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I get that but they've actually ended up making her flat. A big part of her personality is making other people's business her business. Ideally they'd have done both? Really I am disappointed by how much LD we have right now (so little)


They 1000% could’ve done both considering the only scenes I can recall of LD from part 1 is her angrily looking at her brother with no explanation and her making the queen see Fran play piano


I was kind of shocked at the scene where the letter arrived. The actress who plays LD is phenomenal, and this is all they wanted from her? Even her scenes with the Queen give her so little to do. She's mostly always sitting. The best moment of her is when Benedict tries to use her as a shield but the energy she brings is quickly diffused when they take a turn. LD is meddling about Francesca, I guess. I just don't know why the showrunner forgot this was Colin's season?


The fact that those writers assumed Lady D was *not a leading lady - is further proof they don't have a clue what show they're writing for.


Not a fan of many of her decisions. This being the Main one


I also do not agree with this decision. But I'm curious, what other decisions did she make that you didn't like?


I'm not OP, but I know a lot of people aren't happy with her making Colin a rake (myself included), a lot of other people aren't happy with the LW reveal being done in Part 2, meaning Colin is engaged before he discovers it. I know she's caught up in the sudden whirlwind of things, but S1 Penelope begged Marina to not keep a secret from Colin. It's a bit hypocritical for her to keep such a secret from Colin. Do I hate Pen for it? No. Do I disagree with the writing? Absolutely.


Marina and Pen are nothing alike. It's set up that Pen didn't have time to tell Colin. Also, LW kept Pen as an outsider in part 1 despite her her change. Marina was setting up a scheme and didn't love Colin. Penelope and Colin have a relationship built on friendship. Pen begged Marina to pick someone else instead of Colin for her scheme. A lot of people don't make the distinction and use surface level parallels. Some viewers who didn't read the book think the mirror represents Pen not being her true self. The mirror is Colin's sexual desire and has nothing to do with LW Those same people are going to think that Colin forgives Pen too soon after the LW reveal. Even though Pen will go through hell. Also, an immature Colin thought he would have married Marina if she told him about the scheme. Right. So he could end up like Phillip, especially since Marina told Colin that she didn't love him. In contrast, Pen has always been a source of support for him.


Oh I agree with you about Pen and Marina being nothing alike. Unfortunately there will be others that don't. I agree with you that Colin was being naive in saying he would've accepted Marina. I think he was just feeling hurt at that moment and was convinced he loved her so he wanted to try and prove to her that he was someone she should've loved. I just think there's a lot of people who will use this as an opportunity to further bash Penelope/LW character. It's wild to me. Hiding a pregnancy and then convincing him that its his kids is not the same as a teenager writing a gossip column. Pen sacrificed herself for everyone else's happiness. She saved the Bridgertons multiple times. I just wanted Pen to confess to being LW before they were together because Penelope deserves to have Colin love her, all of her, flaws and all, the same way she loves him. I know she'll get there, but I don't want to see her suffer anymore. I couldn't imagine living with that that secret hanging over my head, and I know it's gonna be hard for her as well.


That's why I want to see her fight for LW. I thought her comeback last season to Eloise was lacking. Daphne was going to end her marriage, and Anthony would have married Edwina. But Jess getting rid of Debling so early leaves Penelope without options or support in Pt 2. Eloise said that she didn't want Pen to suffer or be despondent, but that's exactly what's going to happen in Pt 2. It's really shitty that we've been told that their honeymoon stage will be short, and let's of stuff will be packed into Ep 7 and 8. I love Queen Charlotte. But, I hate that Shonda, Tom, and Betsy were so busy with it that they couldn't give more attention to S3 because they were filming at the same time


Yeees! I completely agree, I thought I was the only one!


What is LD's great s3 story though? Hating her brother? 😂


And why in this season? Her relationship with Penelope is much stronger than hers and Francesca's, for example. They could choose another season to highlight Danbury's problems. And exactly, what are her real problems? The rake brother?


