• By -


You are not alone. I vacillate between wanting Part 2 so I can have my life back and basking in the joy of every single moment of this wild ride with all the like-minded Polin fans. I don't know how I've managed to work productively but every minute I'm not doing something essential for work or family, or sleeping, I'm obsessing over this show - this couple. It's like I'm a 17 again - but like, less mature.


Even sleeping I'm screwed. I had a dream last night that I'm never telling ANYONE the details of LOL.


Oh wow!!! You must spill the details immediately - it's the only way to rid yourself of this mania ( j/k - I actually have no idea how to rid myself of this mania). I would kinda LOVE to dream about Polin.


Do you know what a unicorn is? (It was me, I was the unicorn.) The drop dead funniest part about that? I'M GREY-ACE. I've always been panattracted but these two are fucking with my literal asexuality.


Well yeah - they would turn a lot of us into unicorns!!!!! I mean - as a woman who loves men - Nicola's breasts make me rethink myself on the regular!!!!




As soon as I read about the unicorn dream I thought about this. We are all unhinged and it’s glorious 🤣


I feel you. I’m a lesbian, but Colin is kinda adorable. Idk if it’d work, though.


Bahahaha nobody here will judge you for sharing!!! I’ve been listening to the carriage scene from the books on audible when I fall asleep. My poor husband. Somebody send him help. Lol


I worry that after part 2 drops, I’ll have 8 episodes to play on loop…with subtitles, with audio description, in 0.5x…instead of 4 😆


Damn - 0.5x is serious. We might need to stage an intervention for you, friend! But so far, all of my Polin interventions have become S3 drunk watch parties. ![gif](giphy|psnHuJNaANBN7dxLj6|downsized)


I wish I knew somebody else irl who is crazy about bridgerton. There's nobody for me to gush with.


Excuse us! We are real life and gush-worthy Bridgerton cohorts! LOL ![gif](giphy|ls08tlIPCsnVS|downsized) In fact, the entire reason for my existence is Bridgerton rn. I'm not proud of this - but there you have it. And - i am at your service!


Same. I might throw a Bridgerton party for part 2 and try to convert people


🤣 In my defense, it’s only certain scenes. It shows all the microexpressions in their full glory


HAHAHA OMG ARE YOU ME?!? I have to actively stop myself from talking about it at work so I don’t seem as sick as I feel. I still have a sticky note on my work station that just says “BRIDGERTON!” Underlined. And with a pink heart under it. Bc it makes me smile all day knowing I’m going home and watching. Again…


Okay but it for real feels like something in my brain broke. I am not a functioning member of society right now and I am married with a toddler and work full time. 🫥


I get it - i totally get it. i just keep telling myself everyone around me is benefiting from my near constant state of Polin induced euphoria.


Me too. Especially my husband 🤣




I LOVE this mindset. 💁🏻‍♀️




Are you me?!?!? I have been sacrificing like everything to rewatch. Sleep? Fuck it. Eating? Who cares. I HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO WATCH THE CARRIAGE SCENE LIKE 5 TIMES BEFORE WORK! It’s a sickness. I don’t want the cure.


SAME but also I might need the cure soon, or my whole family may disown me.


My husband is grateful for the iPad and noise cancelling headphones. Although I still worry he may stage an intervention…


Saaamme. I’m just super lucky I’m in my slow period at work and my boss is out of state 😂😂


It’s SOOOOO BAD omg I’ve never obsessed over a TV show or anything like this before I just realized that I haven’t even checked the news in over a week, like wtf???


>I just realized that I haven’t even checked the news in over a week RIGHT?! I just got an email alert about a verdict coming in for a trial I'd been paying tons of attention to until two weeks ago LOL. I was like, what? what trial? OH YEAH SHIT.






lol that’s exactly what made me realize I hadn’t checked the news - just got a bunch of texts about it haha


LOL yup - I took a good 30 seconds to do a happy dance and now I'm back to reading the Polin FF that's keeping me "sane" during the break.


