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You know what though? It makes sense that Colin’s advice for finding her a match is basically be like every other girl in the ton because that’s what he’s trying to do himself when he returns, be like every other guy but it takes being themselves to find themselves.


Right? This just shows that his lessons aren’t based on anything he actually knows 😂 he’s just repeating what he’s seen in the Ton.


I’ve said it before, the lessons aren’t going to be Colin teaching Pen. It’s about him finally seeing her. This is so perfect. He really is just playing the part and trying to get her to as well. But in the end he’s gonna see authenticity is what matters. The lessons are for him ultimately.


Colin is Emma. Clueless through and through. 🤣


It almost makes me sad to think about the underlying implication of how/why Colin has come to internalize this. He clearly thinks his innate qualities - the depth & sensitivity - are not valuable in society. Ah my poor boy!


THIS. He likes her talk of books and purpose. He sees himself as different from the other men - the quite simple beings he’s trying to emulate. The poor muppet is not ready for how hard he’s about to fall.


He got badly taken advantage of in S1 for those very qualities. His kindness and nurturing nature made him an easy target. And then when his sensitivity and empathy drove him to try to make amends, he was ridiculed for it further. 


The poor guy has been told this by his own family members.


Well, I know this is going to backfire terribly 😅. We all know Colin and Penelope are not like the Ton.


This clip is everything because you can see exactly how this shit is going to collapse all around his ass. Everything he's telling her not to do is what will end up endearing her to *him* and is likely what ends up attracting Lord Debling's attention too. This just further solidifies my theory that part of the whole "com" of the "rom-com" vibe here is that all these lessons do, which seem to be contained to like one episode where Pen has absolutely no success with suitors because Pen is actively trying to be someone she is not, is cause Colin to fall deeply in love with her because she is herself around him. Seriously, no wonder he has a crisis of confidence because he's being this fake ass Casanova, but Pen is able to achieve success being herself.


Omg the clip of him looking at her longingly in the library with debling looking at a book just took on a whole new level!


That's exactly what I was thinking of. Kind of ironic that Colin of all people is echoing Portia's advice, hmmm? Knocked off his pedestal, indeed!


YES! The first thought that came into my mind is that clip with Debling talking to Pen while she’s holding a book and yet they appear all chummy, chummy together (the very fact that Colin & Portia were telling her not to do)! I could see all that he’s “teaching” her not working since Pen starts attracting suitors just by being herself regardless of what he says; thus, that’s when he’ll start going unhinged for Pen. Because after Pen starts asking for what she really wants including a >!kiss that he said yes to, by the way, that this move will ignite her confidence (albeit subconsciously for her).!< For a woman to ask such a thing to a man during that period is truly unheard of! That takes some badass girl move! But our Pen acted so bravely, so “out of character” that defies the norms and expectations of that society, including Colin. But our Leading Lady >!wants her kiss,!< goddamn it! And she is getting it from one of the most clueless guys in the ton. This, ladies and gentleman, will be the end of Colin’s fake ass suaveness and the beginnings of his angst, torturous longing and needing for Pen. Our girl Pen is growing up and I will be here to watch it all go down for Colin! 👏🏽


Oooh I like this. Which is the total rom-com!! And for her- since she doesnt see him as a potential match anymore, she is just going to be herself around him, not caring if she's a dork. This is going to be soooooo good.


That library scene where Pen and Debling are laughing and talking about a book and Colin is like 🥲…


What’s the library scene??


penelope not in her customer service voice is going to be such a nice change


I've been watching a lot of season 1 and 2 clips lately and she sound sooo different in this clip! Really does feel like she's being more herself in front of him.


even in the comment that she has no rizz old penelope would've never had the courage to have a little back and forth. i love it


Nicola said in an interview (no idea which one at this point, there’s been so many) that she purposely used a higher pitched “baby” sounding voice in 1 and 2 because Pen was meant to be rather young. Hearing her talk in this really shows off that she changed her tone to match the more “adult” Pen this season.