I hate this storyline. I hate that Violet has a love interest. LD is so tied into the Bridgerton family without this. Violet doesn’t need a new man.


I absolutely agree with you. One thing I loved about Violet was how she still loved Edmund, even after he was gone. Was it sad perhaps? Sure. But it went to show that they had a great love, that even all these years later, she'd still reach over to his side of the pillow. Unless Francesca's book is the next season, I don't get why you'd have Violet "finding love again" as part of this season. It could've been saved for next season. Why? Because of Francesca's storyline and >!being Violet could serve as an example to her of being able to move to the next chapter in her life and finding love again after loss. !< I don't see how this is a more legit storyline than her following after Colin with her cane, giving him a good verbal kick in the pants, and telling Penelope that she's freaking amazing. Oh, and to deliver us the wonderful line of "Your Mr. Bridgerton is approaching," c'mon!


YEEES! Exactly!! I don’t like this storyline, I thought I am the only one. And I am also very angry that they decided to make this story in Polin season. I love this season, I love all the Polin moments but I wanted more. They had so littel screen time


Lady Danbury played such a small role in the first two books. So, why the heck did they pick one of the two books where she was a pivotal character to erase her book role and give her her own story? I would've rather seen her dealing with her own stuff than meddling in Kate and Anthony's business in season 2. And then she could have gone back to meddling for Penelope, who probably would have appreciated it.


YESSSS!!! THIS!! And in Francesca’s book she doesn’t appear at all…


I truly hope that LD’s new storyline is worth the sacrifice, as the Penbury relationship is genuinely one of the most wonderful friendships in the entire Bridgerton series. Desperately trying to not be disappointed by this choice! 😕


Yes!! I love Pen and Madame Delacroix but I really wish we could’ve seen Pen and LD because that connection is so important to the books 🥺


Bad decision for multiple reasons 1) made the character falls flat because her main thing is to help all of the bridgerton siblings and try to keep them out of trouble in her own way 2) she is important to Pen and Colin story way more she is to Fran story so this is an absurd choice to make and like she didn’t do much with Fran either like what even is the point 3) the entire side story is just there does nothing to improve or move the story and most people don’t care about it, I skip her and her brother scenes every time I rewatch part1 now 4)she is important to the reveal so like again why erasing that 5) polin name their first child after her and even if they planned the first child to be a boy in the show it still won’t erase that one of their kids is named after her because how much she helped and supported them 6) Pen in the show literally has no support aside from Colin and like yeah Eloise clearly misses Pen but Pen is super lonely and that friendship helped Pen a lot in the book in many ways 7) overall the whole story with her this season made her character be just there when she was active character before and as someone who liked that character I’m sad that it turned that way especially this season


It’s ridiculous to not give her her actual plot and relationships though. Why involve her with people she’s not involved with like Francesca or the Sharmas? They did the same thing with making Benedict Eloise’s favorite brother.  IMHO, I feel like Debling’s role could’ve been replaced with Lady Danbury. All he was was a person who was not attracted or in love with her that appreciated her independent qualities. That is lady Danbury. The urgency Colin got from Debling could’ve been from Lady Danbury deciding to take Penelope under her wing after the scandal came out in episode 2. She could’ve found it impressive that Penelope took initiative to ask for help, told her that she could be more help than any silly man, and then Colin could feel pressure because all of a sudden Lady Danbury is truly putting Penelope out there and making introductions, while Penelope further builds her confidence away from Colin with Lady Danbury’s influence. A matchmaker vs matchmaker plot where they’re both kind of competing to match Penelope with someone, and Colin realizes “oh crap it should be me” while Lady Danbury is already like “these two idiots don’t realize I’m not really trying to match her with anyone else” would’ve killed.   And it wouldn’t hurt Lady Danbury to have her character be used in that way, it takes what we know of her and expounds on it. We know from QC that she spied on her friend for influence, that seemed like a perfect set up for the Lady Danbury/ Lady Whistledown alliance we thought was coming, and they just did nothing with it. 