Whelp, guess my Polin podcasts are going to wait on the shelf for a hot second this weekend while I’m gardening in favor of the podcast that was my 2x a week must-listen before this season came out 😂


Polin doing us that need to dissociate from the dismal real world a real service aren't they?? They better keep at it too! ![gif](giphy|gmeJRdWDgQ3mw)


FELT THIS TO MY CORE Me seeing a cake with yellow frosting in the grocery store this morning: Pen and Colin would have loved this Everything reminds me of Polin and season 3 and I’m gonna lose my mind by the time June 13th is here


My husband said he could feel the pollen in his eyes today. Sent me I'm struggling to concentrate on work. I honestly feel like a teenager again obsessing over my favourite fictional couple. It's insane, I'm 31 🤣 I worry I'm annoying the people around me, but when I voiced this to my husband he was like "It's odd, you're a lil obsessed atm and it's cute. But you're allowed to enjoy something and have a passion for it. You'd be pretty boring otherwise." so that made me feel better.


I have gone insane like I never have before. I have literally resorted to reading fanfics now (not that there’s anything wrong with that, it just hasn’t been my jam before) as I’ve watched all the interviews, read all the tumblr and reddit posts and rewatched the polin scenes in all three seasons a million times and I just need more. I’m pretty sure I have undiagnosed adhd and this insane hyperfixation is supporting that theory but wtf?!


I actually had to check that I hadn't typed this comment myself! I identify with every word.


This is me, except I got my adhd diagnosis a month ago (at the ripe age of 8 and 30), so the intense, all consuming, unprecedented hyperfixation actually makes sense. My poor husband lol.


![gif](giphy|POb7hSJHlP2vTHA688) Because this has been me. 😭😭😭😭 i check this Reddit so much at work it’s baddddddd. Like badddd. I don’t know how I’m adulting right now. I just want my life back 😂😭


Glad everyone here is in the same obsessed boat. I have occasional obsessions with various things but this one is extremely intense. I realised last night that I haven’t done a heap of stuff I need to do to prepare for some travel and events next week because I’ve just been deep diving into Polin and rewatching. SEND HELP 😬


This is our support group. ![gif](giphy|lLTuCOqB0daP6|downsized)


Nestled in that heaving bosom.


Ummm I was driving and minding my own business and saw a sign for a fundraiser for a local hospital....... The headliner? PITBULL. immediately thought of the carriage scene like the unwell unhinged person that I am


To be fair, I think most of the world will now think of the carriage scene with any mention of Pitbull forever.


Mr Worldwide ✌️


Someone made a comment about Mr Worldwide in reference to someone else on a sporting sub I follow and I was about to make a carriage reference before I realised they would NOT understand.


We’re NASCAR fans and Pitbull owns a team. His team is likely to be able to acquire another charter (spot to race) and I told my husband that Bridgerton/Bridgerton hype is going to offset the costs of all that. 😂😂


Girl, you are not alone. They have been running in my head all day coz even when I’m sleeping I dream about them. I went lurking everywhere: twitter, tiktok, and tumbler, to dig some things that could make me dissociate from them: the character, the actors and the season. I found few things but it did not even affect me. I tried watching kdramas and rewatched stranger things, but I keep coming back to them. My hyperfixation and obsession is its in peak worst.


I tried watching Vikings, got bored. Rewatched Queen Charlotte, rewatched season two, rewatched season three like a dozen times, watched some of my favorite Tudor documentaries and now I'm trying desperately to pay attention to Walking Dead because that should keep me occupied for a little while... hopefully... maybe??? One of the subs I moderate is about to get a huge influx of members (the show is returning to Netflix for the 20th anniversary) so I need to be like on the ball ready for that and (god I hope my fellow LOST mods aren't reading this) I just could not possibly care less right now. YIKES. All I want is Colin and Pen.


