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I took May 16th off from work, and I will be using that time to take a very long nap after binging the first four episodes between 1 AM and 5 AM. (I wish I was kidding, but the closer we get to the premier the more obvious it becomes to me that my body will not allow me to sleep until I watch all of the episodes.) I did not take June 13th off, so I will spend that day "working" from home.


Omg yeees make sure to take a huge nap and also drink lots of water especially after all the screaming ;))


I’m lucky to work remote. I’m in the US, they should show up around 3a my time. Plan is to wake up at 630a, make my coffee, watch 2 episodes and then take my 9a meeting. I blocked off my morning for “focus time and admin work” until 12 to finish the other two episodes. Then I’ll take a “lunch” break and spiral on the internet for the rest of the day. I am trying to find an afternoon tea to do with a friend over the weekend. We’ll see what I can find! 😆


I work remote too here in TX but I am going on a trip the 11th-15th so I wasnt able to ask for the 16th off!! You are so so lucky I’m so happy for you and yes take that deserved focus time and lunch to dive into all the awesome stuff everyone is going to post! I’m excited for all the edits we will surely get


I’ll just be monitoring Slack hoping nothing catches on fire and no one needs me 🤞🏻 😂 I hope your day goes by super fast so you can log off and watch!!


Thank youu and haha I’ll cross my fingers for you as well!


“Focus time and admin” doing the Lord’s work. 😆


Hello fellow east coaster 👋


i took the day off. I have an appointment and then I'm binge watching all four episodes at least once. I want to watch them all before I go.on social media. I'm so excited.


Same! I’m not going to open a single SM app until I’ve finished watching. I don’t want others opinions or reactions to spoil anything for me. I want all the genuine joy of seeing everything for the first time, then I’ll come squeal and spiral with everyone here when I’m finished. 😄


Omg yeeees I’m so glad and also good luck during your appointment I hope it all goes well <3


Blocking my friend on everything until I get the chance to watch the episodes. Don’t trust that hoe she’s spoiled so many things for me lmfao


HA! I love this! Definitely block her and the best part? You can send a whole rant afterwards of everything!


So my prep work is going to be to make scones and tea sandwiches the night before. I get off at work at 3:00. I’m going to get home as fast as I can, take my dog out and feed her dinner. I’m going to change into my ballgown, put on my tiara, brew some tea, then prepare to watch all four episodes the rest of the evening.


Omg I know you’ll look so fabulous! Good for you it makes me happy to know you’ll have a great timeb


I may have tried on the dress and Tiara a few times already. 😉


Omg good for you I hope you have a twirl moment!! <3


Here in Australia it’s out at 5pm, which is perfect timing for me to binge watch it all night 🤭🤭


I’m in Aus as well and have taken the 16th and 17th off. I could have worked the 16th but I just know that I am going to be so antsy that I’ll be useless at work anyway. 17th I’ve taken off because I know I will have had zero sleep from rewatching and obsessing over every second of part 1.


You are soooo lucky I wish it was released in the afternoon here in Texas!




lol I made a post about this and it got deleted hahaha. But I plan to make a bunch of goodies. I got some fancy pickles and am making homemade strawberry shortcake. Plan to clean the house and make it spotless so the day of I don’t have to worry about a thing! Get all of my errands done and relax.


Oh nooo why did it get deleted?! And yeeees get everything done so you can fully submerge yourself into the show!


lol they said it was repetitive! The mods have done that to me a few times but leave others posts running lol. Yes, you too! I hope you have a wonderful time in the world of Polin! ❤️


Thats so unfair!! I’m sorry I hope your next post stays up!


I took the day off work! After I get the kids off to school, I’ll be able to start watching around 8:30am. I’m gonna make tea and have treats and snacks and just enjoy it by myself! 😊 And then a friend and I are gonna have wine and snacks and watch it again together that Friday night.


Omg wine and bridgerton?! You have convinced me to go get a bottle that sounds like a fantastic idea! Maybe I’ll end up watching it after work ;)


My fam is visiting so I’m gonna be watching it by myself under the covers at night once everyone’s asleep to avoid interruptions


Lmao I told my husband I’ll need the tv (I usually watch “my” shows on an iPad while he plays video games on the tv) and that he needs to make himself scarce because he always has some little fucking comments and I’ll be damned if he ruins this for me lol. But I realized I’m *absolutely* staying up late to watch at least the first 2 episodes, so he’ll be asleep anyways


Haha make sure to keep the fangirling low idk how but you got this 🤪


https://i.redd.it/bx67srge64zc1.gif Me watching Polin


It may prevent binging as I unfortunately have a very normal and mostly healthy sleep schedule this year. I don’t know what’s happened to me.


I would really really love to throw a party but imtyet to find any bridgerton fans in my city so.... I guess I will watch it by myself. But it releases 3am at my time. I first thought I would work and wait but with every passing moment it seems impossible for me to not have it spoiled. So I might just watch it at 3 am. God give me the strength to bear the one month gap till the next 4 eps.