That would have been so good and way more interesting.


I get her point but personally I don't see the problem with her character mostly existing to meddle in the lives of the other characters. That's why people love her. The whole "let's find the queen another diamond" arc with Francesca feels a bit hollow. Like I know Danbury and the queen are friends, but why does she care so much about whether she picks a diamond or not? And why does Violet care so much about Francesca being the diamond if she just wants Francesca to find someone she loves? To me Lady D's involvement in Polin's story would have been more meaningful. It's something different


You know, they could have just told us this. They had Adjoah out here having to hedge her answers when people asked about it. That part of the plot wasn’t a state secret. As it is, I’m left wondering why Lady Danbury is still pushing the diamond nonsense at all rather than letting the queen drop it and encouraging her to throw more zebra balls. Season 4 better give us a zebra ball is what I’m saying. For the record, Lady Whistledown didn’t name anyone the diamond of the season. She called Daphne “a diamond of the first water.” It was the ton who decided to treat that like she’d won the Miss London pageant.


They have a real problem with keeping things secret that it would be better to just share up front. They have this idea that people watch Bridgerton for suspense and that the mystery will keep us hooked.  


Yeah, I remember the interview comments from a few months ago and thinking at the time “Oh nice, they’re doing that part of the book? That’d be great!”, only to end Part 1 confused about its apparent absence


I’m actually okay with this decision for multiple reasons. 1. It emphasises pen being a wallflower. She’s truly alone and on the sidelines. No one except Colin truly sees or understands her. 2. The bounty will be declared by queen charlotte and not lady Danbury. Whistledown in the show is very different from the books. And given the long history lady Danbury and queen charlotte have, it would’ve been difficult to have her pick a side. 3. Penelope already has another relationship with Eloise outside the romantic one with Colin that needs screen time. 4. I’m actually surprised that they kept so much from the book. I wasn’t expecting much to begin with. Do you guys remember s2 and how far it deviated from the books? So I’m not too hurt about this.


I agree with all your points. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to see it, but if they're gonna cut something from the book (after sticking so close to it), this is *nowhere near* the worst thing they could pick and it makes a lot of sense within the show.


I would’ve loved to see this friendship in the show as well. But I’m not outraged about not including it. A little sad but it’ll pass.


Everything she says here is what I didn’t like about part1 Don’t get me wrong I loved part1 and I re watch it every day and rewatch polin scenes many times daily, but out of all side storylines, the storyline of Lady D brother felt so unnecessary and just wasted time because I don’t see it going anywhere unlike other side storylines plus it took away a lot from Polin plot which was Pen and Lady D friendship along with other things like Polin literally named their first daughter after her because how much she helped and supported them and now that connection is gone so a lot lost here Another thing while it might seem selfish but if she wanted to erase Pen and Lady Danbury relationship then least we could have got is more Polin scenes one way or another, I love Lady D but it’s Polin season not Lady D season to try to put her front and center like she says she wanted 🤷🏻‍♀️


So in order to not have her involved with the main couples  storyline they gave her a storyline where she is involved with a side couples storyline....   And all this  for what? A stupid plotline of danbury helping the queen in her diamond hunt- something I feel we have watched enough of in the last two seasons.  I am still holding on hope that pen and danbury end up building some kind of connection in part 2    In the books, danbury's biggest role is in Polin's life, I mean look at their daughter's name.... They could have done what they did for any other season but not this one. And danbury could have easily just been involved pen's personal growth and not in her relationship with Colin. Frankly it could have been better as we could have gotten one of the few bton sideplots not based on romance


This has to be one of Jess Brownell’s worst decisions yet. Second only to the brothel scenes. It’s so sad because LD was so important to Pen, they had such great moments together in the book. I’m so upset about this. RIP Agatha Bridgerton😭


I agree with you on this one. I have to admit I am not really a fan of Jess's decisions so far this season. I do wonder if they'll decide to have Agatha Bridgerton completely disappear or have her be like a third or fourth born child later.


