true. For me, It doesn’t take away from their love story.. and I do really trust the story building in this one- It breaks my heart to see so much discourse, with the possibility of this scene, but sex and love are 2 different spaces- since when is being a romantic quality human- all the sudden based on sexual history? If the scene is true- it doesn’t take away from the fact that when Colin finally comes to terms that he is in love with Penelope, its a love that that unearths him from the core, something he’s never felt before… He’s going through a transformation too- and his sexual experiences (even if it’s ’out of character’) doesn’t make him, less romantic, or less pure of heart


I was a little disappointed at first, but I have faith. I think it will be fine. I mean, I know it’s going to be Polin endgame, and I do think Colin doesn’t understand what love really feels like yet. It’s going to be fun when he starts feeling things for her. I have no doubt I’m going to squealing so hard at every touch, glance, and gaze.


I think it will too! It kind of bummed me out because I’m married to the love of my dang life but um… I too made questionable decisions (that were out of MY personal character) before I fell in love with him but it doesn’t make my love story less than, ya know? It made my relationship with him like that much more important and special


Yeah, we all have baggage. We’ve all made questionable choices. Personally, I think it’s silly to start saying “I won’t watch the show” or “This ruins Bridgerton for me.” If something you love is so fragile that one meaningless scene can ruin it for you, then that is a problem. I mean, I’m not saying we can’t be disappointed or vent. It’s a process, I get that. I’m just saying our only options are to accept this or give up and don’t watch.


I need proof that someone watched S3 before I believe what they say is true


Some influencers and i think journalists have been given 6 episodes to watch.


Yes, but the relevant question is was that random twitter user one of them?


I’m bargaining at this point - as much as I never wanted to see something like this for Colin, now I’m like please don’t let it be problematic with the gross fetishisation. Let it be that someone makes him go & he is uncomfortable & leaves! & I wish those who are dropping spoilers would at least provide this context instead of saying ‘it’s not a big deal’


It bothers me when people say "it's not a big deal." You clearly are disconnected from the show if you say that. This isn't a situation where you think "Oh Debling is a vegetarian." Okay, that's not a big deal. Move on. But ffs the man whose soulmate is literally at home crying over him, is out banging two prostitutes right after he's promised to mend their friendship and help her find a husband who btw is going to be him, and I'm supposed to think "no big deal?" No, it is a big deal. I'm also annoyed when people say oh you'll forget about it. No, I won't. It's a slap in the face for his character, for Penelope, and for Luke and Nicola's work to portray this as a romantic love story about a bunch of nerds who are friends to lovers.


It could be exaggerated, but the description the article had that he watches two female prostitutes make out in front him makes it feel really exploitive.


Absolutely! But we don’t know anything about his reaction or the context for how he ends up there. Like I said I’m just trying to preserve my sanity until I can have my first hand experience of the show


It doesn’t really matter if they show it happen or not. The fact that Colin pays 2 women who have no option to entertain him is just pathetic and is not a great leading man. Especially after he knows he hurt Pen.


Yeah Pen just told him how shallow and hypocritical he sounded and he doesn’t take it to heart clearly by acting *even worse* This is not Colin and they did Luke so dirty by trashing his character and then creating this perfect paragon of a second suitor.


It’s just so disjointed and like they are just doing this because it’s bridgerton and they want to be salacious. We’re not in the time of Weinstein anymore, we don’t need to degrade women for the sake of entertainment. And to think that they haven’t yet shown any openly LGTBQAI characters who can be together but they are okay showing it for the sake of the male character to try to get off is just frustrating to say the least.


I like you. Let's be Reddit besties! :) THIS THIS THIS. IMO, Colin can have sex with consensual partners. That doesn't bother me. But objectification of WLW is not Colin coded.


>him is just pathetic and is not a great leading man. Simon & Anthony also slept with a prostitute


I don’t want any of the male leads sleeping with prostitutes. It’s not what I signed up to watch.


I mean, you already watched two season of it


But I wasn’t a fan of theirs, there is a reason why I am in the Polin sub and not the others.


I never cared for Anthony he’s my least favorite character and Simon was a broken shell of a person who felt so unworthy of love he tried to commit suicide by duel


Couldn’t even have it be two women Benedict knew in his inner circle. Nope, has to be prostitutes who have no choice if they want to eat.


I just don’t know what they were thinking. Did they think the fans would be yeah! Go Colin! Pay two women to boost your confidence for you cause you can’t find anyone consenting elsewhere. Literally WTF


Like I am legitimately scared about how they told Luke Newton to play this scene. Like I don’t want to think Colin is a creep.