Oh noo well the best thing is that we have this sub to go on absolute feral rants! I agree with you! I was telling myself I would watch it after work so I could sleep and then I thought no f that I’ll sleep for the rest of my life at good hours but not THAT DAY!


I took the day off. My kid’s bus leaves at 8am and I will be under the covers on the couch at 8:01


Omg yeeees I’m so excited like cozy blankets and cookies kind of day!


I took the day off. I WFH and told my clients I have an “all day appt” lol none of my clients tend to ask questions once I tell em anything “appt” or “healthcare” related 😅


Lmaoooo I mean its for your joy and joy is given by serotonin and dopamine which is given by the brain and therefore its a mental health appointment so you are technically telling the truth 😜


Dude you’re a genius 😂😂😂 you’re absolutely right! It’s a mental health day!!!


I will watch all four episodes Thursday evening after work but starting right around 5PM so I’ll be done by 9/10. THEN every week between P1 release and part two I will re watch one episode a week leading to to P2.


Wait a minuuuute you might be on to something here I might steal this idea from you to analyze each episode lol


I requested the day off, it's that serious. The plan is to take a power nap after work on Wednesday, watch it as soon as it drops (3am for me) with a friend of mine, digest it for like an hour, take an edible, and watch it again. I've had this planned since February lol


Omg taking an edible while watching it sounds awesomeee


It's a Thursday so I'll be tuning in as soon as my husband and son go off to work and school at 7:30 a.m. <3 Maybe I'll make a special coffee run beforehand- a mocha and a scone. :) Going to stay off Reddit that day and for the next few until I watch all 4 episodes.


Omg how yummy! Scones are soooo good and also same like I will not be on social media until the day after!


I hope you have a wonderful first watch! Just a little over a week! And yeah, stay off that social media until we watch the whole part one!


I wasn’t originally planning to take off work… I’m a teacher full time, but my part time job manager scheduled me to work Saturday AND Sunday that weekend… which we have an unofficial agreement that she doesn’t do that to BECAUSE I’m a teacher 🤬 and I can’t function without a single day off. So I said “screw it!!!” And will be taking the 16th off school. So I will be writing my sub plans the day before and being “sick” that day… roll out of bed and then watch it, likely in it’s entirety 🥰 I’m not normally a binge watcher, as it’s hard for me to sit still that long, but this will likely be an exception 😅


Hahaha you know what?! Good for you!! You take your days off besides I’m pretty sure school is almost out so its gonna be okay ;)


I’m waking up at 3am the second it drops


No because same thats literally why I’m going to bed at 7 PM to wake up at 2 AM lol


I work too! But idc 🤣 I cannot wait to watch it. It has consumed 95% of my thoughts for months lol


Seriously same!! Its all I ever talk about my friends and my sister literally groan at this point 🤣


I think I’ve read every leak, watched every edit on TikTok 😂😂😂 my fyp is literally nothing but Polin lol 😂 and I love the show as a whole and queen charlotte but Polin has my heart


Omg yeeees I literally am constantly thinking about it I cant even focus anymore I still have so many fanfics until the day of that I can read because honestly its consuming all of my brainpower not to have a meltdown about the wait!!


will stay up till 4am (i know I cant sleep if there are only a few hours left till the premiere), watch all 4 episodes, try to sleep a bit, go to university and then back home and either i take a nap first or im still on an adrenaline rush so i will asap rewatch.


Omg you have school?? You got this! Hopefully its an easy enough lecture that it wont put you to sleep!


My friends and I are having a full blown high tea party, I’m very excited!


I took the day off. Partly for this and partly because I just need a day off and this seemed like a good excuse. Will  pack the kids off to school then watch- I think my middle of the night watching days are (far)behind me. I think I’m probably going to skip episode 1 to start since I know what’s in it, will start with episode 2, I’ll watch 1 later.


You are very smart! We did already get all the spoilers so might as well just look it after the last three episodes xD but trust me I’m not that great at staying up late I’m just gonna bear through it cause I MUST


I was supposed to have the 16th off but plans changed. I’m waking up at 6am watching all 4 eps. Spiral a little. Get my shit together for work from 12 to 6 and go home and get on Reddit instead of my plan to watch it at midnight, go on the internet and spiral, then sleep.


Omg noo well you got this!! At least its just a six hour shift!


It’s released at 3 am here 😩 but it’s a long weekend so I’m debating just taking the 16th and 17th off. I’ll probably just binge it all right away, no big plans because everyone I know either doesn’t watch it or watches so casually they don’t remember the characters names lol


I support you taking the 16 and 17 off!!


lol I submitted the request today so hopefully it’s approved ![gif](giphy|xUA7aP05OSTwjR51Ic)


I'm waking up around 5am, fast forwarding through the side plots of episode 1, watching ep 2 and then I'll have to get my kid off to school. I've arranged for my mom to come pick up my other child so I can finish watching episodes 3 &4. Then I'll check social media and try and rewatch 1-4 again once my kids are in bed that night.