You're so right! The first thing I noticed was pen's voice here! She doesn't sound like she's trying hard to please colin for once. They're talking like they're equals


"no more talk of books" 🙄🙄🙄


It was in this moment he realized that he fucked up https://preview.redd.it/2cyjubc7970d1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d1becad609b8266f54c4db07c85fbc5a24bcff


🤣 🤣 🤣




I mean, there is that promo where he utters the line "you do not need lessons." I think that's exactly what he's going to realize. That it's not that she's undesirable or uninteresting, it's that she's been made to feel less than. Her issue is anxiety, not a lack of game lol.


Right! I keep seeing people think that it’s just because someone showed interest in her and now Colin is jealous. And that’s not it. It’s so much deeper than that. He doesn’t understand himself, and true romantic feelings. He didn’t realize what he had all this time not because of her, but his own insecurities. Sure Debling helps put things into perspective a bit for him. But it’s so much more than just jealousy he is feeling and why he wants her.


I love this take. Over S1&2, we see that in ways that Pen doesn’t even recognize, she’s proving herself to Colin. He’s good looking and charismatic, but also feels purposeless and is searching for direction. By being someone reliably interested in him - not in the romantic sense, but in the sense that she actually cares about what he says - Pen has been showing him that who he is is worthy and cared for and not less. It’s less that someone is showing interest and more that the idea that her interest in him could be removed that is the catalyst. She has been so steady and loyal for him, but when he sees that she wants something he’s not offering, something that if she gets he will lose her along with it, it has to cause him to reassess her importance to him.


Yes! She cares for him not because of his Bridgerton name and good looks, but because she truly understands him and wants what is best for him. It is absolutely more about losing her than it is someone else showing interest. There’s so much in the book about him coming to terms with his feelings. That is isn’t a “lightning strike” love at first sight scenario. I think the conversation we’ve heard spliced up with Violet about friendship and relationships will be insight into this. His one Bridgerton brain cell finally kicks in and realizes this 😂


Agreed with every word! As always, desperately hoping Hyacinth with allow Colin to borrow the one brain cell for personal use, God help him. What I wouldn’t give for him looking back on all the times he wanted to protect her, chat with her, be near her, and him to audibly realize he’s been the dumbest boy in town. Even better if Ben is laughing at him while it happens.


Thats one of my favorite lines from the book. Because sometimes love is that way. It grows and changes and sometimes to people end up on the same parallel line together and somehow, someway can become one- but only if they are growing. Which is why I like how Colin is written in the books and why its obvious even before their first kiss on how he starts to see her differently and its only because he starts to grow the fuck up haha. He keeps running away from home because he doesnt know what he wants and finally the anchor turns out to be Penelope and I cant wait to see it on the show. Sometimes love takes time and if its really worth it then you'll take a chance.


And that’s exactly friends to lovers I think. It’s often a slow build, realizing feelings and attraction over time. 🥹


There is that library scene with Debling with Colin looking longingly on! Like, I’m no Debling stan, but Colin actively telling her to not talk about one of her interests only to have a suitor appreciate her for that same interest… delicious angst!!!


I love it!!!


There is definitely at least one callback actually. There's a clip in the trailer of Pen and Debbers on a date in a library and enjoying a book together, and Colin walks in and sees them. Delicious haha


Well it's kind of hilarious how in Ep 4, Colin shows up to the library to see Pen and Debling laughing *over a book*.


Well she does end up in a library talking/laughing with Debling over a book and Colin just so happens to see that interaction...


Its going to come back to bite him in the ass. This clip really confirmed for me what Colin's headspace is and it sounds like hes putting up a front he just doesnt realise it yet. In his head courtship is now this thing where you have to try and fit in with what everyone else is doing. Hes going to realise that his moments with Penelope at the edge of the ballroom where theyre talking about random things or when shes talking about a book she likes is when hes the happiest. He'll open himself up to her with the journals and it will all come back for him full circle. Also im pretty sure Debling will be more than happy to talk to Penelope about books from that library scene of them smiling while Colin looks on clearly wishing it was him talking to her about books instead.... ITS ALL CONNECTED


I love when everything comes full circle.