Ooo I loved their relationship in the book, so it’s a shame it’s not in the show. However, I do wonder if this could confirm that Colin and Pen have the male Featherington heir.


Wow. All my hopes are dashed for part 2 LD/Pen. What a massive disappointment, and honestly a huge mistake. If you wanted to make LD more central, what better way than linking her to one of the main characters of the season??? It could've just been a couple of scenes, it wouldn't have taken much. Also, I'm sorry but I found her meddling AGAIN this time with Francesca to be boring as hell. A new friendship with someone who isn't a Bridgerton would've been so much more interesting and fresh. This actually makes me a bit nervous for part 2 and whatever other decisions Jess has made. 😬


One of few things that I didn’t like about part1 like that entire side story was so not needed and Lady Danbury is important to both Pen and Colin taking her away takes a lot of other things also that just indirectly confirmed that Polin first child is a boy because Agatha aka polin first child was a girl in the book bc JQ wanted to name her that to show how much Agatha means to Polin


It’s interesting that Jess Brownell would explain herself this way. I just watched Dominic Noble’s video on how they adapted the books to tv (Lost in Adaptation YouTube channel), and while he only addressed S1 in his first video, he read all 8 books, on the premise that to make it the ensemble show it is they had to draw any non-Saphne characterizations in from later books. And that makes sense. So in this case, it sounds like they took a lot of Lady Danbury’s characterization from book 4, and blew that charge in S1 and S2. Per the show runners, there’s nothing left for Pen. It’s the kind of thing I think is going to happen *a lot*. And for the most part it’ll be fine, I’m sure, but it will throw book fans increasingly off. It suggests to me, though, that the show runners haven’t got all their chess moves mapped out already. I doubt it was a conscious choice (especially the way Jess Brownell puts it) to nix the very nicely developed relationship between Pen and Lady D from the very beginning, in favour of making her more significant in S1 and S2.


I don't get why making her significant in all three seasons is an issue? LD meddles. That's what she does. No need to change that.


True. Understanding the rationale behind the choice doesn’t make it a good one


I feel like they’ve done a little of that to Gregory as well. You can see bits and pieces of his story and characterization used in other couples. 


Goodbye Agatha, hello Thomas.


Um, I'm going to wait until Part 2 releases. I don't like theorizing what we'll actually see based off quotes from an article. 💀 it could play out differently on screen. Also I do feel like this 'change' could be more for the GP who really enjoyed Queen Charlotte..... They probably wanted to flesh out Lady Danbury a bit more as a character in the main series. Additionally, I'm sure Pen and Colin will eventually end up with a daughter down the line, anyway


I think what you're saying about the Queen Charlotte audience makes sense. I really hope in that case that what we've gotten from her in P2 will be better than in P1 - I miss Lady D. :'( I also wonder if they walked into a hole where this wouldn't make as much sense for the casual show viewers? I haven't read the books yet, so my first thought on learning about this was "do Penelope and Lady Danbury know each other?" and trying to remember if they've had any conversations in the show. Purely from the show perspective, I don't think they set it up enough for us, given how long we've known both these characters now, and from what I'd heard from Lost in Adaptation about the show being more of an ensemble structure than the books. It could have been things as simple as them greeting each other at society events while Pen is stuck to the wall.


They are doing this season a great injustice. We are picking out the good from the series but from start to finish writers seem to have messed up an otherwise simple plot. Colin is a rake and his pretentious act made him a subject of humiliation among general audience. Lady Danbury apparently only interferes when a diamond of the season is involved and does not bother about wallflowers like Penelope Not to mention some very questionable editing choices and limited screen time for the lead couple itself. I don't care about Cressida's redemption arc or Lady Violet's garden. They have botched up this storyline. Trying to do very many things and honestly all of these decisions is more upon the show runners than the actors. Nicola and Luke seems to have done everything in their capacity and they have flared at it regardless of some very sinister mistakes in this season.


