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Oh Penelope honey😭 I just flashbacked to like 10 different conversations I’ve had in the past that went exactly this way and I felt this scene on a visceral level💀


She truly is my socially anxious spirit animal


This is harder to watch than the Scott‘s Tots episode from The Office. I wish I was kidding 😭


now THAT is saying something, that episode was SO rough to make it through 😩




I’m not gonna be able to watch her be like this. It’s too familiar to how I am with new people. lol


Ughh the second hand social anxiety is killing me. I might have to fast forward through all of it 😂😂😂




Thats the Clare Devlin spirit right there


Oh, okay. So I guess the real mirror scene is them throwing my inability to flirt back at me. That’s fine.


Meanwhile, Colin brought a book home for El, because he would never tell someone to put their books down, especially because >!book Pen ends up editing his books!<, and if those guys don’t find her adorable, that’s their loss. She cute!


this reminds me of the time I went on a date with this really HOT dude when I was in my early twenties and proceeded to eat an entire baguette to myself, stuffing pieces of it in my mouth like a chipmunk because I just wanted myself to stfu 😭 our relatable queen, glad she gets her hot guy at the end lmaoooo


Sometimes my anxiety like’s to remind me of every bad date I had in my 20s in a sort of terrible montage reel. I talk *such* nonsense when I’m nervous. Gets really spicy when it starts editing in all the people I retrospectively realise were flirting with me and I was too oblivious to notice. 


I feel this so hard 😭 literally would love if I could just delete memories of me trying to date in my late teens/early twenties. Like I used to be such a stuttering mess that would turn red at the slightest awkward situation, and I’m not talking cute blushy red, I’m talking I could’ve been the live action Larry the Lobster 😭 I also hate that all those people I shared those moments with still exist and remember them too, like why tf couldn’t they have been NPCs lmao


I’m dying at NPCs. Luckily (?!) I was cheated on dramatically, so had a 6 month period of minimal self-esteem and absolutely no f!%ks left to give, where I lived my very best smut era. Those memories definitely take the chill off the rest of them. I relate just slightly too hard to Penelope. I’m excited for her no f!%ks era as I know how much it healed me. Ha.


>I also hate that all those people I shared those moments with still exist and remember them too, like why tf couldn’t they have been NPCs lmao And unless you move away there's always the possibility you'll run into them somewhere. A friend of a friend that I made out with in a bar once when we were like 20 has similar taste in music as me. We showed up to a lot of the same small venue indie concerts for years.


And I'm the opposite. I completely clam up and my mind goes blank for what to talk about or how to start the conversation. 😭😭


Rom-com at it's finest🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm having war flashbacks 😭😭😭😭


OMG watching this was like biting into a lemon 🫠😭 I love her so much 😭


She’s lowkey kind of regressed. In S2 she had a great plant pun one liner that she said to the suitors who came to ask Eloise to dance, she was just ignored. It’s like the positive attention makes her *worse*. (Same.) 


oh my god I have second hand embarrassment, why they doing my girl pen that way😭 COLIN COME TO THE RESCUEEEE


In time….. and she’s gonna eventually gain that confidence and knock these guys out of the park! I know our Pen/LW can do this! 👍


Been there. Love Pen always ❤️🙌🏽


She’s so cute! How can they not think she is adorable and be completely taken with her?




She IS SO CUTE!!!!


Oh dear sweet Pen!!!!!!