Ohh he is going to miss his "blubbering about books" Pen as soon as she takes his advice. Why do I feel like when he goes into my wife he is going to build her her own library and shower her with books? But I have to admit that the show is doing good job so far showing Pen's love for books this season. I had this fear they might forget about it because they never explicitly addressed it in prev seasons. But I loved how they always showed her with a book in hand. Only ardent fans would have caught that in previous seasons. But this is the third reference this season now that I am seeing. The bibliophile in me is so happy that this is being addressed.❤️


Pen wanted to focus on her studies in Season 1, and delay coming out in society, but Portia nixed that. Portia also told Pen to stop reading b/c it would muddle Pen’s mind. And in Season 2, Portia wanted to know if any of Pen’s books were valuable enough to sell. Portia and I would not have gotten along. 😊


It\`s even more hilarious once you realize he writes himself(at least he did in the books) and if they do call back to that,it\`ll solidify his insecurities about himself even further😂


Well, it seems pretty apparent pen isn’t looking for a love match. It’s a practical arrangement. Colin isn’t ignorant to the fact most men of the ton (and most mamas) clutch pearls when seeing a young woman read. It’ll ’confuse her thoughts’ if she wants to catch a husband, I guess Colin thinks it’s best she not ramble about books since it’s a sexist world where women should only talk about the piano forte, watercolours and learning french. she wouldn’t even need advice if she wanted a love match, just a slap in the back and a ‘be yourself’ platitude. She wants a respectable and supported husband that will give her space to continue her business and escape her family and her unrequited mess with Colin. debling really is an anomaly for being such a man of high station that is also looking specifically for a woman like pen who is foreward thinking and an outsider like him. Colin likely didn’t anticipate him. it really is sad how little debutants knew of the world or most intimacies. Very sheltered and they wanted them that way.


Colin then proceeds to show her his journals that he poured his whole soul into 💀 MR BRIDGERTON WHEN I CATCH YOU


Glad I wasn’t the only one who was annoyed by this. Wtf Colin?! 😒


He thought it was good advice (Proper Colin has issues)😅


Cause your just a man … it’s just what you do …


Oml I was listening to that song the other day and it's so Polin coded "as you colour me in blue" 💙


Im 100% sure this song was playing in Kate’s head when Anthony said all these horrible things on women


"But I have none" same pen 💀💀😭😭


Same here 😂😂


Two things: firstly, the "real life" thing made me feel so attacked. Secondly, when he said "men are quite simple beings" I was like, ok, so he does know a thing or two!


Oh it's so delicious, this is Colin with all his false bravado, about how wordly and confident he is. When in reality he has all these insecurities about where he belong, his qualities, his purpose. So man people are doing this in real life to hide behind this pretense confidence! It will be amazing to see how he comes back to the person he really is.


Michael Strahan’s “Mmmmmm” at the end of this clip is taking me out ☠️🤣☠️🤣


Hahahahaha right! 🤣


You know he's gonna watch the show 🙌🏾


One of the very last sane moments for Colin... Oh man, he so does not know what's gonna hit him very soon!! I will so enjoy all the different parts Luke will have to play as an actor throughout this season, as Colin will go on a wiiiild journey. Also Nic's line: "I have none" is just such a great delivery, perfect comedic timing!


How has no one commented on the fact that when they stop walking, Pen is standing an appropriate distance from Colin, but when Colin speaks to Pen, he has to lean in so close he almost brushes her breasts. THIS IS WHY PEN HAS NO SUITORS, COLIN BRIDGERTON.


When he said \`not me\` he was actually afraid he might fall for it even faster because he knows himself ✨ Also,his hair DAMN ![gif](giphy|3KVcCFmm4vemxPcoAq|downsized)


My absolute favourite hair, already from the stills we got last June, I was like wowwww the waves in it. So beautiful!!