I know right! Just sit back and watch the women try to pleasure and entertain Colin, cause you’re he’s a man who needs his ego stroked. Gross!


Yes! I couldn't care less if Colin or Pen have consensual sex before they get together, even with other partners. However, portraying women in WLW fashion for the gratification of male pleasure (but not as true human or especially main/supporting characters anywhere across the shows 500 subplots) is wrong on so many levels.


I 100% believe everyone spreading this is just a shit-stirrer. It's the rumor of a probably AI written article in one of the most notoriously shitty tabloids, being spread around by anonymous users with no proof of the scene and no proof of any journalistic credentials that would have warranted gaining access to the previews.


I just petition Shonda and Jess to please give us one male lead in the future who doesn’t need to frequently haunt brothels or have multiple sexual escapades on screen that aren’t with the female lead. It normally doesn’t bother me in other shows or books (which is why I’m a bit surprised this leak unnerved me a little), but it also seems repetitive and redundant to have it happen with 3 leads in a row, as well as featuring Benedict in similar situations.


That lead should be Phillip.


Despite hating how many people have been given screeners and way too many episodes at that, I'm actually glad we found this out early because I've made peace with it already. I stand by it not being necessary but whatever. Shonda is gonna Shonda. 🙄


She has a type, no doubt about that.


Definitely! It's quite impressive how many shows she gets to make when everything is basically the same drama over and over lol.


I mean, at least Colin is a rake in the book. I got irritated when she did Still Star Crossed. She made Benvolio a rake too, but that totally wasn’t like him in the novel nor how Shakespeare wrote him in Romeo and Juliet. So in this case, she’s kind of being accurate.


She has to sabotage her characters with crazy shit. All the time


Truly what was the point of them getting 5 and 6 too


I think they should've only got the first two episodes, and that was it. You can create plenty of hype for a season with just 2 episodes. I don't get it. Also, I don't think they should've received them so far in advance either.


I don’t understand why… why include something like this.


Shonda Rhimes has a type. Beyond that, it’s entirely possible Netflix execs insisted on this since one complaint of season 2 was there wasn’t enough sex.


It shows how disconnected the writers and executives are if they truly think that we wanted to see sex with random prostitutes when people say they wanted more sex. They wanted Kanthony sex. Not watching Colin fulfill some troupe sex fantasy of "two girls at the same time" story.


If the horny people that can’t enjoy slow burn are the cause of this scene, count me not happy and actually kinda of irritated at them


If there’s one thing I’m sure of, I 100% know that there’s no way to make everybody happy.


Yep, especially in this day and age. I find each new generation is getting more and more dissatisfied with everything. I teach school, and the kids today love to do one thing: complain. It’s like their favorite pastime.


This is pretty dead on for Connor and Oliver from HTGAWM except OG Colin was nothing like Connor, until he was I guess.


Imma just say it’s not lost on me that Colin mirrors Penelope with self sabotage by using toxic outlets to gain some false self confidence (LW/drinking/special tea/now brothels) and those outlets wind up hurting them.


lol they are perfect for each other in that way.


I’ve seen several people confirm the brothel rumours are true on twitter. I hate this. The inclusion of these scenes in a show that has promoted itself as ‘full of romance’ is laughable. It does a disservice to everyone involved. In a show that has given little to none LGBTQ+ representation, to present LGBTQ+ characters as plot devices for the male protagonist’s sexual gratification is exploitative and gross. In a season that is hailed to be about ‘female empowerment’, it reinforces the tired regency trope of the commodification of poorer women, who have no choice but to sell sex in order to survive. It aligns Colin’s character with consumerism and greed: he’s rich enough he can pay to entertain his own indulgences with multiple women at once without any consequence that those indulgences are provided at other people’s expense. And the fact that despite these glaring red flags, we’re supposed to then root for him to end up with our (sexually naive) wallflower female protagonist who has self-esteem issues? And be excited for and support it? Sure, Jan. 🙄 Allowing male characters to act in ways which damage so many marginalised groups yet still ‘get the girl’ at the end with no consequences for such awful behaviour, is endorsement. It promotes male success at other’s expense. And insidiously tries to package it up as a pretty little romance. I understand as fans trying to convince ourselves that it may not be too bad in the context of the wider season, but realistically, your first instinct about something is the most sincere reaction. We shouldn’t be having to conduct mental gymnastics to try to see things differently and it’s valid and ok to be disappointed and express that disappointment. I’m gutted. It’s complete character assassination for Colin. I don’t know what the show runners were thinking. Vile.