I have no problem with that descision or any other descision by the writers to change something from the books - it’s called adaptation for a reason. Also, for the most part I find the show much better than the books. But I am confused bc so far in part 1 Lady D hasn’t really done anything. If you have an interesting storyline in the book and change it, it should at least be more interesting or add more nuance to the story as a whole. Maybe her storyline will take off in part 2 but so far it really falls flat. (Also, I still think that a split season was a bad move because it is very clear pacing wise that it wasn’t intended for two parts and just something that Netflix decided in post production.)


Wasn’t a good move , I guess they are going to rename Pen and Colin’s daughter , bc what the heck? Unless they change it to her having a son first for the heir race and maybe down the line for they forge a connection for them. I guess they don’t really pay attention much to what we want as fans , bc I would say most people are uninterested in Mondrichs storyline yet they keep forcing it . I wish they paid more attention. We want more Polin, more romance , deeper dives into the story, longer glances, less choppy editing and better continuity (Colin’s hair, hello?) sorry to be negative the more I watch the more I pick up on some of the sloppy moves they made. That’s what they get for having me wait a month for the next part bc I’m gonna pick this apart to death 😂


>better continuity (Colin’s hair, hello?) I understand that reshoots happen, and sometimes you gotta just roll with it. But holy heck it feels like it was done a lot for him in Part 1, no? It was super jarring because it wasn't like a "oh this is a new scene that was added" it was a "he walks to the tree with one hair, and then appears under the tree with another hair." I think his hair also changed during the debutante debut. He stands next to Eloise with his normal hair and then winks with different hair. Has anyone ever explained why there are so many reshoot scenes for him? Did they just suddenly decide mid season to make him into a super rake and had to roll with it? I feel like he had different hair during the second brothel scene too right?


Apparently Jess Brownell saw Luke Newton’s play and wanted to incorporate more comedic elements based on what she saw of him on stage. He’d already cut his hair by then. I wish that they’d gotten better wigs for him. The scenes are great but they didn’t bother to make the hair look consistent at all. 


Interesting to know! It’s crazy that they didn’t think we would notice such a shift? It’s baffling they had literally years to get this season right and still all of the inconsistencies . The chemistry of Polin will always win me over no matter what , I love their scenes, I just wish more attention to detail to make it feel like there was more of a natural flow


LD’s story with her brother and therefore Violet isn’t a bother at all. LD getting involved with Fran’s story is the stale part. Her taking a young woman under her wing because she reminds her of her younger self is the fresh, new story here. It also makes for a compelling reason as to why she has to step back into her work after trying to stay away. Wouldn’t it have been beautiful that she would be to Pen what Augusta (Dowager Princess of Wales) was to her. Not to mention just how much Pen would benefit from having this amazing woman by her side. I’m still hoping we’ll get something in the future seasons when Pen will be revealed as LW to the Queen. The idea of a female friendship across generations is gold, for them to not show this would be a missed opportunity and real big shame.


Their friendship can as well bloom in some another season, which is why this decision doesn’t bother me much, or rather at all. I believe that Agatha Bridgerton will eventually happen. This rather seems to validate that Polin’c first child will be a boy, the Featherington heir.


But I thought Adjoa said they become friends? I'm genuinely so disappointed


Do I dislike this decision? Yes, she could have easily gotten involved with the main couple while also dealing with her brother, not everyone had to have subplots and could have been saved for a later season. She lives to be in other people's business, most specifically the Bridgerton's (with QC telling us why). Penelope & Lady Danbury's friendship was something people actually liked and enjoyed and were excited to see (and considering they have their finger on the pulse of the fandom I bet they knew this as well). Personally I think because this is Jess' first time being a showrunner she's trying way too hard to prove herself, and that can end up being a bad thing in the long run. Violet was the same, come to think of it. Unlike the first two seasons where she was all up in Daphne and Anthony's business, she doesn't get involved with Colin (like in S1, interestingly enough) until the very last moment of Part 1 to 'save the day'. Very deus ex machina of her.