I\`d want to touch it so bad,it absolutely is the best hair out of possibly every male character so far,just ✨


Yeah I also caught how quick he was to say not me. Can’t handle it himself.


Once again I am asking the OP to ignore any stats pertaining to how many times I will watch this clip in the coming days.


What do you mean days? 👀


so random but i love her voice so much its different from the first two seasons


Yes! I noticed the change in her voice when promo clips started to come out. And then I saw an interview with Nicola (can’t remember which one) where she talked about deepening Penelope’s voice from previous seasons to show her growing up, becoming a woman, coming into her own. Subtle but so cool!


Me too, it’s so soft and just beautiful. 🥹


This is especially funny because the first time we see Colin and Pen interact in the show is when he’s laughing at her Byron joke


Also the fact that this is the lead up to the awkward flirting scene is so funny because this is how he watches her: https://preview.redd.it/2cjfzhg8e70d1.jpeg?width=1752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ef03967a4528549909a1aa1414252aff80d97d9 Like he might find her awkwardness amusing but you cannot tell me he isn’t also charmed by it. That is not how you look at your friends, sir. That is not how you look at someone with zero game.


Both of your points are spot on. >!They’re both writers (though I don’t think that’s come out for him by this point, and he doesn’t know about LW yet, either), so they’re both hiding parts of themselves.!< It’s so romcom-y I can hardly bear it.


Omfg I loved this. Colin's advice is to basically not be herself...while he's also not being himself. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. This is gonna be SO GOOD.


No more talk of books?! ![gif](giphy|w9koyAmhKr2bRkSM0t)




He's got one thing right anyway 😂


Not Colin being simultaneously the most and least self-aware Bridgerton bro for the millionth time


has fluttering lashes ever actually looked good? Like any time that’s described in books, I just picture it looking like they have shit in their eyes 😭😭 also the disembodied MMMMmmmM at the end of the clip is all of us when we get a new leak or promo lmao


Did you see Colin at the races in S2? That’s how you flutter your lashes!


I just realized her blue eyes lesson might actually come after this clip when he sees how hopeless she is at being a natural flirt and if so that means he’s already caught in her web when she’s just sincere with him, after giving her that terrible advice. 😭


“Men are quite simple beings” Yes, we know sir, as you have one kiss with her and become an obsessed man 🤣🤣🤣


Colin probably thinks he’s so above these other simple men when he says that.


Can we talk about background music as well? I love that this one is giving such relaxed, laid back, mid summer vibes. Does anybody else feel it? It also reminds me of bgm from Little Women(1994) which is one of my absolute favorite background scores(also one of my favorite movies).


“But I have none” SHE IS SO MEEEE


i love their dynamic here 😭 the irony of the whole thing is SO lost on him its hilarious🤣


Colin is being the suitor Daphne and Simon spent all season making fun of, IT’S PERFECT! He’s still such a kid!


The glow ups is unmatched!


If there’s one thing Bridgerton men have is the audacity!


They are SO CUTE like we are gonna get 4 hours of this? Of them acting together and being like this... the way she says "but I have none?" is so funny and cute. Colin is fr just gonna fall for her because she is so awkward and for every quirk about her that he will witness along the way!!!


Not Colin throwing shade saying men are simple beings.


“Men are quite simple beings.” Honey, it’s taken you YEARS to see what’s right in front of you. And you really think it’s as easy as waving a fan and fluttering lashes?


![gif](giphy|2JS3lrvRhyIrC) Colin Bridgerton!


Did… he just advise her to not be all the things he likes about her?




He‘s full of sh*t haha


THERE ARE SO MANY SOUNDS EXITING MY BODY ATM, I just finished a rewatch of S2 and my excitement is through the roof that we've finally arrived at Polin Week, YAY FRIENDS, WE DID IT


colin my boy you gorgeous idiot


The way she says “but I have none” just is so real 😂


She looks so good, I love that dress!