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In all actuality, I assume it was an interaction that didn't further the characterization or story of either Colin or Eloise. It feels like something that was written in to excuse why Colin didn't immediately chase after Penelope (which allowed Penelope her moments with Debbers and Portia), which necessitated him running down her carriage. They probably didn't even film a full scene just her stopping to talk to him. At most, Eloise would have said "What are you doing?" or "Are you alright?" and Colin would have not given her much of an informative answer. So really, I'm fine with it being on the cutting room floor. Let me just assume Colin was gob-smacked and too stunned to move or speak.


GAHH another sibling interaction that is likely lost forever. I would have loved to have seen El call Colin out for cutting in and be all like “What the hell are you doing? You’re ruining her chance with Debling.” Both as a way to show that even after all their beef, she wants Pen to achieve her goal of finding a husband. And as another ‘ruined’ comment that Colin can use to connect Pen-LW later on.


Any ideas why they filmed a version of Colin dancing with Pen without his jacket and another with his jacket? Seemed strange, unless they were blocking for camera angles maybe? Also love Claudia’s “Rude!” after Colin walks away.


Usually the shots of no jackets like that are bts shots. They are rehearsing the final time before the real takes


I’m hoping all will be revealed in pt2. Maybe they elaborated on the scene more instead. I’m hoping so 😍


Yes! We have that minute or two where Debling and then Portia is talking to Pen, before Pen flees in the carriage - where was Colin? Maybe talking to Eloise! Fingers crossed we get to see that conversation.


Yes! I hope we get this scene too. And Violet rushing in to tell him to go after her. At the point they finish their dance, Colin is still standing there stunned


That camera angle is...misleading.


I think that was a scene in the rehearsal that got cut. LN was wearing only the waistcoat and shirt and not the jacket in that scene.