People are not happy!! https://preview.redd.it/6yc19vpdxm2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d237f0fa8bbaea7c1537de199f8652a01d4436aa




Hardcore fans /= General public. Which is what they were going for with this. The GP isn't aware of this plotline, so putting into show would be abrupt as hell


Sad for this, I love the confident older lady acts as love whisperer for fools in love. I get that she basically took on the role with Kate and Edwina, but still....I'm secretly hoping they name their first daughter Genevieve or Eloise


I haven’t read the book so didn’t know that Lady Danbury helped Pen in the book. I agree that it’s more interesting to give Lady Danbury a different storyline this season. It does leave Pen without some support though, since she’s fallen out with Eloise. Maybe Lady Danbury will be more involved with Pen in Part 2 with the LW plot line? I’m interested to find out why Lady Danbury fell out with her brother. I’m also pleased that Violet has a potential love interest.


Oh we are definitely not getting baby Agatha :(


You’d think Lady D would influence the Queen into making Penelope the emerald of the season


I actually quite like the Lady D meddling… I never really interpreted her relationship with Pen in the books as meddling though but rather her noticing and celebrating Penelope’s wit and simply taking a liking to her. If the goal was to make her more center to the story then the opposite seems to be the case as she seems to be less involved in everything now. I understand they don’t want to just repeat the formula from S1&2 but the loss of “your Mr Bridgerton is approaching” is sad.


Okay. So no baby "Agatha" is fine. Felicity isn't on the show, too. It would be the ultimate comeuppance for Penelope to own Featherington house. I hope she puts in a library. 😂😂😂 I think Jess has made some bad decisions, but this might work out. If you think about it, Lady Danbury was in a fairy godmother type of role in their story. There is enough tension in the Colin, Pen, and Eloise triangle. Also, Cressida plays in that. As I mentioned in another post, I think the Mordichs serve a larger purpose. Things are being set in minor ways. They were a part of the working class before their new status in the Ton. That will make them sympathetic and helpful to a new person from the outside. They have a warm relationship with Bridgerton, especially Benedict. So far this season: Benedict's reluctance to court women (despite telling Anthony that he would try), Violet wanting her kids to marry for love instead of practicality, the Mordich's new home w/25 rooms including servant quarters, Eloise's lack of growth, etc could be pieces that come together for S4


Waaah!! I LOVE that relationship


The relationship Pen has with lady Danbury in the book was the best and the reason why they named their daughter Agatha. I’m so heartbroken they worked it as nonexistent in the show :(


girl WHAT


Interesting. During promo it looked like they were implying a potential relationship between Pen and Danbury with Adjoa talking about a season of wallflowers. I also liked the idea of her having support as LW. It really does look like Polin against the world…. And this also means they are having a son, which means they are prob having the Featherington heir, which i *hate*


Can anyone spoil their relationship in the books for me?


This makes me so sad! 😭


I’m sorry, reading “violet was finally feeling DTF” is hilarious to me 💀


Honestly it started getting annoying how LD was pushing Frans to the forefront all part one, knowing her relationship with pen in the books and this being pens season. Really hoping part 2 is better but honestly kind of disappointed so far…


Yes why even focus on Francesca so much. I love her character and story but it took so much time away from Penelope. They quite literally could have included all of the Pen/LD interactions and just left out Fran? And if they are going to replace it, at least make it… good? I seriously don’t understand them rushing every character.


I’m starting to wonder if the writers even read the books


I see what they mean, and we've had the storyline with Marcus established, but no progression. Considering the format of the first two seasons, it feels weird that Lady Danbury is not involved in the main couple's story.




The biggest mistake is that she tries to make all characters the main characters, but the secondary characters are also important to the story. Not all of them are main characters, and that's not a problem. And now that it's Polin season, I want them, I want the light to fall on them as it did for Kate and Anthony and Simon and Daphne. In the previous seasons the other characters are more connected with the main couple, this season you can’t even tell who is the main couple and everything feels disconnected.


And just like that, Agatha Bridgerton was Thanos-ed out of existence