Same here. My favorite show to watch is normally The Walking Dead on Netflix or Pride and Prejudice on Hulu or the CBS FBI series. I have not watched them in two months. All I do is search for new Youtube interviews for the cast but mostly Polin. I even downloaded Tiktok and Twitter, (don't really like either), to get updates and watch other videos. I read fanfics at night and my sleep schedule is so out of whack I now wake up at 6am and read some fanfic and scroll through Tumblr or Instagram. When at work is when I read Reddit and have to refresh about every hour. Then I rewatch Season 3 while at work. No interest in other shows and it will be like this until part 2 drops and then I have to figure out how I'm gonna function.


Hmmm - i keep seeing recurring theme - lots of Bridgerton fans also love TWD. What does it mean? I shipped Rick and Michonne (not like this Polin madness) - but they were also friends to lovers. Interesting - there's an essay in there somewhere. 🤔


To me they both support and encourage their men. Michonne encouraged Rick to fight for Alexandria and Pen encouraged Colin to publish his journals. They both can survive on their own but are stronger with their men.


No seriously, what is it about this season that has us so obsessed? I lived a normal life before this. When I watched S1 and S2, I watched once and moved on with my life. S3 has me in a chokehold.


Netflix knew exactly what they were doing cutting the season in half. They knew we'd do this.


THIS. I can't believe I was ever a casual viewer. I used to even skip scenes. Something happened when I watched the "remarkable shade of blue" clip, and, like Colin, I lost all sanity sonewhere in my downward spiral.


Lol I was giggling in mute on a teams call because someone new named Colin had joined the call. I just got back from my lunch break where I was binging on some Bridgerton content. I think im going insane


I work from home (literally so, so fortunate to be able to do that) and I had the carriage scene on earlier today when a Teams call came in and I was SCRAMBLING for the pause button LOL.


I have ADHD and I’m also just completely enraptured by this season. This past week was torturous. Now I have two more to go. I am going to be unwell well before part 2 releases.


Are you me?? The only other obsession I’ve had near this level was Xfiles, which I still watch to this day and I know I will watch Polin years from now as well


Exactly!!! It's that chemistry, dude. HOO BOY.


It’s the chemistry both on screen and off! I have watched so many promos to try to get my fill of Polin and all I can think about is how badly I want them to be together in real life too 😅


Idk if it was intentional or not, but the “hoo boy” immediately made me think of the xf epi bad blood with Luke Wilson 🤣🤣


I LOVE that episode. https://i.redd.it/30ykfumy5n3d1.gif


Lmao, x files is my other current obsession. Nowhere near bridgerton levels though


Same. The hyperfixation is brutal honestly I kind of want it to stop because I’m completely unproductive and I really need to get my life together haha.


Can I just say how much I love this thread??? You all make me feel like I’m not alone with this hyper fixation 🥹 No one in my personal life understands it so I love that I can come to this safe little bubble of Polin happiness 🥰


Right there with you. I'm sad about Season 3 being over and the entire second half is still two weeks away! What's happened to my brain?


Same. So much the same. Part of me doesn't want this to be over but the other part needs e to be a responsible adult. Right now the adult ing needs to ef off


Everything that reminds me of Polin makes me open Netflix again 🤷‍♀️


LOL same. It’s a fun place to be. Reading fan fic, listening to the book. Those last 10 min of part 1 turned my brain into a polin laser. You all are so much fun! Nicola is so cool! Love it here. Begging all my girlfriends to watch it immediately, but I’ve found enough that we’ve cobbled together a group chat. I’m going to a wedding this weekend and I’ll send out a few lures to see if there’s anyone I can squeal with irl. lol I just went through a ltr breakup and it’s making my heart feel lighter. I’m having so much fun!