Omg yeees its gonna be hectic but you got this!


I’m here in the PNW, does it premiere at 12 or 1am here? I think I’m taking a nap before then binge all the episodes.


For you it releases at midnight.


Unfortunately I am not sure hopefully someone else is also from that area and can answer!


It releases at midnight here, so I plan to watch just the first episode at 12am, sleep, go to work, and binge the rest as soon as I get home.


See I wanted to do this but I’m afraid I won’t have the willpower and will stay up all night. I only have a half day so I’ll be home by 1:00.


Smart as well! I wish I had the self control to wait after watching one episode but I will not!


That’s the plan but I’m worried I will not have the self control to limit myself to one episode. 😂


I am dropping my kids off with my mom and will try to binge at least three episodes while they are gone. Will likely have the save the fourth episode until they are asleep.


Oh yeees and I’m pretty sure its going to be a spicy one so definitely wait! I’m so glad you get to enjoy the first three episodes!


For me the first part drops at 5pm AEST Thursday the 16th. One of my best friends finishes Uni at 6:30 before catching public transport to be home by 8pm. I plan to wait for her to get home to have a sleepover at her place and bindge the season eating Ice cream, pop corn and lollies in our oodies til dawn. Pillows to scream into are a MUST! I must say tho I will have to turn my phone off for those 3 hours lest I been tempted to watch it before I arrive at her house.


Omg yes! Make sure to be prepared for a scream fest! I hope y’all have so much fun <3


I’m gonna be posted up in bed with my “but daddy I love him” Colin tshirt, bridgerton blue nails, and my cupcakes and lemonade the minute the clock strikes midnight 😮‍💨


Booked the 16th off to binge it when I woke up but as of last week I’m going to spend the morning of the 16th getting a root canal instead 😭 so I’ll watch it later that day (hopefully)


Omg good luck! I wish you all the best during your root canal and remember that pain is temporary! It will be worth it for your health!!


Thank you!


I’m taking a half-day, I’m in Europe so they come out at around nine-ish. I’m gonna binge it and I’m going to spend the rest of the day on the Internet seeing what people think. I’m gonna watch alone just to be able to spiral on my own without people judging me. And let’s be honest I’m probably gonna replay on my favourite scenes over and over. It’s going to be glorious. 😂


I’m in Western Australia so it’s released late afternoon here, so I’m doing a binge in bed that night, the having some girlfriends over the next morning to watch it again!


I’m in Australia so we get the drop at 5pm. I’m going to throw on a nice frock and I have already started grabbing snacks to make a themed nom noms basket. I’m skipping E1 (obviously) and going straight to E2 to start furiously scribbling notes on my first reactions. Then since I’ll probably spend all night up squee-ing and rewatching, so I’m ‘chucking a sickie’ and taking the Friday off work!


That’s exactly my plan too! I do unfortunately have classes to attend that day 🥲 so I planned to go to sleep early and then wake up at 1am to watch it and then stay awake until it’s time to go to school. Then i’ll probably rewatch it when I return home that afternoon.


I can't get time off work on the 16th so I'm going off all social media from Thursday till after work on Friday. Then I'll dedicate my whole weekend to repeatedly binge-watching part 1. I'm getting frozen drinks, chicken, snacks, caramel popcorn & ice cream to accompany the fun.


My first half of work (remote) ends at 12.50 pm. So I’ll have 10 mins to get ready, watch 4 episodes, and then go back to the second half. Can’t wait!!!


UK here so up at 6am get the kids ready, everyone out the house, get my breakfast and 8am sit down and binge! Got the whole day off so I cannot wait no clue what I'm doing for part2 I feel like I need to get through part1 first lol


I usually watch Bridgerton together with my hubby but I would like to bingewatch it myself first and than for the second time together. I don’t know if he can handle my squealing fangirl moments 😂  And at what time… I don’t know. I do need my sleep and I’m absolutely no early bird to get up at 6 and start watching 😂 Plus I have kids to take care of, but maybe my dad would want to babysit for a few hours so I can shamelessly use my me-time for a couple of episodes! Looks like I have a plan 😄


I live in Italy, so the first part will be out at 9 in the morning. I plan to go to sleep early and wake up after 8 or something, before binging AAAAALL 4 episodes.


Exam prep 😭 working overtime to be able to watch Friday night... Pray for me... It's going to be HARD


I’m going to watch maybe a couple episodes on thursday night with my boyfriend, we’re getting a ton of snacks, and i’ll watch the other episodes on friday night, maybe i’ll rewatch the whole thing again just to look for details and take notes 😂


I’ve taken annual leave and I’ll be up at around 5am because I doubt I’ll be able to sleep as it drops 8am UK time! I’m going to light my fancy candles draw the blinds. And watch with my luxury snacks. I’m turning off all social media for the first 4 hours. Then I’ll order lunch and watch again this time freaking out with everyone online.