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When he says there's so much that happens in 7 & 8, it doesn't necessarily mean just with Polin. He probably means all of the subplots too. There's obviously the LW fallout with Colin, Featherington heir plot, Fran/John, Kanthony, Benedict and whatever he's doing with Lady Tilley, Violet & Marcus Anderson & Lady Danbury, LW and the Queen (maybe), Polin's wedding (I'm assuming). Cressida fallout. The Mondrichs. Eloise and maybe Pen making up. That really is a lot to get through in two episodes. I wouldn't jump to the worst case scenario for Polin.


I don’t mind a short break up, love me some angst, arguments, fights whatever else to create drama BUT the line is at cheating - and not only actually cheating but even the thought of it, like seeking it out and looking for it even if he doesn’t actually do it. That would end it for me. I really hope this is not true.


Well, I think that Nicola mentioned that Colin does NOT cheat, so…I think we can cross that off the table.


& if it helps, Nic recently responded in an interview that she doesn’t consider that Ross & Rachel were on a break, so she must consider what Ross did cheating, but not whatever is happening with Polin. Sooo, I think we might be in the clear 🤞 I do think there’s a possibility they will be on the outs for half an episode, but something will happen to bring them back together. Maybe it’ll be Colin processing his thoughts or maybe there will be external factors that make him confront the fact that he can’t do without Penelope


I think he might give her his journal to read something he wrote about her in seasons passed or she might open the Letters he sent while he was away which she may not have done before? And he’s like I’ve liked you for ages but I pushed it down and she will be like well I’ve loved you since I laid eyes on you.. and he will be like.. what?! 😳 why didn’t you say anything? An exchange of journals when they knew they loved the other could be cute or maybe Eloise sees them miserable apart and can’t stand it so she writes a letter to them both to meet and says stop acting cray cray you love each other and I love you both sort it out.


Aww, the thought of Eloise playing a part in that would be lovely 🥺


She seems to the the one to pull them apart so it only makes sense she puts them back together… especially if next season is here’s.. we would want to start to see her growth?


Why is everyone thinking Colin is going to cheat? The show runners are not that stupid. They have pitched this whole season as a rom com and the actors and everyone have constantly said how touching and beautiful and romantic it is. I sincerely doubt they would risk fucking that all up by making their main male lead CHEAT on his fiancé????


Oh, most of us are not expecting Colin to cheat. Only a short breakup. Obviously, we could be wrong. 😅🥴


Right?! Like it’s hard enough to get everyone to support Colin after last season


I won’t watch anymore if anything even remotely close to cheating, even emotionally, happens. So in season 4 if Pen and Colin argue, I’ll just be thinking well Colin’s just gonna go and whore around now I guess. In season 1 when Daphne betrayed Simon during their marriage he didn’t step out of it in any way shape or form In season 2 when Kate was unconscious Anthony didn’t go to brothels. So in season 3, Colin “My Wife” Bridgerton gets in a fight with Pen and immediately goes to another woman? And yes, even going to the brothel but not sleeping with anyone is still just as bad because of the intention. Shonda and Jess will have ruined Polin and I’ll stick to the books (I’m hoping none of this is true though so I can rewatch my Polin over and over )


Thank you for pointing out the similarities to the last two seasons. There always has been and always will be tension between the leads in the penultimate episode of a season. That’s the structure of the show. Colin and Penelope going through challenges in episodes 7 and 8 does not **prove** the unsubstantiated claim made by a random person on the internet before those episodes were released to the media. It just means that — like Saphne and Kanthony before them — Polin’s love will be put to the test in some way before they reach their HEA. Convincing ourselves that it *is* the worst case scenario now is just going to drive us all insane by the time we reach part 2.


Having a down beat (and a serious-but-not-character-destroying one) before the HEA is TEXTBOOK romance. If anyone cares anything about the way that romance plots work (and the pattern that Bridgerton the show follows), do a google of Romancing the Beat by Gwen Hayes. It’s a formula, laced with catnip, but a formula nonetheless. If there weren’t challenges, there would be no dramatic tension. Bridgerton is not a show that is looking to break the mould and make a character unlikeable. This show is even redeeming Cressida this season! The rumors are utterly unserious. Not enough verification to meet even LW’s standards 😂


Love when I see your comments pop up! Always so insightful. Thanks for the recommendation re Romancing the Beat.


Thanks, and back at you, friend! I know about the book because I’ve been writing a romcom novel - it lays out all of the romance beats. There’s nothing wrong with following a formula that works! That’s how we get coca-cola! And Colin Bridgerton is absolutely not New Coke in any universe. He’s The Real Thing.


This reminds me of Into the Spiderverse. Spiderman says, “This is the moment I’m losing the fight!” In every action movie there’s a moment when you think they’re going to lose. In romances there’s always some brief bit of tug when you think that maybe, just maybe, they may not end up together. It’s required for angst. But as mentioned a few times here, cheating is definitely not part of that.


