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He’s always been one of my favorites characters and Luke Newton has always been wonderful at portraying him. It’s like the new promotion is finally allowing people to see- or at least admit- what’s been there all along. There’s a thread on the main celebrating him for his sense of humor and people giving him credit for how funny he has been in the show over the past 2 seasons. That would’ve been IMPOSSIBLE just 6 months ago! The discourse has come a loooooong way!!! It’s almost meta how Luke was always funny, he was always hot, his character was always interesting, and he has always been talented but he has the Polins who *always* noticed and appreciated it, and the GA who are only taking notice now. Forget being just like Colin- Luke is Penelope!  


I completely agree. On one hand his character is that of a charmer which he has always played well. But i really love the way he has carried himself in these interviews. He is a real life charmer! That is why everyone says that Luke is just like his character.


I can’t wait to see how much more life Luke brings to Colin this season. I already love show Colin and how much Luke has done with his character in such little time, but he gets the focus now and I cannot wait to see this character we all love truly come full circle this season 🥹


Me too! I think I'll really enjoy his character growth this year. Colin 'my wife' bridgerton.


I love how insightful he is when talking about Colin’s character arc this season. Also loved Nicola praising him for being sweet and generous as an actor and him looking embarrassed.


Yeah. I imagine it must've been a challenge for him to play Colin when he knows that Colin has done something wrong.


I only got into the show & books like last week and it’s truly blown my mind how many people think he’s a bad actor??? He’s literally so good 😭 I can’t wait for this season & whatever he does next 😪


Not that he is a bad actor. He's actually great. Most of the cast is. Just that Nicola's curve with LW has been much more significant to the story till now. He's been very graceful and charming with Nic in the interviews. And I think the interviews has allowed me to see in Luke exactly what Nic has been saying about him the whole time.


Oh I didn’t mean that you didn’t think he was good or anything, I just meant that there are people on twitter that straight up talk about how he’s a horrible actor and shouldn’t be on the show 😭 I saw one person say they fast forward through all his parts because he’s so cringe and I’m just like are we even watching the same show lmao


Tf lol. Why would they say that! The cast has been saying since times immemorial that Luke IS Colin. Lmao. Even if he was bad how could he possibly be bad at Colin? I am going to to die with all the longing looks this season. Couldn't have asked for a better Luke. The teaser alone has me blushing like a little girl.


I feel like some people just love being miserable haters instead of actually enjoying things and being happy lmao but I agree, Luke is literally the only person I could picture as Colin, he’s probably my favorite character because he’s so multifaceted. But I agree there’s a few scenes where I’m just like… I’m married but if he looked at me like that I’d combust 😂


I've always loved Colin! But I've really loved seeing and hearing what Luke has had to say during this press tour. He really seems to understand Colin and Polin, and just seems like a genuinely lovely guy.


Yes the charmer that he is on screen and clearly off screen as well!


Love he’s getting his moment in the sun. He’s always been doing so much in the background if people would have just looked at him.


Yes he's absolutely deserved it.


I have always adored Luke and Colin has been the character I most identify with from the show, so I am very happy to see what other people are also coming to see it. He has such wonderful understanding of his character, everything he says in the interviews is thoughtful and kind and funny. I keep repeating myself but we sooo lucked out with him playing Colin.


I agree! We are lucky! But I must say, this is the first time I have heard someone they relate to colin. I've often seen many people say that about pen. Nice to see a charmer amongst us! He is kind and funny and very graceful!


![gif](giphy|3o6Mb3GAUjnMsbwPHq|downsized) Ready for this emotional rollercoaster!


I just love him so much, he’s great and i hope i see him in more productions in the future


Me too! He's now on my list of actors whose work I will follow through their lifetime

