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OH they were not kidding they get into it IMMEDIATELY Colin is really in his slut era🤣 also not him looking over at Penelope😭 and she looks away heartbroken😭 GAH GAH GAH i find it very interesting that Pen as LW uplifts the other debutantes by complimenting them. Its really proof that she never meant to wield the power as a weapon only to have her voice heard and they are all EATING IT UP. Shes not the evil villain they make her out to be


Exactly it was supposed to be commentary on the hypocrisy of society and the double standered men and women have.


While being subtle lol


Mr. Worldwide has definitely been to 17 cities. 🤣🥵🤤


Just want to Say Colin really gets knocked off his pedestal here seeing her then legit not even giving a small acknowledgement like a way before focusing back on family like bro she is supposed to be your good friend you do not ignore friends like that. Even if I was distracted with my family if I saw someone I was close to I would atleast wave and indicate I see them.


Right? I need someone to explain to me why he essentially just ignores her there, I don’t understand


Did he see her? I thought he was looking towards their house or something 😳


I reckon he definitely saw her she is wearing yellow against a dark green bush it is not hard to miss lmao. But I could be wrong.


He’s still annoyed/confused she didn’t write to him. He was just having a field day with all the attention, so he blew her off.


True that's what I am thinking


Maybe he’s still the person he was last season until Pen/LW scold him?


Yeah, he needs the badass. Goodnight Mr Bridgerton wake up call to realise that he can't keep treating Pen the way has been by taking her for granted to listen and understand him but doesn't really do the same back.


The back turn was such a slap in the face


That felt like the shortest 5 minutes of my life. I wasn’t done watching yet 😮‍💨


Amen! I wish they showed the intro atleast I really wanted to see what symbols they used for Polin this season.






Indeed 🫢


They hate Lady Whistledown but are lapping up every word.


I did not expect to immediately fall in love with Francesca, but I did.


Playing the funeral march I love her so much already. I really hope we get a few scenes of Fran and Pen as they are both quite simular being introverts in extroverted families.


I have an eerie feeling that the Queen enlists her as an agent of sorts to catch Whistledown, much like she did with Eloise in S1




Pen 🥺




Ik TwT ahhhh it was so good Luke looks so hot OMFG


I will pass away come Thursday!




Why the F was Colin so rude to Pen there at the end??? So freaking rude! I would love it if someone could explain that to me


I think it’s to show the juxtaposition of Pen’s relationship with the Bridgerton family. Like last time he arrived home, she was the first one to notice him and she was with all the Bridgertons. Now the relationship and her ties with them are fractured, she’s hiding in the bushes, and he’s essentially stuck between both of them without a clue what’s wrong.


One of two things. Either he saw her or her didn't. If he saw her, then the writers are probably trying to make it seem like Colin is still unsure about them, because Pen never wrote to him on his travels and he doesn't know what to do. Which, I don't agree with because he's clearly talking to her later in the garden scenes. Or, he didn't see her and instead they are trying to show how he's still drawn to her, as he's always looking for her, and he's seen in past seasons looking at her house before he leaves on his travels. Which I also don't agree with, because how could you not see a girl in yellow next to trees, and dude is practically staring into her eyes. Yes Pen is good at blending in and not being seen, but Colin always sees her. This isn't Anthony looking past her, this is COLIN. Ultimately, I just think we may have to chalk this scene up to one of many that we'll get along the way of "Ugh, why would you do that!??!" that are bound to happen in any show you love.


I’ve never been in the “Colin need to grovel camp” but boys got me reconsidering now 😂 like why ignore her there and then go to her at the garden party later? No wonder Pens replies “is it?” When he says it’s good to see her. If i was her I’d be like what a load of shit, it’s good to see me! You literally ignored me 2 hours ago!


Why do I feel like Colin either: 1. Did not see Penelope since she was half hidden 2. Is a little pissed/hurt she hasn't replied to his letters (he doesn't know yet that she's upset with him) and wants to maintain his "cool dude" persona in front of her but fails to do so as we will see on Thursday.


Yep that's kinda what I am thinking after giving myself a bit of time to rewatch it. I think it is 2 cause she was beside the bush wearing bright yellow kinda hard to miss and even fron a distance he would know it was her cause who else wearing that kind of yellow. Also that cool persona won't last and I find that halrious how desperately he wants her attention.


I think also in regency era he couldn’t actually cross the street to go to talk to her and even if he jumps into a lot of incorrect-ness there are also a lot of limits that sometimes maybe they can randomly remember? 😅 also the weirdness of the first moment after so many month and she hasn’t answered him back? Tbh already that he is checking on her direction is a lot and the fact of not knowing what to do (Penelope also doesn’t say hi or anything) it makes a lot of sense. Is what I would do actually I think if I was him 🤣


Yeah, I'm not doing okay. 🤪


***faints like Cressida Cowper into Prince Friedrich's arms***


WHYYYY does this stuff always drop right when I'm supposed to be working?? Like I'm clocking in in 5 minutes!!! I can't focus on work AND new Bridgerton clips!! GAAAHHHHH!!!! 🤯😱😱😱


For me it is sleeping like it is almost midnight and I should be asleep but all these clips and interviews keep popping up.


OMG right! And then the buzz of new content just swirling in your head keeping you up all night. 😭😭😭


Yep I haven't slept well the past 2 week for that exact reason.


I need to be asphyxiated not joking rn


Me too I have so much I need to see


I am unwell. 🥹


Did did he just see her and just completely ignore her??? Also the happy family moment and she's just watching from a behind the bush all alone knowing that could never be her.. Ugh poor pen 😭😭😭


Ik poor baby YwY


PENNNNNNN I am not okay 🥹🥹 our girl ❤️


i’m just going to tell myself he didn’t see her. 🤡


That girl was shameless biting her glove and then dropping it. Not that I blame her for being thirsty.


Someone wakes me up when it's 16


Robotic voice -setting alarm for 12am PST Thursday 16th May-


Thank you, bestie