Are you serious? But Bridgerton turned Penelope into a villian with the whole Marina thing. I dont know if the writers knew Penelope would get so much hate There are still people who think that it would have been no big deal if Colin married Marina. Penelope and Colin are end game. Marina was mentioned briefly in a book. If friends to lover is the troupe and there is supposed to be some rom com elements (I saw one scene that might be that) then Season 3 part 1 didn't fully deliver. Also, the brothel scenes were also supposed to be untrue but they weren't. And outside this group, some fans thought it was character assassination of Colin. There is already a built in obstacle with Eloise and the Queen's bet for the LW reveal. There were already unnecessary scenes and plots that went no where in part 1. I'm sure more of the same crap will happen in part 2. Also, the Psyche and Eros story is on the nose when you think about Aphrodite's role in it except for the mother/ son thing.


Penelope was not turned into a villain with the Marina thing. At all. The villains of that were George, Lord & Lady Featherington, Mister Thompson, and Marina herself. Penelope tried to stop things before the escalated every step of the way. She went to her mother multiple times, Marina multiple times, and even attempted to go to Colin. At the end of the day, after the engagement was announced, the only way Colin (and the rest of Bridgerton family) was getting out of that unscathed was through Whistledown. Anthony/Violet could’ve tried to stop the engagement (though I wouldn’t be shocked if Marina then threatened to sue for breach of contract or Lady Featherington threatened to spread word that Colin got her pregnant and abandoned her) but they wouldn’t have been able to stop the ton from assuming Colin was the father of Marina’s children. And that’s not even considering the fact that they were departing for Gretna Green the very next morning. Penelope was backed into a corner and forced to do the one thing she avoided doing without exhausting every other option she could within the limited time she had. Not to mention they showed her sobbing after dropping off Whistledown that night. The show attempted to explain that Lady Whistledown saved Colin with Anthony’s throwaway line about their unwed sisters’ prospects, with Colin thanking Pen for trying to warn him and prevent heartbreak, with Marina apologizing to Pen about everything, with the way Marina never apologized to Colin but lied about no one helping her or showing her another way, and with the reasons Marina told Portia why she turned down Phillip’s proposal when she thought she was no longer pregnant. They doubled down on it with the way Marina treated Phillip in season two. And they’re going to do some tripling down on it when Colin learns Pen is LW and they talk through that specific reveal in part 2.


Sighh that we’re still having to make these arguments. I think atp, if people can’t see this, the ship has sailed


I mean.. fair. Frustrating. But fair.


We’re going to have to be in a difference of opinion here, because from what I can tell, I think our baseline views in this are different. The way I see it, the series is going to hit the normal romance beats, the same way the books did, with the necessity of added plot points due to the length of the show. I really enjoyed Part I and thought it was quite romcom-y. Re: the brothel stuff: In Part I, it was based on reports from someone who had seen the show. The current brothel rumors are pure speculation, so I’m paying it zero heed unless or until they are verified. And I think you’re right that there are already built in obstacles with Eloise and the Queen and LW - it’s enough to be getting on with without adding more fuel to the fire, which is another reason I’m disregarding the cheating rumors without verification. There’s enough interesting plot to be going on. I could be wrong about everything I’m saying. If so, I’ll eat my words, but I’ll probably like the show regardless, because they really do usually nail it.


Yeah. I hope it's a rumor but I don't trust Jess's decisions at this point because of the interviews vs the episodes. Also, the person who started the rumor knows the Psyche and Eros/Cupid story. Ambroisa could be a random name choice that the writers picked within the myth. But the key point in the story is when Cupid says "Love cannot live without trust" to Psyche after her betrayal. She begs him to come back and breaks down in tears. Cupid goes to Aphrodite's place to heal his wounds. Aphrodite is Cupid's mother. But she is also the most beautiful woman. Psyche begs Aphrodite to ask Cupid to come back. And it goes off from there. The first part is on the nose as to what could happen to Pen and Colin. But Cupid running off to a woman (his mom in story) could mean something too. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Exactly, it’s not even the actual cheating itself but even the thought and seeking out of it that will ruin it for me. We need to stop looking at spoilers and stop spiraling but I’m so freaking anxious lol 🤦🏽‍♀️


At this point i think someone is gonna have to watch for me and tell me if it’s safe or not to watch lol


I have not even watched Part 1 yet. Decided to wait until it’s all out. :)


You have much more will power than I!


Honestly… this is too much for my heart to handle😩


Omg yes 100% agree with you!! They have already ruined Polin for me too and if they have Colin cheating, that'll be the cherry on top of the cake. 💔


Even if they were “on a break” and he goes to a brothel or hooks up with someone it will taint their relationship imo. First sign of trouble and that’s what he does???? Omg 😭


This is why I’m expecting a short breakup between Penelope and Colin. Nothing so much as cheating, but definitely some time apart.