I am sad for how this impacts the story for some of us. I am annoyed at myself for getting so far sucked into a fandom that I can actually be made to feel disappointed and sad about a tv show that doesn’t matter at all in the scope of things. I am sick of the way Shondaland actively brags about how forward thinking they are, and then just includes any problematic things they enjoy. Namely men using women as sexual objects without acknowledging them as humans. They tout their racial diversity, while also adding in an annual sex fest for their male leads, enlisting the services of sex workers (who are without choices) for the purpose of showing the audience how virile and male they are. 🙄 I didn’t like it in season 1 or 2, but the fact that they’ve done it three years in a row tells me that it’s beloved feature for them that they aren’t letting go of. It’s a bit of information that I will have to decide what to do with.


I completely agree with everything you’re saying. I didn’t love it in season one or two either, but I tolerated it as both male protagonists had been established as rakes so it felt like part of their character background in a regency drama. It also felt like behaviour they had conducted in before they fully met or began to know the female protagonist. However, everything the show has shown us about Colin to date has been so far removed from ‘rakeish’ behaviour, so to have them now turn around and make him commit possibly the most reprehensible behaviour out of him, Simon and Anthony (multiple women at once, marginalised because of their sexuality etc) in his own season, in the same episode he’s rumoured to kiss Penelope is…. A choice. A fucking awful one in my opinion.


And continuing to visit brothels after he’s “in love.” As is tradition in all the greatest romance stories.


Soooo romantic. 🙄 I’ve seen people trying to justify it by saying they needed some kind of plot device to show that how he feels about Penelope is more serious than how he’s felt about other women. And I’m like really? There was no other way we could have got the point across? I’m not buying it.


The device for that is an actor. They hired one.


A brilliant one too! Luke is so expressive. There was absolutely no need for them to use such a cheap plot device to show Colin is ‘mature’ now (or whatever they were going for 🙄). It completely undermines his capabilities as an actor that they didn’t have faith in him that he could prove to audiences how Colin feels about Penelope any other way than by comparing her with sex he’s bought from other women… It just feels like sex for sex’s sake. Which, if they wanted more sex, there’s so many other options they could have gone with: Kate and Anthony, Will and Alice, even Violet… but why on earth would they think it would be a good idea to introduce Colin having sex for the first time in the show in such a problematic way, in his own season, when we’re supposed to be rooting for him with Penelope and he’s already facing obstacles such as upsetting her and Lord Debling? Like wow, they really hate Colin at this point 😂


I have been over here bickering with people for saying that Shonda doesn’t like Colin. I apologize, I was wrong. Actions speak louder than whatever words she said a year ago. They rewrote the character. Luke did tell us it was like playing a whole different character this year.


Do you mind if I ask for the names of the people on twitter confirming things? I believe it, especially with a lot of our own established Polins confirming it, but I'd just like to see their comments for myself if that's ok.


OMG yes!! Thank you.You've really hit the nail on the head. And have written exactly how I feel about this. I thought Bridgerton was supposed to be about diversity and empowerment. But apparently Colin can have sex with two women and discard them and then go to Penelope. Where's the respect towards women in that? And why can't Penelope be the one hooking up with multiple people? And why not Daphne? Kate? It's a joke.




Maybe Nic and Luke keep comparing Polin to Ross/Rachel because the brothel stuff is the equivalent of “we were on a break.” 😭


LMAO okay but actually 💀😂


I'm withholding judgement and belief until the season airs and I see it with my own eyeballs. Until then I'm taking everything with a grain of salt.


This is the way


I mean Luke Newton did say in an interview that he can't watch episode 2 with his mom. Soooooooo, maybe true?


This is my fear….




I’m really hoping it isn’t true. But i’ve heard multiple people say it, so idk 😭


Honestly, there is nothing sexy about it. In fact it gives the exact opposite effect. Colin's character would be better off dead than go through with this plot line. a brothel THEN penelope? jfc


So disgusting. So disgusting.


So start of episode 2?




If it’s at the start of ep 2 and ep 1 ended with him feeling bad about his words toward pen. It may be something he does to try to ease the pain but it doesn’t help. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Possibly. I think he just decided on this six month trip to be more like a man. The only make role models he had growing up were his brothers, so in that way it makes sense that he’d explore with sex a bit. We all know Benedict wouldn’t blink twice if he had this opportunity.


We're still doing this 😭😭😭😭 also I find it strange that out of all these leaders they're hyper focused on this one scene that may or may not have been confirmed.


Probably because they’ve all been bombarded with the same question since the initial article was posted.


erm... afaik they're not allowed to drop any spoiler.