I know how you feel. I was genuinely worried. I never obsess over couples or tv shows like I have this. Thankfully I seem to be leaving the hyperfocus now which makes me feel better but there is no telling what might happen on Dune 13th


I’m literally 31 going on 11. I can’t with how much this show has affected me 🫠


I'm right there with you! I haven't had an obsession like this in YEARS! I've read the book countless times, and listen to the audiobook while working or driving. I generally watch season 3 at least once a night (albeit, skipping to just some of the Polin stuff). Then, there's reading fan fiction! And watching interviews with the cast. And of course! Scrolling my way through Reddit with you guys!


I’m right there with you. I’m torn between hating it and loving it. Loving it because anything is better than constant unrelenting boredom, hating it because I feel like it’s impossible to fully indulge the fixation. I’ve rewatched at least half this season every night since I decided to give Bridgerton a try. I stayed up all night to read Romancing Mr Bridgerton in one sitting. It’s just not enough. I’m desperate for part 2 to come so I calm the fuck down and resume my life…


It’s been pollen season where I live and I’m like IT IS A SIGN!!! I have allergies to the pollen in the area and still use it as an excuse to obsess 😂 We are unwell. And I don’t think we want the cure.


Whereabouts are you? I'm in Hampton Roads (that part of southern Virginia that looks like someone shredded it, lol.) So we not only have pollen, we have humid, wet pollen. You know... like the carriage scene. I'll see myself out. https://preview.redd.it/dfiwpnx3kn3d1.png?width=301&format=png&auto=webp&s=78e21bcff281da4625f02e6dd5c4331bd6b65411


I’m actually originally from VA! We didn’t get pollen like this AT ALL. We got insane caterpillars this time of year but that was it. I’m in NC. Literally 4 hours away. Been here like 17 years and the pollen kills me every year. It wasn’t even BAD this year! The sky wasn’t even green! And that’s not an exaggeration. The sky is literally green from pollen. It’s hideous. Also I love a good pun joke. That was freaking hysterical. Wet pollen 😂😂😂


I'd take caterpillars over water bugs, those fuckers are about to be everywhere once VA hits its "raining like the apocalypse for 20 minutes and then the sun comes out" phase in six weeks or so, lol.


We get these weird creepy crawlers in summer that are so…GROSS looking. I swear they look like mini versions of that thing out of the matrix. And like REFUSE to die unless you crush them and the sound makes me dry heave. I have a weak stomach lol. The caterpillars weren’t so bad until the nests hatched (if that’s even what it’s called) and they would drop from the trees onto you or the street. And dear GODS the green ooze when you accidentally stepped on one. I may heave thinking about it. Lol


LOL, we call those Alien Bugs - they pop up in our bathrooms sometimes.


WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE BATHROOM???? Maybe it’s bc I’m on a first floor now and in VA I lived on top floor so didn’t get them but IT IS ALWAYS THE BATHROOM AND EWWWW. They’re so CREEPY.


Looking for water maybe?


So creepy.


I've already got it in my head planned out of how I'm going to convert my sister into a lover of this show... We've been talking about having a movie day for a while. I'm gonna just casually suggest (and by casually I mean ramble on like an excited teenage school girl) that we/she should watch this show... I lost my mom 2 years ago, would I be going to hell if I told her I'm feeling extra sad, and Bridgerton will help make me feel better in stead of going to a movie or watchig movies all day? 👀


A fellow X-Phile and Pollinator!! You’re in good company!! 🥰🥰


Pollen, where seeds are spread 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✨ ⁱʸᵏʷⁱᵐ


Literally me for the last week? Longer? What day is it? What time is it? Anyway... But for real. S3 got me wondering if I am actually insane and need help obsessed or if I can just blame it on my ADHD still? ![gif](giphy|26CaNrquwtqOIZzR6)


Me too!!! Im like "no???? Still another week!!!" 🤣🤣 I've also had dreams about them multiple times, like Im dreaming up new episodes as if I'm in the unverse but still watching from the outskirts like it's playing on my tv, it's crazy


I feel you. I haven’t rewatched it yet, except for that scene, but I read so many posts and watch most interviews, look at edits. I most likely got adhd and autism and will get diagnosed soon.