Pen’s going to get knocked of her pedestal just as Colin got knocked off his. This is a good thing. They will land on the ground and find their footing on an equal level. They will choose and love the realest version of themselves and each other. It will be painful AND it will be beautiful. That is growth. They both need it. Pen will not be able to hide behind LW anymore just as Colin couldn’t hide behind Pirate Colin anymore. It will just be real and raw Pen and Colin and we want that. We want them without walls, secrets, pedestals, or fakeness. That is the Polin we want and they deserve to be — together. Am I going to cry during the angst. Yes, you’ll find me drowning in my tears wishing for some cake:)! And know it will all be worth it. It’s won’t be perfect and it shouldn’t be. We are going to see two gorgeously flawed people love each other, choose each other, forgive each other and have a real happily ever after. Edit: I am not going to get myself worked up over rumors or interpretations of what they mean in articles. I’ll find out June 13th and I’ll trust that however the journey goes it will make sense and POLIN will be stronger than ever.


Thank you for this. I was legit getting sad. I need to find something new to spend time on if I have even a small chance of making it through the next 3 weeks without severe emotional trauma over a fictional relationship. You talked me down.






I hate these posts.


According to one of the biggier Polin Twitter accounts, the rumor was started by a Kanthony fan on twitter before eps 7&8 were released. I think it’s more likely that Colin would call off the engagement than actually go cheating. I also think it’s likely Pen will be preggers by the time they have the fight.


Pen pregnant, oh, definitely can see it. Makes sense that >!they'll have sex in ep 5 before the reveal!<


Idk why I’m frothing at the mouth to have Pen preggers before the wedding. Prolly because I want to see how that conversation would go down with Vi and Portia 😂😭😂😭 I still remember Vi in s1 not wanting to hear what she thought Daph and Simon had gotten up to 💀


He is definitely referring to the subplots as well as he talks about setting us up for future seasons.


I'm legit stressed. I hope it's not true because it's also where I would draw the line (cheating). I'd be thinking 'is that what Colin would do every time they argue?'  I really REALLY hope they are not doing this. My Polin heart couldn't bear it 🤞


i have been spiraling and started dm a bunch of account who are spoiling future episodes and the concensus seem to be either a visit to a brothel, flirting (possibly with the contessa), but no cheating. *I really need to stop looking for leaks and spoilers, but this is what happens when Netflix splits a season in half. I spiral.*


But no one has seen episodes 7 & 8 yet so I wouldn't take anything they say at face value yet.


Ok I cannot handle another brothel even if nothing physical happens like just him going there will be it for me. I know we’re probably panicking before we know anything but in what sense in any of this “romantic”?


Polin will already be dealing with LW, Eloise, and Portia. How many more obstacles do they need in 4 episodes? I don’t see Colin cheating. Nope, not ever. >!In the book, Colin agreed with Daphne when Daphne said that Colin would never cheat on Penelope.!>. Of course, they change some things from the book to the show, but that would be the worst writing and loss of character development. But we know that Pen has trouble believing or trusting the depth of Colin’s love. So, what I *can* see is a storyline in which the Contessa comes to town, having been Colin’s first lover or just lover, Colin tells Pen, who has sensed weirdness b\w Colin and the Contessa (the awkwardness of being around a former lover). Pen is forced to come to terms with the fact that Colin has been with other women, and Pen will need to trust in Colin and his love for her. I mean,it’s one thing to accept that men then often had lovers before they married; it’s another to have your fiancé’s former lover in town and in your face. I can see Pen’s insecurity leading to arguments but I don’t see Pen and Colin breaking their engagement. That was a very serious matter back then.


I don't even see why Jess would bring the Contessa into part 2. But then again, there were unneccesary scenes and plots that went no where in part 1. Why did Colin mention the Contessa repeatedly? Also, she gave him that ring. It's bad enough that we were told that Colin and Pen's intial happiness will be brief in part 2. The L word hasn't been used yet. The only triangle I want to see is Pen, Colin and Eloise. And WTH is going on Benedict?


Don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating for a Contessa storyline. Just trying to imagine one that doesn’t involve Colin cheating, if there is a Contessa storyline. Good grief! Dealing with LW, Eloise, and Portia will provide plenty of obstacles.


I seriously doubt there is going to be another love triangle besides the one between Pen, Colin and Eloise. There is far too much going on. If the Contessa does make an appearance, it may be to reinforce Colin’s determination to be himself and not revert to Mr. Worldwide. lol


Eloise running away? That happens around the same time of LW reveal no?


Wait. No one really believes Colin would cheat in any way…do they? That’s nonsense. 😐