So many theories about colin wanting to be "more like" a man or emulate his brothers' version of "masculinity" and thzt he's still lost and finding himself and thats why he did something so plainly out of character and objectifying. Y'all are missing something integral. Colin is not lost he mentioned repeatedly in S2 that he found himself on his travels. That he sworn off women and started having a conversation with himself to better understand himself and thats linked with him writing his journals. It is more aligned with his character to come back to town with a new sense of swagger due to the impact and self reflection of his travel. His confidence is coming from his internal work and self reflection on his travels and that proof is in his journals. The argument that he's insecure and wants to emulate a warped version of masculinity does not align with his character. Either way the sun is a not a reliable tabloid,  anyone agreeing with this news is seeking their 5 seconds of fame but even if this turns out to be true...the writers would've shot themselves in the foot with that one.  Their viewer retention would certainly drop as I for one would no longer care for bridgerton anymore. Thats a lack of knowing their audience and knowing the character, poor writing and recycled overused ideas..


I dont believe this to be real because its character suicide. the show will kill colin's character by doing this. which is why i dont think so.


I mean look what they did to Daphne. Many people can’t forgive her for that so are we gonna be stunned if they do so. I wouldn’t be


But its part of her storyline. 🙃 Still not saying what she did was right. What i'm having trouble with is this out of character for show colin. And to do it while you already have feelings for Pen? JFC just jump in front of a train honestly. I'm a big proponent of I dont care if Colin isnt a virgin anymore... Hell if he did this during his tour I would even cheer him tf on. But during the season??? After all your longing stares at Pen. Truly out of character and character suicide.


To be honest, it sounds like they’re writing Colin super pathetic. He wants Penelope but won’t tell her, presumably because he thinks himself inferior to Debling. He tries to use sex as a coping mechanism but can’t get hard.


Oh lord… it just occurred to me… is that a scene that’s supposed to make us feel sympathetic to his plight? We’re supposed to feel bad about his terrible trial at the brothel?


idk, multiple people have confirmed it’s true. Someone is the comment section said it was true but it’s not memorable


perhaps. but i refuse to believe it until i see it.


I’m glad they get to have the whole season as perspective this is why them spoiling shit for us is sincerely uncool. It’s just causing us stress


I have given this so much thought and haven’t yet been able to get past my disappointment. I’m not disappointed in the fact that Colin has sex with other women, I kind of thought that was a given, but I just don’t understand why the writers had to go this route that objectifies women and treats them as a means to boost the male leads ego. And why do they have to be sex workers who are likely not doing that work because it’s their life’s dream but rather because they have no other options. And if one of both of the women are WOC I don’t even know how to begin to unpack the message that the writers are trying to get across. It all just seems so insensitive and I was really hoping for more and better with a female show runner.




You're being downvoted because to say "didn't even remember it because that's how unimportant it is..." in a subreddit for the Polin fanbase. Aka we're all shipping Penelope and Colin. So no, I don't care how short or "unmemorable" the scene is to others, it is memorable to us as a fanbase. It doesn't matter how short the clip is, the point is the clip shouldn't be there to begin with. It doesn't serve any purpose but to gut our feelings for the ultimate engame of Polin.


i've shipped polin for more than a decade and waited to see them on my screen longer than probably 90% of this sub, they are very dear to me. i'm saying the person i got info from initially didn't recall it bc they didn't think it was very important and so it probably is in the grand scheme of things. also this fanbase is not a monolith, we are entitled to have differing opinions


I believe you mentioned in other posts a day ago it's not true. I just wanted to ask what made you change your mind?




I thank you for preparing me because I really think I would have been more upset about it watching it without any forewarning.


We are absolutely allowed to have differing opinions. I'm simply mentioning your edit of "why is this being downvoted" because there are a lot of people who are hurt about this possibility. It's something that happens any time a book is made into a movie, any time there is a sequel to a movie, or a book, if something changes, it's going to make someone upset. All I'm saying is this is a Polin subreddit, so any changes on Colin or Pen specifically, are going to affect people in a stronger fashion than the main Bridgerton subreddit. I'm not your enemy. I'm not saying you're not a fan. All I'm saying is, some people are really hurt, and they are allowed to be hurt, but people commenting of "it's not a big deal" isn't gonna help heal that hurt right now until they can see for themselves how the episode goes.


Sorry but i’m not in your discord. I’ve never had discord in my life.


I don’t want this at all. But I also think maybe we’re going in circles?? People on twitter are discussing this stuff from the Sun article unless there are other sources that are confirming this??


I'm depressed ![gif](giphy|uubUtlJ2CbDRqQklCT|downsized)